Showing posts with label 911. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 911. Show all posts

Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 Years from 911

I pray for those who lost their lives on that day and beyond as a result of 911 and the two wars following 911 (Afghanistan and Iraq). I pray those who are left behind who are surviving and living their life overcoming the hardships.

I am sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you
I love you

The following video is something I would like to share with you today, especially with Americans who believe their government and corporate media, on the 10th anniversary of 911. Because I have so many dear friends in the USA:

I agree with the words of the producer of this video: "This is the biggest crime against humanity" and the truth needs to be revealed. I do not know when it will be and what the truth is, but I know it takes every one of us to make it happen.

You can see some of the people who are trying to reveal the truth. In fact, some of them have risked their lives to expose the discrepancies in the official story. They need more of our attention:
Here is USTREAM:

I would like to tell you that something similar is happening in Japan.

Right now, the facts about Fukushima nuclear power plants' disaster are being hidden from the public so that the government and companies can reduce the amount of money they need to pay out to compensate the victims. They knew that the meltdown occurred right after the 311 earthquake, but they hid it from from us and the world for two months. During those two months the Japanese people in and around Fukushima (in my case I lived 150 miles from it) were exposed to excess radiation. Our government and TEPCO continue to try to make the effect of the damage look smaller and more trivial than what actually is. Our media is the same as in the rest of the world. The truth is distorted to the advantage of the government and corporations.

Today the International Conference on Radiation and Health Risk in Fukushima is being held. Many citizens and citizens groups are challenging the reliability of the conference as they believe it is actually a propaganda event that is being used to support nuclear industry and medical establishment who underestimate the risk of low level radiation, especially internal exposure.

Please read the citizen's point of view here.

May Love, Life and Truth thrive!
Open Letter of Inquiry to the Organizing Committee for the International Expert Symposium in Fukushima — Radiation and Health Risks

September 10, 2011

Concerning the International Expert Symposium that the Organizing Committee is planning at Fukushima Medical University on September 11 and 12, we have several questions and concerns. Some of them arise from the explanation repeatedly given to the residents of Fukushima Prefecture since the mid-March that exposure to ionizing radiation up to 100 mSv per year represents no harm to the health. The others are related to the evaluation of the Health Examination for Citizens in Fukushima Prefecture, which is to be the main theme of the planned International Expert Symposium.

We consider that the mission of the experts in radiological protection consists in preventing health hazard by minimizing exposure to radiation. However, the document, “An Initiative for the Health Examination for Citizens in Fukushima Prefecture,” says that the purposes of the Examination are “to remove fears among residents of Fukushima Prefecture raised in the wake of the nuclear plant accidents and to secure safety and relief through long-term health management of the residents.” For us, citizens of Fukushima, “safety and relief” can only be achieved when these radioprotection experts fulfil their responsibilities. On the contrary, however, these experts have done nothing but repeat the argument that exposure to radiation up to 100 mSv per year represents no harm to the health.

Also when we find a passage in the briefing document on the said Health Examination that says, “The impact on public health of the accidents at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant can be assumed to be very minor,” we cannot but have an impression that the Examination is conducted under a presumed conclusion, refusing any on-going discussions with specialists with different views. We can only interpret such a scheme as an attempt to evade their own responsibilities. Distrust and discontent are rising among residents of the prefecture and the Japanese public at large. Exposure to radiation is continuing in diverse forms at various locations. Much of the responsibilities for this situation should be assumed by the Japanese experts who are the members of the Committee as well as by the selected foreign participants of the Symposium. It is very unlikely that any views helpful in changing the current situation and promoting proper radioprotection can be obtained from experts from overseas who are designated by the very parties responsible for the current situation. Given such development, we cannot help but concluding that what you are delivering is a make-believe external evaluation, which would only aggravate doubts and fears among residents.

For the reasons given above, we consider that the planned International Expert Symposium is inadequate to scientifically examine the impact on public health of radiation exposure resulted from the disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, or to correctly evaluate the health risks involved and protect the public from radiation exposure.

We hereby convey our view, followed by our inquiry below concerning the Symposium organized by the Committee. Your sincere response to our inquiry will be much appreciated. Please note that this Letter of Inquiry will not only be delivered to the Committee but also be open to the public.


Question #1
Among the participants of the Symposium, there are no researchers reporting that the impact of low-dose exposure on health is greater than the assessment by the International Commission on Radiological Protection. If the International Expert Symposium is committed to studies on the impact of radiation exposure on health, it is essential to raise discussions among experts and researchers with different views. For what reasons are such researchers excluded from the Symposium?

Question #2
Fukushima Medical University Vice President Shunichi YAMASHITA, one of the Committee members, has been giving explanation to Fukushima residents that it is safe to be exposed to radiation up to 100 mSv per year. On the other hand, the Food Safety Commission, Cabinet Office, gives quite a different view that adverse impact is observed when one is exposed to a total dose of 100 mSv over a lifetime. What is your opinion on the huge gap between these two observations?

