I have organized many events in Japan, but this is my first time to organize such an evnet in Hawaii.
The picture is the water crystal when it was shown the words Love and Gratitude
(愛、感謝 or aloha and mahalo)in Japanese.
I was privileged to be an interpreter last year when Dr. Emoto gave a key note speech at the World Congress of Quantum Medicine in Honolulu. As a result, he asked me to organize his talks in the big island of Hawaii.
Unlike Japan, I had no idea what kind of halls are available and how much they cost, how you sell tickets (there are no Lawson nor Ticket Pia that sells tickets for you in Japan), who I can ask making flyers, posters and how much is the printing.....I knew nothing, but I came this far by choosing a small step at a time.
If you are planning a vacation in Hawaii, please make it around March 2 and 3 in the Big Island!
<Messages from Water -- Dr. Masaru Emoto's Lecture in Hawaii>
= Love and Gratitude heal You and Earth =
Sat. March 2, 2013 2~4pm @HICOM(Hawaii College of Oriental Medicine),10th Floor of Naniloa Hotel, Hilo
$25 at the door,
Supporter (with Reception) $100 (20 seats only)
$25 in advance, $30 at the door
Supporter (with Reception) $100 (40 seats only)
*Supporters are invited to Reception of Dr. Emoto
Dr. Emoto's Reception in Hilo: Mrach 2 in Hilo, 5-7pm
Dr. Emoto's Reception in Kona: Mrach 3 in Kona 2-4pm
(venue will be notified to the supporters: RSVP by e-mail)
inquiry and booking : e-mail[email protected] Tel: 808-334-9616
Advance tickets sold at Aloha Theatre (APAC) and Java On the Rock for March 3 lecture@Aloha Theatre
Those who purchased VIP seats for March 3 lecture at Aloha Theater are invited to the welcome party of Dr. Emoto. Only 40 VIP seats available, first come first served. Call or e-mail me now for the VIP seats as it won't last too long!
Thank you for helping to spread the good news in HAWAII.
Yes, we are the water (at least 70% of our body is) and water is listening to you all the time. So, let's speak with aloha and mahalo so that our body can heal itself.