Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Saturday, February 16, 2013

MSG Destroys the Nerve Cells of the Brain

I got an e-mail from my webmaster who had a terrible health problem by eating MSG.  I paste it below so that you can read and learn from him.  

I try to avoid MSG by making meals and desserts from scratch (fresh vegetables and fruits).  

We better pay attention to what we eat because "We are what we eat" and those artificial food and chemicals that are harmful to us also destroy environment when they are made and disposed.


Most doctors, dieticians, and the public know very little about the toxic effects of MSG. The multi-billion dollar processed food industry and MSG producers pay lobbyists to make all of us believe MSG is safe. 

MSG destroys the nerve cells of the brain and 50 percent or more of the population is experiencing the harmful effects of what the medical community has called the "MSG Symptom Complex." 

Yet, many of us are unaware of that. MSG is not just used in oriental restaurants, but in restaurants and most bagged, bottled, frozen, boxed, canned, or commercially prepared foods. Additives such as hydrolyzed protein, textured vegetable protein, yeast extract, autolyzed yeast, torula yeast, and anything modified, can contain as much as 50 percent MSG and need not be labeled as such. That Attention Deficit Disorder, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, some weight problems, migraine headaches, sleeping disorders, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, glaucoma, asthma, diabetes, and neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's, ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease), Parkinson's, and fibromyalgia may have more in common than you think.

Now that you know the secrets that have been kept from you, read labels, act responsibly, respect your body, and get healthy.


Learn more:

Friday, May 04, 2012

Celebrate Japan's ZERO nuclear power plant day: May 5, 2012

I am so thrilled and overjoyed by the fact on the midnight of May 5, 2012 Japan time, Hokkaido Electric Company will shut down Tomari #3 nuclear reactor for the regular check up, meaning the last operating nuclear power plant in Japan is stopping.

 We have 54 nuclear plants in Japan and now only one plant in Hokkaido is operating, no plant in Honshu, Shikoku and Kyusyu islands are operating, which is a surprise to many people around the world.

 They ask, "How can Japan manage without nuclear power? It has no other energy and needed nuclear energy to meet its demand!".

 Well, the truth is that every nuclear power has its back up power plant and we do not need to use nuclear power at all in Japan if we chose so.  Even without using these back up plants, by operating existing hydro and fossil fuel power plants, we have enough capacity to cover Japanese energy demand.

 This fact is finally getting to be known to ordinary citizens, who have been deceived over 3 decades. We just believed we could not live without nuclear power plants as we have been told so for too long by too many sources: governments and media.

 But it was not TRUE at all.

In fact, after 3.11 Fukushima accident 2011, Tokyo electric company has been supplying enough energy with most of its nuclear power shutting down since 3.11. They have only 3 nuclear reactors operating out of 17 reactors after 3.11, 2011.  We have had no energy shortage since then.

They used natural gas, petroleum, coal and hydro power instead. I would prefer they increase natural gas combined cycle power plants as they are the most efficient existing and reliable energy sources in Japan.

How long have I been waiting for this day of ZERO nuclear power plant in Japan?---For decades.

Since the day I first learned about the danger of nuclear power plants and its waste, which we have no place to put or no technology to manage.

Since the day I learned nuclear power plants needed workers always exposed to some amount of radiation.

Since the day I learned about Japan's nuclear reactors were not strong enough to withstand big earthquakes over 600 gals, and Japan's big earthquakes exceed 600 gals.

Since the day I learned about the children living around nuclear power plants are more susceptible to leukemia and cancer even if there is no accident, as small amount of radiation is released every single day to the environment.

May 5 in Japan is Children's Day. I think this is the best gift Japan can give to the world children and future generations.   So, please join us for the big celebration.  I mean to ask/help our government to go more sustainable and ecological energy choices.  Join me in this effort.

The zero operating nuclear power plant in Japan does not mean that our government gave up nuclear power. It is just the regular check up, and they would like to restart operation as soon as they have agreements from local governments (governors) that have nuclear power plants, such as Fukui, Shizuoka, Ehime, Niigata, Shimane, Ibaragi, Saga, Kagoshima, Miyagi, Aomori and Hokkaido.

But Japanese people have learned how much harm just one server nuclear accident can cause to the people's lives and nature. Our voice and awareness against nuclear power is raising steadily.

On that day here in Kona, Hawaii (May 4, 6pm), I am inviting people to celebrate the ZERO nuclear power of Japan at Harmonics Life Hawaii. If you live in/near Kona, please contact me by e-mail. It is a potluck so bring a dish you like.