Question #3
Concerning the number of persons that died of cancer caused under the impact of radiation due to the Chernobyl disaster and the number of cancer patients, there is a significant discrepancy between the IAEA/WHO report (4,000 cancer deaths estimated by the Chernobyl Forum in 2005) and Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, “Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment,” (published in 2009; a total of one million deaths caused by various cancerous and non-cancerous diseases, stillbirths, etc.) or many other reports from ECRR, German Radiological Protection Association, etc. How will you explain the gap? We would like to have the view of the Committee good enough to be accepted by residents with fears.

Question #4
There is a passage, “The only illness pinned down related to the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant is thyroid cancer among children caused by internal exposure to radioactive iodine. No increases of other illnesses have been recognized” (“Purpose and Outline” in the Health Examination document). Are you planning examination of massive studies and reports (e.g., Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, “Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment” and German Affiliate of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Health Effects of Chernobyl, 2010) indicating observations different from the view above? If not, please explain the reasons.

Question #5
Despite the fact that experts and researchers have different opinions, they are not having any debate on the differences. This will lead to increasing concerns among local residents, which is against the purposes of the Symposium. What are the purposes and intent of the Organizing Committee? What are the reasons behind them?

Question #6
In the August 16 press conference, the Organizing Committee announced that you would compile suggestions for removing concerns over radiation among Fukushima residents in general and mothers with children in particular. You say you will make suggestions for eliminating concerns. Why won’t you make suggestions for radiological protection, instead?

Question #7
While being aimed at eliminating concerns among the public, why is the Symposium being held by excluding citizens in general, not allowing their voices to reach?


Organizations and Researchers submitting this Letter of Inquiry
(in random order)
市民放射能測定所 Citizens' Radioactivity Measuring Station 47 プロジェクト Project47
低線量被ばくから子どもの未来を守るプロジェクトProject to protect the future of children from low dose exposure
高木学校 Takagi school
NPO 法人セイピースプロジェクト Say Peace Project
市民科学研究室・低線量被曝研究会 Exposure to Low-Dose Radiation Research Group, Citizen Science Initiative Japan
ドイツ放射線防護協会 German Society for Radiation Protection
たんぽぽ舎 no nukes plaza tanpoposya
未来の福島こども基金 Fukushima Children's Fund
and many others...

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Former Chief of the Fire Science Division of NIST calling for an independent review on WTC collapses

Hope you are having a relaxing holiday time with your family or loved ones.

Here is a breaking news that just came to me.
James Quintiere, Ph.D., former Chief of the Fire Science Division of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), has called for an independent review of NIST’s investigation into the collapses of the World Trade Center Towers on 9/11.

Dr. Quintiere made his plea during his presentation, “Questions on the WTC Investigations” at the 2007 World Fire Safety Conference. “I wish that there would be a peer review of this,” he said, referring to the NIST investigation. “I think all the records that NIST has assembled should be archived. I would really like to see someone else take a look at what they’ve done; both structurally and from a fire point of view.”

“I think the official conclusion that NIST arrived at is questionable,” explained Dr. Quintiere. “Let's look at real alternatives that might have been the cause of the collapse of the World Trade Towers and how that relates to the official cause and what's the significance of one cause versus another.”

full article

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

9/11 Family Group Releases TV Ad Calling for World Trade Center Building 7 Investigation

I have been waiting for this.

9/11 Family Group Releases TV Ad Calling for World Trade Center Building 7 Investigation. I know they have been raising fund for some time.

Robert MacIlvaine is the father of Bob Macllvaine Jr. who died on Sep 11, 2001, age 26. He is still seeking for truth.

He is the key figure in the film ZERO: An Investigation into 9/11, which is now being shown at Purebi Takasaki Cinema Complex from Nov 6 till Nov 20.

There will be more screenings in Yokohama, Sapporo, Osaka, Fukushima and Nagoya. The details in Japanese can be found here:

Finally, the ad for ZERO came out. I hope you will watch it and support 911 Truth by letting people know about it. Every bit helps.

Monday, September 20, 2010

ZERO Completely SOLD OUT!

I do not know what is happening. Are people are finally waking up or what?

The number of advance tickets sales for ZERO for Saturday were less than 20 and for Sunday less than 10, but for the two days, the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum for Photography theater was full for the screening of ZERO.

Sold Out JPG
The sign reads: The 18:40 showing of ZERO is SOLD OUT.

You can see more photos and articles in the ZERO Gallery.

It is quite amazing.

My dream is to give share this movie with at least 1% of the Japanese population, which is about 1 million people.

So far, about 1000 people have seen it. That is still a small number, but every every person that sees it helps swell the truth.

