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Tenryou Commission Headquarters is a Quest Domain during Archon Quest Blind Loyalty, Reckless Courage in Chapter II: Act III - Omnipresence Over Mortals.

Trial Character[]

WLWL Character
& Weapon
Talents & Artifacts Attributes


Kujou SaraElectro Lv. 47 C3 Ku­jou Sa­ra
  • Normal Attack Lv. 2
  • Elemental Skill Lv. 2
  • Elemental Burst Lv. 5
Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 11,736
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 944
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 320
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 17
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 37.0%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 72.4%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 123.2%

Medal of the BraveProspect of the BraveFortitude of the BraveOutset of the BraveCrown of the Brave
Artifact Lv. 14
Set Bonus
Brave Heart 4-Piece


Kujou SaraElectro Lv. 90 C3 Ku­jou Sa­ra
  • Normal Attack Lv. 8
  • Elemental Skill Lv. 8
  • Elemental Burst Lv. 11
Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 21,697
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,627
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 752
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 57.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 196.2%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeRoyal Pocket WatchRoyal Silver UrnRoyal Masque
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 4-Piece

Trial Characters at Level 75 or above that are equipping the set Noblesse Oblige may be out of date.


  • Takatsukasa Tokibeitetsu may summon additional reinforcements.
  • Unlike in other Domains, the waves of enemies start as soon as you load into the Domain.
  • The recommended party level is 47 for WL3.


  • Precious Chest ×1 (after completing the domain)


Tenryou Commission Headquarters (Domain) I[DN • 1]
Wave 1: Defeat the Tenryou Commission Guards
Wave 2: Defeat the Tenryou Commission Guard reinforcements
Wave 3: Defeat the Internal Affairs Head
EnemiesWave 1:

Wave 2:

Wave 3:
  1. Tenryou Commission Headquarters (Domain) I: On Wave 3 the following effect will be active "Takatsukasa Tokibeitetsu will summon and command bodyguards. Engage them with caution!" which will periodically spawn 4 Shogunate Infantries and 1 Shogunate Infantry Captain.


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
59Duel in the MistRealm of Tranquil EternityBeneath the Abandoned House, Crumbling Guilt, Formation Estate, Hidden Mountain Base, Moshiri Kara, Occupied Hold, Police Detention Center, Shakkei Pavilion, Tenryou Commission Headquarters (Domain), As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared: Part I (combat), As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared: Part II (combat), Bastion of Nightmares (combat, before entering borderland)
Combat, Event Gameplay


  • The Yoriki Samurai is named Takatsukasa Tokibeitetsu with the title Kujou Clan Internal Affairs Head.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishTenryou Commission Headquarters
Tenryou Commission Office
Tenryou Commission Office
Korean텐료 봉행부봉행부
Tenryo Bonghaeng-bu
Tenryou Commission Office
SpanishSede de la Comisión TenryouHeadquarters of the Tenryou Commission
FrenchQuartier général de la Commission administrativeHeadquarters of the Administrative Commission
RussianШтаб-квартира Комиссии Тэнрё
Shtab-kvartira Komissii Tenryo
Headquarters of the Tenryou Commission
Thaiศูนย์บัญชาการสำนัก Tenryou
Sun banchakan samnak Tenryou
Tenryou Commission Command Center
VietnamesePhủPhủ Hiệp HộiHiệp Hội TenryouTenryou Commission Office
GermanHauptquartier der Tenryou-VerwaltungHeadquarters of the Tenryou Administration
IndonesianMarkas Tenryou CommissionTenryou Commission Headquarters
PortugueseSede da Comissão TenryouHeadquarters of the Tenryou Commission
TurkishTenryou Heyeti KarargahıTenryou Commission Headquarters
ItalianQuartier generale della Commissione Tenryou

Change History[]

