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Promotional Character Event Wishes: In the Name of the Rosula/2023-12-20 and The Heron's Court/2023-12-20
CharacterRewardsCharacter Description[Note 1]Party Members
NaviaGeo Navia
When Navia or other party members collect Elemental Shards created by the Crystallize reaction, Navia gains Crystal Shrapnel. When her Elemental Skill is tapped, all Shrapnel stacks will be consumed to fire Rosula Shardshots. The more Shrapnel stacks consumed, the more Shardshots that will be fired, and the greater the damage that can be dealt.
When her Elemental Skill is Held, Navia enters Aiming Mode before firing, and will continually pick up nearby Elemental Shards while aiming. In addition, her Elemental Skill is able to deal Ousia-aligned Geo DMG at intervals.
Her Elemental Burst bombards opponents in front of her, dealing AoE Geo DMG, and will periodically deal Geo DMG to nearby opponents after.
Kamisato AyakaCryo Ayaka
Kamisato Ayaka's Elemental Skill can launch surrounding opponents and deal AoE Cryo DMG.
With Kamisato Art: Senho, she can conceal herself with ice, moving at high speed in the form of a torrent. When she reappears at the end of Senho, she applies Cryo to surrounding opponents and temporarily receives a Cryo infusion.
When she casts her Elemental Burst, Kamisato Ayaka releases a long-lasting Frostflake Seki no To that deals Cryo DMG to enemies it touches.
SucroseAnemo Sucrose
Sucrose specializes in using the power of Anemo to control enemy positioning.
Her Elemental Skill is capable of gathering opponents in one spot on the ground, while her Elemental Burst attracts opponents while periodically attacking with waves of Anemo that cover a wide area.
RosariaCryo Rosaria
When Rosaria unleashes her Elemental Skill, she sprints behind her target and strikes with her polearm, dealing Cryo DMG.
With her Elemental Burst, she performs a sweeping horizontal strike against surrounding opponents before summoning an Ice Lance of coalesced cold, which strikes the ground.
While the Ice Lance is on the field, it intermittently releases waves of cold, dealing Cryo DMG to nearby opponents.
CandaceHydro Candace
Mora 15,000 Mora
Holding Candace's Elemental Skill causes her to deploy her shield, and once its duration ends, it will unleash different Hydro attacks on opponents in front of her based on whether it is fully charged or not.
Her Elemental Burst deals Hydro DMG to nearby opponents and grants the Prayer of the Crimson Crown state, which will infuse the attacks of your own active characters who wield Swords, Claymores, and Polearms with Hydro. When characters affected by Prayer of the Crimson Crown deal Elemental DMG to opponents with their Normal Attacks, the DMG they deal will be increased, while switching characters in will unleash a rippling wave attack on nearby opponents.
  1. All challenges also have the following effect: "Additional Elemental Orbs will drop during the trial event challenge to facilitate the testing of the trial character's Elemental Burst."

Trial Details[]

Helm of the Radiant Rose[]

The below party gains the following stat bonuses from Elemental Resonance: +15% Shield Strength from GeoGeo Enduring Rock and +25% ATK from PyroPyro Fervent Flames

Character & WeaponTalents & ArtifactsAttributes
NaviaGeo Lv. 80 C0 Na­via
Verdict Lv. 80 R1 Verdict

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 18,995
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 2,804
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 833
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 77.2%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 120.7%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135.0%
Icon Attribute Geo DMG Bonus: 46.6%
Icon Attribute Shield Strength Shield Strength: 15.0%

Selfless Floral AccessoryHonest QuillFaithful HourglassMagnanimous Ink BottleCompassionate Ladies' Hat
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Nighttime Whispers in the Echoing Woods 4-Piece

NingguangGeo Lv. 80 C0 Ning­guang
The Widsith Lv. 80 R1 The Widsith

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 16,247
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,609
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 616
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 57.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 142.2%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135.0%
Icon Attribute Geo DMG Bonus: 79.6%
Icon Attribute Shield Strength Shield Strength: 15.0%

