An alchemist with an insatiable curiosity towards the world and everything in it. Attached to the Knights of Favonius as an assistant to Albedo, her area of focus is "bio-alchemy."
She strives to enrich the world by transforming living things with the power of alchemy.
Granted, the products of her research sometimes prove to be more weird than wonderful — but on the whole, she has made monumental contributions to the field of bio-alchemy.—Description from the Official Website[1]
An alchemist filled with curiosity about all things. She researches bio-alchemy.
—In-game character attributes and profile page text
Sucrose loves experimenting and spends most of her time researching on bio-alchemy, stating that she likes to discover the secrets of life. Her research often yields numerous results that she often labels every unique variable as a result of its own, regardless of how useful said result may be. She spends an immense amount of time researching that she finds herself quickly bored whenever she takes a break.
Due to spending most of her time researching and experimenting, Sucrose is a recluse. She has trouble talking with others, as she frequently worries about unintentionally offending them. Lisa remarks that she is hopeless when talking to people,[2] as she is very timid and easily frightened, especially by people of imposing status, such as Jean and Eula.[3] However, she does not share the same issue when talking about bio-alchemy or Albedo. She reveres Albedo to the point that she considers him to be a true gentleman and maintains an excessively formal manner towards him, despite both being of similar age.[4]
Despite her meek nature, Sucrose is also compassionate and humble. In spite of her social anxiety, she sympathizes very well with those who are equally or even more shy and awkward than herself. She's also supportive of other people's academic pursuits, as shown by her support for Collei's studies and Klee's Jumpy Dumpty creations.[5][6] She's also close to her fellow alchemists Timaeus and Albedo, supporting and respecting them in research and other aspects of their lives. However, she will not shy away from honest criticism of her friends, such as Timaeus' research or Albedo's bad habits, even if doing so scares her.
Sucrose uses the medium female model. She has fair skin, amber eyes, and light green hair that is chin-length except for a section at the back of her head that goes down to her hips. She wears a pair of dark brown round spectacles. Sucrose also has pointed light green animal ears which she tries to hide with her hair; the animal they correspond to is unknown and it is the subject of some of Sucrose's investigations.
Character Stories
Character Details
Sucrose may be the assistant of the genius alchemist Albedo, but they could not be more different in research direction.
As opposed to studying the essence of alchemy and the ability to create new life, she is far more interested in using alchemy to modify existing life, all the better to add variety and color to this world.
Despite her youth, she has already achieved some brilliant results. For example, she has been able to increase the nectar output of Sweet Flowers by 70% by irrigating them with a special potion. She has also developed a special spray that allows Sunsettias to maintain their freshness for a whole month after being plucked from the branch.
Even people who were initially suspicious of her research inclinations have come to acknowledge her exceptional talents in the field of alchemy after seeing such results.
However, she merely considers these to be incidental steps on the path to a successful experiment, rather than the success itself. Her true aim is much more ambitious than this.
It's a secret, and is also her little dream.
Character Story 1
Friendship Lv. 2
Bio-alchemy explores numerous lines of inquiry, all of which stem from Sucrose's questions about living things in the world. These questions, in turn, are born out of her insatiable curiosity, a faculty that is far more developed in her than it is in most.
For instance, Sucrose's curiosity was once drawn to the sweet flower, accepted by most people as simply being a source of sugar.
She wondered: Although sweetness is clearly the most readily identifiable feature of this plant, should that be grounds for limiting its application as we have tended to do? Does it not merit further study?
So, after a careful study of the various features of sweet flowers, she devised thirty-something distinct rearing plans along with numerous control groups to account for temperature and other environmental conditions.
And yet, her experiment still underestimated just how many variations were possible. After the experiment began, Sucrose found herself with more questions rather than fewer, and the novel discoveries that her experiment yielded gave her inspiration for further research.
Sucrose is incapable of leaving a question unattended to — it makes her restless, even guilty, to ignore it. Spurred on by this quirk of her temperament, her rearing plans grew in number to almost three hundred.
The result was a whole new series of sweet flower strains: Some with thrice the number of flowers, some with heads five or six times the normal size that could even float in the wind, and some even producing a sweet-tasting fruit.
Months of experimentation later, Sucrose had finally answered every last one of her questions pertaining to sweet flowers. As she finished writing up her research notes, she let out a long sigh of relief.
