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Enter the Golden House is a Quest Domain during the Archon Quest Heart of Glaze in Chapter I: Act III - A New Star Approaches.

This domain involves a battle against the Harbinger Childe. After completing Act III, the Trounce Domain Enter the Golden House will be unlocked, allowing the ability to relive this battle and obtain rewards.


Enter the Golden House Childe

Quest-Exclusive Stats[]

Phase 1[]

State Physical Pyro Hydro Electro Cryo Dendro Anemo Geo
Normal 0% 0% 50% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Stunned -30% -30% 20% -30% -30% -30% -30% -30%

Toggle Levels

Level Scaling

Phase 2[]

State Physical Pyro Hydro Electro Cryo Dendro Anemo Geo
Normal 0% 0% 0% 50% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Stunned -50% -50% -50% 0% -50% -50% -50% -50%

Toggle Levels

Level Scaling

Phase 3[]

Physical Pyro Hydro Electro Cryo Dendro Anemo Geo
0% 0% 70% 70% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Toggle Levels

Level Scaling


UI Quest Quest Description

At Ningguang's advice, you verified the Fatui's schemes regarding the Sigil of Permission before continuing to help Zhongli prepare for the rite. You met Ganyu once again at Dihua Marsh before returning to Liyue Harbor — only to find that things in the city seem to be spiraling out of control.

Entering the Golden House[]

Media:vo lyaq204 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Wow... This is the Golden House?
Media:vo lyaq204 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: It looked impressive enough from the outside... But who would've guessed that it was even fancier on the inside... and so full of Mora!!!
Media:vo lyaq204 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: This is where all of Teyvat's Mora is minted, right? In that case, maybe they won't notice if a few Mora go missing...
Icon Dialogue Talk Touch a single Mora and we're done for!
Icon Dialogue Talk If it were that easy, this place would have been emptied long ago.
Media:vo lyaq204 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Ooh, so it's a trap. Tricky, tricky... Good thing Paimon's got you here!
Media:vo lyaq204 2 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: But even if we can't take any, we can still have a closer look, right?
Media:vo lyaq204 2 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Or better yet, take a nap on top of a mountain of Mora! It's like a dream come true!
Icon Dialogue Talk We'd better check on the Exuvia first.
Icon Dialogue Talk Something feels amiss here.
Media:vo lyaq204 2 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Oh, right! Back to business.
Media:vo lyaq204 2 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: It's quiet... Too quiet. Surely someone's gotta be guarding something as important as the Exuvia.
Media:vo lyaq204 2 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Huh!? (TravelerTraveler), look! What happened here?
Icon Dialogue Talk The Millelith...
Icon Dialogue Talk They've been knocked unconscious!
Media:vo lyaq204 2 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Uh-oh, Paimon smells trouble!
Media:vo lyaq204 2 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Quick! We have to go make sure that the Exuvia is alright.
(Upon approaching the Exuvia)
Media:vo lyaq204 2 tartaglia 01.ogg ???: You've already fulfilled your task as guides, so why do you still linger here? Haven't you already seen enough trouble for today?
Media:vo lyaq204 2 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Huh? Who's there?
Media:vo lyaq204 2 tartaglia 02.ogg Childe: If you were Fatui, I imagine that you would be entitled to a generous reward from the Tsaritsa herself.
Media:vo lyaq204 2 tartaglia 03.ogg Childe: But now, you're nothing but dross — and you're in my way.
