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The capacity to bear the weight of charity and mercy; the capability to wield both blade and might. Such is the first precept of the Warrior's Spirit.
Yet, with the shifting of ages, past and present have begun to drift. In the same fashion, the Warrior Spirit event of today bears changes as well...

Warrior's Spirit is an Event in Version 3.4.

Event Details[]


  • 2023/02/09 10:00:00 – 2023/02/20 03:59:59



  • Complete the Unexpected Battle Event Quest to unlock the event.
  • From the first day of the event, a new duel will unlock every day. A total of six duels will be unlocked.
  • There are 3 levels of difficulty in each duel: Normal, Hard, and Pro. Pro mode can only be unlocked after successfully challenging Hard mode.
  • You will be unable to use Elemental Skills or Bursts during these duels, but you will obtain new abilities: a Parry and Honed Techniques.


Tutorial Warriors Spirit 1
Each of the warriors you will face has a different set of sword techniques, including ordinary techniques that they will use often and exceedingly powerful but less often used Ultimate Technique. You can check your opponent's traits via the menu to better devise countermeasures and make it easier to emerge victorious.

Tutorial Warriors Spirit 2
You will be unable to use Elemental Skills or Bursts during these duels, but you will obtain new abilities: a Parry and Honed Techniques. When using Parry, you will raise your weapon in a defensive stance, greatly decreasing DMG taken. Parry is subject to a cooldown before it can be used again.

Tutorial Warriors Spirit 3
You will use different Honed Techniques to deal with different opponents. Hitting opponents with Normal and Charged Attacks, and performing Parries successfully will help you accumulate Spirit, which will also accumulate slowly over time. Once it finishes accumulating, you can actively use Honed Techniques. Up to 2 uses of such techniques can be accumulated.

Tutorial Warriors Spirit 4
If you get the timing right and Parry just as your opponent is striking, you can completely eliminate any DMG that would be done to you and will reset Parry's CD. Completing such a "Perfect Parry" against your opponent's normal techniques will cause you to accumulate more Spirit.

Tutorial Warriors Spirit 5
When each warrior is about to use their Ultimate Technique, their weapon will shine brightly. Perfectly Parry these techniques to unleash powerful counterattacks and accumulate large amounts of Spirit, then use your own Honed Techniques at the right moments to seize victory!

Gameplay Notes[]

  • Honed Technique Spirit is accumulated in the following ways:
    • +60% when Perfect Parrying an Ultimate Technique.
    • +10% when Perfect Parrying other attacks.
    • +1.5% when an attack hits the enemy.
    • +1.5% per second passed.

Trial Character[]

WLWL Character
& Weapon
Talents & Artifacts Attributes


Traveler Lv. 80 Trav­el­er
Silver Sword Lv. ? Silver Sword
  • Normal Attack Lv. ?
  • Elemental Skill Lv. ?
  • Elemental Burst Lv. ?

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 25,883
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,634
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 889
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 0
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 5.00%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 50.00%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: ?

Artifact Lv. ?
Set Bonus


I: Ibuki[]

Warriors Spirit Opponent 1

Unlocks 2023-02-09 10:00 after completing the Event Quest, Unexpected Battle


Watatsumi Soldier: Kouzen Ibuki — Nervous Contestant


Watch out for your opponent's consecutive strikes and adjust your combat movements accordingly. Conduct Parries at the right time to defeat your opponent more easily.

Honed Techniques

Warriors Spirit Honed Technique 1 Stance of Impregnability
Enter a special defensive state: Upon being hit, a Perfect Parry will be triggered that deals counterattack DMG to the opponent.
This state will be removed after triggering three Perfect Parries or having lasted for 15s.

  • The counterattack's base DMG is 1800% of ATK.
Objective Rewards
Complete a duel with Ibuki on Normal difficulty
Primogem 40
Guide to Transience 2
Complete a duel with Ibuki on Hard difficulty
Primogem 20
Jeweled Branch of a Distant Sea 2
Complete a duel with Ibuki on Hard difficulty within 75 seconds
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 2
Duel with Ibuki on Pro difficulty
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 4

II: Hirotatsu[]

Warriors Spirit Opponent 2

Unlocks 2023-02-10 04:00 after completing the previous duel


Yoriki Samurai Hirotatsu — Kitain Art Master-of-Arms


Watch out for your opponent's consecutive strikes and adjust your combat movements accordingly. Conduct Parries at the right time to defeat your opponent more easily.

Honed Techniques

Warriors Spirit Honed Technique 1 Stance of Impregnability
Enter a special defensive state: Upon being hit, a Perfect Parry will be triggered that deals counterattack DMG to the opponent.
This state will be removed after triggering three Perfect Parries or having lasted for 15s.

  • The counterattack's base DMG is 1800% of ATK.
Objective Rewards
Complete a duel with Hirotatsu on Normal difficulty
Primogem 40
Guide to Elegance 2
Complete a duel with Hirotatsu on Hard difficulty
Primogem 20
Narukami's Joy 2
Complete a duel with Hirotatsu on Hard difficulty within 75 seconds
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 2
Duel with Hirotatsu on Pro difficulty
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 4

III: Younan[]

Warriors Spirit Opponent 3

Unlocks 2023-02-11 04:00 after completing the Event Quest, The Sight of the Divine Emissary


Eremite Stone Enchanter Younan — Quicksand Lance


Unleash strikes in quick succession to accelerate the filling up of your opponent's Fury meter before they use their Ultimate Technique. Use this strategy to gain control over the combat.

Honed Techniques

Warriors Spirit Honed Technique 2 Formidable Strike
Perform a powerful strike that deals a considerable amount of Physical DMG to the opponent nearby.

