Maintenance Mek: Situation Controller
Compact assistance meka developed to increase the overall utilization rates of meka teams, providing aid for underwater projects. They were originally designed to remove junk, vegetation, and other underwater debris in order to prevent these from clogging up the vital parts of other clockwork meka, thereby minimizing failure rates. From another point of view, they are undoubtedly benefiting Fontaine's ecosystem greatly as underwater cleaners. Equipped with high-sensitivity sensors, the meka can efficiently "nose out" target items through smells as well as detect the optical characteristics of underwater junk. As a result, they can be attracted by certain types of bait and are occasionally caught by anglers, who refer to them as "Water Maintenance Fish" or "Iron Fish." Under certain conditions, Maintenance Meks will treat the food of some underwater creatures as targets to be cleaned, and thus sometimes find themselves embroiled in conflicts in which they are at a disadvantage due to their small size and lack of power. Over time, an increasing number were being damaged as a result. To protect the previous two models and ensure safe cleaning, researchers utilized existent frameworks and did their best to increase the power density of core structures. In the end, they developed a third model with certain combat capabilities, which was primarily designed to drive away underwater creatures by ramming into them. The new model was rapidly manufactured on the basis of previous processes. However, the plan to further enhance "Situation Controllers" was suddenly terminated by the Fontaine Research Institute. After all, if these little things were capable of driving ferocious underwater creatures away, then what were all the other underwater meka for? In reality, these "Situation Controllers" were of no real use against the underwater creatures that actually posed a threat to the other meka, and could only deal with common fishes and damage the ecosystem. As a result, researchers had to shut down some of them intentionally and restrict their offensive capabilities.
Maintenance Mek: Situation Controller is a type of fish that can be found in Fontaine and be used as a pet for the Serenitea Pot . Maintenance Mek: Situation Controllers can be obtained through fishing using Flashing Maintenance Mek Bait .
Locations [ ]
Main article:
Fishing Points
10 Fishing Points have Maintenance Mek: Situation Controller:
Craft Usage [ ]
There is 1 item that can be crafted using Maintenance Mek: Situation Controller :
Item Craft Type Recipe "Maintenance Mek" Salvaged Parts Converting Maintenance Mek: Situation Controller ×1
Shop Usage [ ]
2 items can be bought with Maintenance Mek: Situation Controller:
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Language Official Name Literal Meaning English Maintenance Mek: Situation Controller — Chinese(Simplified) 维护机关・态势控制者 Wéihù Jīguān - Tàishì Kòngzhì-zhě Maintenance Mechanism - Situation Controller Chinese(Traditional) 維護機關・勢態控制者 Wéihù Jīguān - Shìtài Kòngzhì-zhě Japanese メンテマシナリー・態勢制御者 Mente Mashinarii - Taisei Seigyo-sha Maintenance Machinery - Situation Controller Korean 유지 보수 장치・상황 제어 타입 Yuji Bosu Jangchi - Sanghwang Jeeo Taip Spanish Mecarreparador de control Control Repair Mek French Mek de maintenance : Contrô leur de l'environnement Maintenance Mek: Environment Controller Russian Ремонтный мек : Управление ситуацией Remontnyy mek: Upravleniye situatsiyey Maintenance Mek: Situation Control Thai จักรกลบำรุงรักษา - ผู้ควบคุมสถานการณ์ Vietnamese Robot Bảo Trì - Xử Lý Tình Huống German Unterstü tzungs-Mecha – Arbeitsbedingungs-Stabilisator Support Mek – Work Condition Stabilizer Indonesian Maintenance Mek: Situation Controller — Portuguese Mecaprotetor: Controlador Turkish Teknisyen Meka: Durum Kontrolcü sü Technician Mek: Situation Controller Italian Meka manutentore Controllore situazionale
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