If one person can tell two people, and those two people tell two people the next day, and the next day those four people tell two people each, by the 28th day the number will exceed the population of Japan. (Of course, this is how it would work in an ideal situation...)

If you have not yet seen ZERO yet, please make the time to see it:

Right now it is screening at the Tokyo Museum of Photography, and next month it will be showing in Shibuya at the Image Forum. You can see detailed information on the English ZERO website.

I want every prefecture have at least one theater that shows ZERO, and for that, I need your support.

Please contact me by e-mail if you have information about independent theaters near you that you think might consider screening it or if you want to organize screening near you.

[email protected]

Thank you very much for your help.

Let's stop the fake war on terror and all the wars. We do not need them to live safely and happily.


Friday, September 10, 2010

ZERO: An Investigation into 9/11 (Japanese subtitles): from 9/11~9/24@Tokyo Metropolitan Museum for Photography

I am SOOO excited!

Tomorrow is the first day of the screening of ZERO: An Investigation into 9/11 (English with Japanese subtitles): from 9/11~9/24@Tokyo Metropolitan Museum for Photography, starting 18:40. I was in charge of creating the Japanese version of this wonderful Italian documentary film.

I will be speaking before the screening, and my special guest tomorrow is Sarah Yamasaki, who was a victim of false charges in regard to the events of 911 and the war on terror! She was held in a US jail for almost 2 years!

For more detailed information and maps to the venue check out the English site: http: //
Here is a link for your Japanese speaking friends:

Please bring your friends and let's fill the hall and party afterwards!

Monday, August 16, 2010

ZERO : An Investigation into 9/11 (English with Japanese subtitles) screening soon in Japan

The Italian produced film ZERO: An Investigation into 9/11 (English with Japanese subtitles) will be screening soon in Japan.

We are currently working day and night to finish the Japanese version of the film.

This will be the first 911 film to be shown at a regular mainstream theater in Japan and we are so happy that this has finally become reality. It took us a full six years of hard work to get to this point. Here is the English trailer:

Screenings will be from September 11th to the 24th, 2010.

Starting Time: 18:40 daily (Running time 105 minutes)
Place: Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography in Ebisu Garden Place. Click here for an English map.
Tickets: 1500 yen in advance, 1800 yen at the door

Advance tickets can be purchased at any LAWSON convenience store. Just put the following L Code into the ticket sales machine. Ask the store clerk to help you do it.

L code 34050

The official English homepage for the Japanese site can be seen here:

I look forward to seeing you there!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

FILM "ZERO" Ticket For Sale Tomorrow @Lawson (L Code:34050)

Tickets for "ZERO: An Investigation into 9/11" (Japanese) will go on sale from July 11 at 10am @ LAWSON TICKET (L Code34050).

I am in the process of making of Japanese version right now! Please help me to promote this film as to this day, not many people in Japan are aware of the still hidden facts surrounding 911. We are currently fighting a War on Terror, however, if you watch this film, you will wonder why we are still doing so... Who really are the terrorists?? This is the most important question!

The film will be shown at the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography on Sept 11th for the first time in Japan, and will screen until Sept 24th, every evening from 18:40. You can be the first to watch it in Japan!

You can watch the whole movie here:

Friday, July 02, 2010

”ZERO: An Investigation Into 9/11 ” Coming Soon To Japan

Good news!


Today, I went to Tokyo today and made an agreement with a famous theater (The Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography in Ebisu) in order to show the Japanese version of ZERO: An Investigation into 9/11.

I will announce the details more later, but please keep your evening open on 9/11/2010. I will be at that theater in Tokyo and showing that amazingly great documentary made by an Italian film maker.

On 9/9/2010, there will be another event put on by the Tokyo Peace Film Club. It is called the "911 Film Festival", and you can see good selection of 911 truth related films (in Japanese, some in English with Japanese subtitles). This is the only film festival in Japan that shows 911 films.

If you can, keep your day also open on that day. It will be an all day event.

I will post more details on both events as soon as I have them.

Monday, June 07, 2010

Come & Join Us for 7th Tokyo Peace Film Festival (Jun 19-20, 2010)!

I am in the redwood forest of Santa Cruz (Ben Lomond) learning a new language called NVC (Non Violent Communication) and this is 4th day of the 2nd retreat. It is a year long program offered by BayNVC and Miki Kashtan and Roxy Manning are our trainers.

I am making a little bit of progress in understanding NVC and excited about using it in my real life back in Japan creating more sustainable and peaceful community.

I was so happy that the Yomiuri Shinbun (a big Japanese daily newspaper) wrote a story about the upcoming Tokyo Peace Film Festival that I shared about that news during the morning community time with my co-participants of the retreat.