  • Formidable Strike's base DMG is 6222% of ATK.
Objective Rewards
Complete a duel with Younan on Normal difficulty
Primogem 40
Guide to Light 2
Complete a duel with Younan on Hard difficulty
Primogem 20
Mask of the Tiger's Bite 2
Complete a duel with Younan on Hard difficulty within 75 seconds
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 2
Duel with Younan on Pro difficulty
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 4

IV: Taroumaru[]

Warriors Spirit Opponent 4

Unlocks 2023-02-12 04:00 after completing the previous duel


Taroumaru Taroumaru — Unanticipated Contrivance


Parry Taroumaru's attacks with all your might and use Honed Techniques at the right time to knock him down. Once Taroumaru is knocked down, the DMG he takes will be increased.

Honed Techniques

Warriors Spirit Honed Technique 2 Formidable Strike
Perform a powerful strike that deals a considerable amount of Physical DMG to the opponent nearby.

  • Formidable Strike's base DMG is 6222% of ATK.
Objective Rewards
Complete a duel with Taroumaru on Normal difficulty
Primogem 40
Guide to Transience 2
Complete a duel with Taroumaru on Hard difficulty
Primogem 20
Jeweled Branch of a Distant Sea 2
Complete a duel with Taroumaru on Hard difficulty within 75 seconds
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 2
Duel with Taroumaru on Pro difficulty
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 4

V: Akatsuki Saemon Juuzou[]

Warriors Spirit Opponent 5

Unlocks 2023-02-13 04:00 after completing the previous duel


Kairagi: Fiery Might Akatsuki Saemon Juuzou — Self-Styled Strategist


Accumulate Spirit as quickly as you can to use the Honed Technique to weaken Akatsuki Saemon Juuzou, disabling your opponent's swift retreat movement and consecutive aggressive strikes

Honed Techniques

Warriors Spirit Honed Technique 3 Ferocious Combo Lashes
Enter a special attacking state: Upon using Normal or Charged Attacks, a blade wave will be unleashed that deals Physical DMG to the opponent hit. This state will be removed after 6s.

  • The blade wave's base DMG is 767% of ATK.
  • Upon activating this Honed Technique, the Traveler will also briefly apply 4U of Anemo to himself which decays over 0.2s. This can trigger Swirl reactions.
Objective Rewards
Complete a duel with Akatsuki Saemon Juuzou on Normal difficulty
Primogem 40
Guide to Elegance 2
Complete a duel with Akatsuki Saemon Juuzou on Hard difficulty
Primogem 20
Narukami's Joy 2
Complete a duel with Akatsuki Saemon Juuzou on Hard difficulty within 75 seconds
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 2
Duel with Akatsuki Saemon Juuzou on Pro difficulty
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 4

VI: Maguu Kengou[]

Warriors Spirit Opponent 6

Unlocks 2023-02-14 04:00 after completing the Event Quest, Warrior's Spirit


Maguu Kenki Maguu Kengou — The Instructor


Accumulate Spirit as quickly as you can to use the Honed Technique to break Maguu Kengou's Parry state and send it into a weakened state.
Unleash attacks against the Maguu Kengou to make it use its Ultimate Technique. Parry Maguu Kengou's Ultimate Technique to remove its Parry state.

Honed Techniques

Warriors Spirit Honed Technique 3 Ferocious Combo Lashes
Enter a special attacking state: Upon using Normal or Charged Attacks, a blade wave will be unleashed that deals Physical DMG to the opponent hit. This state will be removed after 6s.

  • The blade wave's base DMG is 767% of ATK.
  • Upon activating this Honed Technique, the Traveler will also briefly apply 4U of Anemo to himself which decays over 0.2s. This can trigger Swirl reactions.
Objective Rewards
Complete a duel with Maguu Kengou on Normal difficulty
Primogem 40
Guide to Light 2
Complete a duel with Maguu Kengou on Hard difficulty
Primogem 20
Mask of the Tiger's Bite 2
Complete a duel with Maguu Kengou on Hard difficulty within 75 seconds
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 2
Duel with Maguu Kengou on Pro difficulty
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 4

Battle Pass Missions[]

This event added additional "This BP Period" Battle Pass missions to the Rhythm and Rhyme Battle Pass. The Battle Pass EXP (BP EXP) obtained from these missions do not count towards the weekly experience limit of 10,000 BP EXP.

MissionsBattle Pass EXP BP EXP
[Event] In the "Warrior's Spirit" event, complete a duel with Maguu Kengou on Normal difficulty.1,500

Total Rewards[]

Mora 300,000 Mora


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
60Against the Invisible NetRealm of Tranquil EternityMystic Onmyou Chamber (combat), Hyakunin Ikki 2022-03-18, Misty Hills, Foggy Vales (combat), Hyakunin Ikki 2022-10-10, Leisurely Pastime, Warrior's Spirit, Fayz Trials: Hypothesis (challenge #2 and 6)
Combat, Domains, Special Gameplay


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishWarrior's Spirit
Yǎnwǔ Chuánxīn
Yǎnwǔ Chuánxīn
Enbu Denshin
Korean연무연무 전심전심
Yeonmu Jeonsim
Military Exercise in One's Whole Heart
SpanishDoctrina marcialMartial Doctrine
FrenchLa voie du guerrierThe Path of the Warrior
RussianВоинский дух
Voinskiy dukh
Martial Spirit
Ngan Prachan Chitwinyan
Warrior's Spirit
VietnameseTinh Thần Võ Đạo
GermanKämpferherzFighter's Heart
IndonesianJiwa PejuangWarrior's Spirit
PortugueseEspírito do Guerreiro
TurkishSavaşçı Ruhu
ItalianSpirito del guerrieroWarrior's Spirit

Change History[]
