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You and Paimon meet a certain strange student by the Wall of Samiel to southwest of the rainforest. She seems to be trying to some kind of mysterious creation...

Brewing Developments is an Event in Version 3.6.

Event Details[]


  • 2023/04/13 10:00:00 – 2023/04/24 03:59:59



  • During the first 8 days of the "Brewing Developments" event, one new challenge will be unlocked every 2 days.
  • During each challenge, you can use the trial characters provided by the event or your own to complete 3 consecutive combat rounds.
  • The Shock-Boiled Brew allocated for each round has 4 potential effects. The Shock-Boiling Device will automatically use the Shock-Boiled Brew and can randomly activate one or more effects for a certain period of time, providing tremendous support during combat.
  • The goal of the challenge is to defeat as many opponents as possible within the time limit to score points. When the challenge ends, you will receive Primogems, Talent Level-Up Materials, Hero's Wit, Mystic Enhancement Ore, and Mora based on this score.
  • Food and other items will not be available during these challenges.


Tutorial Tablet Analytics 1
You must complete 3 consecutive challenge rounds during the "Brewing Developments" stages. Each challenge round requires you to defeat opponents that will continuously appear within a time limit to accrue points. Your party setup can be changed between rounds to deal with different types of opponents. When the challenge ends, you will obtain test-related emblems based on your score.

Tutorial Tablet Analytics 2
The Shock-Boiling Device will automatically activate every 20s within the challenge, activating 1 to 4 potential medicinal effects. These effects will grant potent combat buffs for a fixed duration. Each combat round will have different medicinal effects. Use them well to conduct combat quickly and effectively.


Difficulty Score Multiplier Enemy Level
Accurate Sample ×1 50
Strong Control Group ×2 70
Impact Limit ×4 90
Medal Points
Tablet Analytics Medal 0 0
Tablet Analytics Medal 1 1,000
Tablet Analytics Medal 2 2,000
Tablet Analytics Medal 3 4,000
Tablet Analytics Medal 41★ 11,000
Tablet Analytics Medal 42★ 13,000
Tablet Analytics Medal 43★ 15,000

Thundergrass Resonance[]

Leaping bolts of lightning, when paired with Dendro, can unleash greater effects. When aided by the right Shock-Boiled Brew, said effects can be even further enhanced, strengthening the resonance between both elements...
Unlocks 2023-04-14 10:00

Trial Characters:

  • Round 1:
    AlhaithamDendro Lv.80
    Yae MikoElectro Lv.80
  • Round 2:
    Yae MikoElectro Lv.80
    Sangonomiya KokomiHydro Lv.80
  • Round 3:
    WandererAnemo Lv.80
    FaruzanAnemo Lv.80



  • All Shock-Boiled Brew effects last 20 seconds.
Name Effect
Round 1/3
Icon Brewing Developments Wildergrass Brew Wildergrass Brew The current active character gains 50% Dendro DMG Bonus.
Icon Brewing Developments Thunderous Brew Thunderous Brew The current active character gains 50% Electro DMG Bonus.
Icon Brewing Developments Enduring Brew Enduring Brew All party members' Energy Recharge increases by 60%.
Icon Brewing Developments Thundervine Brew Thundervine Brew After the character triggers Quicken, Aggravate, or Spread on opponents, these opponents will have all their Physical and Elemental RES decreased by 40% for 5s.
Round 2/3
Icon Brewing Developments Thunderous Brew Thunderous Brew The current active character gains 50% Electro DMG Bonus.
Icon Brewing Developments Chillwater Brew Chillwater Brew The current active character gains 50% Hydro DMG Bonus.
Icon Brewing Developments Encompassing Brew Encompassing Brew All party members' Elemental Mastery increases by 200.
Icon Brewing Developments Furious Brew Furious Brew When the character's HP decreases, all party members' Elemental Mastery increases by 250 for 10s.
Round 3/3
Icon Brewing Developments Perspicacious Brew Perspicacious Brew The current active character's ATK increases by 50%.
Icon Brewing Developments Intruding Brew Intruding Brew After the character triggers Swirl on opponents, these opponents will have their DEF decreased by 25% for 5s.
Icon Brewing Developments Combination Brew Combination Brew The current active character deals 50% increased Normal and Charged Attack DMG.
Icon Brewing Developments Enduring Brew Enduring Brew All party members' Energy Recharge increases by 60%.

Thermal Differential[]

The flame, the frost, and the chilling water. The temperatures of these three states of matter can cause incredible effects to occur during combat. The data from this will be invaluable in furthering research into how Shock-Boiled Brews perform under clashing temperatures...

