Saturday, July 29, 2006

New 911 Book Released in Japan!

911 Terror Concoction JPG

Benjamin Fulford's (former Asia Pacific Bureau chief at Forbes magazine) new book, '9.11 Terror Concoction - How fascist America fooled the world by faking the 911 terror attacks' has just been released in Japan. It is available in Japanese only. The Japanese title is: 9・11テロ捏造 日本と世界を騙し続ける独裁国家アメリカ [911 Tero Netsuzo nihon to sekai wo damashi tuzukeru dokusai kokka America] and is published by 徳間書店 [Tokuma Shoten] and is available at all major bookstores in Japan and soon will be available at our Global Peace Campaign Store. The Forbes Asia English site can be seen here.

This is a very comprehensive book with much information and some excellent pictures that leave little doubt that the official US government 911 story is full of holes! For example there are some excellent color photos of the World Trade Center buildings collapsing at the very front of the book (the 8th and 9th color pages from the front). The text that accompanies them starts off like this... 'If after seeing these pictures you think the World Trade Center collapsed from fire, you had better start to believe that your brain is fried...' Benjamin does not mess around with words, I can tell you!

911 Terror Concoction JPG

On the back inside cover flap of the book which you can see here, Benjamin has this to say... 'This book is the red pill that Neo from the film ‘The Matrix‘ chose. If you are afraid of knowing the truth, don't read it. You have the freedom to keep choosing the blue pill but the resources to create and know the truth are in this book.'

If you live in Japan and want to let your Japanese friends know what really happened on September 11th, 2001, get a copy/copies of this book and give it/lend it to your friends... I have yet to finish reading it (it is over 400 pages long!) but I can tell you that it is definitely worth every yen...

Shukan Post JPG

By the way, Benjamin wrote a feature story in January of this year in the Shukan Post, a popular weekly Japanese Magazine. In it he covered all the main questionable areas of the 911 event. It is six pages in length and it gives a great overview of the discrepancies in the official 911 story. I still have copies available at my store!

We Japanese must be made aware of the horror that the US committed on Sept. 11th. Right now we are on a path that is leading us towards re-militarization... We must not let this happen!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

♪ Life and Debt by Stephanie Black ♪ - 10 min 03 sec - 2.3MB

PodCast GIF

Life and Debt JPG

Today's podcast is with Stephanie Black, the director of the film Life and Debt, which we just screened at our 3rd Tokyo Peace Film Festival. The festival was a big success with 813 people (who bought tickets) and 50 volunteer staff.

Stephanie came to our house and spent the last few days in Kamogawa. She is a vegetarian (she eats some fish sometimes) so she really enjoyed the food we served as we cook almost everything fresh from our own organic garden. She says living our way (sustainably and organically) is the good way to tackle globalization (which is the theme of Life and Debt).

Her film is outstanding as it reveals what the IMF, the World Bank and their Structual Adjustment Policy really does to the 3rd world countries and their people.

This film says so much.

You can buy the DVD for 3,800 yen in Japan at UPLINK, or at any of the sites listed on

Monday, July 24, 2006

911 Coverup Makes Front Page of Norwegian 'Le Monde'

Unfortunately, this is not an English language mainstream publication, but Le Monde Diplomatique, a well known and well respected paper in Norway published a three page cover story on July 1st 2006 that questions the official US government 911 story...

Here is a synopsis of the full story as published on the July edition of the Nowegian Le Monde Diplomatique homepage. (If you wish to read the synopsis on the Le Monde homepage you will need to scroll down to the bottom of the page.)


Was September 11th an inside job?
Av Kim Bredesen, Journalist for Le Monde diplomatique (Juli 2006)

9/11TRUTH: More and more people in the USA are convinced that the American authorities are concealing their involvement in the September 11th tragedy. Statements from witnesses, marked confidential for several years, now show that controlled demolition may have taken place. The US government had long anticipated such an incident – as the Republican document from 2000 Rebuilding America’s defenses indicates.

The 9/11Truth organisation believes that the USA probably orchestrated an incident of this type in order to justify the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the curtailing of civil liberties within the US through the introduction of The Patriot Act. It has now emerged that the America’s most senior military leader in 1962 devised a plan for a premeditated attack on Americans, which would have involved shooting down a passenger plane, so that the blame could be cast on Cuba. So why should this be excluded today? Many also believe that Pakistani intelligence cooperated with the CIA and Al-Qaida because the former transferred significant sums of money to the hijacker Mohammed Atta in the days leading up to the 11th of September. They even had Bin Laden under surveillance during the time of his treatment in a military hospital in Peshawar, Pakistan in September 2001.


An unofficial translation of the whole story has been posted here for everyone to get an idea of the extensive coverage the article gives.

Though it has been several weeks since the story ran, we can only hope that the the English version of Le Monde Diplomatique will carry the story...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Vanity Fair Covers Loose Change...

Vanity Fair JPG

This months edition of Vanity Fair has a must read detailed article titled ‘Click Here For Conspiracy’ on the must see movie ‘Loose Change.’ Check out the online version here.

