Showing posts with label Environment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Environment. Show all posts

Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 Years from 911

I pray for those who lost their lives on that day and beyond as a result of 911 and the two wars following 911 (Afghanistan and Iraq). I pray those who are left behind who are surviving and living their life overcoming the hardships.

I am sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you
I love you

The following video is something I would like to share with you today, especially with Americans who believe their government and corporate media, on the 10th anniversary of 911. Because I have so many dear friends in the USA:

I agree with the words of the producer of this video: "This is the biggest crime against humanity" and the truth needs to be revealed. I do not know when it will be and what the truth is, but I know it takes every one of us to make it happen.

You can see some of the people who are trying to reveal the truth. In fact, some of them have risked their lives to expose the discrepancies in the official story. They need more of our attention:
Here is USTREAM:

I would like to tell you that something similar is happening in Japan.

Right now, the facts about Fukushima nuclear power plants' disaster are being hidden from the public so that the government and companies can reduce the amount of money they need to pay out to compensate the victims. They knew that the meltdown occurred right after the 311 earthquake, but they hid it from from us and the world for two months. During those two months the Japanese people in and around Fukushima (in my case I lived 150 miles from it) were exposed to excess radiation. Our government and TEPCO continue to try to make the effect of the damage look smaller and more trivial than what actually is. Our media is the same as in the rest of the world. The truth is distorted to the advantage of the government and corporations.

Today the International Conference on Radiation and Health Risk in Fukushima is being held. Many citizens and citizens groups are challenging the reliability of the conference as they believe it is actually a propaganda event that is being used to support nuclear industry and medical establishment who underestimate the risk of low level radiation, especially internal exposure.

Please read the citizen's point of view here.

May Love, Life and Truth thrive!
Open Letter of Inquiry to the Organizing Committee for the International Expert Symposium in Fukushima — Radiation and Health Risks

September 10, 2011

Concerning the International Expert Symposium that the Organizing Committee is planning at Fukushima Medical University on September 11 and 12, we have several questions and concerns. Some of them arise from the explanation repeatedly given to the residents of Fukushima Prefecture since the mid-March that exposure to ionizing radiation up to 100 mSv per year represents no harm to the health. The others are related to the evaluation of the Health Examination for Citizens in Fukushima Prefecture, which is to be the main theme of the planned International Expert Symposium.

We consider that the mission of the experts in radiological protection consists in preventing health hazard by minimizing exposure to radiation. However, the document, “An Initiative for the Health Examination for Citizens in Fukushima Prefecture,” says that the purposes of the Examination are “to remove fears among residents of Fukushima Prefecture raised in the wake of the nuclear plant accidents and to secure safety and relief through long-term health management of the residents.” For us, citizens of Fukushima, “safety and relief” can only be achieved when these radioprotection experts fulfil their responsibilities. On the contrary, however, these experts have done nothing but repeat the argument that exposure to radiation up to 100 mSv per year represents no harm to the health.

Also when we find a passage in the briefing document on the said Health Examination that says, “The impact on public health of the accidents at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant can be assumed to be very minor,” we cannot but have an impression that the Examination is conducted under a presumed conclusion, refusing any on-going discussions with specialists with different views. We can only interpret such a scheme as an attempt to evade their own responsibilities. Distrust and discontent are rising among residents of the prefecture and the Japanese public at large. Exposure to radiation is continuing in diverse forms at various locations. Much of the responsibilities for this situation should be assumed by the Japanese experts who are the members of the Committee as well as by the selected foreign participants of the Symposium. It is very unlikely that any views helpful in changing the current situation and promoting proper radioprotection can be obtained from experts from overseas who are designated by the very parties responsible for the current situation. Given such development, we cannot help but concluding that what you are delivering is a make-believe external evaluation, which would only aggravate doubts and fears among residents.

For the reasons given above, we consider that the planned International Expert Symposium is inadequate to scientifically examine the impact on public health of radiation exposure resulted from the disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, or to correctly evaluate the health risks involved and protect the public from radiation exposure.

We hereby convey our view, followed by our inquiry below concerning the Symposium organized by the Committee. Your sincere response to our inquiry will be much appreciated. Please note that this Letter of Inquiry will not only be delivered to the Committee but also be open to the public.


Question #1
Among the participants of the Symposium, there are no researchers reporting that the impact of low-dose exposure on health is greater than the assessment by the International Commission on Radiological Protection. If the International Expert Symposium is committed to studies on the impact of radiation exposure on health, it is essential to raise discussions among experts and researchers with different views. For what reasons are such researchers excluded from the Symposium?

Question #2
Fukushima Medical University Vice President Shunichi YAMASHITA, one of the Committee members, has been giving explanation to Fukushima residents that it is safe to be exposed to radiation up to 100 mSv per year. On the other hand, the Food Safety Commission, Cabinet Office, gives quite a different view that adverse impact is observed when one is exposed to a total dose of 100 mSv over a lifetime. What is your opinion on the huge gap between these two observations?

Question #3
Concerning the number of persons that died of cancer caused under the impact of radiation due to the Chernobyl disaster and the number of cancer patients, there is a significant discrepancy between the IAEA/WHO report (4,000 cancer deaths estimated by the Chernobyl Forum in 2005) and Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, “Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment,” (published in 2009; a total of one million deaths caused by various cancerous and non-cancerous diseases, stillbirths, etc.) or many other reports from ECRR, German Radiological Protection Association, etc. How will you explain the gap? We would like to have the view of the Committee good enough to be accepted by residents with fears.

Question #4
There is a passage, “The only illness pinned down related to the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant is thyroid cancer among children caused by internal exposure to radioactive iodine. No increases of other illnesses have been recognized” (“Purpose and Outline” in the Health Examination document). Are you planning examination of massive studies and reports (e.g., Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, “Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment” and German Affiliate of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Health Effects of Chernobyl, 2010) indicating observations different from the view above? If not, please explain the reasons.

Question #5
Despite the fact that experts and researchers have different opinions, they are not having any debate on the differences. This will lead to increasing concerns among local residents, which is against the purposes of the Symposium. What are the purposes and intent of the Organizing Committee? What are the reasons behind them?