To read this in Japanese, go to:

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Radiation and Health Talk @Island Naturals, Kona, Hawaii 1pm

It is quite short notice, but tomorrow April 21, 2012, I am speaking at Island Naturals (Kona) @1pm and you are very welcome to be there.

If you have small children and/or are concerned about low level radiation exposure due to current Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power plant disaster and its radiation leak (contaminated water will be in the Hawaii area any time now), please join us tomorrow at Island Naturals in town at 1pm. I will talk about:

1. Current situation of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power plants and its effect on the environment, especially in relation to Hawaii
2. What you can do now to reduce the negative effects of exposure to radiation

A personal health consultation by Gen and Yumi Morita (Harmonics Healing Practitioners) can taken after the talk if anyone is interested (with fee).
Yumi's profile: Born and raised in Tokyo. After working as a reporter and a bond trader, from 1990 she chose to work at solving environmental problems and made this the focus of her life work. She has launched several movements and NGOs such as Monkey Bay Wildlife Sanctuary (in Belize), Clean Up Campaign (JEAN, Japan), Niji no Hebi (Rainbow Serpent, Plutonium Free Future, Japan & USA), SAFE(Safe Alternative on Food and Environment, Hong Kong), Harmonics Life Center(Kamogawa, Japan), Global Peace Campaign (International), Tokyo Peace Film Festival(Tokyo, Japan), JUMP (Japan United for Ministry of Peace, Japan) and recently Tsunagu Hikari-Connecting Light (A relief project for pregnant women and children from Fukushima, Japan and USA). In 1988 after she moved to Kamogawa in the countryside of Chiba she started practicing a sustainable lifestyle with her partner Gen. They grew most of what they ate as well as their children organically. After 311, they decided to create a Harmonics Life Center in Kailua Kona, Hawaii. Their concept was to promote a functional sustainable lifestyle within the confines of the American consumer society. This had been their dream since 2001. Harmonics Healing Hawaii opened in April 2012.  Yumi has been an advocate of natural medicine and sustainable living.  She has given lectures nationally and internationally on radiation and health.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Worsening Health Condition of a Fukushima Resident: The Case of Ms. Emiko Numauchi

Aljazeera has reported on a women, Emiko Numauchi, a former high school teacher, living 25 km from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Reactor, whose health has been worsening after the 311 nuclear disaster: She is losing her hair, many teeth are gone, and she has purple marks on the skin...

Here is an English article about her:

Below is a report written by Sanae who volunteered to spread the information about Ms. Emiko Numauchi, who is in the Aljazeera report.
How safe is it for Fukushima people to stay in Fukushima, Japan?

People all over the world may think that Fukushima issue is already over. The Tsunami is over and international support has been delivered, therefore it is over.

However, there actually are the people who have been suffered from some incomprehensible symptoms around the nuclear power plants in Fukushima since the disaster. A Hiroshima Survivor told that Hiroshima people have been the same symptoms just like Fukushima.

1. The symptoms Fukushima people have and the ones Hiroshima people have.
A lady, Emiko Numauchi, 42 years old, who has lived in Minamisoma city in Fukushima prefecture in Japan, has been suffered from bunch of incomprehensible symptoms such as diarrhea (from May in 2011), feeling horror (from June), loss of appetite (from June), numbness in her hands (from August), higher blood pressure (from August), higher body temperature (from August), loosing her teeth (from September), (water) blisters (from October), loosing her hair (from October), bleeding (from December), and so on since the Fukushima nuclear power plantsa exploded after the earthquakes and Tsunami on March 11th. According to her, she had no problem with her health before that. Her husband was just a few km far away from the plants and one of her friends was in Minamisoma city as well. He has been suffering from feeling horror, numbness in his left feet, and nose bleeding and her friend has been loosing her hair.

Another lady, Koko Tanimoto Kondo, a Hiroshima Survivor I met last month told that a lot of the people who were in Hiroshima when the atomic bomb was detonated over the city have been suffered from the incomprehensible symptoms same as the above.

2. The distances they are staying from the Fukushima nuclear power plants.
Minamisoma city where Emiko has been living is within 25 km from the Fukushima nuclear power plants. Her hasband moved to Kooriyama city where is within 60 km and comes back to Minamisoma city on weekends and her frends moved to the border place of Fukushima and Miyagi prefectures, within 75 km, after the disaster.

