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Serenitea Pot Materials are Materials that can be used in the Serenitea Pot.

Furnishing Materials[]

Furnishing Materials are items used to create Furnishings. There are 31 Furnishing Material(s):

Image Name Quality How to Obtain
Item Iron Chunk Iron Chunk Found in the wild
Item White Iron Chunk White Iron Chunk Found in the wild
Item Birch Wood Birch Wood 1 Star Cutting down Birches found in Windwail Highland and Stormbearer Mountains.
Item Cuihua Wood Cuihua Wood 1 Star Cutting down Cuihua Trees (Apple, Sunsettia, Lavender Melon and Bulle Fruit Trees).
Item Pine Wood Pine Wood 1 Star Cutting down Pines found in Dragonspine, Wuwang Hill, Minlin, Ritou, near the Golden House, and the City of Mondstadt.
Item Sandbearer Wood Sandbearer Wood 1 Star Cutting down Sandbearer Trees found in Minlin and Lisha.
Item Bamboo Segment Bamboo Segment 1 Star Cutting down Bamboo found in Qingce Village and Yujing Terrace.
Item Fragrant Cedar Wood Fragrant Cedar Wood 1 Star Cutting down Cedars found in Wolvendom, Starfell Valley, Springvale, and Brightcrown Mountains.
Item Fir Wood Fir Wood 1 Star Cutting down Faber's Firs found in Stormbearer Mountains and Starsnatch Cliff.
Item Yumemiru Wood Yumemiru Wood 1 Star Cutting down Sakura Trees in Narukami Island
Item Maple Wood Maple Wood 1 Star Cutting down Amur Maple in Yashiori Island and Ritou.
Item Aralia Wood Aralia Wood 1 Star Cutting down Inazuman Cedar in Narukami Island.
Item Otogi Wood Otogi Wood 1 Star Cutting down Otogi Trees in Yashiori Island.
Item Brightwood Brightwood 1 Star Cutting down Brightwood Trees in Dharma Forest
Item Karmaphala Wood Karmaphala Wood 1 Star Cutting down Karmaphala Trees in Dharma Forest
Item Adhigama Wood Adhigama Wood 1 Star Cutting down Adhigama Trees in Dharma Forest
Item Mountain Date Wood Mountain Date Wood 1 Star Cutting down Mountain Date Trees in Great Red Sand
Item Athel Wood Athel Wood 1 Star Cutting down Athel Trees
Item Mallow Wood Mallow Wood 1 Star Cutting down Mallow Trees
Item Linden Wood Linden Wood 1 Star Cutting down Linden Trees
Item Ash Wood Ash Wood 1 Star Cutting down Ash Trees
Item Cypress Wood Cypress Wood 1 Star Cutting down Cypress Trees
Item Torch Wood Torch Wood 1 Star Cutting down Torch Trees
Item Flammabomb Wood Flammabomb Wood 1 Star Cutting down Flammabomb Trees
Item Peach Palm Wood Peach Palm Wood 1 Star Cutting down Peach Palm Trees
Item White Chestnut Oak Wood White Chestnut Oak Wood 1 Star Cutting down White Chestnut Oak Trees
Item Ashen Aratiku Wood Ashen Aratiku Wood 1 Star Cutting down Ashen Aratiku Trees
Item Fabric Fabric Crafted from Silk Flowers
Item Red Dye Red Dye Crafted from Sunsettias, Carrots, Valberries, Zaytun Peaches, or Embercore Flowers.
Item Yellow Dye Yellow Dye Crafted from Berries, Cor Lapis, or Marcottes.
Item Blue Dye Blue Dye Crafted from Mint, Wolfhooks, Fluorescent Fungus, Tidalga, or Quenepa Berry.

