Showing posts with label Home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

♪ Interview with Alfred Weber on Vancouver Coop Radio ♪ - 50 min 59 sec - 11.8 MB

PodCast GIF

I had a wonderful and fun conversation with Alfred Webre early in the morning of January 3, 2008 at our home, The Harmonics Life Center, just before coming to Kona, Hawaii, where I am writing this. I shared with him the major changes that have occurred in my life, from being a corporate bond trader to an environmentalist, and now a peace and environmental activist, living at 200 year old farm house growing rice and vegetables.

I enjoy my life in the mountains surrounding Kamogawa, which is fishing and agricultural village, endeavoring to live a sustainable life as possible. I am eager to learn from other wonderful people around the world who also live a creative and sustainable life. We are visiting people in Kona who live such a life like Mayumi Oda at Ginger Hill Farm(The website is in Japanese only!) in Kealakekua.

I have been just following my passion and love and this way of life naturally became my lifestyle. I am sure every one of us has a unique passion, it is important to follow it and keep your dream alive.

Please listen to the Coop radio program. You are welcome to stay our farm when you are in Japan. One night stay with two organic meals (dinner and breakfast) at Harmonics Life Center is US$50 per person.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy New Year!

Hope some of you are from Canada as I just did an interview with Vancouver Co-op Radio this morning (it will be aired on Monday, Jan 7). I will post the URL once I know it.

So, how are you and what you would like to do in 2008?

I am in the middle of getting rid of my clutter and renovating our 200 year-old house. My intention is to finish this big task and to remodel our barn into our guest house.

I would love to publish two new books, write 100 Japanese and 50 English blogs, 50 Japanese mail magazines, translate two documentary English films into Japanese, and give 100 lectures. (it is about the same amount of work as I tackled last year)

I also would like to attend the 4th global summit for Ministries and Departments of Peace that will be held in Sydney, Australia in Sept, 2008. I will be attending the Article 9 World Conference in May.

It will be another eventful year and I am here to make this planet more peaceful and sustainable place for every one of us and to serve humanity. God and goddess of the universe, please use me as your tool.

Let me hear from you on your New Year's resolution.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Clean Up Your Mess and Move On

I started "Space Clearing" after reading Karen Kingston's book "Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui". She says, if you want peace, you need to start looking for it in your heart and your house first! I have known this but I have neglected it for a long time as I had been so engaged in the preparation of the 3rd Global Summit for Ministries and Departments of Peace we hosted last month. It was very successful (I still have some work left), but I now have more time to take care of myself and my home.

When I visited Hollis in San Francisco last month on the way back from the Raw Spirit Festival in Sedona, we felt we could do this together. Her house is much tidier than mine and she already knew Feng Shui. Anyway, we decided to do this together, as we would encourage each other and actually accomplish what we want. So, I emailed her and she agreed to join me in cleaning up my mess. Hollis even started writing a blog about what we are doing and it is quite fun to read.

So, here I am in Kamogawa, Chiba, Japan, with Hollis in San Bruno, California. Both of us are engaged in Space Clearing and reporting our progress to each other.

Here are some photos of my progress:

Before JPG

After JPG

It took about a day to get to this!

My office does not look too bad now but actually I have more to do, and beyond my office I have eight more rooms! There is a lot to accomplish in front of me but I will not give up this time. Unfortunately, I gave up many times!

According to Karen, clutter is:
1 What you do not use or what you do not like
2 Things that are untidy
3 Too many things pushed into a small space
4 All unfinished work

Would you like to join us and clear your clutter. According to The Best Game on Earth, Rule 9, states: Clean Up Your Mess and Move on!

Anyway, you can read more in Hollis’ blog here.