Icon Dialogue Talk How did you find out it was here?
Media:vo lyaq204 2 tartaglia 04.ogg Childe: Hmm, where should I start? Well, I've never been one to beat around the bush, you know. But who could have possibly guessed that the God of Geo would mysteriously perish the very moment I arrived in Liyue, and that the Exuvia would subsequently be hidden away?
Media:vo lyaq204 2 tartaglia 05.ogg Childe: If it weren't for that lovely little Rite of Parting ceremony you put together, it would have taken me a whole lot longer to get the information I needed.
Icon Dialogue Talk Looks like I was just in time, then.
Media:vo lyaq204 2 tartaglia 06.ogg Childe: Hah! Although I'm deeply grateful to you that I was able to effortlessly find this secret location...
Media:vo lyaq204 2 tartaglia 07.ogg Childe: Don't you think that trying to stop me now would just be wasted effort?
Media:vo lyaq204 2 tartaglia 08.ogg Childe: Stopping the Mora mints, hiding away the Exuvia... Hahaha, the Qixing are really pulling out all the stops this time...
Media:vo lyaq204 2 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: So you've been planning to take the Gnosis from inside the Exuvia all along!?
Media:vo lyaq204 2 tartaglia 09.ogg Childe: As one of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers, it's my duty to see the will of the Tsaritsa fulfilled.
Media:vo lyaq204 2 tartaglia 10.ogg Childe: She will get that which she desires.
Icon Dialogue Talk Not if I have anything to say about it.
Icon Dialogue Talk I won't allow you to get near the Exuvia.
Media:vo lyaq204 2 tartaglia 11.ogg Childe: Hah! I'm not asking for your blessing, and there's nothing you can do to stop me anyway.
Media:vo lyaq204 2 tartaglia 12.ogg Childe: The time for discussion and diplomacy has already passed. I mean, if it were up to me, I would have skipped that stage to begin with... but I'm willing to do as the Tsaritsa deems fit.
Media:vo lyaq204 2 tartaglia 13.ogg Childe: Either way — we now come to my favorite part. A simple pleasure, and one that I am oh-so-delighted to be sharing with you...
Media:vo lyaq204 2 tartaglia 14.ogg Childe: The battle.
Media:vo lyaq204 2 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Battle? So you're the type that goes looking for trouble, huh?
Media:vo lyaq204 2 tartaglia 15.ogg Childe: Haha, you could say that.
Media:vo lyaq204 2 tartaglia 16.ogg Childe: When Signora offended the deities outside the Cathedral in Mondstadt, she swiftly left the scene once her mission was accomplished.
Media:vo lyaq204 2 tartaglia 17.ogg Childe: Instead of confronting you directly, she chose to rely on the snow and ice to make her escape. She wouldn't want the Knights to come running towards the sound of battle, now, would she?
Media:vo lyaq204 2 tartaglia 18.ogg Childe: When she faces a worthy opponent, she will prioritize her mission, weigh the outcomes, and consider the consequences of her actions...
Media:vo lyaq204 2 tartaglia 19.ogg Childe: But as for me, the greatest pleasure of being a Harbinger lies in crossing blades with strong opponents.
Media:vo lyaq204 2 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: We won't let what happened in Mondstadt ever happen again!
Media:vo lyaq204 2 tartaglia 20.ogg Childe: Oh? So you intend to fight me? Good. I won't kill you, Traveler. I'll just play along — to feel the thrill of battle![Note 1]
Media:vo lyaq204 2 tartaglia 21.ogg Childe: Besides, you could never defeat me. Not even in your wildest dreams. But hey, try to relish the fight anyway. Because if you ask me... without that, what else is there?
Icon Dialogue Talk I could never defeat you!? You're completely delusional.
Media:vo lyaq204 2 tartaglia 22.ogg Childe: Ahahahaha!
Media:vo lyaq204 2 tartaglia 23.ogg Childe: Fighting talk, I love it! Now, let's see you live up to it.

