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Promotional Character Event Wishes: Chanson of Many Waters/2023-11-08 and Immaculate Pulse/2023-11-08
CharacterRewardsCharacter Description[Note 1]Party Members
FurinaHydro Furina
Furina can use her Charged Attack to change her Arkhe, and at intervals, her Normal Attacks deal the corresponding Pneuma- or Ousia-aligned Hydro DMG.
When using her Elemental Skill, Furina summons either the Salon Members or the Singer of Many Waters based on her current Arkhe. The former fight alongside the active character, and upon attacking, consume the HP of characters to increase DMG dealt. The latter continuously heals nearby characters.
Her Elemental Burst causes the whole party to enter the Universal Revelry state. In this state, Furina gains Fanfare when characters' HP increases or decreases, increasing the DMG dealt and Incoming Healing Bonus of all nearby party members.
BaizhuDendro Baizhu
Baizhu's Elemental Skill will pursue nearby opponents, dealing several instances of Dendro DMG before returning to him and restoring HP to all his party members.
When his Elemental Burst is unleashed, Baizhu will enter the Pulsing Clarity state and periodically generate a short-duration shield. When that shield's duration ends or it breaks, it will heal Baizhu's own active character and unleash Spiritvein attacks against nearby opponents.
CharlotteCryo Charlotte
Charlotte's Elemental Skill will deal Cryo DMG and continuous Cryo DMG to opponents. Hold to aim and mark opponents. If you hold until the viewfinder expands to its maximum size before releasing, a greater amount of Cryo DMG will be dealt over a longer period of time.
Her Elemental Burst restores HP to all party members and creates a field that continuously deals Cryo DMG to opponent(s) and restores HP to active character(s) within it.
Her Charged Attacks can deal Pneuma-aligned Cryo DMG.
BeidouElectro Beidou
Mora 15,000 Mora
While holding her Elemental Skill, Beidou will shield herself. Upon release, she will swing her great sword to deal DMG. Attacks absorbed by the shield increase the Counterattack DMG.
Beidou's Elemental Burst summons her Thunderbeast's Targe. While the Targe is active, Normal and Charged Attacks will create a lightning discharge that can jump between opponents, dealing Electro DMG.
  1. All challenges also have the following effect: "Additional Elemental Orbs will drop during the trial event challenge to facilitate the testing of the trial character's Elemental Burst."

Trial Details[]

Endless Solo of Solitude[]

Character & WeaponTalents & ArtifactsAttributes
FurinaHydro Lv. 80 C0 Fu­ri­na

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 27,879
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,387
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 736
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 40.4%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 234.6%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135.0%
Icon Attribute Hydro DMG Bonus: 46.6%

Golden Song's VariationGolden Bird's SheddingGolden Era's PreludeGolden Night's BustleGolden Troupe's Reward
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Golden Troupe 4-Piece

SayuAnemo Lv. 80 C0 Sa­yu

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 18,270
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,285
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 788
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 736
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 26.0%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 190.8%
Icon Attribute Anemo DMG Bonus: 15.0%

In Remembrance of Viridescent FieldsViridescent Arrow FeatherViridescent Venerer's DeterminationViridescent Venerer's VesselViridescent Venerer's Diadem
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Viridescent Venerer 4-Piece

XianglingPyro Lv. 80 C0 Xiang­ling
Dragon's Bane Lv. 80 R1 Drag­on's Bane

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 17,312
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,541
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 712
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 378
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 57.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135.0%
Icon Attribute Pyro DMG Bonus: 61.6%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeWitch's End TimeWitch's Heart FlamesWitch's Scorching Hat
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 2-Piece
Crimson Witch of Flames 2-Piece

BennettPyro Lv. 80 C0 Ben­nett
Sapwood Blade Lv. 80 R1 Sap­wood Blade

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 29,043
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,354
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 815
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 26.0%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 234.7%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeRoyal Pocket WatchRoyal Silver UrnRoyal Masque
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 4-Piece

Lens of Verity[]

Character & WeaponTalents & ArtifactsAttributes
BaizhuDendro Lv. 80 C0 Bai­zhu

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 37,747
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,229
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 540
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 26.0%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 186.8%

Flower of AccoladesVibrant PinionOrichalceous Time-DialFeast of Boundless JoyGeneral's Ancient Helm
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Tenacity of the Millelith 2-Piece
Vourukasha's Glow 2-Piece

