Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Rippling Heartfeather Bass is a type of fish that can be found in Fontaine and be used as a pet for the Serenitea Pot. Rippling Heartfeather Bass can be obtained through fishing using Sour Bait Sour Bait. The fish will only spawn between the hours of 18:00 – 06:00, based on in-game time.


11 Fishing Points have Rippling Heartfeather Bass:

Fishing Point
Streaming Axe MarlinSugardew Bait
Blazing Heartfeather BassSour Bait
Maintenance Mek: Water Body CleanerFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Ornamental Streaming Axe Marlin
Ornamental Blazing Heartfeather Bass
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Water Body Cleaner

Streaming Axe MarlinSugardew Bait
Rippling Heartfeather BassSour Bait
Maintenance Mek: Situation ControllerFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Ornamental Streaming Axe Marlin
Ornamental Rippling Heartfeather Bass
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Situation Controller
Streaming Axe MarlinSugardew Bait
Blazing Heartfeather BassSour Bait
Maintenance Mek: Initial ConfigurationFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Ornamental Streaming Axe Marlin
Ornamental Blazing Heartfeather Bass
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Initial Configuration

Streaming Axe MarlinSugardew Bait
Rippling Heartfeather BassSour Bait
Maintenance Mek: Initial ConfigurationFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Ornamental Streaming Axe Marlin
Ornamental Rippling Heartfeather Bass
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Initial Configuration
MedakaFruit Paste Bait
Blazing Heartfeather BassSour Bait
Maintenance Mek: Water Body CleanerFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Ornamental Medaka
Ornamental Blazing Heartfeather Bass
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Water Body Cleaner

MedakaFruit Paste Bait
Rippling Heartfeather BassSour Bait
Maintenance Mek: Platinum CollectionFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Ornamental Medaka
Ornamental Rippling Heartfeather Bass
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Platinum Collection
Streaming Axe MarlinSugardew Bait
Blazing Heartfeather BassSour Bait
Maintenance Mek: Water Body CleanerFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Ornamental Streaming Axe Marlin
Ornamental Blazing Heartfeather Bass
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Water Body Cleaner

Streaming Axe MarlinSugardew Bait
Rippling Heartfeather BassSour Bait
Maintenance Mek: Situation ControllerFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Ornamental Streaming Axe Marlin
Ornamental Rippling Heartfeather Bass
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Situation Controller
Streaming Axe MarlinSugardew Bait
Blazing Heartfeather BassSour Bait
Maintenance Mek: Initial ConfigurationFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Ornamental Streaming Axe Marlin
Ornamental Blazing Heartfeather Bass
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Initial Configuration

Streaming Axe MarlinSugardew Bait
Rippling Heartfeather BassSour Bait
Maintenance Mek: Initial ConfigurationFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Ornamental Streaming Axe Marlin
Ornamental Rippling Heartfeather Bass
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Initial Configuration
Sandstorm AnglerSugardew Bait
Maintenance Mek: Initial ConfigurationFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Maintenance Mek: Water Body CleanerFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Ornamental Sandstorm Angler
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Initial Configuration
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Water Body Cleaner

Rippling Heartfeather BassSour Bait
Maintenance Mek: Initial ConfigurationFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Maintenance Mek: Situation ControllerFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Ornamental Rippling Heartfeather Bass
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Initial Configuration
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Situation Controller
MedakaFruit Paste Bait
Streaming Axe MarlinSugardew Bait
Maintenance Mek: Initial ConfigurationFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Maintenance Mek: Water Body CleanerFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Ornamental Medaka
Ornamental Streaming Axe Marlin
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Initial Configuration
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Water Body Cleaner

MedakaFruit Paste Bait
Streaming Axe MarlinSugardew Bait
Rippling Heartfeather BassSour Bait
Maintenance Mek: Initial ConfigurationFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Ornamental Medaka
Ornamental Streaming Axe Marlin
Ornamental Rippling Heartfeather Bass
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Initial Configuration
MedakaFruit Paste Bait
Blazing Heartfeather BassSour Bait
Maintenance Mek: Gold LeaderFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Ornamental Medaka
Ornamental Blazing Heartfeather Bass
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Gold Leader

