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Once a samurai residence, now occupied by bandits. Purge the evildoers from within this place.

Tutelage: King of Thieves

Formation Estate is a domain entrance in Yashiori Island, Inazuma. It contains a One-Time Domain, Tutelage: King of Thieves, which awards one Precious Chest upon completion.

Unlocking the Domain[]

This Domain can only be unlocked after completing Orobashi's Legacy: Part III to stop the permanent lightning storm in the area. Once the perpetual rain has been dealt with, light the sconces in the order that the Seelie travels.


Tutelage: King of Thieves
Defeat 10 enemies.
EnemiesWave 1:

Wave 2:

First Time Completion Rewards[]

Primogem 40
Adventure EXP 500
Electro Sigil 5
Hopeful HeartQuality 4 1
Guide to Light 2
Hero's Wit 3
Mystic Enhancement Ore 5
Mora 30,000


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
59Duel in the MistRealm of Tranquil EternityBeneath the Abandoned House, Crumbling Guilt, Formation Estate, Hidden Mountain Base, Moshiri Kara, Occupied Hold, Police Detention Center, Shakkei Pavilion, Tenryou Commission Headquarters (Domain), As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared: Part I (combat), As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared: Part II (combat), Bastion of Nightmares (combat, before entering borderland)
Combat, Event Gameplay


  • In the original Chinese text, "King of Thieves" is instead called "Pavilion of Akuou ('Evil King')" (Chinese: 稽古・恶王亭 Jīgǔ Èwáng-tíng), referring to the Watatsumi historical figure who is also mentioned in Formation Estate's description as "a lieutenant of Orobashi no Mikoto."


Video Guides[]

Unlocking Formation Estate Guide
Unlocking Formation Estate Guide

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishFormation Estate
Zhèndài Wūfū
Acting General's Estate‍[※][※]
Zhèndài Wūfū
Jindai Yashiki
Acting General's Estate
Korean진다이의 저택저택
Jindai-ui Jeotaek
Jindai's Mansion
SpanishResidencia de la formaciónResidence of the Formation
FrenchDomaine de formationFormation Estate
RussianПоместье формации
Pomest'ye formatsii
Formation Estate
Thi pham nak dae not min
Abode (in) Ruthless Land
VietnameseDinh ThựDinh Thự Lâu ĐờiOld Mansion
GermanFormations-AnwesenFormation Estate
IndonesianFormation Estate
PortuguesePropriedade de Formação
TurkishTeşkil Konağı
ItalianResidenza della formazione

Change History[]