Question #6
In the August 16 press conference, the Organizing Committee announced that you would compile suggestions for removing concerns over radiation among Fukushima residents in general and mothers with children in particular. You say you will make suggestions for eliminating concerns. Why won’t you make suggestions for radiological protection, instead?

Question #7
While being aimed at eliminating concerns among the public, why is the Symposium being held by excluding citizens in general, not allowing their voices to reach?


Organizations and Researchers submitting this Letter of Inquiry
(in random order)
市民放射能測定所 Citizens' Radioactivity Measuring Station 47 プロジェクト Project47
低線量被ばくから子どもの未来を守るプロジェクトProject to protect the future of children from low dose exposure
高木学校 Takagi school
NPO 法人セイピースプロジェクト Say Peace Project
市民科学研究室・低線量被曝研究会 Exposure to Low-Dose Radiation Research Group, Citizen Science Initiative Japan
ドイツ放射線防護協会 German Society for Radiation Protection
たんぽぽ舎 no nukes plaza tanpoposya
未来の福島こども基金 Fukushima Children's Fund
and many others...

Sunday, May 08, 2011

The Nuclear Disaster That Could Destroy Japan ... and the World

Counterpunch published an excellent article by Mr. Takashi Hirose's on April 25, 2011:

It is definitely worth reading and so I am posting it here and on my Japanese blog so it can be seen by a wider audience.

Thank you Mr. Hirose and Mr. Lummis, the translator, for your excellent work!

I pray that no more big earthquakes will hit Japan but nature is often more powerful than our individual and even combined human hopes and wishes...

It is becoming more and more obvious that the only way we can completely eliminate the future risk of nuclear power plant disasters in earthquake prone Japan is for all the nuclear power plants here to be decommissioned!


The Nuclear Disaster That Could Destroy Japan ... and the World


Translated by Doug Lummis

The nuclear power plants in Japan are ageing rapidly; like cyborgs, they are barely kept in operation by a continuous replacement of parts. And now that Japan has entered a period of earthquake activity and a major accident could happen at any time, the people live in constant state of anxiety.

Seismologists and geologists agree that, after some fifty years of seismic inactivity, with the 1995 Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake (Southern Hyogo Prefecture Earthquake), the country has entered a period of seismic activity. In 2004, the Chuetsu Earthquake hit Niigata Prefecture, doing damage to the village of Yamakoshi. Three years later, in 2007, the Chuetsu Offshore Earthquake severely damaged the nuclear reactors at Kashiwazaki-Kariwa. In 2008, there was an earthquake in Iwate and Miyagi Prefectures, causing a whole mountain to disappear completely. Then in 2009 the Hamaoka nuclear plant was put in a state of emergency by the Suruga Bay Earthquake. And now, in 2011, we have the 3/11 earthquake offshore from the northeast coast. But the period of seismic activity is expected to continue for decades. From the perspective of seismology, a space of 10 or 15 years is but a moment in time.

Because the Pacific Plate, the largest of the plates that envelop the earth, is in motion, I had predicted that there would be major earthquakes all over the world.

And as I had feared, after the Suruga Bay Earthquake of August 2009 came as a triple shock, it was followed in September and October by earthquakes off Samoa, Sumatra, and Vanuatu, of magnitudes between 7.6 and 8.2. That means three to eleven times the force of the Southern Hyogo Prefecture Earthquake.

All of these quakes occurred around the Pacific Plate as the center, and each was located at the boundary of either that plate or a plate under its influence. Then in the following year, 2010, in January there came the Haiti Earthquake, at the boundary of the Caribbean Plate, pushed by the Pacific and Coco Plates, then in February the huge 8.8 magnitude earthquake offshore from Chile. I was praying that this world scale series of earthquakes would come to an end, but the movement of the Pacific Plate shows no sign of stopping, and led in 2011 to the 3/11 Earthquake in northeastern Japan and the subsequent meltdown at the Fukushima

There are large seismic faults, capable of producing earthquakes at the 7 or 8 magnitude level, near each of Japan’s nuclear plants, including the reprocessing plant at Rokkasho. It is hard to believe that there is any nuclear plant that would not be damaged by a magnitude 8 earthquake.

A representative case is the Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant itself, where it has become clear that the fault under the sea nearby also extends inland. The Rokkasho plant, where the nuclear waste (death ash) from all the nuclear plants in Japan is collected, is located on land under which the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate meet. That is, the plate that is the greatest danger to the Rokkasho plant, is now in motion deep beneath Japan.

The Rokkasho plant was originally built with the very low earthquake resistance factor of 375 gals. (Translator’s note: The gal, or galileo, is a unit used to measure peak ground acceleration during earthquakes. Unlike the scales measuring an earthquake’s general intensity, it measures actual ground motion in particular locations.) Today its resistance factor has been raised to only 450 gals, despite the fact that recently in Japan earthquakes registering over 2000 gals have been occurring one after another. Worse, the Shimokita Peninsula is an extremely fragile geologic formation that was at the bottom of the sea as recently as the sea rise of the Jomon period (the Flandrian Transgression) 5000 years ago; if an earthquake occurred there it could be completely destroyed.

The Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant is where expended nuclear fuel from all of Japan’s nuclear power plants is collected, and then reprocessed so as to separate out the plutonium, the uranium, and the remaining highly radioactive liquid waste. In short, it is the most dangerous factory in the world.

At the Rokkasho plant, 240 cubic meters of radioactive liquid waste are now stored. A failure to take care of this properly could lead to a nuclear catastrophe surpassing the meltdown of a reactor. This liquid waste continuously generates heat, and must be constantly cooled. But if an earthquake were to damage the cooling pipes or cut off the electricity, the liquid would begin to boil. According to an analysis prepared by the German nuclear industry, an explosion of this facility could expose persons within a 100 kilometer radius from the plant to radiation 10 to 100 times the lethal level, which presumably means instant death.

On April 7, just one month after the 3/11 earthquake in northeastern Japan, there was a large aftershock. At the Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant the electricity was shut off. The pool containing nuclear fuel and the radioactive liquid waste were (barely) cooled down by the emergency generators, meaning that Japan was brought to the brink of destruction. But the Japanese media, as usual, paid this almost no notice.