MedakaFruit Paste Bait
Rippling Heartfeather BassSour Bait
Maintenance Mek: Situation ControllerFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Maintenance Mek: Gold LeaderFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Ornamental Medaka
Ornamental Rippling Heartfeather Bass
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Situation Controller
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Gold Leader
MedakaFruit Paste Bait
Blazing Heartfeather BassSour Bait
Maintenance Mek: Water Body CleanerFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Maintenance Mek: Gold LeaderFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Ornamental Medaka
Ornamental Blazing Heartfeather Bass
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Water Body Cleaner
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Gold Leader

MedakaFruit Paste Bait
Rippling Heartfeather BassSour Bait
Maintenance Mek: Situation ControllerFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Maintenance Mek: Gold LeaderFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Ornamental Medaka
Ornamental Rippling Heartfeather Bass
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Situation Controller
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Gold Leader
Streaming Axe MarlinSugardew Bait
Maintenance Mek: Water Body CleanerFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Maintenance Mek: Gold LeaderFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Ornamental Streaming Axe Marlin
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Water Body Cleaner
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Gold Leader

Streaming Axe MarlinSugardew Bait
Rippling Heartfeather BassSour Bait
Maintenance Mek: Gold LeaderFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Ornamental Streaming Axe Marlin
Ornamental Rippling Heartfeather Bass
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Gold Leader
Streaming Axe MarlinSugardew Bait
Blazing Heartfeather BassSour Bait
Maintenance Mek: Initial ConfigurationFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Maintenance Mek: Water Body CleanerFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Maintenance Mek: Gold LeaderFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Ornamental Streaming Axe Marlin
Ornamental Blazing Heartfeather Bass
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Initial Configuration
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Water Body Cleaner
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Gold Leader

Streaming Axe MarlinSugardew Bait
Rippling Heartfeather BassSour Bait
Maintenance Mek: Initial ConfigurationFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Maintenance Mek: Situation ControllerFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Maintenance Mek: Gold LeaderFlashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Ornamental Streaming Axe Marlin
Ornamental Rippling Heartfeather Bass
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Initial Configuration
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Situation Controller
Ornamental Maintenance Mek: Gold Leader

Shop Usage[]

2 items can be bought with Rippling Heartfeather Bass:

DelarocheFleuve Cendre Ferryman Fleuve Cendre FerrymanMaintenance Mek: Platinum Collection Maintenance Mek: Platinum Collection ×4
Rippling Heartfeather Bass Rippling Heartfeather Bass ×10
Blazing Heartfeather Bass Blazing Heartfeather Bass ×10
Streaming Axe Marlin Streaming Axe Marlin ×12
Martens' Omni-Fix Martens' Omni-FixMaintenance Mek: Platinum Collection Maintenance Mek: Platinum Collection ×2
Rippling Heartfeather Bass Rippling Heartfeather Bass ×5
Blazing Heartfeather Bass Blazing Heartfeather Bass ×5
Streaming Axe Marlin Streaming Axe Marlin ×6


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishRippling Heartfeather Bass
Poppo Haatofezaa Suzuki
Korean포포 하트 농어
Popo Hateu Nong'eo
SpanishPerca aletacorazónHeartfin Bass
FrenchBar plumé ondulantRippling Feathered Bass
RussianВолнистый сердцепёрый окунь
Volnistyy serdtsepyoryy okun'
Wavy Heartfeather Bass
ThaiRippling Heartfeather Bass
VietnameseCá Vược Sóng Gợn
GermanPlätschernder HerzfederbarschPlashing Heartfeather Bass
IndonesianRippling Heartfeather Bass
PortuguesePeixe Arrebata-Coração
TurkishDalgalı Kalp Tüylü LevrekRippling Heartfeather Bass
ItalianSpigola Cuor di piuma increspata

Change History[]

