Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Adhigama Wood is obtained by cutting down Adhigama Trees. It is an item used to craft furnishings.


Adhigama Wood can be found all around Dharma Forest.

See the Teyvat Interactive Map for specific locations.


Icon Wood Recipe
Adhigama Wood 1 Adhigama Wood
Icon Wood Recipe
Adhigama Wood 1 Adhigama Wood
Icon Wood Recipe
Adhigama Wood 1 Adhigama Wood
Icon Wood Recipe
Adhigama Wood 1 Adhigama Wood
Icon Wood Recipe
Adhigama Wood 1 Adhigama Wood
Icon Wood Recipe
Adhigama Wood 1 Adhigama Wood
Icon Wood Recipe
Adhigama Wood 1 Adhigama Wood

Shop Availability[]

There is 1 Shop that sells Adhigama Wood:

Item NPC Realm Currency Cost Stock Notes
Adhigama Wood Adhigama Wood Serenitea Pot/Realm Depot 10 10

Craft Usage[]

There are 58 items that can be crafted using Adhigama Wood:

ItemCraft TypeRecipe
"Amurta Flag" "Amurta Flag"CreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×6
Fabric Fabric ×6
"Haravatat Flag" "Haravatat Flag"CreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×6
Fabric Fabric ×6
"Iron, Blood, Broken Armor" "Iron, Blood, Broken Armor"CreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×8
Iron Chunk Iron Chunk ×4
"Iron, Sand, Treasure" "Iron, Sand, Treasure"CreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×8
Iron Chunk Iron Chunk ×4
"Iron, Water, Steam" "Iron, Water, Steam"CreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×12
"It Just Might Work!" "It Just Might Work!"CreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×8
"Kshahrewar Flag" "Kshahrewar Flag"CreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×6
Fabric Fabric ×6
"Petaled Shade" "Petaled Shade"CreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×6
Fabric Fabric ×4
"Rtawahist Flag" "Rtawahist Flag"CreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×6
Fabric Fabric ×6
"Spantamad Flag" "Spantamad Flag"CreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×6
Fabric Fabric ×6
"Sweet Luster" "Sweet Luster"CreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×8
Fabric Fabric ×4
"Vahumana Flag" "Vahumana Flag"CreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×6
Fabric Fabric ×6
Adhigama Vine-Backed Chair Adhigama Vine-Backed ChairCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×12
Adhigama Wood "Comfort" Bed Adhigama Wood "Comfort" BedCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×8
Fabric Fabric ×4
Adhigama Wood "Repose" Couch Adhigama Wood "Repose" CouchCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×12
Fabric Fabric ×6
Adhigama Wood "Versatile" Shelves Adhigama Wood "Versatile" ShelvesCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×12
Adhigama Wood Open-Air Food Stall Adhigama Wood Open-Air Food StallCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×8
Iron Chunk Iron Chunk ×2
Aromas of the City of Wisdom Aromas of the City of WisdomCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×8
White Iron Chunk White Iron Chunk ×4
Building Block of the City of Wisdom Building Block of the City of WisdomCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×8
White Iron Chunk White Iron Chunk ×4
Commerce of the City of Wisdom Commerce of the City of WisdomCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×8
White Iron Chunk White Iron Chunk ×4
Contrasts of the City of Wisdom Contrasts of the City of WisdomCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×8
White Iron Chunk White Iron Chunk ×4
Deepwood Dweller's Aggregation Deepwood Dweller's AggregationCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×12
Deepwood Dweller's Deliberation Deepwood Dweller's DeliberationCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×8
Fabric Fabric ×4
Deepwood Dweller's Estimation Deepwood Dweller's EstimationCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×8
Fabric Fabric ×4
Deepwood Dweller's Lonesome Deepwood Dweller's LonesomeCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×8
Fabric Fabric ×4
Deepwood Dweller's Perseverance Deepwood Dweller's PerseveranceCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×8
Fabric Fabric ×4
Delicacies of the City of Wisdom Delicacies of the City of WisdomCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×8
White Iron Chunk White Iron Chunk ×4
Dripping Verdant Light Dripping Verdant LightCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×8
Iron Chunk Iron Chunk ×4
Embodiment of Warfare Embodiment of WarfareCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×4