The Hamaoka Nuclear Plant is located at Shizuoka City, on Suruga Bay. Despite predictions of a magnitude 8 earthquake on Suruga Bay, it has continued in operation. If you look at the illustration showing the configuration of the plates beneath the Pacific Ocean, you will see that there is a point at which the Philippine Sea Plate, the huge Pacific Plate, the North American Plate, and the Eurasian Plate all meet; directly over that point is the Japanese Archipelago. And the very center of the area where these four plates press together is Shizuoka.

Large scale earthquakes in the eastern and southern seas have occurred regularly at intervals of between 100 and 250 years. Today in 2011, 157 years have passed since the Great Ansei Earthquake of 1854, so we are in a period when the next big one could come at any time. And the predicted center of this expected major earthquake is – though this is hard to believe – exactly under the location of the Hamaoka Nuclear Plant. And sonar readings at the site indicate that from thirty years back the Eurasian plate has been bending, which means that it is in a condition where it can be expected eventually to spring back.


Hirose Takashi has written a whole shelf full of books, mostly on the nuclear power industry and the military-industrial complex. Probably his best known book is Nuclear Power Plants for Tokyo in which he took the logic of the nuke promoters to its logical conclusion: if you are so sure that they're safe, why not build them in the center of the city, instead of hundreds of miles away where you lose half the electricity in the wires?

Douglas Lummis is a political scientist living in Okinawa and the author of Radical Democracy. Lummis can be reached at [email protected]m

Monday, March 28, 2011

Candlelight Vigil in Solidarity with the People of Japan: A Non-Nuclear Future

Mr dear friend Frank Dorrel in Los Angeles sent me this information.

A Candlelight Vigil in Solidarity with the People of Japan: A Non-Nuclear Future

Monday, March 28th, 7:00 PM
Westwood Federal Building
Corner of Westwood & Veteran

Los Angeles Will Join Nationwide Vigils to Stand with the People of Japan

With Ron Kovic & Other Community Leaders

March 28th is the 32nd Anniversary of the Three Mile Island Nuclear Meltdown in Pennsylvania

Bring friends, candles & signs with your message or wish for a non-nuclear future for Japan... and the world.
Assemble on the sidewalk at the Westwood Federal Building.

Music & a few brief speakers will address participants & a presentation of origami cranes will be made.

For More Information Contact Andy Liberman: 310-600-1254 - [email protected]

Sponsored by: Greenpeace, Coffee House Teach-ins, Palisadians for Peace,
Physicians for Social Responsibility-LA, and Nuclear Information Research Service


I am so touched by the support we are getting from all over the world. I really pray this tragedy will wake up humanity and we learn to live more sustainablly and peacefully with nature and with each other.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I will be on the Carrol Cox Show tomorrow (HAWAII)

I will be speaking on this show tomorrow morning (Sunday) from 8-10am in Hawaii.

If you are in Hawaii or have friends in Hawaii, it is KWAI 1080AM. If you are local, you can call in on:524-1080

Carrol Cox ShowのJPG

I will be speaking about the Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Power Plants disaster in Japan and our Tsunaguhikari campaign to evacuate pregnant women and children away from the radiation. We are currently moving/evacuating/finding homestays in Okinawa.

For more information, please go to our website:
つなぐ光(Japanese site)

Thank you for your support!

We do need donatioNS to help with transporting those women to Okinawa. The airfare from the Tohoku area to Okinawa is about $700 per person and many have lost everything and can not go back to homes as they are too contaminated with radiation. They will not be able to return to the area near the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station for a while, possibly for a long while.

The half life of caecium is 30 years. It accumulates in the soil. Their fertile farm land will be unsuitable for farming for a long long time I am afraid.

The half life of plutonium is 24,000 years. Fukushima No.3 reactor has plutonium so I am very concerned.

Here is the latest news. The situation continues to be quite serious:

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

URGENT: Evacuate Pregnant Women and Children from Fukushima Nuke Plant

If you know anything about low level radiation and health, you must be concerned about the health of pregnant women and children in Fukushima right now (and entire Japanese people as more radiation is released and spread).

And, after watching this, maybe more than just Japanese children, but children of California and Mexico!

I have known Dr. Rosalie Bertell and Dr.Earnest Sternglass personally (I met Dr. Bertell at the Earth Summit in Rio, 1992 and I interpreted for Dr. Sternglass when he lectured in Japan back in 2006) and their work on radiation and public health.

Those who live within 30 km (less than 20 miles) of Fukushima nuclear power plants are told to stay inside the house even today after the radioactive contamination is found not only within but also beyond 20 miles after the disaster of Japan's earthquake and Tsunami on March 11, 2011.

Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power has 6 plants and 4 already broken, Fukushima Daini has 4, Onagawa Nuclear power has 3 plants, so all together 13 reactors are not normal condition. Out of those, 4 are already releasing the radiation and 9 are unknown as of today (no news about them).

The most damaged is Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant and those who live within 20 km of Fukushima Daiichi have evacuated now, but are those who between 20 and 30 km are told stay inside the house. I wonder if those people are safe. If it is safe, what about children and pregnant women? I know all the standard are usually set for male adult,

After knowing Sternglass's work, I can not agree with what Japanese government and all the Japanese media are saying to us. It is safe, no need to evacuate, etc. I understand it is important to avoid panic, but even the low level radiation is not safe for pregnant women and small children.

On TV news, they keep saying the level of radiation won't be immediate health threat and DO NOT WORRY at all. I wish that were true!! But for pregnant women and small children, you better take a extra caution as they are more prone to radiation.

So, we launched a project for EVACUATION AND FINDING HOMES FOR PREGNANT WOMEN AND CHILDREN on March 18 in Okinawa Japan for two reasons: 1. Okinawa has no nuclear plants and rare earthquake 2. Okinawa is furthest spot in Japan from the radiation. On March 26, radioactive material is already found in Okayama (west part of Japan) so, the contamination of all Japan is just a matter of time and weather (wind and rain).