Unlocks 2023-04-16 04:00

Trial Characters:

  • Round 1:
    DehyaPyro Lv.80
    Kamisato AyakaCryo Lv.80
  • Round 2:
    YelanHydro Lv.80
    Hu TaoPyro Lv.80
  • Round 3:
    Kamisato AyatoHydro Lv.80
    GanyuCryo Lv.80



  • All Shock-Boiled Brew effects last 20 seconds.
Name Effect
Round 1/3
Icon Brewing Developments Inferno Brew Inferno Brew The current active character gains 50% Pyro DMG Bonus.
Icon Brewing Developments Frosty Brew Frosty Brew The current active character gains 50% Cryo DMG Bonus.
Icon Brewing Developments Smelting Brew Smelting Brew After the character triggers Melt or Vaporize on opponents, all party members gain 50% All Elemental and Physical DMG Bonus for 5s.
Icon Brewing Developments Mending Brew Mending Brew When the character's HP decreases, the affected character gains 50% increased Max HP for 10s and recovers 20% of their Max HP
Round 2/3
Icon Brewing Developments Chillwater Brew Chillwater Brew The current active character gains 50% Hydro DMG Bonus.
Icon Brewing Developments Inferno Brew Inferno Brew The current active character gains 50% Pyro DMG Bonus.
Icon Brewing Developments Smelting Brew Smelting Brew After the character triggers Melt or Vaporize on opponents, all party members gain 50% All Elemental and Physical DMG Bonus for 5s.
Icon Brewing Developments Strengthening Brew Strengthening Brew The current active character's Max HP increases by 50%.
Round 3/3
Icon Brewing Developments Frosty Brew Frosty Brew The current active character gains 50% Cryo DMG Bonus.
Icon Brewing Developments Chillwater Brew Chillwater Brew The current active character gains 50% Hydro DMG Bonus.
Icon Brewing Developments Celerity Brew Celerity Brew After switching characters, the current active character recovers 15 Energy.
Icon Brewing Developments Embrittling Brew Embrittling Brew After the character triggers Frozen on opponents, all party members' CRIT DMG increases by 65% for 5s.

Invasive Vitality[]

Shock-Boiled Brews relating to Dendro possess mysterious effects, allowing the defenses of opponents to become infested and weakened even as life flourishes amidst them. Verify these effects to get your well-deserved rewards!

Unlocks 2023-04-18 04:00

Trial Characters:

  • Round 1:
    CynoElectro Lv.80
    TighnariDendro Lv.80
  • Round 2:
    DehyaPyro Lv.80
    NahidaDendro Lv.80
  • Round 3:
    NilouHydro Lv.80
    NahidaDendro Lv.80



  • All Shock-Boiled Brew effects last 20 seconds.
Name Effect
Round 1/3
Icon Brewing Developments Thunderous Brew Thunderous Brew The current active character gains 50% Electro DMG Bonus.
Icon Brewing Developments Wildergrass Brew Wildergrass Brew The current active character gains 50% Dendro DMG Bonus.
Icon Brewing Developments Celerity Brew Celerity Brew After switching characters, the current active character recovers 15 Energy.
Icon Brewing Developments Thundervine Brew Thundervine Brew After the character triggers Quicken, Aggravate, or Spread on opponents, these opponents will have all their Physical and Elemental RES decreased by 40% for 5s.
Round 2/3
Icon Brewing Developments Inferno Brew Inferno Brew The current active character gains 50% Pyro DMG Bonus.
Icon Brewing Developments Incineration Brew Incineration Brew After the character triggers Burning on opponents, these opponents will have all their Physical and Elemental RES decreased by 40% for 5s.
Icon Brewing Developments Celerity Brew Celerity Brew After switching characters, the current active character recovers 15 Energy.
Icon Brewing Developments Mending Brew Mending Brew When the character's HP decreases, the affected character gains 50% increased Max HP for 10s and recovers 20% of their Max HP
Round 3/3
Icon Brewing Developments Encompassing Brew Encompassing Brew All party members' Elemental Mastery increases by 200.
Icon Brewing Developments Vital Brew Vital Brew After the character triggers Bloom on opponents, these opponents will have all their Physical and Elemental RES decreased by 40% for 5s.
Icon Brewing Developments Mending Brew Mending Brew When the character's HP decreases, the affected character gains 50% increased Max HP for 10s and recovers 20% of their Max HP
Icon Brewing Developments Furious Brew Furious Brew When the character's HP decreases, all party members' Elemental Mastery increases by 250 for 10s.

Armed and Armored[]

Even those who wield physical implements may gain some powerful combat benefits from using Shock-Boiled Brews. Proving how effective the brew truly is for physicality comprises a major part of the current experiment.