Flower of Creviced CliffFeather of Jagged PeaksSundial of Enduring JadeGoblet of Chiseled CragMask of Solitude Basalt
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Archaic Petra 4-Piece

XianglingPyro Lv. 80 C0 Xiang­ling
Dragon's Bane Lv. 80 R1 Drag­on's Bane

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 17,312
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,541
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 712
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 378
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 57.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135.0%
Icon Attribute Pyro DMG Bonus: 61.6%
Icon Attribute Shield Strength Shield Strength: 15.0%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeWitch's End TimeWitch's Heart FlamesWitch's Scorching Hat
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 2-Piece
Crimson Witch of Flames 2-Piece

BennettPyro Lv. 80 C0 Ben­nett
Sapwood Blade Lv. 80 R1 Sap­wood Blade

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 29,043
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,354
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 815
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 26.0%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 234.7%
Icon Attribute Shield Strength Shield Strength: 15.0%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeRoyal Pocket WatchRoyal Silver UrnRoyal Masque
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 4-Piece

Frostflake Heron Trial Characters[]

Character & WeaponTalents & ArtifactsAttributes

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 19,198
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,864
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 824
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 57.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 161.0%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135.0%
Icon Attribute Cryo DMG Bonus: 81.6%

Snowswept MemoryIcebreaker's ResolveFrozen Homeland's DemiseFrost-Weaved DignityBroken Rime's Echo
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Blizzard Strayer 4-Piece

RosariaCryo Lv. 80 C0 Ro­sa­ria

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 18,696
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,522
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 753
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 57.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135.0%
Icon Attribute Physical DMG Bonus: 146.2%

Bloodstained Flower of IronBloodstained Black PlumeBloodstained Final HourBloodstained Chevalier's GobletBloodstained Iron Mask
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Bloodstained Chivalry 4-Piece

SucroseAnemo Lv. 80 C0 Su­cro­se

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 15,714
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,054
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 746
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 679
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 26.0%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 186.8%
Icon Attribute Anemo DMG Bonus: 33.0%

In Remembrance of Viridescent FieldsViridescent Arrow FeatherViridescent Venerer's DeterminationViridescent Venerer's VesselViridescent Venerer's Diadem
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Viridescent Venerer 4-Piece

BarbaraHydro Lv. 80 C0 Bar­ba­ra

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 25,121
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,099
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 712
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 26.0%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 186.8%
Icon Attribute Healing Healing Bonus: 50.9%

Maiden's Distant LoveMaiden's Heart-Stricken InfatuationMaiden's Passing YouthMaiden's Fleeting LeisureMaiden's Fading Beauty
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Maiden Beloved 4-Piece

Harmless Sweetie Trial Characters[]

Character & WeaponTalents & ArtifactsAttributes
SucroseAnemo Lv. 80 C0 Su­cro­se

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 15,714
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,054
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 746
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 679
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 26.0%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 186.8%
Icon Attribute Anemo DMG Bonus: 33.0%

In Remembrance of Viridescent FieldsViridescent Arrow FeatherViridescent Venerer's DeterminationViridescent Venerer's VesselViridescent Venerer's Diadem
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Viridescent Venerer 4-Piece

XingqiuHydro Lv. 80 C0 Xing­qiu

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 16,673
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,191
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 801
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 57.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 242.6%
Icon Attribute Hydro DMG Bonus: 81.6%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeCopper CompassGoblet of Thundering DeepWine-Stained Tricorne
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 2-Piece
Heart of Depth 2-Piece

FischlElectro Lv. 80 C0 Fis­chl
The Stringless Lv. 80 R1 The String­less

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 15,661
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,735
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 637
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 256
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 57.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135.0%
Icon Attribute Electro DMG Bonus: 61.6%

Gladiator's NostalgiaGladiator's DestinyHourglass of ThunderOmen of ThunderstormThunder Summoner's Crown
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Gladiator's Finale 2-Piece
Thundering Fury 2-Piece

