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Narukami Island: Tenshukaku is a Quest Domain during Archon Quest Duel Before the Throne in Chapter II: Act III - Omnipresence Over Mortals.


Narukami Island: Tenshukaku La Signora

Quest-Exclusive Stats[]

Phase 1[]

Physical Pyro Hydro Electro Cryo Dendro Anemo Geo
10% 10% 10% 10% 50% 10% 10% 10%

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Phase 2[]

Physical Pyro Hydro Electro Cryo Dendro Anemo Geo
10% 70% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%

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UI Quest Quest Description

Kujou Sara storms towards the Tenshukaku in a fury. Realizing that this is your chance to meet the Raiden Shogun again, but an unexpected yet familiar figure greets you before the throne...
(Upon approaching Signora within Tenshukaku)
Media:vo dqaq106 5 signora 01.ogg Signora: The way people charge in here as they please... So uncivilized.
Media:vo dqaq106 5 signora 02.ogg Signora: If I didn't know this was Tenshukaku, I might have mistaken it for some kind of street market.
Media:vo dqaq106 5 signora 03.ogg Signora: Have you learned your lesson now?
(Sara is shown lying on the floor, knocked unconscious.)
Media:vo dqaq106 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Oh no, what has she done to Kujou Sara...
Media:vo dqaq106 5 raidenshogun 01.ogg Raiden Shogun: The right to punish Inazumans for their crimes is mine alone. Not yours, Signora.
Media:vo dqaq106 5 signora 04.ogg Signora: ...Then I apologize, Almighty Shogun.
Icon Dialogue Talk Signora!
Media:vo dqaq106 5 signora 05.ogg Signora: I know, I know, you can't get me out of your mind. But you really don't need to call my name all the time.
Media:vo dqaq106 5 signora 06.ogg Signora: Don't go thinking I'm surprised to see you here. I'm well aware that you hate me, with the way you follow me around like a dark shadow.
Icon Dialogue Talk You're secretly distributing Delusions...
Icon Dialogue Talk You're trying to seize control of Inazuma...
Media:vo dqaq106 5 signora 07.ogg Signora: Ah, so you came to expose my crimes in front of the Shogun?
Media:vo dqaq106 5 signora 08.ogg Signora: Hehehe... I'm just a Snezhnayan diplomat. I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about.
Media:vo dqaq106 5 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: She doesn't take us seriously at all...
Icon Dialogue Talk For all who have lost their Visions...
Icon Dialogue Talk For all who have been harmed by Delusions...
Media:vo dqaq106 5 signora 09.ogg Signora: Stop talking about people and things that I care nothing about.
Media:vo dqaq106 5 signora 10.ogg Signora: They were nobodies to begin with, and their names will be forgotten. But now, at least, they get to be building blocks in the grand revolution to realize eternity...
Media:vo dqaq106 5 signora 11.ogg Signora: Is that not the greatest honor they could hope for in their tiny little lives?
Media:vo dqaq106 5 signora 12.ogg Signora: Almighty Shogun... do correct me if I'm wrong?
Media:vo dqaq106 5 raidenshogun 02.ogg Raiden Shogun: ...
Icon Dialogue Talk For Venti's Gnosis...
Icon Dialogue Talk And for the people of Liyue you imperiled...
Media:vo dqaq106 5 signora 13.ogg Signora: That's ancient history. You certainly love to hold a grudge.
Media:vo dqaq106 5 signora 14.ogg Signora: The Tsaritsa's dream is the noblest and purest thing in all the world.
Media:vo dqaq106 5 signora 15.ogg Signora: These other mundane details you insist on mentioning... They're just necessary sacrifices. That's all.
Icon Dialogue Talk It's time for me to put a stop to this.
Media:vo dqaq106 5 signora 16.ogg Signora: You? Stop me? Hahaha...
Media:vo dqaq106 5 signora 17.ogg Signora: For what it's worth, I've grown tired of seeing you around as well. But I didn't have you down as someone quite so foolhardy.
Media:vo dqaq106 5 signora 18.ogg Signora: Before you go saying something you can't take back, remember that you're Inazuma's most wanted criminal... I suggest you consider your circumstances very carefully.
Media:vo dqaq106 5 signora 19.ogg Signora: Charging into Tenshukaku uninvited and lecturing me in front of the Shogun wasn't the brightest move. Don't you think it's time you stopped digging?
Media:vo dqaq106 5 signora 20.ogg Signora: I'm not sure you realize quite how much distance there is between us, both in status... and in strength.
Media:vo dqaq106 5 hero 01.ogg Media:vo dqaq106 5 heroine 01.ogg (TravelerTraveler): I challenge you...
Media:vo dqaq106 5 hero 02.ogg Media:vo dqaq106 5 heroine 02.ogg (TravelerTraveler): ...To a duel before the throne!
Media:vo dqaq106 5 signora 21.ogg Signora: ...
Media:vo dqaq106 5 raidenshogun 03.ogg Raiden Shogun: Proceed.
Media:vo dqaq106 5 signora 22.ogg Signora: My, you're full of surprises today... So you've learned to make the law of the land work for you too, hmm?
Media:vo dqaq106 5 signora 23.ogg Signora: I'll admit that I never expected to be in a situation where the two of us were on equal footing.
Media:vo dqaq106 5 signora 24.ogg Signora: You are aware... that the loser must die? Are you sure this is what you want?
Media:vo dqaq106 5 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: (TravelerTraveler)...
Media:vo dqaq106 5 signora 25.ogg Signora: Hehehe... then I will deign to share this last dance with you... till death do us part.