The 7th Tokyo Peace Film Festival will be on Jun 19 & 20, 2010 in the Main Hall of the Olympic Youth Center (near Sangubashi Station, Odakyu line). This year, we will show 10 films (including my talk and film cuts concerning War and lies and facts surrounding the events of Sept. 11, 2001) and tickets can be purchased from our website (unfortunately, there are no English pages):

If you have not seen Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story, or Blue Gold, Under Cover in Tibet, Children of 911, and the other movies in the program, this is the chance for you to see them all at a bargain price.

I hope to see you there. If you do not read Japanese, you can order tickets directly to me by e-mail.

Click here to download the full color Japanese flyer
that lists the movies and schedule.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Thank you/What's the Need Israel Trying to Meet?

Susan Livingstone, co-participant from Leadership program of NVC, really worked wholeheartedly to organize two events that I wanted to do for BayNVC. Thank you Susan and her friends who made these events possible. I think it has had some positive effect.

Below are some photos from Red Victorian where I talked and then played some music with Gen and Shigeko.

In my talk, I touched upon our organic farm, our sustainable simple life, The Department of Peace, Depleted Uranium, Article 9, The War on Terror and 911, Dennis Kucinich and on the need for each of us to be the MEDIA.


My happy day suddenly ended with sad news that I need to find out more about. I am asking myself and co-participants of Leadership Program What's the core need of Israel trying to meet by those actions? Security?

Here are some tweets from Twitter:

I can't believe this is happening. Israel opens fire on Gaza flotilla, killing 10. I can't believe this is happening. Israel opens fire on Gaza flotilla, killing 10.

+++ Turkish TV: 10 dead, 60 injured in Israeli attack on Gaza aid boat from Turkey #flotilla +++ Al Jazeera English reporting on Gaza Freedom Flotilla!

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The Red VictorianのJPG

Monday, April 05, 2010

GO Jesse Ventura, GO! You Can Help USA and the World by Buying His Book

If you read English, please consider buying, reading, recommending, introducing and/or mentioning Jesse Ventura's new book "American Conspiracies", co-authored with Dick Russell. Dr. David Ray Griffin provided much of the information on 911 in the book.

Jesse Ventura, the former Minnesota governor, is now a strong supporter of the 9/11 movement. I am so happy his book is now NY Times Bestseller!

I think this is a big step for the unfolding of 911 truth. Thank you for being a part of this movement for humanity to survive. We can not keep killing and destroying each other any more. We must end War on Terror. The time has come to help and support each other for all life on earth to survive.

Even the chairman and vice-chaimen of the 911 Commission Report, Kean and Hamilton say this: "Stonewalled by the CIA", New York Times, January 2, 2008.

As Elizabeth Woodworth points out, there were 18 case studies in the mainstream media investigating 9/11 during the past year. This is becoming common outside the US first, and now, with Governor Jesse Ventura's new book, things are starting to open up in the U.S. You can read her article here:

The Media Response to the Growing Influence of the 9/11 Truth Movement
Part II: A Survey of Attitude Change in 2009-2010

Each one of us here has at least two people we can tell what we know about 911, I guess. Let's imagine that one person finds out today on 911 (by reading Jesse's book or even this blog) and tells two friends about it within 24 hours. Those 2 friends also tell 2 friends about it within 24 hours. On the 3rd day, there will be 4 people, 4th day 8 people, 5th day 16 people and 6th day 32 people. On 15th day, 16384 people and on 21st day, 1,048,576 will know about it (this is more than 1 million!).

It won't happen like this calculation in reality, as it tends to stop happening further the source. But let's continue this line of thinking for fun.

I tell Japanese people all the time that by the 28th day, it will be 134,217,728 people, and exceed entire population of Japan. On 30th day it will exceed US population and on 31st day, it will exceed 1 billion people (1,073,741,824) and by the 34th day, it will exceed entire population of the planet!

Is not telling 2 people is doable? If we get serious, we can change the world within 34 days.

So, Tell every one you know the truth about 911 ( you can refer to my blog), and ask them "Please tell 2 people".

Word-of-mouth communication still is the strongest form of media!

BE THE MEDIA! (Gandhi says Be the change you wish to see in the world. This is my way of being the change)

Monday, March 29, 2010

I Will be Speaking at Yoyogi Park for Spring Love Event

I will be appearing and speaking at the following event of music and talk live (free) in Tokyo, Yoyogi Park on April 4th. Hope to see you there!
Spring Love: The hottest urban party of the season!!

Spring Love Poster JPG

It’s back!! Spring Love (Harukaze) is making its second run in Yoyogi Park on April 3rd and 4th, promising a weekend extravaganza of top-rated musical and dance performances, film screenings, organic food and goods stalls, and talk sessions featuring peace-related social action. Come out and enjoy the cherry blossoms while feeding your mind and soul with some Spring Love!!

Date/Time: Saturday, April 3rd (1-8 PM) and Sunday,
April 4th (12-7:30 PM)
Venue: Yoyogi Park Outdoor Stage
Admission: Free!!

