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Police Detention Center is a Quest Domain during Archon Quest A Flower Blooms in a Prison in Chapter II: Act I - The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia.

Completing this domain will grant the player the Wonders of the World achievement Jailhouse Fiesta.


  • Some data scale with world level. For WL3, the recommended party level is 47.


Look at the mini-map to check the direction that you are facing.

  1. Go up the stairs to the South and defeat Shogunate Infantry ×2 to the East.
  2. Move South along the corridor and defeat Shogunate Infantry ×4 and Yoriki Samurai ×1 in the room to the East.
  3. Go through the newly opened door to the South and use the elevator to go up to the next floor.
  4. Move West and defeat Shogunate Infantry Captain ×1. There are also some Electro arrows shooting at you as you approach. Beware of falling traps.
  5. Interact with the door to open it.
  6. Defeat the Electro-infused Shogunate Infantry ×2 in the room to the North. Interact with the samurai statue to remove their buffs.
  7. Defeat Shogunate Infantry ×2, Shogunate Infantry Captain ×1, and Yoriki Samurai ×2 in the next room.
    • There is an Exquisite Chest here.
  8. Go North, then East to interact with the shrine and "Pick Up Amulet".
    • There is a Common Chest upstairs. Climb up the ladder to the West instead of heading East to the shrine.
  9. Go East through the Electro-infused floor. The floor tiles will glow on and off, becoming infused to deal Electro DMG.
  10. Climb up the ladder. The Door of Resurrection will activate.
  11. Head West and defeat Shogunate Infantry ×2 and Yoriki Samurai ×2. Interact with the samurai statue to remove their buffs.
  12. Interact with the shrine to get the 2nd amulet.
  13. Go South through the door and defeat Shogunate Infantry ×1 to the West.
    • There is a Common Chest to the East after going through the door.
  14. Glide down the hole to the bottom.
    • There is an Exquisite Chest in the middle room, accessible from the hole. If you miss the room, you can use the elevator at the bottom to go up again.
  15. Head East and get the 3rd amulet from the shrine.
  16. Head North and defeat Shogunate Infantry ×1.
  17. Go near the big door to unlock it with the amulets.
  18. Go through the big door and move the door to the West.
  19. Then, move the door to the North.
  20. Go through the open door and close the same door to reveal stairs leading down.
    • There is a Common Chest here. Move the door to the East to reach it.
    • There is another Exquisite Chest here. Move the other door to the East to reach it.
  21. Go downstairs to start a cut scene.
  22. Go to Master Masakatsu and start another cut scene.
    • There is a Precious Chest before the domain exit.
    • You can find the previous Common Chest and Exquisite Chest here if you missed them earlier. Go through the open door to the West, then move the door to the South to reach it.


See Walkthrough above for the locations.

  • Common Chest ×3
  • Exquisite Chest ×3
  • Precious Chest ×1



No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
59Duel in the MistRealm of Tranquil EternityBeneath the Abandoned House, Crumbling Guilt, Formation Estate, Hidden Mountain Base, Moshiri Kara, Occupied Hold, Police Detention Center, Shakkei Pavilion, Tenryou Commission Headquarters (Domain), As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared: Part I (combat), As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared: Part II (combat), Bastion of Nightmares (combat, before entering borderland)
Combat, Event Gameplay

Video Guides[]

Police Detention Center Guide (7 Chests)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishPolice Detention Center
Tīngfèngxíngsuǒ Shōujiān Chù
Detention Center of the Machi-Bugyou
Tīngfèngxíngsuǒ Shōujiān Chù
Machibugyou-sho no Rouya
Machi-Bugyou Jailhouse
Korean텐료 봉행소 수감처
Tenryo Bonghaeng Sugamcheo
Tenryou Commission Jail
SpanishCalabozo de la comisaría de policíaDungeon of the Police Station
FrenchCentre de détentionDetention Center
RussianПолицейский изолятор
Politseyskiy izolyator
Police Detention Center
VietnamesePhòng Giam Sở Trị AnSecurity Detention Room
GermanPolizeihaftanstaltPolice Detention Center
IndonesianPolice Detention Center
PortugueseCentro de Detenção Policial
TurkishPolis Gözaltı Merkezi
ItalianCentro di detenzione della polizia

Change History[]

