“What! You like to be whipped? Here you are! Here you are!
(translated from Thai; อะไรวะ! ชอบถูกตีเหรอ? ฝรั่งบ้า นี่แน่! นี่แน่! (Xarị wa! Chxb t̄hūk tī h̄e rx? F̄rạ̀ng b̂ā nī̀ næ̀! Nī̀ næ̀!))”
(translated from Thai; อะไรวะ! ชอบถูกตีเหรอ? ฝรั่งบ้า นี่แน่! นี่แน่! (Xarị wa! Chxb t̄hūk tī h̄e rx? F̄rạ̀ng b̂ā nī̀ næ̀! Nī̀ næ̀!))”
— The Thai Prostitute to Dave Bosoy in The Cousins Bellic.
The unnamed Thai Prostitute is a minor character in Grand Theft Auto IV.
She is voiced by Amy Razviwomg.
According to the credits, she is a prostitute from Thailand.
Events of Grand Theft Auto IV[]
She is seen in the very first cutscene, wearing erotic leather clothing and whipping Dave Bosoy, a crew member of the ship, also in sexual leather clothing, while Niko stands outside the door trying to get him to help get the Platypus ready for docking in Liberty City.
According to Weazel News, Bosoy's body was later found floating in the Humboldt River trussed up in a straitjacket and diaper, covered in whip lashings. His cause of death is unknown.
It is unknown what became of the dominatrix, or if she caused Bosoy's death.