Event will feature:
■ Performances from numerous musicians and dancers
representing a variety of artistic genres
■ Peace-related talk sessions, films, and exhibitions
■ Events on two separate stages (Spring Stage and Love Stage)
■ Booths with literature from peace-related NPOs/NGOs
■ Spring Love Market with sales of various eco-friendly goods
■ Spring Love Kitchen featuring stalls with organic/ethnic foods
■ Live painting
■ Kids’ activities

Peace program:

Saturday, April 3rd

2:30-3:25 PM: Military bases and the role of the media

Panelists: Kobayashi Atsushi (director/producer of several military base related documentary films), Shiva Rei (freelance journalist who has reported from places including Iraq and Gaza), Navigator: Inada Hideaki (Solar Inc.)

4:35-4:50 PM: Hints for carving out natural, sustainable lifestyles in today's unnatural, unsustainable modern societies

Speaker: Ikue Masudo, formerly known as Takagi Saya(TV/film actor, free diver, owner of Furyu organic cafe/gallery) Navigator: Fukui Hiroshi (Peace Not War Japan music director, DJ)

4:50-5:50 PM: Why should Japan's Constitutional Article 9 (the peace clause) be protected?

Panelists: Matsumari Masumi (Peace Boat), Shiva Rei (freelance journalist), Kamebuchi Yuka (gospel singer, peace advocate)

8:30 PM〜: Documentary film screenings

“We don’t need bases anywhere!”, "ANPO" promotional clip, "Message from Yanbaru: A Documentary of Takae, Higashi Village in Okinawa", "Alternative Lifestyles: Learning from the European Squatting Movement", "Kukuru" (featuring a live performance from singer UA in Takae village, Okinawa)

Sunday, April 4th

2:00-2:45 PM: Listen to citizens' voices: No more wasteful, destructive construction!! Hear from activists working to stop the following projects in environmentally rich areas: a tunnel through Mt. Takao; a nuclear power plant in Kaminoseki; and a U.S. military base in Takae Village, Okinawa.

Panelists: Sakata Masako (Kenju no kai), Higa "Marty" Masato (documentary filmmaker), Yamato Taka (organic loquat farmer), Yamada Sei (peace/environmental activist and author)

3:30-4:25 PM: Building sustainable, non-militarized economies: examples of organic, small-scale, community-based alternatives to a military-dependent economy

Panelists: Kikuchi Yumi (Harmonics Life Center director, Tokyo Peace Film Festival producer, Japan United for a Ministry of Peace (JUMP) committee member), Tanaka Yu (Mirai Bank Director, Japan International Volunteer Center board member, ap bank member), Kosaka Masaru (organic restaurant/bar owner, writer, rice/soybean farmer)

5:10-5:25 PM: Kikuchi Yumi, a well-known peace/environmental activist, writer, translator, and international speaker, shares the latest information on 9/11-related issues, the Tokyo Peace Film Festival, and more! Navigator: Kimberly Hughes, Peace Not War Japan co-coordinator.

Musical performers:

Ikue Asazaki (traditional Amami Shimauta folk songs)

Sayoko meets YA MAN RIDDIM (funky reggae + djembe)

Blues the Butcher-590213 + Leyona (rock/soul/reggae/blues)

Rakita (acoustic groove)

Yuppi & Tane (elementary school aged singer/songwriter!)

Rabirabi (percussion/voice duo)

Ailie (roots reggae)


11-piece wadaiko (Japanese drum) ensemble

Kamebuchi Yuka and Voices of Japan (VOJA) (gospel)

Mika Arisaka (jazz)

SandiiBunbun with Earth Conscious and Hula All Stars (Hawaiian)

The Tchiky's (Acoustic/Afrobeat/Dub)

Takeru (reggae)

Fukugawa Baron Club (Indonesian gamelan)

YOSHIE (belly dancing)

Uranagel (folk)

Jintaramuta (fusion unit blending Japanese traveling street
protest music together with elements of modern jazz)


Mon Kumagai (shamisen)

And more!

Additional Information:

※ Please note that there may be changes in the list of performers and guests.

※ Please refrain from smoking within the venue area, as well as from taking photographs of the performers.

※ A portion of the sales of food and goods, as well as all donations placed in our donation boxes, will be given to several grassroots organizations in order to support their ongoing work for nonviolent peace action.

※ Spring Love has a “gomi-zero” ("no garbage") policy. Please leave the venue as clean as you found it by separating your trash at one of the provided garbage stations. Garbage cleanup is an extremely expensive undertaking, and if this policy is not respected, we may not be able to offer this free festival in the future. Show some spring love by following the "gomi-zero" rule!!

※ Volunteers needed before and during the event!! (setup, translation/interpretation, cleanup, various administrative tasks, etc.) If you are able to help, please contact us at [email protected]!