Though she was physically and mentally exhausted, the sight of stack after stack of her bio-alchemical research volumes stretching around three walls of the room gave her a deep sense of joy and satisfaction.
Character Story 2
Friendship Lv. 3
To the people around her, Sucrose comes across as a quiet, introverted alchemist with little interest in the lives of others.
In fact, the truth is quite the opposite: Sucrose is fascinated by absolutely everything that exists in the world. The only thing is, she finds the discipline of social interaction to be far more difficult to master than that of alchemy.
In alchemy, the process of trial-and-error coupled with a determination to get to the truth is sufficient to bring you to your answer eventually. But with interpersonal relationships, there is the added complication of having to factor in manners, moods, and other unquantifiable variables. To make things worse, there seems to be no room for an approach that relies heavily on making errors.
Hence, Sucrose decided to avoid such variables at all costs and stick to her familiar methods in satisfying her curiosity.
For instance, Sucrose had always been curious about whether she and Cat's Tail bartender Diona, both of whom have animal ears, had any shared ancestry.
In fact, this was not a private matter, and most people would simply ask the question. But Sucrose was concerned that it would be a sensitive topic — she, for one, did not like people drawing attention to her ears.
So, she resorted to the method she knew best: observation.
For one whole month, Diona constantly had an unnerving sense that someone was secretly watching her. She assumed that one of the tavern patrons was stalking her, and was none too happy about it.
"Similar genome, but ultimately different ancestry. Cat connection merits further study. Note: Unable to obtain bone sample thus far."
This is the conclusion that Sucrose has jotted down in her notebook based on her findings so far.
Bio-alchemy aside, Sucrose made one further discovery from this episode.
That is to say, judging by the pair of cat-ear spectacles she made for herself after the event, it would appear that she has finally come to comprehend a certain uniquely feline variety of cuteness. She is too shy to wear them in public, however, and only puts them on when alone in her room.
Character Story 3
Friendship Lv. 4
Once every three days, Sucrose ventures out into the real world at dusk. To her, these excursions are rare and momentous events.
One by one, she visits the butcher's, the Adventurers' Guild, and the Springvale hunters, looking for a material of a very specific kind.
"H—Hi... Sorry, I... I'd like, um, the freshest, best-quality b—bones you've got... Yep, the ones with the blood and meat still on."
People found her behavior utterly unusual at first, but once they had gotten used to it, they were eager to oblige, even putting the rarest bones aside for her in advance.
This was a major bonus for her. Not only was she able to acquire an ample supply of the usual chicken and boar bones, but she also got her hands on a complete lizard skeleton and even a chunk of hilichurl leg bone still bearing fresh blood.
Her eyes would light up with excitement at the sight of these strange and rare bones. She would thank Katheryne of the Adventurers' Guild profusely, bowing to her over and over.
As well as going some way towards satisfying Sucrose's curiosity, she also found new inspiration from piecing new bones together
More importantly, collecting skeletons was her hobby, and she was crazy about it.
One day, Sucrose happened to overhear a mother attempting to discipline her child:
"If you don't do as your told, the scary old lady with the cloth sack over her back will come to your door, go into your room, pick out every bone from your body, and take them away!"
Sucrose's curiosity compelled her to investigate further. It turned out that this was nothing more than a ghost story used by mothers to shock their children into compliance, and that it had existed long before Sucrose was even born.
She breathed a sigh of relief when she found out the truth.
Soon after this, people noticed that Sucrose had switched her cloth sack for a leather one. Perhaps she did this just because she was shy. Or perhaps it was to avoid arousing suspicion...
Character Story 4
Friendship Lv. 5
As an assistant, Sucrose does everything she can to support Albedo, and even though his alchemical inquiries tend more towards the abstruse, she finds herself learning a lot every time.
After an experiment lasting five straight days and nights came to its end, Albedo noticed that Sucrose was on the brink of collapsing from exhaustion, and organized a mandatory seven-day vacation for her.
Sucrose began her holiday determined to take a proper rest and regain her energy, but from the moment that she woke up on day one she struggled to adjust to the vacation lifestyle.
First things first, let's get some breakfast: fried eggs, sausages, and a cup of coffee. Nothing new to report there. All of these were foods and beverages that she had previously researched, after all.