Unlocks 2023-04-20 04:00

Trial Characters:

  • Round 1:
    YoimiyaPyro Lv.80
    Kamisato AyatoHydro Lv.80
  • Round 2:
    Raiden ShogunElectro Lv.80
    Kamisato AyakaCryo Lv.80
  • Round 3:
    Raiden ShogunElectro Lv.80
    EulaCryo Lv.80



Name Effect
Round 1/3
Icon Brewing Developments Chillwater Brew Chillwater Brew The current active character gains 50% Hydro DMG Bonus.
Icon Brewing Developments Inferno Brew Inferno Brew The current active character gains 50% Pyro DMG Bonus.
Icon Brewing Developments Combination Brew Combination Brew The current active character deals 50% increased Normal and Charged Attack DMG.
Icon Brewing Developments Smelting Brew Smelting Brew After the character triggers Melt or Vaporize on opponents, all party members gain 50% All Elemental and Physical DMG Bonus for 5s.
Round 2/3
Icon Brewing Developments Thunderous Brew Thunderous Brew The current active character gains 50% Electro DMG Bonus.
Icon Brewing Developments Frosty Brew Frosty Brew The current active character gains 50% Cryo DMG Bonus.
Icon Brewing Developments Enduring Brew Enduring Brew All party members' Energy Recharge increases by 60%.
Icon Brewing Developments Ambush Brew Ambush Brew The current active character deals 50%. increased Elemental Burst DMG.
Round 3/3
Icon Brewing Developments Hardening Brew Hardening Brew The current active character gains 60% Physical DMG Bonus.
Icon Brewing Developments Ambush Brew Ambush Brew The current active character deals 50% increased Elemental Burst DMG.
Icon Brewing Developments Compromising Brew Compromising Brew After the character triggers Superconduct on opponents, all party members gain 50% increased ATK for 5s.
Icon Brewing Developments Enduring Brew Enduring Brew All party members' Energy Recharge increases by 60%.

Challenge Rewards[]

Name Tablet Analytics Medal 1 Bronze (1,000) Tablet Analytics Medal 2 Silver (2,000) Tablet Analytics Medal 3 Gold (4,000)
Thundergrass Resonance
Primogem 90
Mora 20,000
Guide to Admonition 3
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 2
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 4
Thermal Differential
Primogem 90
Mora 20,000
Guide to Ingenuity 3
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 2
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 4
Invasive Vitality
Primogem 90
Mora 20,000
Guide to Praxis 3
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 2
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 4
Armed and Armored
Primogem 90
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 4
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 2
Mora 20,000
Mystic Enhancement Ore 4

Battle Pass Missions[]

This event added additional "This BP Period" Battle Pass missions to the Crown of Glory Battle Pass. The Battle Pass EXP (BP EXP) obtained from these missions do not count towards the weekly experience limit of 10,000 BP EXP.

MissionsBattle Pass EXP BP EXP
[Event] Score 2,000 points in "Armed and Armored" during the "Brewing Developments" event1.500

Total Rewards[]

Mora 300,000 Mora


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
97Swirls of the StreamForest of Jnana and VidyaFayz Trials (challenge #1-3), Tablet Analytics, Special Training, Championship Progress, Second Blooming, Concocted Reaction, Brewing Developments, Fayz Trials: Hypothesis (challenge #3, 5, and 7), Perilous Expedition, The Great Fayz Reaction Debate (stage #1, 3, and 7)
Combat, Domains, Special Gameplay
98Rhymes of ValesForest of Jnana and VidyaFayz Trials (challenge #1-3), Tablet Analytics, Special Training, Championship Progress, Second Blooming, Concocted Reaction, Brewing Developments, Fayz Trials: Hypothesis (challenge #3, 5, and 7), Perilous Expedition, The Great Fayz Reaction Debate (stage #1, 3, and 7)
Combat, Domains, Special Gameplay
99Gilded RunnerForest of Jnana and VidyaFayz Trials (challenge #1-3), Tablet Analytics, Special Training, Championship Progress, Across the Wilderness (challenge #3), Second Blooming, Concocted Reaction, Fulminating Sandstorm, Brewing Developments, The Recollector's Path (Tranquil Trail), Fayz Trials: Hypothesis (challenge #3, 5, and 7), Perilous Expedition, The Great Fayz Reaction Debate (stage #1, 3, and 7)
Combat, Domains

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishBrewing Developments
Héjì Yǎnjìn
Héjì Yǎnjìn
Chouzai Eboryuushon
Compounding Evolution
Korean혼합제 심화 테스트
Honhapje Simhwa Teseuteu
Concoction Advanced Test
SpanishEnsayo experimentalExperimental Trial
FrenchDéveloppement de mixtionsMixtion Development
RussianРазвитие эликсиров
Razvitiye eliksirov
Elixirs' Development
VietnameseDiễn Tiến Hợp Chất
GermanMixtur und EntwicklungMixture and Development
IndonesianPerkembangan RamuanPotion Development
PortugueseDesenvolvimento de Poções
TurkishBileşim Gelişimleri
ItalianProgressi produttiviProductive Progress

Change History[]