The battle begins[]

Media:vo lyaq204 3 tartaglia 01.ogg Childe: This chance is hard to come by, so show me all you've got.
Media:vo lyaq204 3 tartaglia 02.ogg Childe: So very few ever get the chance to square off with a Fatui Harbinger.
Media:vo lyaq204 3 tartaglia 03.ogg Childe: So come now, amuse me... and don't you dare disappoint.
(Upon the start of the second phase)
Media:vo lyaq204 3 tartaglia 04.ogg Childe: Good! No wonder Signora was so wary of you.
Media:vo lyaq204 3 tartaglia 05.ogg Childe: Well, that just means I can go all out! Brace yourselves, this is about to get tough...
Media:vo lyaq204 3 tartaglia 06.ogg Childe: Now, show me what you can do against the might of a Harbinger!

(Upon defeating his second phase, a cinematic begins)
Media:vo lyaq204 4 cs tartaglia 01.ogg Childe: Not bad. Your swordsmanship is quite impressive.
Media:vo lyaq204 4 cs tartaglia 02.ogg Childe: But, that's about as far as you'll get.
(While blocking Childe's attack with an Anemo gust, the Traveler uses a Geo attack to catch him off-guard. When the dust settles, however, Childe is nowhere to be found... Only to reveal himself in front of the Exuvia)
Media:vo lyaq204 4 cs tartaglia 03.ogg Childe: Haha...
Media:vo lyaq204 4 cs tartaglia 04.ogg Childe: Didn't think you had that card hidden up your sleeve...
Media:vo lyaq204 4 cs paimon 01.ogg Paimon: You were just playing us to get close to the Exuvia!
Media:vo lyaq204 4 cs tartaglia 05.ogg Childe: Oh, quiet down. Stop acting like some wide-eyed recruit.
Media:vo lyaq204 4 cs tartaglia 06.ogg Childe: You've seen this world. You of all people should know...
Media:vo lyaq204 4 cs tartaglia 07.ogg Childe: This should have been expected.
(Childe reaches into the Exuvia)
Media:vo lyaq204 4 cs tartaglia 08.ogg Childe: Well then, I'll be taking Morax's Gnosis now!
Media:vo lyaq204 4 cs tartaglia 09.ogg Childe: ...Huh?
(He comes out empty-handed)
Media:vo lyaq204 4 cs tartaglia 10.ogg Childe: Hahaha... I see. Well, this is most unexpected.
Media:vo lyaq204 4 cs tartaglia 11.ogg Childe: You... You beat me to it, didn't you?
(Childe undergoes a transformation)
Tartaglia - Childe - The Eleventh of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers
Media:vo lyaq204 4 cs tartaglia 12.ogg Childe: Not bad!
Media:vo lyaq204 4 cs tartaglia 13.ogg Childe: But this is going to cost you!
(Childe smashes the floor, Paimon and the Traveler fall through)
Media:vo lyaq204 4 cs paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Aaaah!!!
(Childe follows to the lower floor)

(The battle continues)
Media:vo lyaq204 5 tartaglia 01.ogg Childe: You got to the Gnosis ahead of me, didn't you!?
Media:vo lyaq204 5 tartaglia 02.ogg Childe: Did you simply move faster? Or... did you leak the information regarding the Golden House to me on purpose?
Media:vo lyaq204 5 tartaglia 03.ogg Childe: No matter. Hand the Gnosis over. Now. Don't make me take it from you.
Media:vo lyaq204 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: W—We didn't take it!