Next, she thought, how about a little rest and relaxation in the sun with a good book? Again, nothing new to report: plenty of research shows this to be one of the most effective means of relaxation. There wasn't a book that she hadn't already read, and there wasn't a query that she hadn't already highlighted, looked into, and later annotated for clarification.
So then she did some household chores: laundry, dusting, tidying. Check. Once again — nothing new to report. There was nothing to dispute about the fact that a clean and tidy environment is conducive to mental well-being.
Half a day in, and Sucrose had not had the occasion to ask "why" or "how" even once.
She was bored, restless, and angsty, and she could not calm herself down.
She was desperate to throw herself at a research problem. It didn't matter what it was: She would have happily researched the potted plants on the terrace, even if nothing came of it. Anything just to pass the time.
But wherever she looked — the Lamp Grass to her left, the Sweet Flower in front of her, or the Cecilia to her right — all she found were things that she had previously researched in exhaustive detail.
Finally, she gave up and forced herself to go to sleep. The next day, she reported to the laboratory first thing in the morning.
"All day long, you have nothing to research, and nothing to question. That's not rest, it's torture!"
Character Story 5
Friendship Lv. 6
Sucrose's childhood was no different from anyone else's in Mondstadt. She had loving parents, she had her best friends. Life was simple, and beautiful.
Her most enduring childhood memory is a story she once heard about a wonderful paradise.
Somewhere in a far-flung corner of Teyvat, there was an undiscovered domain with pretty pink flowers the height of a hundred people, teeny-tiny floating fairies flying over all the place, and beautiful unicorns, the pinnacle of perfection.
Sucrose and her two best friends believed that if only they could reach this magical place, they would surely live happily ever after.
But time went by, and one of her friends left on a long journey with her adventurer parents, never to return.
The other suffered a domestic tragedy: Her father fell ill and passed away, her whole personality changed, and she broke off her friendship with Sucrose. The promise that they had once made to reunite some day in the future no longer meant anything.
Sucrose felt lonelier then than she ever had felt before in her whole life. They hadn't even set eyes on paradise yet, and already her friends were gone...
Well. Even if they were destined to never meet again, Sucrose was desperate to honor their past friendship in some way. That was when she discovered the existence of alchemy from a book that she was reading.
Sucrose realized: Though she had never had the chance to find the entrance to that wondrous place, she now had the opportunity to be the creator of her own paradise.
Thus began her study of bio-alchemy, and she poured all of her curiosity and passion into it.
Still, she has never once mentioned the story of paradise and her bygone friendships to anyone else.
Perhaps one day, when that place she first learned of in a children's storybook finally becomes a reality in the real world, her friends will return.
Mist Flower Project 3, Version 17, Enlargement Trial
Friendship Lv. 6
Sucrose has a set of strict requirements when it comes to the selection of species for her personal paradise. After experimentation, specimens that are up to standard she tags with "pass."
At first, she wanted to give exotic-sounding names to each of her plants, just like in the stories, but whenever she came to try and name something, she found herself completely at a loss for ideas.
After spending so long as a scientist, she insisted on flawless logic even when it came to relatively trivial matters such as naming.
Her earliest batch of names included the following: "Grassflower," a flower that grows on grass;
"Flowergrass," a grass that grows beneath flowers;
"Multigrassflower," a flower that grows on dense grass, and so on and so forth.
Even such un-paradisiacal names as these would take Sucrose forever to come up with — far longer than the duration of the experiments themselves.
In the end, she gave up on naming altogether and simply used the specimen identifiers from her research notes instead. Yes, this meant the names ended up being much longer, but, but...
...But anyway, Sucrose is the creator of this paradise, so why shouldn't she get to name things any way she wants to?
Friendship Lv. 6
It was on an afternoon just like any other that Sucrose received her Vision.
Ready to begin her one-hundred-and-fifty-ninth dandelion-seed simmering experiment, she poured her carefully crafted alchemical solution into the cauldron.
Instantly, the cauldron hit boiling point, and the entire room was filled with steam. Sucrose rushed to the cauldron, anxious to see what new transmutation had occurred this time; in her excitement, she even burned both of her hands on the lip of the cauldron.
Much to her disappointment, however, the Dandelion Seeds had once again burned to a crisp. But there was something new there, too: lying there amidst the black Dandelion Seeds was a Vision.
And yet, rather than pouring out the liquid and taking her Vision, she first thought for a moment and then lit the fire up again to continue simmering the contents of the cauldron.