Wood Gathering Tips[]

  • Each tree can yield up to three pieces of wood until its next refresh.
    • A tree will refresh after chopping ten other trees.
    • For example, hit the first tree, then go hit ten other trees, then come back to the first tree and it will spawn more wood.
    • If the player comes back to the first tree before hitting ten other trees, then the first tree's countdown will be reset back to ten.
    • Logging out and logging back in again will also cause trees to refresh.
    • With this in mind, the player can cycle between eleven or more trees and continuously farm wood.
    • Hit trees are tracked per player, so each player in the same world will need to hit trees in order to gather wood, but they can hit the same trees.
  • All Physical attacks done with polearm, claymore, and sword users' Normal Attack talent (Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attacks) count as chops, with the exception of Clorinde's Charged Attack.
    • Slashes with Tartaglia's Melee Stance do not count as chops.
    • Attacks affected by Elemental Infusion and Elemental Conversion do not count as chops.
  • Certain Talents that deal Physical DMG count as chops.
  • Even if the player hits multiple trees in one attack, only one of them will drop wood.
  • There is a very short cooldown between chops that drop wood.
    • Keqing, whose Normal Attack sequence is very fast, will only drop two wood with the first three hits in her Normal Attack if the player does not delay the hits.
    • Attacks that hit twice in a row, such as the third hit in Rosaria's Normal Attack sequence, will likely only drop one wood.
    • The fourth hit in Xiangling's Normal Attack sequence, which hits four times, can drop two wood.
  • Wood can only be obtained from trees that have fully loaded. This may take a few seconds after traveling to a different area, depending on the player's device.
  • Only 2000 of each type of wood can be chopped per day.[1] Wood obtained from Arataki Itto's passive talent Woodchuck Chucked do not count towards this cap.[2]
  • Chopping Cuihua trees (which grow Sunsettias, Apples, Lavender Melons or Bulle Fruit) allows the player to gather wood and knock fruit down at the same time.
  • Some trees can't be chopped even after they have fully loaded, such as overly large trees and trees with twisted trunks.
    • Some trees can be chopped, but will not drop any wood. One example of such are dead trees found to the west of Amakane Island and near the Statue of The Seven in Tatarasuna.
  • The gadget "The Boon of the Elder Tree," available from Sumeru's Reputation 3 reward, can also be used to cut wood.

Materials by Usage[]

The amount required is for a single crafting of every furnishing that uses the material.

Type Furnishings
Used In
Iron Chunk Iron Chunk 126 721
White Iron Chunk White Iron Chunk 169 1035
Fabric Fabric 202 1022
Red Dye Red Dye 102 469
Blue Dye Blue Dye 89 434
Yellow Dye Yellow Dye 60 261
Adhigama Wood Adhigama Wood 58 447
Aralia Wood Aralia Wood 28 242
Ash Wood Ash Wood 5 28
Athel Wood Athel Wood 26 190
Bamboo Segment Bamboo Segment 13 88
Birch Wood Birch Wood 34 312
Brightwood Brightwood 34 325
Cuihua Wood Cuihua Wood 46 414
Cypress Wood Cypress Wood 3 24
Fir Wood Fir Wood 57 398
Fragrant Cedar Wood Fragrant Cedar Wood 18 166
Karmaphala Wood Karmaphala Wood 29 270
Linden Wood Linden Wood 3 16
Mallow Wood Mallow Wood 9 58
Maple Wood Maple Wood 34 274
Mountain Date Wood Mountain Date Wood 2 24
Otogi Wood Otogi Wood 49 414
Pine Wood Pine Wood 47 314
Sandbearer Wood Sandbearer Wood 49 384
Torch Wood Torch Wood 0 0
Yumemiru Wood Yumemiru Wood 24 246

Gardening Materials[]

Gardening Materials are items used for growing plants. There are 38 Gardening Material(s):