Here is the press release we put out:

Press Release

March 18, 2011

"TSUNAGU HIKARI"(Connecting Light) Launched to Support Victims from the Tohoku Kanto Earthquake/Tsunami

We, volunteer citizens of Japan, wish to announce the launching of "TSUNAGU HIKARI", a support campaign for victims' from the Tohoku Kanto Earthquake/Tsunami afflicted areas.

As there are expected to be serious effects caused by the radiation released from the damaged nuclear power plants, the recovery of those areas afflicted by the earthquake, tsunami and damaged nuclear power plants it is anticipated to be a long term process.

Tsunagu Hikari is an information center created to help find accommodation in Okinawa for pregnant women and families with small children from the affected areas. Among the first to be evacuated will be women and children living within the 30 km (20 mile) unsafe radiation boundary.

Okinawa is located in the most distant part of Japan from the afflicted areas and can be considered to be the safest place for evacuees.

We are recruiting volunteers to help with this project. We need information on available homes and unused hotel rooms, as well as any kind of housing or dormitories etc. in Okinawa that can be offered for this purpose. We are also doing fundraising to cover the costs.

Our Mission:

1. To arrange accommodation in Okinawa for women and children impacted by the tsunami/earthquake and radiation from the nuclear power plants.

2. To provide appropriate personal care as required by the victims, including counseling, clothing and other personal items.

Founding Members of the "Tsunagu Hikari" Project:

Chief Director: Chikashi Kinjo
Executive Director: Kakuji Nakagawa
Public Relations: Yumi Kikuchi
Adviser: Gen Morita
Staff: Koka Nakagawa

Contact Ms. Nakagawa: (Japan - 81) 90-6146-5054
Email: [email protected]

For more information and donation:
contact Gen Morita [email protected]
[email protected]

Thursday, March 17, 2011

You Can Help Japan : STOP HAMAOKA and TOKAI Nuclear Power Plants Now

So many people have contacted me across the ocean if we are safe. Thank YOU. I and my family are all safe and alive as I write this. My town Kamogawa is not affected even though we had earthquakes and tsunami, too.

But radiation is coming and it is serious.

In my view, all the pregnant woman and children are better off to go as far as they can from Fukushima Nuclear Power plants (there are 10 plants there. 6 @1st Fukushima, 4@2nd Fukushima). 10 nuclear power plants are under critical condition, 4 have started releasing radioactive gas to the environment, which is now heading west across the pacific ocean.

Now, it is about the survival of Japan and maybe northern hemisphere. If you are American, you can help us now by asking your senators and congressman to request Japanese government to stop Hamaoka and Tokai nuclear power plants now before the next big earthquake happens.

The earthquakes are moving down south and we had a big earthquake yesterday in Fuji (Mt. Fuji area) magnitude 6. We have had 200 earthquakes since the 1st one as big or bigger than magnitude 5 in one week. Japan is in severe danger now.

Here is a letter I wrote. Thank you Cathy Cadden, my NVC teacher,who helped me for this.

You may wonder why I am doing this. I tell you! Because Japanese government tend to listen to what US (president) says more than what Japanese people ask.

Help US now (will help you for reducing the amount of radiation you are getting soon)!!!!

Please spread widely the letter or this blog post:

 Another Way To Help Japan Now in Your Country

Dear People in the United States,

We are asking that all of you contact your local representatives and President Obama and implore them to pressure the Japanese government to shut down Hamaoka and Tokai nuclear power plants. These plants are the two closest to Tokyo.

We continue to have aftershocks that register from 4.0 to 7.0. We also are experiencing other quakes from epicenters close to and inside Tokyo. If these plants become affected it could be devastating for Japan as Tokyo has the largest concentration of our population. We would also request that the rest of the nuclear power plant facilities (all 55) be fully checked out for safety.

Contact them as soon as you can to help our health and survival,

Thank you ,
concerned parents in Japan,
Yumi Kikuchi and Gen Morita
Kamogawa, Japan
contact: [email protected]

Map of Japan's Nuclear Power Plants' Site:
(each site has 2-6 reactors, 55 all together)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Keep Your Dream Alive and Be the Change: Bioneers and The Best Game

"Keep Your Dream Alive and Be the Change" is what I brought home (Japan) from my 2 weeks trip to USA, learning NVC and participating/covering Bioneers Conference. These words wake me up this morning so laud that I decided to write here.

Every step about my trip to the USA was miracle for me. I was able to take time off from my work in Japan (including leaving two young kids), to enter the USA (even though I was stopped and questioned for 2 hours at the immigration), to understand and enjoy learning NVC in another language in spite of my lack of English ability, to be happy and relaxed about sharing NVC in Japan, to be able to attend the Bioneers Conference thanks to Miki Kashtan who was giving a NVC workshop there, to be at peace about how the film ZERO was doing whole I was absent (actually it did very well), to be able to spend a night at a hotel with a new friend Jane I met at Women's leadership training within Bioneers, and Jane has a dream house and a half acre of land that can be turned into permaculture garden and it even has a mature avocado tree, etc......all of these were miracle after miracle for me.

And most of all, I was able to interview and record Nina Simons words, co-founder of Bioneers, in spite of her super busy and tight schedule (she gave me a few minutes) while everyone there wanted to talk to her. It was amazing she took a few minutes to answer my question.

And what she told me is amazing and inspiring, exactly what I wanted to hear: isn't this a miracle?

So listen to the Podcast of Nina which will be posted soon (11:30second will be an interview with Nina. My question was "What inspired you to start Bioneers?").

It is important for me to focus on what I am for rather than what I am against. I am for PEACE rather than I am against war. YES PEACE, rather than NO WAR, yes for sustainablitiy rather than against unsustainability (such as clear cutting of forest, polluting air, ocean, soil, etc).

Bioneers is something I really would like to get involved more and I also would like to see if I can organize something like that in Japan.

I continue to be the change, be the media and be peace as I have been saying last couple of years like a mantra.

In a way, Bioneers gives me the similar inspiration as The Best Game, which was founded by Norie Huddle, and I really share the value of The Best Game even today (I got to know Norie in 1988).

The Goal of the Best Game is to create peace, health, prosperity and justice universally on earth by year 2012. And the Game has 10 rules on how to go about it. In a way, it is vague, but it really gives me the rules how I want to live daily life. I am a member of the Game since the time I know Norie Huddle.

