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Beneath the Abandoned House is a Quest Domain encountered during the World Quest Where the Dandelions Find Rest in Series The Very Special Fortune Slip.


  1. Glide down into the room and defeat the enemies.
  2. Go into the corridor and get the first amulet from the altar.
  3. Open the door and go into the next room with the floor gate.
  4. Go down the stairs and defeat the enemies.
  5. Use the lever near the blue flags to bring down the ladder.
  6. Climb up the ladders and defeat the enemy.
  7. Go into the southern room and get the second amulet.
  8. Go back to the room with the floor gate (see step 3).
  9. Use the lever to open the floor gate.
  10. Glide down into the room and defeat the enemies.
  11. Get the third amulet from the altar.
  12. Go to the eastern wall and choose "Knock Once."
  13. Go south and use the floor elevator to go up.
  14. Defeat the enemies.
  15. Open the door with the amulets.
  16. Go into the room to start a cut scene.
  17. Defeat the enemies to obtain Cell Key.
    • You can deactivate the armor to remove their buffs.
  18. Go back to the eastern wall of the room with the third amulet (see step 12).
  19. Choose "Open," followed by "Move" to unlock and open the cell door.


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
59Duel in the MistRealm of Tranquil EternityBeneath the Abandoned House, Crumbling Guilt, Formation Estate, Hidden Mountain Base, Moshiri Kara, Occupied Hold, Police Detention Center, Shakkei Pavilion, Tenryou Commission Headquarters (Domain), As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared: Part I (combat), As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared: Part II (combat), Bastion of Nightmares (combat, before entering borderland)
Combat, Event Gameplay

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishBeneath the Abandoned House
Qìwū zhī Dǐ
Bottom of the Abandoned House
Qìwū zhī Dǐ
Haioku no Soko‍[!][!]
Bottom of the Abandoned House
Korean폐가폐가 지하지하
Pyega-ui Jiha
Basement of Deserted House
SpanishBajo la casa abandonadaUnder the Abandoned House
FrenchSous la maison abandonnéeBeneath the Abandoned House
RussianПод заброшенным домом
Pod zabroshennym domom
Beneath the Abandoned House
Bueanglang haeng Ban Rang
Bottom of the Abandoned House
VietnamesePhía Đáy Nhà HoangHoang
GermanUnter dem verlassenen HausBeneath the Abandoned House
IndonesianBeneath the Abandoned House
PortugueseSob a Casa Abandonada
TurkishTerk Edilmiş Evin Altında
ItalianDietro l'edificio abbandonato

Change History[]