Event support: A SEED JAPAN, Solar, Peace Not War Japan, TEAM

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Why did Washington Post attack Mr. Fujita on 911?

On March 8, 2010, the Washington Post published the editorial titled "
A leading Japanese politician espouses a 9/11 fantasy".

Here is what Mr. Fujita has to say on this. He is very calm and sincere as usual.
March 10, 2010

Comment on Circumstances of Washington Post Editorial Dated Mar 8, 2010

Yukihisa Fujita
Member of the House of Councillors

At 10:30 am on March 3, 2010, Lee Hockstader, Editorial Writer for the Washington Post, visited myself (Yukihisa Fujita, member of the House of Councillors, and Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) International Department Director General) having made an interview request on the subject of “Japan’s stance on and shifting attitudes toward immigration” via the Foreign Press Center, Japan. (original interview request and questions in Japanese available on request)

1. The requested interview time of one hour was spent discussing the current situation relating to Japan’s response to immigration and my opinions on this issue. During the interview Hockstader typed my comments into his laptop computer, as he had requested. However, once the one hour interview had ended and Hockstader had closed his laptop, he mentioned as an aside that he had noticed from my resume that I had raised the issue of the 9/11 terror attacks in a Diet committee, and asked whether I had some doubts about this issue. In response, I explained the circumstances that led me to become involved in the 9/11 issue and pointed out a number of points that still remained unexplained about the events of that day.

2. In other words, after answering questions on the agreed upon theme for around one hour, I naturally responded to this question as being separate from the interview itself.

3. Ms. Fukasawa of the Foreign Press Center, Japan also attended the interview (DPJ International Department Manager Ms. Uchida and Deputy Manager Ms. Burnicle were also in attendance), and she confirmed that during his visit to Japan, Hockstader did not conduct interviews on any other subject than immigration. (following the interview, I received a letter of thanks from Foreign Press Center, Japan President Terusuke Terada). The entire interview was recorded and I intend to disclose the content of the entire interview in due course.

4. As stated in 1. above, this was an informal chat regarding 9/11 following the actual interview itself. At no point did I draw the conclusion that 9/11 was a conspiracy, and I clearly stated that the collapse of the Twin Towers could not be judged to be a result of a controlled demolition. Rather, I stated I had made my speech in the Diet from the stance that it was necessary to investigate the origins of the “War on Terror” from the perspective of assisting the relatives of the victims of 9/11, and in relation to the war in Afghanistan and the provision of humanitarian assistance.

5. Furthermore, I have many American friends from various walks of life, and have worked for many years to serve as a bridge between Japan and the United States, including by providing assistance to former US POWs held captive by Japan.

6. I currently serve as Director of the Research Committee on International Affairs and Global Warming Issues in the House of Councillors, but I was introduced in the article as “the head of the Research Committee on Foreign Affairs”. Moreover, the article describes me as “a Brahmin in the foreign policy establishment” of Japan, while in fact, as Director General of the Democratic Party of Japan’s International Department, I am not involved in policy matters. I find it totally regrettable that this kind of biased article should be published in the Washington Post.

By reading this, I am surprised to witness that a very credible paper like The Washington Post tricked him like this. This editorial is not only inaccurate but also Mr. Hockstader, the writer of this editorial, cheated him when asking for an interview. Why did Washington Post (he) do that?

I am guessing two possibilities:
They are really scared of the 911 truth coming out?
The editor may be an "angel" for us. He deliberately made mistakes in order to open the door to 911 Truth discussions in the mainstream media.

There is growing international support for the 911 Truth movement and I think this can be a great opportunity for 911 truth to be revealed in the main stream media.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

LIVE from San Francisco: AE911 Truth Press Conference

I made my way to San Francisco safely and I am writing this in a deep forest of red wood trees near Santa Cruz, where I am attending a retreat of Non Violent Communication.

On the day I arrived, I had the privilege of attending the press conference by Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth held in San Francisco at Marines' Memorial Club & Hotel.

In their website, you can download the press release.

I recorded a part of press conference that Richard Gage, Dr. David Ray Griffin, Dr. Steven Jones and Mr. Lawyers (founder of Fire Fighters for 911 Truth) spoke, but it is not the best quality of sound.

Next to me was NO Lies Radio, recording the whole conference, so you may be able to listen to the broadcast better.

In Japan, our 911 Truth International Conference in Tokyo group translated the press release and sent it to 200 major media outlets (TV, Newspapers, Radio and Magazines) in Japan by FAX, but as usual with the mainstream media, to my knowledge, not one story has been written about the conference.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

9/11: Blueprint for Truth (Japanese) Now On Sale!

911 Blueprint for Truth DVD JPG

Architect and Engineers for 911 Truth has announced our production of the Japanese version of "9/11: Blueprint for Truth" on their website. I am very honored to be a part of the most effective and professional group for 911 Truth in the world.