BeidouElectro Lv. 80 C0 Bei­dou

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 19,442
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,721
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 692
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 57.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135%
Icon Attribute Electro DMG Bonus: 79.6%

Thunderbird's MercySurvivor of CatastropheHourglass of ThunderOmen of ThunderstormThunder Summoner's Crown
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Thundering Fury 4-Piece

Thorny Benevolence[]

The below party gains the following stat bonuses from Elemental Resonance: +25% ATK from PyroPyro Fervent Flames

Character & WeaponTalents & ArtifactsAttributes
RosariaCryo Lv. 80 C0 Ro­sa­ria

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 18,696
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,676
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 753
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 57.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135.0%
Icon Attribute Physical DMG Bonus: 146.2%

Bloodstained Flower of IronBloodstained Black PlumeBloodstained Final HourBloodstained Chevalier's GobletBloodstained Iron Mask
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Bloodstained Chivalry 4-Piece

XianglingPyro Lv. 80 C0 Xiang­ling
Dragon's Bane Lv. 80 R1 Drag­on's Bane

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 17,312
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,541
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 712
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 378
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 57.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135.0%
Icon Attribute Pyro DMG Bonus: 61.6%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeWitch's End TimeWitch's Heart FlamesWitch's Scorching Hat
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 2-Piece
Crimson Witch of Flames 2-Piece

ChongyunCryo Lv. 80 C0 Chong­yun

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 17,418
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 2,017
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 692
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 57.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135.0%
Icon Attribute Cryo DMG Bonus: 61.6%

Snowswept MemoryIcebreaker's ResolveFrozen Homeland's DemiseFrost-Weaved DignityBroken Rime's Echo
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Blizzard Strayer 4-Piece

BennettPyro Lv. 80 C0 Ben­nett
Sapwood Blade Lv. 80 R1 Sap­wood Blade

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 29,043
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,354
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 815
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 26.0%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 234.7%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeRoyal Pocket WatchRoyal Silver UrnRoyal Masque
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 4-Piece

Golden Vow[]

The below party gains the following stat bonuses from Elemental Resonance: +25% ATK from PyroPyro Fervent Flames

Character & WeaponTalents & ArtifactsAttributes
CandaceHydro Lv. 80 C0 Can­dace
"The Catch" Lv. 80 R1 "The Catch"

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 34,448
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,313
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 726
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 26.0%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 196.9%

Flower of AccoladesCeremonial War-PlumeStorm CageScarlet VesselOrnate Kabuto
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Tenacity of the Millelith 2-Piece
Emblem of Severed Fate 2-Piece

SucroseAnemo Lv. 80 C0 Su­cro­se

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 15,714
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,192
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 746
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 679
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 26.0%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 186.8%
Icon Attribute Anemo DMG Bonus: 33.0%

In Remembrance of Viridescent FieldsViridescent Arrow FeatherViridescent Venerer's DeterminationViridescent Venerer's VesselViridescent Venerer's Diadem
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Viridescent Venerer 4-Piece

XianglingPyro Lv. 80 C0 Xiang­ling
Dragon's Bane Lv. 80 R1 Drag­on's Bane

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 17,312
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,541
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 712
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 378
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 57.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135.0%
Icon Attribute Pyro DMG Bonus: 61.6%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeWitch's End TimeWitch's Heart FlamesWitch's Scorching Hat
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 2-Piece
Crimson Witch of Flames 2-Piece

BennettPyro Lv. 80 C0 Ben­nett
Sapwood Blade Lv. 80 R1 Sap­wood Blade

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 29,043
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,354
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 815
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 26.0%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 234.7%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeRoyal Pocket WatchRoyal Silver UrnRoyal Masque
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 4-Piece


  • The following team compositions were changed this run:
    • Kamisato Ayaka's team was changed from Barbara and Xiangling to Rosaria, Sucrose, and Barbara.
    • Sucrose's team was changed from Lisa and Kaeya to Xingqiu, Fischl and Beidou.
    • Candace's team was changed from Collei, Lisa and Kaeya to Sucrose, Xiangling and Bennett.

Change History[]
