Showing posts with label JUMP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JUMP. Show all posts

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy New Year!

Hope some of you are from Canada as I just did an interview with Vancouver Co-op Radio this morning (it will be aired on Monday, Jan 7). I will post the URL once I know it.

So, how are you and what you would like to do in 2008?

I am in the middle of getting rid of my clutter and renovating our 200 year-old house. My intention is to finish this big task and to remodel our barn into our guest house.

I would love to publish two new books, write 100 Japanese and 50 English blogs, 50 Japanese mail magazines, translate two documentary English films into Japanese, and give 100 lectures. (it is about the same amount of work as I tackled last year)

I also would like to attend the 4th global summit for Ministries and Departments of Peace that will be held in Sydney, Australia in Sept, 2008. I will be attending the Article 9 World Conference in May.

It will be another eventful year and I am here to make this planet more peaceful and sustainable place for every one of us and to serve humanity. God and goddess of the universe, please use me as your tool.

Let me hear from you on your New Year's resolution.

Friday, April 14, 2006

JUMP Kick Off Concert on April 29

JUMP flyer JPG

If you have friends living in and around Tokyo, an interesting peace concert will be held on April 29, 2006. This concert is the kick off event for JUMP, Japan United for a Ministry of Peace.

Please spread the good news by putting news of the concert in your blog and homepage.

Your help is appreciated to help make true PEACE a reality.

The Japanese government wants to discard our Peace Constitution, including Article 9, and is preparing many wartime laws which will make our nation a Police State, following in the steps of the USA. If you know of any English or Japanese publications, please submit the concert information below to their event calender.


JUMP flyer JPG

"JUMP Kick off Concert"
JUMP (Japan United for a Ministry of Peace) will have a Kick Off Concert on April 29, 2006 in Tokyo, at Educus Tokyo from 6:30pm to 8:30.
(nearest station: Kojimachi, or Ichigaya JR, across from old Nihon TV bldg.)

Musicians will include The New Frontiers -1 (minus one member), ZAKI, Kazumi, Yukie Ikebe and others. MC: Yumi Kikuchi. Tickets: 2000 yen reserved, 2500 yen at the door.
*reservations can be made through Yumi: [email protected]

JUMP is a citizen's volunteer group aiming to establish a Ministry of Peace in Japan. Representatives of JUMP will attend the 2nd People's Initiative for a Department of Peace which is to be held in Victoria, Canada from the 18th to the 22nd of June. This event is fundraiser for the conference to help 3rd world delegates attend as well as to promote JUMP in Japan.

To join JUMP and/or to help spread the word about JUMP, please contact Yumi.

Thursday, April 13, 2006


JUMP (Japan United for Ministry of Peace or 平和省プロジェクト in Japanese) will have a "JUMP Kick Off Concert" on April 29, 2006 in Tokyo, at Educus Tokyo (Ichigaya, In front of old Nihon TV office) from 6:30pm.

Musicians will include The New Frontiers -1 (minus one member), ZAKI, Kazumi and others.
MC: Yumi Kikuchi.
Tickets: 2000 yen reserved - 2500 yen at the door.

You can send an e-mail to me to reserve tickets: [email protected]

JUMP is a citizen's volunteer group aiming to establish a Ministry of Peace in Japan. Representatives of JUMP will attend the 2nd People's Initiative for a Department of Peace to be held in Victoria, Canada in June (18-22) and this event is fundraiser for the conference to help 3rd world delegates attend the conference.

You can find out more about the 2nd People’s Initiative for a Department of Peace on this page.