Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Silk Flower Seed is a Gardening Material which can be obtained by harvesting Silk Flower with the Seed Dispensary or purchased from the Realm Depot for Realm Currency Realm Currency ×5.

Shop Availability[]

There is 1 Shop that sells Silk Flower Seed:

Item NPC Realm Currency Cost Stock Notes
Silk Flower Seed Silk Flower Seed Serenitea Pot/Realm Depot 5 5

Craft Usage[]

There is 1 item that can be crafted using Silk Flower Seed:

ItemCraft TypeRecipe
Silk Flower Silk Flower ×2Luxuriant GlebeSilk Flower Seed Silk Flower Seed ×1

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishSilk Flower Seed
"Nícháng-huā" de Zhǒngzi
"Nícháng-huā" de Zhǒngzi
"Geishou-bana" no Tane
Korean「예상꽃」 씨앗
"Yesangkkot" Ssiat
SpanishSemilla de flor de seda
FrenchGraine de fleur de soie
RussianСемена шелковицы
Semena shelkovitsy
ThaiSilk Flower Seed
VietnameseHạt giống Hoa Nghê Thường
IndonesianSilk Flower Seed
PortugueseSemente de Flor de Seda
Turkishİpek Çiçeği Tohumu
ItalianSeme di Fiordiseta

Change History[]