(Upon defeat)
(cinematic begins)
Cutscene's Travel Log summary:
The showdown with Childe begins. After an intense battle, he turns a moment of weakness into a chance to get next to the Exuvia. To his surprise, he finds that the carefully hidden-away Exuvia does not, in fact, contain Morax's Gnosis. Presuming that you beat him to the Gnosis, Childe becomes enraged, activates his Foul Legacy Transformation, and continues to do battle with you...
Media:vo lyaq204 5 tartaglia 04.ogg Childe: *panting*
Media:vo lyaq204 5 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Look! Childe's back to normal again.
Media:vo lyaq204 5 tartaglia 05.ogg Childe: Ugh, well then... time to cool off.
Media:vo lyaq204 5 tartaglia 06.ogg Childe: It seems the burden of the Foul Legacy Transformation was too great for my body. I lacked the opportunity to think this through...
Media:vo lyaq204 5 tartaglia 07.ogg Childe: And now that I consider the matter more carefully, you never had any chance of beating me to the Gnosis.
Media:vo lyaq204 5 tartaglia 08.ogg Childe: You had no connection to the Gnosis, no matter where it had been taken.
Media:vo lyaq204 5 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: That's right! We tried to tell you we didn't take it!
Media:vo lyaq204 5 tartaglia 09.ogg Childe: Your show of ability today far surpasses that of Signora's initial assessment of you in Mondstadt. Tell me, how could that be?
Icon Dialogue Talk (Because I'm collecting the powers of the seven elements...)
Icon Dialogue Talk (Because I'm gradually restoring my former powers...)
Media:vo lyaq204 5 tartaglia 10.ogg Childe: You already know the answer, don't you? I can see it in your eyes.
Media:vo lyaq204 5 tartaglia 11.ogg Childe: But if that is a secret you wish to keep, I guess I'll just have to curb my curiosity.
Media:vo lyaq204 5 tartaglia 12.ogg Childe: The battle has already left me satisfied.
Media:vo lyaq204 5 tartaglia 13.ogg Childe: Anyone who strives as I do to grow stronger shall be called a friend, even if our friendship can only be shown in battle against one another.
Media:vo lyaq204 5 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Pretty sure that's not the normal way to make friends.
Media:vo lyaq204 5 tartaglia 14.ogg Childe: Unfortunately, I must bring this amiable conversation to an end. My quest still beckons.
Media:vo lyaq204 5 tartaglia 15.ogg Childe: Given the Gnosis wasn't taken by anyone, then we must look once again to the beginning. Perhaps it was never in the Exuvia to begin with.
Media:vo lyaq204 5 tartaglia 16.ogg Childe: In fact, it might be that the Exuvia was just a diversion of sorts.
Media:vo lyaq204 5 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: What? So you mean that...
Icon Dialogue Talk Rex Lapis still lives?
Icon Dialogue Talk The corpse was fake?
Media:vo lyaq204 5 tartaglia 17.ogg Childe: Yes, it appears so. Interesting to say the least...
Media:vo lyaq204 5 tartaglia 18.ogg Childe: It seems that the guardian deity of the capital of commerce is also well-versed in the little maneuvers beyond the boundaries of contracts.
Media:vo lyaq204 5 tartaglia 19.ogg Childe: As such, we must now look to our backup plan.
Media:vo lyaq204 5 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Backup plan?
Media:vo lyaq204 5 tartaglia 20.ogg Childe: I had hoped it would never come to this, for the weak will be swept away in the process.
Media:vo lyaq204 5 tartaglia 21.ogg Childe: The truth is, the world belongs to those who pursue strength. I seldom willingly involve myself with the weak.
Media:vo lyaq204 5 tartaglia 22.ogg Childe: Unfortunately, we cannot be picky about our methods as Fatui Harbingers. Children must all learn to eat their vegetables sometime.
Media:vo lyaq204 5 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: So, what are you planning to do?
Media:vo lyaq204 5 tartaglia 23.ogg Childe: I will awaken the god that lies dormant beneath Guyun Stone Forest.
Media:vo lyaq204 5 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: A god!?
Media:vo lyaq204 5 tartaglia 24.ogg Childe: Osial, Overlord of the Vortex, who was defeated by Morax the Geo Archon in the Archon War, and who has remained pinned beneath the waves by the Geo Archon's stone spears ever since.
Media:vo lyaq204 5 tartaglia 25.ogg Childe: If such an ancient god were to be unleashed upon Liyue Harbor, defenseless without the protection of its deity...
Media:vo lyaq204 5 tartaglia 26.ogg Childe: Do you think the cunning Rex Lapis would just stand aloof and watch the ensuing destruction?
Media:vo lyaq204 5 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: But... the Archon War ended two thousand years ago! How could an ancient god appear in a world now overseen by The Seven?
(Childe summons a swarm of Sigils of Permission, which circle around him)
Media:vo lyaq204 5 tartaglia 27.ogg Childe: Simple! I've already prepared the means to awaken it.
Media:vo lyaq204 5 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Hey! Those are Sigils of Permission!
Media:vo lyaq204 5 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Oh, Paimon remembers now! The Fatui have been researching them...
Icon Dialogue Talk I saw your research with my own eyes.
Icon Dialogue Talk You've been trying to duplicate them.
Media:vo lyaq204 5 tartaglia 28.ogg Childe: Indeed. The one that was given to you was just a by-product of our research.
Media:vo lyaq204 5 tartaglia 29.ogg Childe: With the power of so many Sigils of Permission concentrated in one place, along with that which was bestowed upon me as a Harbinger by our Tsaritsa... Breaking the subduing might of the Geo Archon's spears for a time should be no obstacle.
Media:vo lyaq204 5 tartaglia 30.ogg Childe: Using the powers of ancient gods in such a situation fails to interest me and is largely against my principles.
Media:vo lyaq204 5 tartaglia 31.ogg Childe: But knowing that such an action will not only force the Geo Archon to show its hand, but you as well... That makes matters a little more intriguing.

(A cinematic begins)
(A storm begins and Osial is released)
Childe: Hahahahaha! Let's see — will the nation that has lost its deity be swallowed up by an ancient malice once more?
Childe: If you wish to drown together with the people of Liyue
Childe: You're free to stay and enjoy the show!
(Childe flies out, Paimon and the Traveler follow)
Paimon: Huh? He—He's already gone!
Paimon: That guy is fast...
Paimon: Wha—What's going on!?
(The Jade Chamber flies by, towards the storm)
(Continue to Turning Point)

Translation Notes[]

  1. In Chinese, after saying "I won't kill you, Traveler," he says "I just want to feel the thrill of battle — so why don't you play with me?"


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
40Never-Ending PerformanceThe Shimmering VoyageEnter the Golden House: Childe Childe (phases 1 & 2), Enter the Golden House (Quest Domain): Childe Childe (phases 1 & 2)
41Wrath of Monoceros CaeliThe Shimmering VoyageEnter the Golden House: Childe Childe (phase 3), Enter the Golden House (Quest Domain): Childe Childe (phase 3)
Event Gameplay
50Golden DreamsThe Shimmering VoyageEnter the Golden House (idle), Enter the Golden House (Quest Domain) (idle)

Change History[]

