Monday, November 16, 2009

Press Conference for 3rd 911 Truth International Conference(tomorrow)

Sun Plaza Nakano JPG

Tomorrow, we will have a press conference with Sun Plaza Nakano-Kun (a well known musician and writer) for 3rd 911 Truth International Conference in Japan. If you are in or near Tokyo or have blog or HP that you can write about it in, you are welcome to attend. We need media coverage, but so far the Japanese major media has not been interested in anything to do with 911 truth, so each one of us has to be the MEDIA.

Press Conference for the 3rd 911 Truth International Conference In Tokyo
Date & Time: Nov 17, 2009, 2:00-3:30pm
Place: Minato-ku, Shoko Kaikan (near JR Hamamatsu-cho Station)

*If you wish to attend please apply by e-mail.

Sun Plaza Nakano-kun
Muneo Narusawa
Benjamin Fulford
Yumi Kikuchi

Our website is finally open:
but only in Japanese at the moment, sorry!

We are short of staff, time and resources. As always, I am doing my best but sometimes, my best is not enough....

I need your support and your talent in our team. Hope you can join us to spread the truth so we can end and prevent war(s).

Here is the latest information for the upcoming Richard Gage speaking tour in Japan!

3rd 911 Truth International Conference In Tokyo
Date & Time: Sat. Dec 5, 2009 10:00-18:00
Place: Zendentsu Hall, Ochanomizu (5 minutes from JR Ochanomizu Station) Click here for an English Map
Tel: 03-3219-2211
Keynote speaker: Richard Gage, President of AE911truth

Other speakers: Muneo Narusawa, Yumi Kikuchi
MC: Sun Plaza Nakano-Kun (musician)

Costs: 5000 yen for adults, 2500 yen for students (tickets purchased in advance)
6000 yen for adults, 3500 yen for students at the door.
*You can buy tickets now at any Lawson Convenience Store near you: L-code31911
Contact: [email protected]
Yokohama Conference
Date & Time: Friday, Dec 4, 2009 18:30-21:00
Place: Kanagawa Kindai Bungakukan Hall (Minato-mirai station)
Costs: 2500yen for adults, high school students 1000yen
Tickets: at any Lawson: L-code 31911
Contact: [email protected]

Nagoya Conference
Date & Time: Sunday, Dec 6, 2009 14:00-17:30
Place: Fukigami Hall
Costs: 2000yen for adults, 1500yen for students in advance
2500yen for adults, 2000yen for students at the door
Contact: [email protected]

Shiga (Lecture at Ristumeikan University)
Date & Time: Monday, Dec 7, 2009 10:40-12:10
Place: Ritsumeikan University, Kusatsu Campus
Department of Economy, Co-Learning Tower Room 303
Costs: free
Contact: [email protected]

Osaka Conference
Date & Time: Friday, Dec 11, 2009 19:00-21:00
Place: L Osaka/ South Hall (5th Floor)
Costs: 2000yen for adults, 1500yen for students in advance
2500yen for adults, 2000yen for students at the door
Tickets: at any Lawson: L-code 59111
Organized by: 911 Truth Association:

Kobe Conference
Date & Time: Saturday, Dec 12, 2009 14:00-17:00
Place: Sala Shanti (1 minute from Hankyu Rokko station, South exit)
Costs: 2000yen for adults, in advance
2500yen for adults, at the door
Contact: [email protected]

Okinawa Conference
Date & Time: Sunday, Dec 13, 2009 14:00-17:00
Place: Okinawa Convention Center Theater
Costs: 1000 yen in advance, 1500 yen at the door
Tickets: at any Lawson: L-code 89111
Contact: [email protected]
Tel: 090-9471-6726

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Please Sign the Petition to Stop dangerous MOX Nuclear Power Generation in Japan

I do not support nuclear power generation in general as it creates radiation, which is hazardous for all life on Earth: especially the young, as they are more affected. MOX nuclear power plants are even more dangerous than regular nuclear power plants as they use Plutonium mixed with Uranium 235 as a fuel.

Recently nuclear power has been advertised to be a "Clean Energy" as it doesn't directly 'create' CO2. But it creates a lot of heat that is discarded to the ocean (2/3 of energy created by nuclear power plant are discarded to the ocean).

We must all use less energy (live more simply so that others can simply live!) and support natural and renewable energy sources such as solar, bio-mas, geothermal, small hydro and wind(small scale), and so on.

STOP Plutonium (MOX) Nuclear Power Generation in Japan!

We are collecting endorsements for our petition to stop Japan's first MOX (mixed plutonium uranium oxide) fuel power generation at Japanese commercial nuclear power plants that will start operation on Dec. 2. This first plant is called "Genkai". Please write your name or your group and the country you are working in. The deadline for submission is November 25th.

Over 460,000 signatures have been collected in Japan in order to stop to Genkai's Pluthermal program. Even though we have so many people opposing the plant, the government is still going ahead with its plan.


Cf. "Pluthermal" is a Japanese word, which combines plu of "plutonium" and "thermal" and means MOX (mixed plutonium uranium oxide), the fuel use in this type of thermal reactor.

Click on the link above and follow the instructions to sign the petition.


We strongly demand a stop to Pluthermal (MOX fuel) nuclear generation at Genkai until the following problems are solved:

1. The danger of the Pluthermal Project.
2. There are serious concerns that a large percentage of the MOX fuel being used at Genkai is defective.
3. There are no legal grounds for the government's criteria for MOX fuel assembly inspection.
4. There is no plan to deal with spent MOX fuel.
5. The Pluthermal program is moving forward even though Japan's nuclear fuel cycle has failed.

The petition will be sent to:
Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama
Secretary-General of the Democratic Party Mr. Ichiro Ozawa
Minister of State for National Policy Mr. Naoto Kan
Minister of State for Government Revitalization Mr. Yoshito Sengoku
The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Mr. Masayuki Naoshima
Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Mr. Tatsuo Kawabata
The Minister of Environment Mr. Sakihito Ozawa
The Governor of Saga prefecture Mr. Yasushi Furukawa
The Mayor of Genkai town Mr. Hideo Kishimoto
Kyushu Electric Power CO. INC., President Mr. Toshio Manabe