Here are some excerpts...

...For those who can't find information about the alleged cover-up on the nightly news, there is Loose Change, a documentary about 9/11 conspiracy theories which just might be the first Internet blockbuster. Since it appeared on the Web in April 2005, the 80-minute film has been climbing up and down Google Video's "Top 100," rising to No. 1 this May, with at least 10 million viewings.

...For the past three months, 20,000 people a day have been clicking on to the official Loose Change Web site,; more than 50,000 have placed orders for the DVD since its release. ("But we're not really making any money," says Rowe, "because we gave away like 100,000 copies for free.") Millions more have been downloading the film from a growing number of unaffiliated sites.

...It's safe to say that, if it were a theatrical release, Loose Change would be one of the most popular—and incendiary—movies in the country right now. Avery and Rowe say they are talking to several major movie studios about releasing a third and "final cut" of the film on September 11, 2006. They wonder if the government may be watching, too. "I hope so," says Avery.

If you have not already watched it, YOU MUST!

♪ Tokyo Peace Film Festival Announcement ♪ - 5 min 25 sec - 1.3MB

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The Third Annual Tokyo Peace Film Festival will be held this coming weekend... don't miss it! Listen to my interview with 12 year old Steven Sotor, director of the film ‘Genie In A Bottle: Unleased’ and in the accompanying podcast. Below you can find details on all the films that will be shown.

Tokyo Peace Film Festival GIF

Date: Saturday, July 22, 2006

Time: 10:00 AM - 9 PM (see schedule of films below)

Place: National Institution for Youth Education
(National Olympic Youth Center)
Arts Building Large Hall (カルチャー棟大ホール)
3-1. Yoyogi Kamizono-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0052
TEL. +81-3-3467-7201
Map to venue:

Entrance fee: 1500 yen for those aged 25 and younger, 2500 yen for those aged 26 and over

Fee includes membership to the "Tokyo Peace Film Club" , which includes discounts for upcoming films, announcements for future events, etc. Fee covers all films, and may be paid at the door. Because seats are filling up fast, it is best to make a reservations via the festival website (, Japanese only) or e-mail: [email protected] (English OK).

Film schedule:

10:05 AM (104 min.): Little Birds
Directed by Watai Takeharu

After the U.S. armed forces entered Iraq in April 2003, Watai Takeharu remained in Iraq to continue shooting portraits of Iraqi citizens in the war-ravaged country. In Baghdad, Samawa, Falluja, and at Abu Ghraib, Watai listened to the voices of the Iraqi people, and succeeded in catching glimpses of the truth about the Iraq War that mainstream media have failed to capture. From the footage of over 123 hours which resulted from his one-and-a-half-year-long research in Iraq, a film has now been competed. (in English and Japanese)

12:04 PM (88 min.): Life and Debt
Directed by Stephanie Black

Utilizing excerpts from the award-winning non-fiction text "A Small Place" by Jamaica Kincaid, Life & Debt is a woven tapestry of sequences focusing on the stories of individual Jamaicans whose strategies for survival and parameters of day-to-day existence are determined by the U.S. and other foreign economic agendas. By combining traditional documentary telling with a stylized narrative framework, the complexity of international lending, structural adjustment policies and free trade will be understood in the context of the day-to-day realities of the people whose lives they impact. (in English and Japanese)

1:45 - 2:55: Lunch with the Directors!

Have lunch with directors Stephanie Black, Kamanaka Hitomi, John Junkerman, and Tanaka Yu. Seats available on a first-come, first-served basis only...reserve by e-mail at [email protected] or by FAX at 03-3393-2207 (English OK). Fee: 1500 yen.

3:00 PM (16 min.): Genie In A Bottle: Unleashed
Directed by Steven Sotor

What did the genie have to say about the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? This film was screened at the United Nations and all around the world. It also was shown at the Los Angeles International Childrens Film Festival in December 2005. Steven and his 12 year old friend directed and produced this film. Check out this review here. (in English and Japanese)

3:33 PM (121 min.): Rokkashomura Rhapsody
Directed by Kamanaka Hitomi

Documentary about the nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in Rokkasho-mura, Aomori-ken. Kamanaka also directed the acclaimed documentary film "Hibakusha". (in Japanese; no English subtitles)

5:50 PM (92 min.): How to Make Peace ("平和の作り方")
by Kikuchi Yumi, Imamura Kazuhiro, Tanaka Yu

Film made by the Tokyo Peace Film Club, which takes an in-depth look at issues of war and peace and Japan's role therein. Original film that is not to be missed! (In Japanese only; no English subtitles.)

