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Genshin Impact Wiki

A crude wooden vessel filled only with memories.

Outset of the Brave is an Artifact in the set Brave Heart.


The young hero's first battle ended, and for the first time he tasted the sweet wine of victory.
That day, deep of the vine he drank together with his closest friend — supportive, joyful, and blissfully ignorant.

Many years later, when the cataclysm came, he led the knights to fight for his homeland.
On the eve of battle, he advised his childhood friend and long-time deputy to come drink with him.

"If you do not return, I will not mourn you."
"Nay, I will toast you, and drink in your honor, just as we do today."

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishOutset of the Brave
Yǒngshì de Zhuàngxíng
Yǒngshì de Zhuàngxíng
Yuushi no Soukou
Rousing of the Brave Warrior
Korean용사의 환송
Yongsa-ui Hwansong
Farewell of the Champion
SpanishGran Despedida del GuerreroGreat Farewell of the Warrior
FrenchDignité du BraveDignity of the Brave
RussianПроводы храбреца
Provody khrabretsa
Leading of the Brave
ThaiOutset of the Brave
VietnameseHành Trình Của Dũng Sĩ
GermanSchritte des ReckenSteps of the Valiant Hero
IndonesianOutset of the Brave
PortugueseDespedida do Valente
TurkishCesurların YolculuğuThe Braves' Journey
ItalianEsordio del coraggioso

Change History[]