TO learn more about the Best Game:

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bioneers: A Place You Find Another USA

For the first time in my life I was able to attend Bioneers Conference.

It was an experience that gave me so much hope. Bioneers is a place you find another USA, completely different from what we hear from the media back in Japan.

I am placing some photos here so that you can taste the atmosphere of Bioneers a little. I intend to continue working with the people I met there and I mean to bring this message of hope to Japan will organize something like Bioneer in Japan with people who have similar intention as mine: creating more peaceful, sustainable, healthy and just society that works for all.
















Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What You Can DO To Save Earth: Oil Spill

First, you can take a look at these photos:

Tell your friends who live on this planet that you can at least take a look at these photos. Face what is happening to our Mother Earth and our oceanic wildlife.

We can do something about it. While (instead of just) finding out who is responsible.

Bottom line is we are living on this planet together. We are stewards of the planet. We, who are living today, are responsible for future generations.

Let's stop the war and preparation for war(military exercises) for now, use the money for the cleaning and restoring this one of the biggest environmental disasters of mankind.

Here is 10 things you can do:
1. Boycott BP
2. Tell the Government, "Enough is enough!"
3. Shave Your Head
4. Purchase Dawn Dishwashing Detergent
5. Donate Essential Supplies For Volunteers
6. Support Those Saving The Wildlife
7. Become A Hero
8. Save A Fisherman
9. Join Hands
10. Get Connected and Inspired

"Shave Your Head"??

Read the entire story here.

Please pass this information to all of your list.
Mother earth is calling for help!

HELP. Together, we can do what no one of us can do alone.

Friday, March 05, 2010

What You Say Next Will Change Your World (Miki), and What You Buy Next Will Change the World (Yumi)!

The first half of the title today come from the Conflict Hotline by Bay NVC with Miki Kashutan as the host. She is currently my trainer of NVC (Non Violent Communication) which I am learning this year. I have become passionate about NVC, a new way of relating people since I attended the Bay NVC Leadership Training.

If you want to learn more about NVC, Miki's blog is a great source - The Fearless Heart:
For her TV show - The Conflict Hotline:

The latter part of the title came strongly to me at 5am this morning. It was SO strong that I had to wake up and write them down: What You Buy Next Will Change the World!

Well, this may be the title of my talk in the US.

Yes, this is essence of what I want to convey to American, Japanese, European or any affluent people in the world today. Our world is made of what we buy. Everything you see in your house exists because you or someone bought it. Without buying, things do not exist, and corporations who make products will not survive if we all stop buying their products.

Think about it. I love this STUFF as I share their humor and message.

As I live on an organic farm, trying not to pollute water around my home, I now live without using any detergent nor soap. I clean myself, clothes and house using salt, vinegar, baking soda, etc. I use no cosmetics either and I now have better skin than when I was in my 20s.

Anyway, I have to thank Bob (my empathy buddy) who inspired me to this. Bob is helping me to create a fundraising event for Bay NVC in the Bay Area when I return in May. I am asking Bob to find a venue for May 29th and 30th. I will keep you informed once we know what/where/when.

Below is a letter from Miki Kashtan. I am sharing this because I am pretty sure many of you who read my blog are working for PEACE. If so, here is your chance to be more effective in your peace building.

I am pleased to tell you that this year we are offering training for trainers in 3 different location: Northern California (July 23-29), Denmark (Aug 20-26), and Upstate New York (Nov 5-10). This training is designed for experienced NVC trainers (certified and others) who have a strong commitment to living and sharing NVC. please pass the word out.



The primary purpose of this intensive training is to provide support in increasing and deepening capacity for living and sharing NVC, especially to offer an opportunity to become proficient with the approach and materials that Inbal and I developed.

This training is likely to focus on the following areas:
- Teaching skills for interdependence
- Teaching about power and power relations
- Advanced empathy skills and teaching empathy skills
- Body-based NVC practices, especially for inner work and self-connection
- Feedback giving and receiving about materials, activities, presentations, etc. we anticipate that everyone will have opportunity to share at least once
- Living in full authenticity and interdependence

We invite you to attend or consider if there is anyone you know who meets these qualifications:

- At least a year of teaching NVC
- Intensive advanced training such as the BayNVC Leadership Program, other advanced yearlong programs, and/or completion of the certification process
- Strong commitment to making the sharing of NVC with others central to one's life

NOTE: All 3 offerings are open to people who are sharing NVC in any capacity, not necessarily through training. If you don't have the level of experience requested but would like to be at this retreat, contact us about options.

Here's what others have said about the first training we offered last September:

"The Training of Trainers with Inbal and Miki had a higher degree of benefit for me and I have shared more usable learning with others than any other training in which I have participated. (At least 45 days in residential trainings alone.) I have been profoundly changed by the learning and experiencing at this training, and I have been empowered by the growth I experience in that few days. More often now I ask for what I want, speak up about what isn't working, ask more clarifying questions about what is happening for others." Jeanne Northsinger

"Training the Trainers from BayNVC created an environment and opportunity for a deepening of my personal and leadership connection with some cutting edge NVC processes that have catapulted the depth and dynamic of the practice groups and workshops I facilitate and co-lead as well as my personal and intimate relationships" Craig Sones-Cornell

"The ToT retreat was one of the most profound personal growth experiences of my life. The deep coaching I received from Miki, Inbal, and the other participants was hugely supportive of my ability to see myself more wholly (my strengths and my edges). I came away with a richer understanding of key aspects of NVC consciousness as well as powerful tools for deeper self-connection, self-integration, and connection with others, which in turn are supporting me in sharing NVC more confidently and effectively. I wouldn't have missed it for the world" Linda Hutchins-Knowles

Costs: tuition is separate from basic expenses and paid separately. we have a policy of not turning anyone away for lack of funds for tuition.

California (July 23-29): camping: $400, shared room: $700. Tuition in addition: $900-$1800. contact [email protected] for more information and to register.

Denmark (Aug 20-26): please visit for full details including costs.