LisaElectro Lv. 80 C0 Li­sa
The Widsith Lv. 80 R1 The Widsith

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 16,034
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,478
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 616
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 217
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 57.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 142.2%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135.0%
Icon Attribute Electro DMG Bonus: 61.6%

Thundering FurySurvivor of CatastropheHourglass of ThunderOmen of ThunderstormThunder Summoner's Crown
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Thundering Fury 4-Piece

XingqiuHydro Lv. 80 C0 Xing­qiu

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 16,673
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,191
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 801
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 57.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 242.6%
Icon Attribute Hydro DMG Bonus: 81.6%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeCopper CompassGoblet of Thundering DeepWine-Stained Tricorne
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 2-Piece
Heart of Depth 2-Piece

Sprout of Rebirth[]

Character & WeaponTalents & ArtifactsAttributes
CharlotteCryo Lv. 80 C0 Char­lot­te

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 19,591
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,752
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 589
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 51.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 186.8%
Icon Attribute Cryo DMG Bonus: 10.0%
Icon Attribute Healing Healing Bonus: 5.0%

Golden Song's VariationGolden Bird's SheddingGolden Era's PreludeGolden Night's BustleGolden Troupe's Reward
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Golden Troupe 4-Piece

XingqiuHydro Lv. 80 C0 Xing­qiu

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 16,673
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,191
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 801
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 57.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 242.6%
Icon Attribute Hydro DMG Bonus: 81.6%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeCopper CompassGoblet of Thundering DeepWine-Stained Tricorne
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 2-Piece
Heart of Depth 2-Piece

FreminetCryo Lv. 80 C0 Fre­mi­net

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 21,158
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,901
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 752
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 26.0%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 154.1%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135.0%
Icon Attribute Cryo DMG Bonus: 61.6%

Snowswept MemoryIcebreaker's ResolveFrozen Homeland's DemiseFrost-Weaved DignityBroken Rime's Echo
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Blizzard Strayer 4-Piece

BarbaraHydro Lv. 80 C0 Bar­ba­ra

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 27,290
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,099
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 712
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 26.0%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 186.8%
Icon Attribute Healing Healing Bonus: 50.9%

Maiden's Distant LoveMaiden's Heart-Stricken InfatuationMaiden's Passing YouthMaiden's Fleeting LeisureMaiden's Fading Beauty
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Maiden Beloved 4-Piece

Uncrowned Lord of the Ocean Trial Characters[]

Character & WeaponTalents & ArtifactsAttributes
BeidouElectro Lv. 80 C0 Bei­dou

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 19,442
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,721
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 692
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 57.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135%
Icon Attribute Electro DMG Bonus: 79.6%

Thunderbird's MercySurvivor of CatastropheHourglass of ThunderOmen of ThunderstormThunder Summoner's Crown
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Thundering Fury 4-Piece

SucroseAnemo Lv. 80 C0 Su­cro­se

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 15,714
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,054
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 746
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 679
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 26.0%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 186.8%
Icon Attribute Anemo DMG Bonus: 33.0%

In Remembrance of Viridescent FieldsViridescent Arrow FeatherViridescent Venerer's DeterminationViridescent Venerer's VesselViridescent Venerer's Diadem
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Viridescent Venerer 4-Piece

XingqiuHydro Lv. 80 C0 Xing­qiu

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 16,673
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,191
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 801
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 105
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 57.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 242.6%
Icon Attribute Hydro DMG Bonus: 81.6%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeCopper CompassGoblet of Thundering DeepWine-Stained Tricorne
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 2-Piece
Heart of Depth 2-Piece

FischlElectro Lv. 80 C0 Fis­chl
The Stringless Lv. 80 R1 The String­less

Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 15,661
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,735
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 637
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 256
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 57.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135.0%
Icon Attribute Electro DMG Bonus: 61.6%

Gladiator's NostalgiaGladiator's DestinyHourglass of ThunderOmen of ThunderstormThunder Summoner's Crown
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Gladiator's Finale 2-Piece
Thundering Fury 2-Piece


  • The following team compositions got changed on this run:
    • Beidou is no longer accompanied by Kaeya, Sucrose, Xingqiu and Fischl are now part of her team.

Change History[]