You can, of course, order the DVD directly here in Japan at the GPC store. Go and check what is available in our store. We have a lot of books and DVD's in Japanese on 911 Truth that can be purchased. I do not think any other online store in Japan or the world, for that matter, carries our items.

Please check it out!

I am planning to organize a Simultaneous Screening of "9/11: Blueprint for Truth" in Japan on September 11 (9/11) and Nov 9 (11/9), 2010. Please call your friends in you neighborhood and organize small screening!

If we want there to be changes for the better in out world, WE must be the media, WE must expose the lies that have been told by the mainstream media. These lies have created war, poverty, fear and hatred, so as to create profits for the Industrial Military Complex that now controls all that goes on in our world.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Why Build a New Base on Okinawa When the Marines are Relocating to Guam?

We are back to Japan after two weeks of work and fun in Hawaii. We hold a Harmonics Healing and Raw Detox workshop at Ginger Hill Organic Farm and Retreat Center in Kealakekua (South Kona) Hawaii with Mayumi Oda.

The main focus of the workshop was detoxication, so during that time we ate only organic and raw food, nothing else and I am feeling GREAT! It has been an amazing healing and uplifting experience for me that I mean to continue this way of eating (100% raw) for a while.

Why for a while? Well, as it is winter and very cold in Japan, I also want hot meals, such as Nabe and Soup, too!

Now, today's topic: About a new base in Okinawa, Henoko. I have been to Henoko, Okinawa, a couple of times and it is such a beautiful place with coral reef and rich marine life. People's life for generations depend on the gift from the ocean. They can not sell their life no matter how much money they are given. THERE ARE THINGS THAT YOU CAN NOT BUY OR REPLACE. Okinawa people suffer enough from US bases. To me, Okinawa is still like under the US occupation!

Please read the article below which was sent my friend Satoko in Vancouver. It really make sense, doesn't it?

Why Build a New Base on Okinawa When the Marines are Relocating to Guam?: Okinawa Mayor Challenges Japan and the US

Satoko Norimatsu, who wrote this article (some translation) runs Peace Philosophy Centre there and you can check what they do in their website:

She also is a member of Vancouver Save Article 9.
Check out the website if you are interested:

Haiti, Iraq, Afganistan, Congo, Somalia, West Papua, etc... a long list of suffering people and needs. I would like to use my time and energy this year to create a world where more people's needs are met. So, I am going to learn NVC to begin with by attending the 1 year Leadership Training of NVC (Non Violent Communication).
TODAY is 119. Let's reverse the mess that was created on 911 for the world! I am showing the DVD of Richard Gage, 9/11: Blue Print for Truth at MInatoku Syoko Kaikan at Sangyo Boeki Center in Hamamatsu-cho. Starting 7pm. Hope you can join me!

*Please click the green icon so that my Japanese blog will reach more people. align="left">

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Message from Josef the Santa!

I am so happy to share with you what Josef Princiotta said at Minato-no-Mieru Oka Park on Dec 23, 2009.

We gave out the Japanese version of "9/11 Blue Print for Truth" DVDs to all those who came to the park as a Christmas Gift of Truth. We had a great time together. Mr. Tsuyoshi Saito, a Japanese MP with the current ruling Democratic Party, gave the opening speech at the event, which I think was quite historical for the 911 Truth Movement.

I had a chat with Josef (Santa!) today. He is now back his home in Alaska, getting back to his life there after his trip to Japan. We have decided to organize multiple international film screenings of the movie "9/11: Blueprint for Truth" on Jan 19, 2010 everywhere on our planet.

The reason we chose Jan 19th is because it is the reverse for Sept 11th.

We write Sept. 11th as 911, we write Jan. 19th as 119.

119 happens to be the emergency telephone number that people dial here in Japan if they are in need of help. In the US the emergency number is 911.

Is this a coincidence or what?

Lets use the Japan emergency help number to bring back peace to the world.

Let's reverse the mess that was created on 911 for the world!

Lets turn the world around on Jan 19. Help us get the truth out!

Would you like to organize a screening of the movie at your house or local public hall? If so, let me know by e-mail (, change AT to @) the location, date (Jan 19) & time, and contact information. I will announce all screening in this blog, my Japanese blog as well as my email magazine.

Peace for the planet through 911 Truth!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Japanese MP Tsuyoshi Saito Says "Let's Stand Up for 911 Truth!"

On Dec 23, Christmas Eve's Eve, we got together at Minato no Mieru Oka Park in Yokohama, Kanagawa with Josef Princiotta Santa Clause and gave out the DVD "9/11: Blueprint for Truth" to people who came to the park.

At the opening of the event, Japanese MP Tsuyoshi Saito (Democratic Party, House of Representatives) from Kanagawa Prefecture gave a marvelous speech, saying "Let's Stand Up for 911 Truth!"