3. What are their conditions now?
They do not have the all symptoms all of the time, (some of those such as headaches, blisters, or numbness keep appearing and disappearing) , but Emiko actually has been loosing her hair and teeth since the last autumn and have difficulty in working (teaching high school students) because of feeling restless. Her hasband feels horror and have difficulty in working as well and her friend is also loosing her hair. Both Emiko and her friend got wigs in this winter.
Through a lot of Japanese websites, we can see not only Fukushima people but also the people outskirts of Fukushima have the similar health problems. Now we wonder how safe it is for Fukushima people to live there.

Emiko Numauchi's JPG

Click here to see a larger version of the above picture.

Now the debris from the tsunami is coming close to Hawaii and we do not know how radioactive it might be. I will keep measuring the radiation and report it here if I find anything strange.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Invitation to Big Island NVC Retreat

After I posted the first draft a few days ago, I got support from my NVC friends and came up with the following. It met my needs for support and clarity. I now think it is ready to go out to the world.

Please share the following if you feel like:

Sharing NVC from the Inside Out

Nurture Ourselves, Inspire Others and Impact Our Communities

An NVC Retreat in Kona, Hawaii with CNVC Certified Trainer François Beausoleil

Feb 2-5, 2012 at Harmonics Life Hawaii (Yumi and Gen’s house)

How motivated are you to share NVC when you’re drained? Often times, just living NVC is hard when our energy is low or when we feel some emptiness inside. And when we feel lonely, it might be even harder.

Now, how does it feel to share (or live) NVC when it springs naturally out of us? When you almost can not contain it? How do people around you react when you talk about NVC from that place, with that energy?

Yes. Inspired, often magnetized.

This retreat will be focused on nurturing the fire inside, as well as offering ways to increase your ability to be of service and have an impact on your communities.

How to share NVC from the inside out
Nurture Ourselves, Inspire Others and Impact Our Communities

In this 4-day retreat you'll:

· Nurture yourself through healthy food, whale-watching, writing NVC-related poetry, and song lyrics. This will provide a solid foundation of wellbeing and inspiration for you to tap in over and over.

· Strengthen your body and spirit with optional private health consultations with Gen & Yumi, who have many years of experience in applying eastern medicine and practices to supporting individual well-being

· Experience healing around what might slow you down in terms of sharing NVC; this will set you up for moving forward doing what you love with greater strength and speed.

· Learn how to create a nurturing circle of intimacy around you, so you can maintain the fire burning inside all year long.

· Learn the golden rules of how to market your NVC offer.

· Learn the main keys to sharing NVC and being sustainable, saving you time and energy as you design your strategies to share NVC.

François Beausoleil,
MBA, Certified Trainer, Center for Nonviolent Communication
Executive Stamina Certified Trainer

To register, send an e-mail to [email protected] with “NVC Retreat Hawaii” in the subject, no later than January 20, 2012. In the email, please provide your name, address, phone number, and your prior experience with NVC.

Required minimum participants: 8 (max: 16)

Fees: there are 3 parts: tuition, meals and accommodation
*We accept payment plan. Please consult with Yumi

• Tuition: $600($500 for early birds:if booked by the end of 2011)

• Meals and drinks: $100 (for all the meals at HLH during the 4 days retreat)
(Breakfast fruits, lunch and dinner are mostly vegetarian with some fish or meat. One traditional Hawaiian meal, with organic/wild pork, will be served during the retreat. Other meal options are available with advance request and possibly additional costs)

• Accommodation: Accommodations are arranged separately.
We recommend the Kona Islander Inn ($60-80/night). Book early for the best rate.
*Note we can host up to two people in our home ($20/night requested). This option is available in order of request.

Pls. send a check payable to Gen Morita to the address below for tuition and meals.
Gen Morita/Hamonics Life Hawaii:
75-286 Hoene Place, Kailua Kona, HI96740
T/F:808-334-9616 [email protected] (Yumi and Gen)

Saturday, December 10, 2011

NVC Retreat in Paradise : Hawaii(Big Island)

I am so excited to announce our hosting a NVC (Non Violent Communication) Retreat by Francois Beausoleil in Hawaii (Big Island) . My needs for joy, contribution, connection, learning, growth, challenge, fun and sustainability may be fulfilled!

If you are excited about learning and practicing NVC in Hawaii!, please come!

I enjoy using my energy and time for creating peace and sustainability, and sharing NVC is my favorite way of doing it.

But I never done organizing in English in the USA. I have done a lot of organizing in Japan, and this is my first trial of organizing a NVC retreat in the US.