White Iron Chunk White Iron Chunk ×4
Errands in the City of Wisdom Errands in the City of WisdomCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×12
White Iron Chunk White Iron Chunk ×6
Fisherman's Catch Fisherman's CatchCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×8
Fisherman's Clemency Fisherman's ClemencyCreationBrightwood Brightwood ×4
Adhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×4
Fisherman's Craftsmanship Fisherman's CraftsmanshipCreationBrightwood Brightwood ×3
Adhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×3
Fabric Fabric ×2
Fisherman's Dealings Fisherman's DealingsCreationBrightwood Brightwood ×6
Adhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×6
Fisherman's Delicacy Fisherman's DelicacyCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×8
Fisherman's Efforts Fisherman's EffortsCreationBrightwood Brightwood ×2
Adhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×2
Fisherman's Maintenance Fisherman's MaintenanceCreationBrightwood Brightwood ×6
Adhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×6
Fisherman's Preservation Trick Fisherman's Preservation TrickCreationBrightwood Brightwood ×4
Adhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×4
Fisherman's Storage Solution Fisherman's Storage SolutionCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×4
Fluttering Light Fluttering LightCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×8
Fabric Fabric ×4
Ingenuity of the Forest Forager Ingenuity of the Forest ForagerCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×8
Long Adhigama Chamfer Table Long Adhigama Chamfer TableCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×12
Peace in the City of Wisdom Peace in the City of WisdomCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×8
White Iron Chunk White Iron Chunk ×4
Port Ormos GP Crane III Port Ormos GP Crane IIICreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×12
Iron Chunk Iron Chunk ×6
Scrolls from the Land of Wisdom Scrolls from the Land of WisdomCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×12
Shaded Clarity Shaded ClarityCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×8
White Iron Chunk White Iron Chunk ×4
Slumbering Dewlight Slumbering DewlightCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×8
Iron Chunk Iron Chunk ×4
Steel Stopper Steel StopperCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×4
White Iron Chunk White Iron Chunk ×4
Tea-Break Shade Tea-Break ShadeCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×4
Fabric Fabric ×4
Red Dye Red Dye ×4
Tenacity of the City of Wisdom Tenacity of the City of WisdomCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×8
White Iron Chunk White Iron Chunk ×4
The Eremites' Flame of Vigor The Eremites' Flame of VigorCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×4
Iron Chunk Iron Chunk ×4
The Eremites' Odyssey The Eremites' OdysseyCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×8
White Iron Chunk White Iron Chunk ×4
The Essentials The EssentialsCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×8
Treasure from the Land of Wisdom Treasure from the Land of WisdomCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×18
Treasures of the City of Wisdom Treasures of the City of WisdomCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×8
White Iron Chunk White Iron Chunk ×4
Woven Depth Woven DepthCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×6
Fabric Fabric ×4
Woven Fruition Woven FruitionCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×6
Fabric Fabric ×4
Woven Length Woven LengthCreationAdhigama Wood Adhigama Wood ×6
Fabric Fabric ×4


Video Guides[]

133 Adhigama Wood in 4 Minutes

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishAdhigama Wood
Enlightenment-Achieving Wood[• 1]
Enlightenment-Achieving Wood[• 1]
Korean아디가마 나무 원목원목
Adigama Namu Wonmok
Adhigama Tree Hardwood
SpanishMadera de bodhiBodhi Wood
FrenchBois d'épiphanieEpiphany Wood
RussianДревесина адхигамы
Drevesina adkhigamy
Adhigama Wood
Thaiไม้ Adhigama
Mai Adhigama
Adhigama Wood
VietnameseGỗ AdhigamaAdhigama Wood
GermanAdhigama-HolzAdhigama Wood
IndonesianAdhigama Wood
PortugueseMadeira da AdhigamaAdhigama Wood
TurkishAdhigama KütüğüAdhigama Log
ItalianLegno di AdhigamaAdhigama Wood
  1. 1.0 1.1 Chinese and Japanese: The phrase 证悟/證悟 Zhèngwù/証悟 Shougo/अभिसंबुद्धबोध Abhisaṃbuddha-bodhi is a Buddhist term that describes a practitioner that has achieved the highest phala, or "fruits" of enlightenment.

Change History[]