New York (Nov 5-10): shared room: $525, single: $625. Tuition in addition: $800-$1600. Contact [email protected] for more information and to register.

Note about training team: with the uncertainty about Inbal's health, it is unlikely that Inbal will join me at these events. If she is not available, other trainers who have worked closely with us may come instead.

Miki Kashtan

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Please Sign the Petition to Stop dangerous MOX Nuclear Power Generation in Japan

I do not support nuclear power generation in general as it creates radiation, which is hazardous for all life on Earth: especially the young, as they are more affected. MOX nuclear power plants are even more dangerous than regular nuclear power plants as they use Plutonium mixed with Uranium 235 as a fuel.

Recently nuclear power has been advertised to be a "Clean Energy" as it doesn't directly 'create' CO2. But it creates a lot of heat that is discarded to the ocean (2/3 of energy created by nuclear power plant are discarded to the ocean).

We must all use less energy (live more simply so that others can simply live!) and support natural and renewable energy sources such as solar, bio-mas, geothermal, small hydro and wind(small scale), and so on.

STOP Plutonium (MOX) Nuclear Power Generation in Japan!

We are collecting endorsements for our petition to stop Japan's first MOX (mixed plutonium uranium oxide) fuel power generation at Japanese commercial nuclear power plants that will start operation on Dec. 2. This first plant is called "Genkai". Please write your name or your group and the country you are working in. The deadline for submission is November 25th.

Over 460,000 signatures have been collected in Japan in order to stop to Genkai's Pluthermal program. Even though we have so many people opposing the plant, the government is still going ahead with its plan.


Cf. "Pluthermal" is a Japanese word, which combines plu of "plutonium" and "thermal" and means MOX (mixed plutonium uranium oxide), the fuel use in this type of thermal reactor.

Click on the link above and follow the instructions to sign the petition.


We strongly demand a stop to Pluthermal (MOX fuel) nuclear generation at Genkai until the following problems are solved:

1. The danger of the Pluthermal Project.
2. There are serious concerns that a large percentage of the MOX fuel being used at Genkai is defective.
3. There are no legal grounds for the government's criteria for MOX fuel assembly inspection.
4. There is no plan to deal with spent MOX fuel.
5. The Pluthermal program is moving forward even though Japan's nuclear fuel cycle has failed.

The petition will be sent to:
Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama
Secretary-General of the Democratic Party Mr. Ichiro Ozawa
Minister of State for National Policy Mr. Naoto Kan
Minister of State for Government Revitalization Mr. Yoshito Sengoku
The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Mr. Masayuki Naoshima
Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Mr. Tatsuo Kawabata
The Minister of Environment Mr. Sakihito Ozawa
The Governor of Saga prefecture Mr. Yasushi Furukawa
The Mayor of Genkai town Mr. Hideo Kishimoto
Kyushu Electric Power CO. INC., President Mr. Toshio Manabe

Saturday, February 14, 2009

♪ Anastasia Inspires A New Way Of Life ♪ - 30 min 31 sec - 7.1 MB

PodCast GIF

I met Dr. Leonid Sharashkin on Feb 11th and 12th, 2009 during his first speaking tour in Japan. I happened to be giving a talk in Okayama on Feb 11th when he was giving a talk in Kagawa. As the cities are only an hour away from each other across the Setonaikai sea, I decided to go and meet him.

He is an amazing young man. You can watch a 40 minute interview he did with the Conscious Media Network here:

I am very happy I went to see him and also met with an amazing Japanese women who organized the tour and events for this marvelous man. The Book Anastasia and the Ringing Cedars series are bestsellers and I hope to be able to help with the publishing of the Japanese version soon.

Please click the title of this blog to listen to my interview with the editor of English version of the Ringing Cedars books, Dr. Leonid Sharashkin.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Tokyo Peace Film Festival This Week!

Flyer cover JPG

It is my great pleasure and joy to announce and invite you to the 5th Tokyo Peace Film Festival, which starts on Friday July 18th, 2008 at 7:15pm with the film 'Iraq For Sale' (In English with Japanese subtitles).

The doors open at 6:45pm at the National Olympic Youth Center which is near Sangu-bashi Station on the Odakyu Line, two stops from Shinjuku. If your Japanese is up to speed, after the film you will be able to listen to a lecture by the well known researcher Yu Tanaka.

The next day, Saturday July 19th, the doors open 9:30am. The first movie will start at 10. There will be six films and in the afternoon I will give a talk on Sept. 11th 2001 and the events surrounding that terrible day. During my presentation I will show excerpts from some well known 911 films. My talk will be in Japanese.

Here are the films that will be shown on Saturday.

1: 10:05 Our Daily Bread (Narration in English with Japanese Subtitles)
This is a must see if you would like to know how modern food is actually produced.

2: 11:55 From Carrot to the Universe (In Japanese only)
A wonderful organic farmer Katsuto Akamine talks about the secrets of the universe.

Flyer cover JPG

3: 14:00 Star Wars Returns (In English with Japanese subtitles)
Are you aware that Japan is also planning to join the US initiated Star Wars program? This is the result of the passing a new Universe Basic Law (Uchu Kihon Ho) in the Japanese parliament. Watch this film and find out what they are trying to do without our consent!

4: 14:40 Development with Destruction (In English with Japanese subtitles)
In this expose, a BBC camera crew captures how the natural environment has been destroyed in Okinawa by the presence of the many US bases as well as the ongoing public construction and development work. See this link also.

5: 15:25 Compassion in Exile (In English with Japanese subtitles)
The Story of the 14th Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama's and his relatives talk on his life. Music by Philip Glass.

6: 16:40 9.11 and How War is Made (Talk in Japanese, some film excerpts contain English)
The 'War on Terrorism' which was started in response to the Sept. 11th 2001 incident is still ongoing with no end in sight. In my presentation I will be showing short excerpts from a number of films and recorded interviews with well known 911 Truth researchers. Find out what 9.11 was really about.

7: 18:40 Peace Bed: The US VS John Lennon 2006 (In English with Japanese subtitles)
John and Yoko's amazing story! Their actions for peace still empower us today. See this link as well.