It is in Japanese at the moment, but we hope to provide an English subtitled version soon.

Josef Princiotta used to be a crime scene science investigator (for 35 years) and he sees the 911 incident as a crime and World Trade Center as a crime scene. His viewpoint can help to give us a more in-depth understanding of 911. It is worth listening to his presentation if you have not done so yet.

He will be speaking at Sala Shanti, Rokko, Kobe on Dec 27, 2009 from 18:30 till 21:00 or so. A donation of 1000 yen or more would be appreciated to pay for his traveling expenses.

Here is information in Japanese for your Japanese friends:

会費:1000円 (交通費カンパとして)
連絡申し込み TEL&FAX: 078-802-5120 [email protected]

Thank you for supporting spreading the truth of 911 and to stop the war on terror.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Josef Santa will Give the Gift of 911 Truth on Dec 23

Today, we had a remarkable day in Tokyo. Josef Princiotta and I went to Nagatacho, Tokyo to see Mr. Tsuyoshi Saito, a member of House of Representative from Kanagawa Prefecture.

Mr. Saito and Joseph JPG

We met him when Richard Gage gave a lecture to Diet (Parliament or Congress) members on 911 truth. The event was organized by Mr. Yukihisa Fujita, a member of House of Councilors. Mr. Saito stood up at the end of the lecture and promised he would support the 911 truth movement. Josef remembered this very well.

Then the idea came to us of giving away the Japanese version of the DVD 9/11:Blue Print for Truth as Christmas will be here soon. We decided to label the event 'Gift of 911 Truth' and we chose Minatono Mieru Oka Koen park in Yokohama as the venue.

Then some more inspiration came: Contact Mr. Saito for the event! So I sent him a press release. His secretary kindly arranged a meeting with us today.

Mr. Saito, Joseph and Yumi JPG

We spent a full hour together during his busy schedule and by the end of the meeting he promised that he would come to the event on Dec 23.

What a wonderful commitment! Josef was in tears. After all our work our voices were finally heard and our long hard effort has produced some success.

Below is some info about the event:

++Josef Santa will Give the Gift of 911 Truth++

Date & Time: Dec 23, 2009, 10am
Place: Minato no Mieru Oka Koen Park, Yokohama, in front of Mother and Children statue
Fee: free
Gift: DVD 9/11 Blue Print for Truth, Japanese version, incomplete version (voice over with some subtitles missing)

Bring a picnic lunch as we will eat lunch together at the park.

From 1:30, Josef Princiotta will give a talk at Kanagawa Kindai Bungakukan (map in Japanese), the small meeting room till 3:30pm.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Finally Media Coverage in Okinawa!!

Finally some news coverage about 911 Truth Conference!

It is hard to imagine but our 3rd 911 Conference tour has not had a mention in any of the major Japanese newspapers. Though newspapers published in Okinawa cannot really be considered 'major' in Japan, the following article appeared on December 12th.

This is written by Mr. Koichi Makishi, an architect living in Okinawa.

Okinawa Times JPG

Here is a translation:
Lecture in Ginowan on the 13th
Chasing the Mysteries of 9/11 Tragedy

Due to the way the WTC twin towers in New York City fell straight down, as if they had been planned to be destroyed, I have had some doubts about the official US government story.

The night of September 12, 2001, I happened to put the TV on and saw a familiar building that I keep in my architecture portfolio, on fire. I turned the volume up thinking it was a movie like "The Towering Inferno" only to find out it was live.

I am still mystified to this day by the scene of the two buildings collapsing vertically straight down.

Not only that, but they say a commercial aircraft crashed into the Pentagon - the US Department of Defense, yet no aircraft wreckage could be seen at the scene.

Long after that day, I read a magazine and I came to learn about the 47 story Building 7 (at the World Trade Center Complex), which collapsed completely (on the same day as the twin towers), yet no plane had crashed into it.

As my career is in architectural design, it is a mystery to me why each of those three towers tumbled down vertically as they did.

There will be a film showing and lecture held with a peace activist Yumi Kikuchi and American architect Richard Gage who are both trying to resolve the mystery of the collapses.

It will be held from 2pm on 13th at the Okinawa Convention Center Theater in Ginowan City.

We welcome many to join us.

Entrance fee: 1,000 yen/advance purchase.... 
[Yoshikazu Makishi, Architect & co-organizer]

Translation by Aus911Truth

If you want to learn the truth about anything, if you want to be fully informed, then it is important to listen to all opinions, even those that might be furthest from your current belief.

For it is only with complete knowledge and then careful and deep research that we can come to a reliable conclusion.

Tickets to todays event at the Okinawa Convention Center Theater can be bought in Lawson.

Here is the address:
Okinawa Prefecture
Ginowan City
Mashiki 4-3-1



Lawson ticket L code 89111

Ticket price: 1,500 at the door today

Contact: Nagai San: 090-9471-6726