Image Name Planted on Source
Item Sweet Flower Seed Sweet Flower Seed Jade Field Harvesting Sweet Flower with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Valberry Seed Valberry Seed Jade Field Harvesting Valberry with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Small Lamp Grass Seed Small Lamp Grass Seed Jade Field Harvesting Small Lamp Grass with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Jueyun Chili Seed Jueyun Chili Seed Jade Field Harvesting Jueyun Chili with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Carrot Seed Carrot Seed Jade Field Harvesting Carrot with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Radish Seed Radish Seed Jade Field Harvesting Radish with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Mint Seed Mint Seed Jade Field Harvesting Mint with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Mushroom Spore Mushroom Spore Jade Field Harvesting Mushroom with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Harra Fruit Seed Harra Fruit Seed Jade Field Harvesting Harra Fruit with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Zaytun Peach Seed Zaytun Peach Seed Jade Field Harvesting Zaytun Peach with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Marcotte Seed Marcotte Seed Jade Field Harvesting Marcotte with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Grainfruit Kernel Grainfruit Kernel Jade Field Harvesting Grainfruit with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Cacahuatl Seed Cacahuatl Seed Jade Field Harvesting Cacahuatl with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Saurian Claw Succulent Seed Saurian Claw Succulent Seed Jade Field Harvesting Saurian Claw Succulent with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Quenepa Berry Seed Quenepa Berry Seed Jade Field Harvesting Quenepa Berry with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Glowing Hornshroom Spore Glowing Hornshroom Spore Jade Field Harvesting Glowing Hornshroom with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Silk Flower Seed Silk Flower Seed Luxuriant Glebe Harvesting Silk Flower with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Cecilia Seed Cecilia Seed Luxuriant Glebe Harvesting Cecilia with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Glaze Lily Seed Glaze Lily Seed Luxuriant Glebe Harvesting Glaze Lily with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Windwheel Aster Seed Windwheel Aster Seed Luxuriant Glebe Harvesting Windwheel Aster with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Qingxin Seed Qingxin Seed Luxuriant Glebe Harvesting Qingxin with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Violetgrass Seed Violetgrass Seed Luxuriant Glebe Harvesting Violetgrass with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Naku Weed Seed Naku Weed Seed Luxuriant Glebe Harvesting Naku Weed with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Dreambloom: Star Hibiscus Seed Dreambloom: Star Hibiscus Seed Luxuriant Glebe Daily seed exchange during Dreams of Bloom.
Item Dreambloom: Pearbell Seed Dreambloom: Pearbell Seed Luxuriant Glebe Daily seed exchange during Dreams of Bloom.
Item Dreambloom: Silkpod Seed Dreambloom: Silkpod Seed Luxuriant Glebe Daily seed exchange during Dreams of Bloom.
Item Sumeru Rose Seed Sumeru Rose Seed Luxuriant Glebe Harvesting Sumeru Rose with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Lumidouce Bell Seed Lumidouce Bell Seed Luxuriant Glebe Harvesting Lumidouce Bell with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Rainbow Rose Seed Rainbow Rose Seed Luxuriant Glebe Harvesting Rainbow Rose with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Brilliant Chrysanthemum Seed Brilliant Chrysanthemum Seed Luxuriant Glebe Harvesting Brilliant Chrysanthemum with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Horsetail Seed Horsetail Seed Orderly Meadow Harvesting Horsetail with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Snapdragon Seed Snapdragon Seed Orderly Meadow Harvesting Snapdragon with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Lotus Seed Lotus Seed Orderly Meadow Harvesting Lotus Head with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Calla Lily Seed Calla Lily Seed Orderly Meadow Harvesting Calla Lily with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Seagrass Seed Seagrass Seed Orderly Meadow Harvesting Seagrass with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Sea Ganoderma Cutting Sea Ganoderma Cutting Orderly Meadow Harvesting Sea Ganoderma with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Pluie Lotus Seed Pluie Lotus Seed Orderly Meadow Harvesting Pluie Lotus with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot
Item Sprayfeather Gill Seed Sprayfeather Gill Seed Orderly Meadow Harvesting Sprayfeather Gill with the Seed Dispensary
Realm Depot

Change History[]

Version 4.0

Version 3.1

Version 3.0

Version 2.0

Version 1.5


  1. KeqingMains Theorycrafting Library: Wood Daily Drop Limit
  2. KeqingMains Theorycrafting Library: Utility Passive: Woodchuck Chucked