The last Day: Sunday, July 20 starting at 10am, door opens at 9:30am

Flyer cover JPG

1: 10:05 Rokkasho Report No.4 (In Japanese only)
After the film the director, Hitomi Kamanaka will give a talk in Japanese

2: 13:10 SPALTPROZESSE (The Nuclear Split) (In German with Japanese subtitles)
Ever since the location of the nuclear fuel reprocessing plant was finally determined on 4 February 1985, many people have changed their accustomed patterns of life. In its continuing line of development and its thematic diversity this film provides a profound insight into the process of landscape and ecologic destruction; and it describes the intentions behind the construction of a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in terms of atomic policies. Once loyal citizens have been turned into hesitant radicals. Women civil servants, housewives and mothers all reveal their awareness of a political and social responsibility that extends far beyond any initial expression of indignation. This is of great relevance to Japan's own Rokkasho Mura Nuclear Processing plant in Aomori Prefecture. Check out Ryuichi Sakamoto's website.

3: 15:15 Iraq (In Japanese)
A behind the scenes look at the war in Iraq. See things the mainstream media will not cover, including the killing of innocent children and the high cancer rates that have been blamed on the military's use of depleted uranium weapons.

4: 16:15 Hiroshima Nagasaki (White Light, Black Rain) (In Japanese)
On August 6th and 9th, 1945, two atomic bombs vaporized 210,000 people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Those who survived are called "hibakusha" -- people exposed to the bomb-- and there are an estimated 200,000 living today. Today, with the threat of nuclear weapons of mass destruction frighteningly real - the world's arsenal capable of repeating the destruction at Hiroshima 400,000 times over, Oscar® award-winning filmmaker Steven Okazaki revisits the bombings and shares the stories of the only people to have survived a nuclear attack. Steven spent 25 years making this film.

Download the Tokyo Peace Film Festival Flyer(B5/4 pages、PDF2.2MB)

Ticket Information

--------<Tokyo Peace Film Members>--------
To become a member you can register (in Japanese only) at the Peace Film Festival Homepage.
Adults (Students)    
7/18 (Friday) One day ticket 1,500yen (500yen)  
7/18 (Friday) 〜19 (and Saturday) 2 day ticket 3,000yen (2,000yen)  
7/18 (Friday) 〜20 (Sat, Sunday) 3 day ticket 5,000yen (3,000yen)
(The number of three day tickets available for members is limited to 200)
7/20 (Sunday) Single day ticket (No pre-sales) 2,000yen (1,000yen)

--------<General Public>--------
No pre-sale tickets available.
Adults (Students)
7/18 (Friday) One day ticket 2,500yen (1,500yen)
7/19 (Saturday) One day ticket 4,000yen (3,000yen)
7/20 (Sunday) One day ticket 3,000yen (2,000yen)

Monday, June 30, 2008

Rokkasho Rapsody Showing at University of Hawaii

Rokkasho Rhapsody - An In-Depth Documentary on THE NEWEST Nuclear Power Reprocessing Plant

Effects of Nuclear Energy in a Quiet Japanese Town

Since the age of nuclear energy first began, both proponents and opponents have yet to agree on whether its benefits outweigh its potential dangers. Come and explore this controversy, on July 12th and 13th, 2008, The Surfrider Foundation Oahu Chapter will be presenting the documentary film “Rokkasho Rhapsody” at the University of Hawaii Spalding Auditorium in collaboration with its Japan Chapter.

(This trailer is in Japanese but the movie shown will have English subtitles)

Rokkasho, a village in Northern Japan, is now the center of international attention with the completion of the newest and largest Nuclear Waster Power Reprocessing Plant in the world completed in 2004 and expected to become fully operational this summer. A reprocessing plant differs from a nuclear power plant in that it does not generate electricity; instead it recycles the waste fuel from a nuclear reactor. It extracts up to 97% of its plutonium and uranium for reuse that would otherwise lay in perpetual storage potentially leaching into our environment.

Proponents believe recycling these radioactive materials is a prudent idea due to the high volume of recyclable material obtained through the reprocessing process, opponents argue that it comes with irrevocable environmental consequences. According to nuclear experts, in one day alone the discharge from this reprocessing plant will equal a year's worth of radiation produced by a typical nuclear power plant that will quickly disperse into our atmosphere and ocean.

In Rokkasho, the debate continues. The town has become dependent on the economic stimulus that the plant has provided through direct employment and by supporting local businesses, ensuring a future that once did not seem so bright. Rokkasho’s youth no longer leave their small community of 11,000 seeking prosperity and a better way of life elsewhere. And yet there are those who recognize and are concerned about the cost of living with radioactive exposure and the loss of traditional agricultural farming that their town was once dependent upon.

Through “Rokkasho Rhapsody,” director Kamanaka Hitomi patiently and respectfully looks at both sides of the issue. Organizers of this documentary film presentation hope to provide information about the Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant, and also to encourage discussion and bring attention to the world’s future energy sources, how much risk is acceptable, and how the Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant might affect Hawaii in the event of an industrial incident.

It’s not in our backyard, but the effects are profound and awareness is key.

Please join us at the following locations and times:

University of Hawaii Spalding Auditorium

Showings: Saturday, July 12, 2008 @ 5:00pm
Sunday, July 13, 2008 @ 2:00pm

Admission: General Public: $5
Students and faculty: $3
18 and under: Free

For more information (in English) see:

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Thank you! Dugongs Win Against US Defense Department

Dear friends for peace and environment!

Enormously good news today.

Dugong JPG

Some of you came to Okinawa with me to see the beautiful coral reef where Dugongs, an endangered sea mammal, dear to the Okinawan people, live. The US military proposed the building of a new airbase exactly where the Dugongs are living. Of course, we wanted them to change their plan. Well, on January 24th, a federal judge ruled against U.S. Defense Department plans for the airbase that would have encroached on the habitat of Okinawa Dugong.

Click here to read the full story.

I know some of you have lobbied and worked towards resolving this issue in favor of the dugongs. Well, we have won the first stage! Thank you. Now, those of you who are hearing this for the first time, please send letters (emails) to your representatives so that we can continue to pass on our beautiful nature and the precious species left to next generations to come. Only Americans can do this effectively! (American politicians do not care at all about what we Japanese say...)

