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Genshin Impact Wiki

Midlander Claymore Billet is a Forging Material used in forging 4-Star claymores of the Aranara Series and Beaumont Series.


Icon Converting Recipe
Midlander Claymore Billet 1 Mid­lan­der Clay­more Bil­let
Icon Converting Recipe
Midlander Claymore Billet 1 Mid­lan­der Clay­more Bil­let

Craft Usage[]

There are 4 items that can be crafted using Midlander Claymore Billet:

ItemCraft TypeRecipe
Borderland Claymore Billet Borderland Claymore BilletConvertingMidlander Claymore Billet Midlander Claymore Billet ×1
Dream Solvent Dream Solvent ×2
Forest Regalia Forest RegaliaForgingMidlander Claymore Billet Midlander Claymore Billet ×1
Crystal Chunk Crystal Chunk ×50
White Iron Chunk White Iron Chunk ×50
Mora Mora ×500
Northlander Claymore Billet Northlander Claymore BilletConvertingMidlander Claymore Billet Midlander Claymore Billet ×1
Dream Solvent Dream Solvent ×2
Tidal Shadow Tidal ShadowForgingMidlander Claymore Billet Midlander Claymore Billet ×1
Condessence Crystal Condessence Crystal ×50
White Iron Chunk White Iron Chunk ×50
Mora Mora ×500

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishMidlander Claymore Billet
Yānglù Shuāngshǒu-jiàn Yuánpēi
Yānglù Shuāngshǒu-jiàn Yuánpēi
Chuuou Tairiku Ryoute Ken no Genkei
Center Continent Two Handed Sword Prototype
Korean중앙 대륙의 양손검 원형
Jung'ang Daeryuk-ui Yangsongeom Wonhyeong
Middleland's Double-Handed Sword Prototype
SpanishPrototipo de mandoble de las Regiones CentralesPrototype Greatsword of the Central Regions
FrenchBase d'épée à deux mains du centreClaymoreClaymoreClaymoreClaymoreTooltip for ClaymoreClaymore Base from the Center
RussianЗаготовка двуручного меча центральных земель
Zagotovka dvuruchnogo mecha tsentral'nykh zemel'
Central Lands Two-Handed Sword Billet
ThaiMidlander Claymore Billet
VietnamesePhôi Trọng Kiếm Trung Địa
GermanUnbearbeiteter Zweihänder des KernlandsUnprocessed Two-Handed Sword of the Heartland
IndonesianMidlander Claymore Billet
PortugueseProtótipo de Espadão do Território Central
TurkishOrta Diyar Çift Elli Kılıç PrototipiMidland's Two-Handed Sword Prototype
ItalianBilletta della Claymore delle terre centraliClaymore Billet of the Central Lands

Change History[]