She was curious to know what further reactions might occur between Dandelion Seeds and Visions.
Sadly, the experiment ended in failure after three hours of constant simmering.
Still, there was no denying that she had reaped a great reward from this experiment, for the elemental energy provided by her Vision would become her single greatest asset in her future bio-alchemical endeavors.
Sucrose: Bio-Alchemy | |
![]() |
Obtain: Reward for reaching Friendship Level 10 with Sucrose Description: If you closely examine an Anemo Hypostasis before it disappears, you will discover that they are actually quite square. |
Ampulla | |
![]() | Meaning: Flask |
Quests and Events
Story Quests
World Quests
- The Chalk Prince and the Dragon
- Act I: Festering Desire
- Act IV: Uninvited Guests
- Invitation of Windblume
- Part III: Realm of Fog and Wind
- Part IV: Dream of Wind and Flowers
- Shadows Amidst Snowstorms
- Act I: The Snowy Past
- Of Ballads and Brews
- Act III: Aroma of the Past
- Windblume's Breath
- Windblume Festival
- Part I: A Gathering of Outlanders
- Part II: A Riddle Amidst the Crowds
- Part III: Joy Above the Clouds
- Windblume Festival
- Alchemical Ascension
- Travelers' Tales: Anthology Chapter
Web Events
Character Trials
Domain Levels
- Event Story Quest A Riddle Amidst the Crowds in Windblume's Breath: Windblume Festival: Part II
- Battlefront: Misty Dungeon
- Misty Dungeon: Realm of Light
- Perilous Trail
- Fayz Trials
- Tablet Analytics
- Hyakunin Ikki 2022-10-10
- Adventurer's Trials
- Vibro-Crystal Verification
- Misty Dungeon: Realm of Water
Test Run Events
- Venti, Sucrose, Razor — 2021-03-17
- Klee, Sucrose, Fischl — 2021-06-09
- Raiden Shogun, Kujou Sara, Sucrose — 2021-09-01
- Kamisato Ayato, Venti, Sucrose, Yun Jin — 2022-03-30
- Ganyu, Sangonomiya Kokomi, Dori, Sucrose, Xingqiu — 2022-09-09
- Kamisato Ayaka, Shenhe, Mika, Sucrose, Diona — 2023-03-21
- Neuvillette, Hu Tao, Xingqiu, Diona, Fischl — 2023-09-27
- Wriothesley, Venti, Chongyun, Thoma, Dori — 2023-10-17
- Furina, Baizhu, Charlotte, Beidou — 2023-11-08
- Navia, Kamisato Ayaka, Sucrose, Rosaria, Candace — 2023-12-20
- Xiao, Yae Miko, Yaoyao, Xinyan, Ningguang — 2024-02-20
- Neuvillette, Kaedehara Kazuha, Xingqiu, Yanfei — 2024-04-02
- Arlecchino, Lyney, Freminet — 2024-04-24
- Wanderer, Baizhu, Layla, Faruzan, Beidou — 2024-05-14
- Mualani, Kaedehara Kazuha, Kachina, Xinyan, Bennett — 2024-08-28
- Xilonen, Chiori, Dori, Candace — 2024-10-09
- Chasca, Lyney, Ororon, Sucrose — 2024-11-20
- Neuvillette, Zhongli, Shikanoin Heizou, Fischl, Yaoyao — 2024-12-10
- Arlecchino, Clorinde, Lan Yan, Chevreuse, Rosaria — 2025-01-21
Character Mentions
Character Stories
Character | Stories |
Character Voice-Overs
Character | Voice-Overs |
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- What Should I Do? (2020-11-26)
- Some New Discoveries (2021-11-26)
- A Day Off...(2022-11-26)
- Secret Research. (2023-11-26)
- Field Experiments... (2024-11-26)
- Sucrose keeps a collection of bones in her room. This includes the bones of lizards, frogs, grass carps, wild boars, and hilichurl bones.
- Sucrose is implied to be living with both of her parents.[7]
- A few characters have made a comment on Sucrose's tendencies to produce weird researches.