The Ruling can be read here. (46 pages, PDF)

Yumi Kikuchi
founder, Global Peace Campaign, JUMP (Japan United for Ministry of Peace)

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

♪ Interview with Alfred Weber on Vancouver Coop Radio ♪ - 50 min 59 sec - 11.8 MB

PodCast GIF

I had a wonderful and fun conversation with Alfred Webre early in the morning of January 3, 2008 at our home, The Harmonics Life Center, just before coming to Kona, Hawaii, where I am writing this. I shared with him the major changes that have occurred in my life, from being a corporate bond trader to an environmentalist, and now a peace and environmental activist, living at 200 year old farm house growing rice and vegetables.

I enjoy my life in the mountains surrounding Kamogawa, which is fishing and agricultural village, endeavoring to live a sustainable life as possible. I am eager to learn from other wonderful people around the world who also live a creative and sustainable life. We are visiting people in Kona who live such a life like Mayumi Oda at Ginger Hill Farm(The website is in Japanese only!) in Kealakekua.

I have been just following my passion and love and this way of life naturally became my lifestyle. I am sure every one of us has a unique passion, it is important to follow it and keep your dream alive.

Please listen to the Coop radio program. You are welcome to stay our farm when you are in Japan. One night stay with two organic meals (dinner and breakfast) at Harmonics Life Center is US$50 per person.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

♪ ‘Ancient Futures’ here today:An Interview with Helena Norberg-Hodge ♪ - 33 min 24 sec - 7.7 MB

PodCast GIF

The interview is in English and Japanese.

Helena Norberg-Hodge visited the Harmonics Life Center, our 200 years old farm house and organic farm in Kamogawa, and spent two nights with us after the 4th Tokyo Peace Film Festival where her film Ancient Futures was shown. Helena was amazed at how our small rice paddy and garden could provide so much food and such rich meals for us on a daily basis.

Helena & Yumi JPG

Her book Ancient Futures has been translated into over 40 languages around the world (actually closer to 50 she thinks) and in Korea it has recently become a best seller, with more than 300,000 copies sold. She left for Korea today and will then go onto Ladakh after that.

Please listen to the podcast so you can learn what she has to say about globalization and localization. I am of course fond of localization and what it could do to change our society for the better. The interview is in English and Japanese.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

My Heart Medicine!

Dear friends who are making a difference for a better planet and who are in my mind.

Have you watched or listened to this?

Severn's message to the world is my heart medicine. Whenever I am down and feel what I have been doing is worthless (does this happen to you, sometimes?), reading her speech has always brought me back up (By the way, I used to carry her speech with me wherever I went).

Now you can watch her speak, which is even more powerful. I hope it will do the same thing for you, as it did for me.

In 1992, Severn Suzuki from Canada, 12 years-old at the time, made this amazing speech at the Earth Summit in Rio De Janeiro. I was there, too(at the NGO forum, not actually where she spoke). After her speech, governmental leaders ran up to her and praised her. Some had tears in their eyes.

After this event, Severn was asked to speak and travel all over the world in order for her to continue to wake up adults on the environmental issues and how we should stop war and help the poor.

This speech has been keeping me going, even today. Sometimes I feel down and feel like quitting the many different tasks I am doing, but once I listen to her speech, I regain energy and I can continue on.

Please listen to this speech often, especially when you feel you are not making a difference. I hope it will inspire you to carry on and help make the world a better place for us all!


Thursday, May 31, 2007

Team GOGO!


Something positive and revolutionary is about to happen here in Japan. There is a marvelous new positive action group called TEAM GOGO that is beginning to make big waves across the country.

TEAM GOGO was initiated by Tentsukuman (literally, a man who creates heaven) and Ryuichi Nakamura. They want to stop global warming, the radioactive pollution that will soon spread across Japan once the Rokkasho reprocessing plant in northern Japan becomes fully operational, and of course, they want to end all war.

They suggest that by changing just a few small things in our lives we can make such changes a reality! For example, instead of depositing money in multinational banks we should create and use local peoples’ banks... We should try to eat as much locally grown food as possible. We should choose energy saving electric appliances. grow our own food where possible, and use candles for romantic dinners and so on... They have many more wonderful ideas. If enough people were to adopt them, the effect on our planet would be enormous.

To spread the word about these changes that need to take place and the actions each of us can do, TEAM GOGO will distribute their GOGA newspaper to every home in Japan. The distribution will take place between June 10th and June 22nd.

To coordinate the distribution of the newspaper in all the cities, towns and villages across Japan, we need 1,800 Rainbow Angels. If you live in Japan, would you join us and become a Rainbow Angel or Rainbow Angel Supporter?

Even if you don’t speak Japanese you can help! TEAM GOGO has English speaking staff and will be happy to put you in touch people in your area that you can work with. Here is the email address you should use: [email protected]. Please include your name and address. If you can speak Japanese, let us know, as that would be advantageous!

If you cannot help us with the actual distribution of the newspaper, you can also help by donating to TEAM GOGO. We require 20 million yen to print the newspaper and to distribute it to all the families in Japan (49 million families). We are working hard to raise the required money and your contribution would be greatly appreciated!

Candle Night JPG

If you live in Japan you can send a donation from your local post office by Yubin Furikae money transfer. Here are the details you need to include.

Account number: 01670-5-75050

Thanks for in advance for your support and involvement. Together, let's make this miracle happen.

The TEAM GOGO homepage can be viewed here. Unfortunately, there is no English page available at this time.

By the way, on the 22nd, there will be a Candle Night Summer Solstice, when we hope one million people in Japan will turn off their electric lights for two hours from 8 to 10 PM and just use candles for their illumination. Check out the Candle Night English homepage here:

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Kucinich Sweeps California Democratic Convention Party

Check out this fabulous speech by Dennis Kucinich speaking to the California Democratic Party's 2007 State Convention in San Diego, April 28, 2007.

Kucinich is without question, the man who should be President in 2008!

The fact that Kucinich hardly gets any coverage in the US mainstream media really shows that the media is no longer giving fair coverage to all candidates and issues.

Check out a review of his speech on The After Downing Street homepage!