(Battle begins)
Media:vo monster signora ice battle 01.ogg Signora: A lesson on Harbinger power and elegance? Hah... as you wish.
(When Signora is low on health)
Media:vo monster signora ice shieldbroken 02.ogg Signora: Tsk tsk, you've got some nerve laying your hands on me.
Media:vo monster signora cocoon flowers 01.ogg Signora: Harbinger power has become burdensome, I will manifest my destiny anew... Await my emergence and tremble, Traveler. You have reason to be afraid.
(When Signora's ice cocoon shield is low)
Media:vo monster signora cocoon stab 01.ogg Signora: The pale flame smolders...
(Signora emerges from her ice cocoon as the Crimson Witch of Embers with restored health)
Crimson Witch of Embers, Rosalyne-Kruzchka Lohefalter
Media:vo monster signora cocoon ice 01.ogg Signora: Pale flame, lay waste to this frozen shell and witness my suffering. In fires of sin and retribution, your soul will be incinerated!
(When the Crimson Witch of Embers has 2/3 of her health)
Media:vo monster signora fire idle 01.ogg Signora: Immolation... a cherished agony... do you feel it?
(Battle ends)

Cutscene's Travel Log summary:
After a vicious battle, Signora finally lies defeated at your hands. As per the rules of a duel before the throne, the vanquished will be executed by the Raiden Shogun. Though her fate is sealed, Signora remains indignant. However, the Raiden Shogun utterly disregards her threats, executing divine punishment all the same. As for you, the victor, the Shogun grants you leave to depart from Tenshukaku.
(Cutscene starts)
Media:vo dqaq107 cs signora 01.ogg Signora: So strong...
Media:vo dqaq107 cs signora 02.ogg Signora: But... But how...
(The Raiden Shogun walks down from the Throne, which puts the Traveler on guard, but she walks past the Traveler and towards Signora)
Media:vo dqaq107 cs signora 03.ogg Signora: I am a Snezhnayan diplomat
Media:vo dqaq107 cs signora 04.ogg Signora: You know what happens if you lay a finger on me...
Media:vo dqaq107 cs signora 05.ogg Signora: I swear, if you strike me, I will make sure...
Media:vo dqaq107 cs signora 06.ogg Signora: The Fatui will make sure that your precious Inazuma...
Media:vo dqaq107 cs signora 07.ogg Signora: Stop! I order you!
Media:vo dqaq107 cs signora 08.ogg Signora: And you!
Media:vo dqaq107 cs signora 09.ogg Signora: Filthy rats... All of you!!!
(The Raiden Shogun executes Signora with the Musou no Hitotachi)
Media:vo dqaq107 cs raidenshogun 01.ogg Raiden Shogun: You are the enemy of eternity...
Media:vo dqaq107 cs raidenshogun 02.ogg Raiden Shogun: But as the victor, I acknowledge your honor
Media:vo dqaq107 cs raidenshogun 03.ogg Raiden Shogun: Therefore... I shall allow you to leave Tenshukaku alive
(Cutscene ends)


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
20Silent SeclusionIslands of the Lost and ForgottenNarukami Island: Tenshukaku (idle), Narukami Island: Tenshukaku (Quest Domain) (idle)
21Contemplation on EternityIslands of the Lost and ForgottenNarukami Island: Tenshukaku (idle), Narukami Island: Tenshukaku (Quest Domain) (idle)
53Chrysalis SuspiriiIslands of the Lost and ForgottenNarukami Island: Tenshukaku: La Signora La Signora (phase 1), Narukami Island: Tenshukaku (Quest Domain): La Signora La Signora (phase 1)
54Saltatio FavillaeIslands of the Lost and ForgottenNarukami Island: Tenshukaku: La Signora La Signora (phase 2), Narukami Island: Tenshukaku (Quest Domain): La Signora La Signora (phase 2)

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