Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Spring of the First Dewdrop is a Local Specialty found in Fontaine.

How to Obtain[]

Spring of the First Dewdrops can be found underwater surrounding the Tower of Ipsissimus in Morte Region, sometimes in Huge Shells.

See the Teyvat Interactive Map for specific locations.

Shop Availability[]

There is 1 Shop that sells Spring of the First Dewdrop:

Item NPC Material Cost Stock Notes
Spring of the First Dewdrop Spring of the First Dewdrop Pahsiv Tidalga Tidalga ×2 15

Craft Usage[]

No recipes use Spring of the First Dewdrop as an ingredient.

Ascension Usage[]

1 Character uses Spring of the First Dewdrop for ascension:

NaviaGeo Navia

No Weapons use Spring of the First Dewdrop for ascension.


A limpid drop of dew floating amidst the waters of Morte Region. It is different from other pure water bodies, as though it is a conglomeration of even more pure and primordial Elemental Energy.
The Natural Philosophers of ancient Fontaine never recorded such a creation, until engineers from the Fontaine Research Institute began to conduct some scattered research over 400 years ago. Some scholars believe that this pure Ichor was the final legacy Egeria bequeathed to Fontaine — but even today, this theory has no reliable evidence to support it.


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishSpring of the First Dewdrop
Chūlù zhī Yuán
Origin of the First Dew
Chūlù zhī Yuán
Shoro no Minamoto‍[!][!]
Spring of the First Dewdrop
Korean 이슬의 근원
Cheot Iseurui Geunwon
SpanishGota de rocío primigenioPrimal Dewdrop
FrenchSource des premières roséesSource of the First Dews
RussianИсточник первой росы
Istochnik pervoy rosy
Spring of the First Dew
ThaiSpring of the First Dewdrop
VietnameseGiọt Sương Ban Sớm
GermanQuelle des ersten TausSource of the First Dew
IndonesianSpring of the First Dewdrop
PortuguesePrimavera do Primeiro OrvalhoSpring of the First Dew
Turkishİlk Çiy Damlasının KaynağıSource of the First Dewdrop
ItalianSorgente della prima goccia di rugiadaSource of the First Dewdrop

Change History[]