7:37 PM (80 min.): Japan's Peace Constitution (
Directed by John Junkerman

In 2005, sixty years after the end of World War II, the conservative Japanese government is pressing ahead with plans to revise the nation's constitution and jettison its famous no! -war clause, Article 9. This timely, hard-hitting documentary places the ongoing debate over the constitution in an international context: What will revision mean to Japan's neighbors, Korea and China? How has the US-Japan military alliance warped the constitution and Japan's role in the world? How is the unprecedented involvement of Japan's Self-Defense Force in the occupation of Iraq perceived in the Middle East? (in English and Japanese)

Festival sponsors include:

Department of Peace Project, Global Peace Campaign, Be Good Cafe, Japan Jiritsu Project

For more information, contact the Peace Film Club:

E-mail: [email protected] (English okay)
Tel: 090-4459-3020
FAX: 0479-62-1327

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Tell Bush Hands Off Korea! Send an online petition

Got this from IAC. Thank you, Sara!

Tell Bush, Cheney, and Congress:

Sign the petition online.

Please join our online campaign to demand U.S. HANDS OFF KOREA, by sending emails to President Bush, your senators, your congressperson, key congressional leaders and the media telling them you want the U.S. to end its warmongering campaign against Korea NOW!

The text of our online petition is below:

President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Secretary of State Rice, Secretary-General Annan, and Congressional Leaders,

I am writing this letter to oppose the current international warmongering campaign against Korea being carried out by the U.S. government, and to demand that it end immediately!

With the recent routine testing of 7 missiles by the DPRK, the Bush Administration is working overtime to gather international support for sanctions and other hostile actions towards North Korea.

It is important to put the launch of the missiles in perspective to see which country is the real threat to peace in the region.

The DPRK tested 7 missiles, one of them the Taepodong-2 missile. The others were short-range Scud and medium-range Rodong missiles. These tests violated no international law and were completely within that country’s rights as a sovereign state. These sorts of tests are conducted all the time by many countries.

Even the New York Times, in a July 5 editorial, had to admit that, "Since the test poses no direct security threat, and violates no international treaty, there is no justification for any military response, by the United States or anyone else."

The testing of 7 small rockets by the DPRK pales in comparison with the massive military mobilization by the U.S.

On June 14, the U.S. Air Force held “a quality control test” for its 500 Minuteman III missiles. One of these missiles traveled 4,800 miles towards the central Pacific, and three test warheads landed near the Marshall Islands.

At the same time, three U.S. Navy carrier battle groups—including three aircraft carriers, 22,000 troops, dozens of fighter planes and several heavy bombers —were assembled in the western Pacific off Guam in the largest naval mobilization since the Vietnam War. The USS Curtis Wilbur and the USS Fitzgerald, both guided-missile destroyers with massive destructive capacity sit right off the coast of North Korea. The U.S. also sent spy planes on 170 missions over North Korea. Just hours ago, the USS Martin, a 9,200-ton guided missile destroyer with the Navy's most advanced combat weapon system arrived in the region as a direct challenge to the DPRK.

The U.S. still has more than 30,000 troops stationed in South Korea despite widespread, militant opposition to them. Its claims that the troops are there to protect the south from the north are rejected by the majority of southerners. In fact, there have been massive demonstrations against the U.S. military presence.

It's important to remember that President George W. Bush named the DPRK, along with Iraq and Iran, as one of the “axis of evil.” As the whole world witnesses the torture, rape, and murder that "regime change" has brought to the people of Iraq, the DPRK has every reason to be concerned and has every right to take necessary steps to defend itself.

The DRPK has tried repeatedly to get the U.S. to end the state of war that still exists since the 1950-53 Korean War and to sign a peace treaty that would normalize relations between the two countries. The U.S. always refuses. The U.S. war on the Korean Peninsula resulted in the death of 4 million Korean people and the division and continuing U.S. occupation of the country to this day.

Considering the U.S. missile test, the military maneuvers, and the constant stream of threats against the DPRK from both the Republican administration and the Democratic Party leaders, it is quite clear that the Pyongyang government faces a serious threat from the most belligerent and heavily armed military in the world.

As part of the media hype to demonize and isolate the DPRK, Bush and his media mouthpieces have raised the specter of North Korea's possession of nuclear weapons. Again, this must be put into perspective. The U.S. stockpile contains almost 10,000 nuclear warheads. This includes 5,735 active or operational warheads: 5,235 strategic and 500 nonstrategic warheads. The U.S. also has approximately 4,225 additional warheads held in the reserve or inactive stockpiles.

The U.S. is also the only country to ever use nuclear weapons against civilian targets. The Bush Administration has also made it very clear that it considers use of nuclear weapons is acceptable in its global crusade of regime change.

I reject the use of "weapons of mass destruction" as justification for a campaign of sanctions and hostility against the people of North Korea.

I denounce this fabricated crisis as just the latest in a string of distortions generated by Washington to justify its program of endless war.

I demand:

- An end to Washington's campaign of lies and hostility towards the people of North Korea.
- An end to the military operations targeting North Korea.
- That the U.S. end the state of war with North Korea that has lasted more than 50 years.
- The immediate withdrawal of the U.S. naval carrier groups deployed against the DPRK.


Sign the petition online.
(Your signature will be appended here based on the contact information you enter online)

Sign the petition online -

Donate to help with organizing expenses-