- Kaeya mentions rumors about her laboratory and experiments, he also suggests that Sucrose (despite being very introverted in public) may be a little wilder in private. In his own words, "It's always the quiet ones..."[8]
- Jean seems to question her research, but ultimately concludes that there's nothing wrong with immersing yourself in your own imagination.[9][10]
- Some of Sucrose's inventions have in fact proven to be supposedly useful for the knights. An example of it is the NRE Gadget, though most of the knights are reluctant to use it. Another example would be the reconnaissance device she gave to Eula, which unfortunately didn't end up well either.[11][12] She has also mentioned to be working on a safer version of Klee's Jumpy Dumpty.[13]
- Despite having drawn similarities of her non-human features to Diona of the Kätzlein Bloodline who are well known for their skill in hunting, she revealed that she rarely goes hunting and cannot use the bow that well.[14][15]
- Although she concluded that she has similar genomes to Diona, she's most likely not related to the Kätzlein Bloodline as Venti did not show any allergic reactions around her.
- Given the presence of dog paws on her shoes and her ears' similarity to Yae Miko's, it is theorized that Sucrose may have Kitsune heritage.
- Additionally, Sucrose explains that her ears are a hereditary feature, implying that they are common within her family.
- Sucrose isn't considered a knight despite being affiliated with the Knights of Favonius.[16]
- Sucrose, Timaeus, and Albedo meets up by the Mondstadt alchemy stall every once in a while to catch up and share recent developments on their research projects.[17]
- Sucrose is mentioned in the descriptions of the following 2 Furnishings:
- Sucrose shares her Korean voice actress, Kim Ha-yeong, with Furina.
- She also shares her Chinese voice actress, Xiaogan, with Navia
- Sucrose is the name of the chief component chemical compound that makes up cane and beet sugar, better known as table sugar.
- Her Chinese name, 砂糖 Shātáng, typically corresponds to the English term "granulated sugar" (table sugar), and is used to refer to sugars in general. "Sucrose" would be 蔗糖 Zhètáng.
- In Japanese, her name is スクロース Sukuroosu, matching her English name rather than her Chinese name.
- In Korean, her name is 설탕 Seol-tang, meaning both "sugar" in general and "sucrose."
- Her constellation, Ampulla, is Latin for "The Flask."
Other Languages
Character Title: Harmless Sweetie
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Harmless Sweetie | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 无害甜度 Wúhài Tiándù | Harmless Sweetness |
Chinese (Traditional) | 無害甜度 Wúhài Tiándù | |
Japanese | 無害の甘味 Mugai no Amami | Harmless Sweetness |
Korean | 무해무해한 달콤함 Muhaehan Dalkomham | Harmless Sweetness |
Spanish | La Dulzura Inofensiva | The Harmless Sweetness |
French | Alchimiste 100 % naturelle | 100% Natural Alchemist |
Russian | Безобидная карамелька Bezobidnaya karamel'ka | Harmless Caramel |
Thai | ความหวานที่ไร้พิษสง | |
Vietnamese | Độ Ngọt Vô Hại | Harmless Sweetness |
German | Harmlos und süß | Harmless and Sweet |
Indonesian | Harmless Sweetie | — |
Portuguese | Doçura Inofensiva | Harmless Sweetie |
Turkish | Masum Şeker | Innocent Sweet |
Italian | Dolcezza innocua | Harmless Sweetness |
- ↑ Official Genshin Impact Website: Sucrose
- ↑ Lisa's Voice-Over: About Sucrose
- ↑ Sucrose's Voice-Over: About Jean
- ↑ Albedo's Voice-Over: About Sucrose: Habits
- ↑ Event Windblume's Breath Quest Chapter: Windblume's Breath/Story
- ↑ Klee's Voice-Over: About Sucrose
- ↑ Event Windblume's Breath Quest, Windblume Festival: Part III, Part 3: Joy Above the Clouds
- ↑ Kaeya's Voice-Over: About Sucrose
- ↑ Jean's Chinese Voice-Over: 关于砂糖…
- ↑ Jean's Japanese Voice-Over: スクロースについて…
- ↑ Eula's Voice-Over: About Sucrose
- ↑ Sucrose's Voice-Over: About Eula
- ↑ Sucrose's Voice-Over: About Klee
- ↑ Event Invitation of Windblume Festive Challenges: Tower Waltz
- ↑ Event Invitation of Windblume Festive Challenges: Heart of the Lake
- ↑ Event Windblume's Breath Quest, Windblume Festival: Part II, Part 2: A Riddle Amidst the Crowds
- ↑ Event Shadows Amidst Snowstorms Quest: Act I: The Snowy Past