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Deus Foundry is a Quest Domain during the Archon Quest Where the Boat of Consciousness Lies in Chapter III: Act V - Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises.


  1. Enter the room and defeat the enemies
  2. Navigate the two Four-Leaf Sigils and climb up the pipe, then go through the room to a large central structure
  3. Continue southwards and get on the cart, then navigate another Four-Leaf Sigil and climb up the pipe
  4. Defeat the Fatui Skirmisher - Electrohammer Vanguard Fatui Skirmisher - Electrohammer Vanguard and rotate the glowing device twice
  5. Proceed southeast with the Four-Leaf Sigil and climb up another pipe
  6. Defeat the enemies in the room
  7. Rotate the glowing device thrice, then enter the room again and exit eastwards
    • To get the nearby Common Chest, rotate the floor device such that the cart moves right towards the south, then get on the cart; return using the Four-Leaf Sigil
  8. Rotate the floor device such that the cart moves left towards the north, then get on the cart
  9. Use the Four-Leaf Sigil or glide down to the platform and defeat the Fatui Skirmisher - Pyroslinger Bracer Fatui Skirmisher - Pyroslinger Bracer
  10. Rotate the glowing device thrice, then go through the door that has opened and navigate the two Four-Leaf Sigils
  11. Rotate first the left, then the right floor device once, then get on the cart
    • If the cart is missed, rotate the left floor device thrice for the new cart
  12. Enter the room and defeat the enemies
  13. Rotate the glowing device 6 times, then glide down to the elevator and enter the elevator
  14. Exit the elevator




No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
82Unbounded BarrennessForest of Jnana and VidyaDeus Foundry, Reminiscent Drift
83Dream of Ageless TimeForest of Jnana and VidyaDeus Foundry, Reminiscent Drift

Video Guides[]

Deus Foundry Guide (4 Chests)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishDeus Foundry
"Jiàngshén Gōngfáng"
"Invoke Gods Workshop"
"Jiàngshén Gōngfāng"
"Koushin Koubou"
"Invoke Gods Workshop"
Korean「강림의 공방」
"Gangnim-ui Gongbang"
"Workshop of Advent"
SpanishForja DivinaDivine Forge
FrenchFonderie divineDivine Foundry
RussianМастерская божественности
Masterskaya bozhestvennosti
Divinity Workshop
"Rong-ngan Sang Thep"
VietnameseXưởng Đúc Thần
GermanGießerei der Göttlichkeit"Foundry of Divinity"
IndonesianDeus Foundry
PortugueseFundição da Divindade
TurkishTanrı Fabrikası
ItalianFucina empireaEmpyrean Forge

Change History[]