How challenging! Just making a flyer is hard for me. I do not know how to do that in English!

Thanks to the support of the NVC community, my first draft is shaping up. I would like to put it here now so that you can think about visiting Big Island of Hawaii, learning NVC, eating healthy organic vegetarian food, watching whales and even celebrate my birthday!

Sharing NVC from the Inside Out
Nurture Ourselves, Inspire Others and Impact Our Communities
An NVC Retreat in Kona, Hawaii with François Beausoleil
Feb 2-5, 2012 at Harmonics Life Hawaii (Yumi and Gen’s house)

From the trainer:

“I don't know if you went through a similar experience, but when I started to learn NVC, I was infused with a lot of energy and enthusiasm. In those days, I was driving 4 to 5 times a week from Montreal to Sherbrooke, a 1.5 hour drive, and I had various passengers carpooling with me to help cover the cost of gas. Almost every ride, I would end up talking, or more like preaching, about NVC.

The key here is the energy and enthusiasm I had. I still do, of course. And a lot of that energy comes from the fire inside. The fire that burns from being in the joy of giving and receiving, and of being sustainable.

This retreat will be focused on nurturing the fire inside, as well as offering ways to drastically increase our ability to be of service and have an impact on our communities.

How to share NVC from the inside out
Nurture Ourselves, Inspire Others and Impact Our Communities

In this 4-day retreat you'll:
• Learn the main keys to share NVC and be sustainable
• Receive detailed guidelines about the best formats to share NVC
• Explore how to create a nurturing circle of intimacy around you
• Experience healing around what might slow you down in terms of sharing NVC
• Learn the golden rules of how to market your NVC business
• Go whale-watching , the best time of the year for it
• Write NVC-inspired song lyrics and poetry on the beach
• Celebrate Yumi's birthday in plentiful, healthy abundance
• Eating organically and locally, with some foods grown right on the premises
• Have options for private health consultation with Gen & Yumi

François Beausoleil,
MBA, Certified Trainer, Center for Nonviolent Communication
Executive Stamina Certified Trainer

To register, send an e-mail to [email protected] with “NVC Retreat Hawaii” in the subject, no later than January 20, 2012. In the email, please provide your name, address, phone number, and your prior experience with NVC.

Required minimum participants: 8 (max: 16)

Fees: there are 3 parts: tuition, meals and accommodation
*We accept payment plan. Please consult.

• Tuition: $600 ($500 for early birds, if paid by the end of 2011)
• Meals and drinks: $100 (for all the meals at HLH during the 4 days retreat)
(Breakfast fruits, lunch and dinner are mostly vegetarian with some fish or meat. One traditional Hawaiian meal, with pork, will be served during the retreat. Other meal options are available with advance request and possibly additional costs)
Pls. send a check payable to Gen Morita to the address below for tuition and meals.
• Accommodation: Accommodations are arranged separately. We recommend the Kona Islander Inn ($60-80/night). Book early for the best rate.
*Note we can host up to two people in our home ($20/night requested). This option is available in order of request.

Hamonics Life Hawaii: 75-286 Hoene Place, Kailua Kona, HI96740
T/F:808-334-9616 [email protected]

Friday, November 18, 2011

♪ My Talk@Hawaii Community College: How to reduce your cancer risk with diet ♪ - 27 min 18 sec - 7.1 MB

PodCast GIF

I gave a talk at Hawaii Community College on their Japan Day event about 311 and Danger of Nuclear Power Plants. I did not have enough time to talk about what you can do to reduce your cancer risk.

And Biannca, my friend from Australia, has sent me this information below, which is what I wanted to say. So, I am posting it here so that you can have it, too. These are very similar to what Gen and I teach in Japan and Hawaii.

a. Sugar substitutes like NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc. are made with Aspartame and it is harmful. A better natural substitute would be Manuka honey or molasses, but only in very small amounts. Table salt has a chemical added to make it white in colour. A better alternative is Bragg's Liquid Aminos or sea salt. (Actually, I do not agree! Most people are not aware that Bragg's Liquid Amino's contain a lot of MSG. Because of this I definitely cannot recommend them. Use sea salt or some other high mineral natural salt.)

b. Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting off milk and substituting with unsweetened soy milk cancer cells can be starved.

c. Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little other meat, like chicken. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer.

d. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into an alkaline environment. About 20% can be from cooked food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes to nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes for building healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most vegetables including bean sprouts) and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C)...

e. Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer fighting properties. Water-best to drink purified water, or filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water. Distilled water is acidic, avoid it.

12. Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines becomes putrefied and leads to more toxic buildup.

13. Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By refraining from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the body's killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.

14. Some supplements build up the immune system (IP6, Flor-ssence, Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, EFAs etc.) to enable the bodies own killer cells to destroy cancer cells... Other supplements like vitamin E are known to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body's normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or unneeded cells.

15. Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit.

A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor. Anger, un-forgiveness and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy life.

16. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells.

No plastic containers in your microwave. (I would rather say, no microwave at all)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 Years from 911

I pray for those who lost their lives on that day and beyond as a result of 911 and the two wars following 911 (Afghanistan and Iraq). I pray those who are left behind who are surviving and living their life overcoming the hardships.

I am sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you
I love you

The following video is something I would like to share with you today, especially with Americans who believe their government and corporate media, on the 10th anniversary of 911. Because I have so many dear friends in the USA:

I agree with the words of the producer of this video: "This is the biggest crime against humanity" and the truth needs to be revealed. I do not know when it will be and what the truth is, but I know it takes every one of us to make it happen.

You can see some of the people who are trying to reveal the truth. In fact, some of them have risked their lives to expose the discrepancies in the official story. They need more of our attention:
Here is USTREAM:

I would like to tell you that something similar is happening in Japan.

Right now, the facts about Fukushima nuclear power plants' disaster are being hidden from the public so that the government and companies can reduce the amount of money they need to pay out to compensate the victims. They knew that the meltdown occurred right after the 311 earthquake, but they hid it from from us and the world for two months. During those two months the Japanese people in and around Fukushima (in my case I lived 150 miles from it) were exposed to excess radiation. Our government and TEPCO continue to try to make the effect of the damage look smaller and more trivial than what actually is. Our media is the same as in the rest of the world. The truth is distorted to the advantage of the government and corporations.

Today the International Conference on Radiation and Health Risk in Fukushima is being held. Many citizens and citizens groups are challenging the reliability of the conference as they believe it is actually a propaganda event that is being used to support nuclear industry and medical establishment who underestimate the risk of low level radiation, especially internal exposure.

Please read the citizen's point of view here.

May Love, Life and Truth thrive!
Open Letter of Inquiry to the Organizing Committee for the International Expert Symposium in Fukushima — Radiation and Health Risks

September 10, 2011

Concerning the International Expert Symposium that the Organizing Committee is planning at Fukushima Medical University on September 11 and 12, we have several questions and concerns. Some of them arise from the explanation repeatedly given to the residents of Fukushima Prefecture since the mid-March that exposure to ionizing radiation up to 100 mSv per year represents no harm to the health. The others are related to the evaluation of the Health Examination for Citizens in Fukushima Prefecture, which is to be the main theme of the planned International Expert Symposium.

We consider that the mission of the experts in radiological protection consists in preventing health hazard by minimizing exposure to radiation. However, the document, “An Initiative for the Health Examination for Citizens in Fukushima Prefecture,” says that the purposes of the Examination are “to remove fears among residents of Fukushima Prefecture raised in the wake of the nuclear plant accidents and to secure safety and relief through long-term health management of the residents.” For us, citizens of Fukushima, “safety and relief” can only be achieved when these radioprotection experts fulfil their responsibilities. On the contrary, however, these experts have done nothing but repeat the argument that exposure to radiation up to 100 mSv per year represents no harm to the health.

Also when we find a passage in the briefing document on the said Health Examination that says, “The impact on public health of the accidents at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant can be assumed to be very minor,” we cannot but have an impression that the Examination is conducted under a presumed conclusion, refusing any on-going discussions with specialists with different views. We can only interpret such a scheme as an attempt to evade their own responsibilities. Distrust and discontent are rising among residents of the prefecture and the Japanese public at large. Exposure to radiation is continuing in diverse forms at various locations. Much of the responsibilities for this situation should be assumed by the Japanese experts who are the members of the Committee as well as by the selected foreign participants of the Symposium. It is very unlikely that any views helpful in changing the current situation and promoting proper radioprotection can be obtained from experts from overseas who are designated by the very parties responsible for the current situation. Given such development, we cannot help but concluding that what you are delivering is a make-believe external evaluation, which would only aggravate doubts and fears among residents.

For the reasons given above, we consider that the planned International Expert Symposium is inadequate to scientifically examine the impact on public health of radiation exposure resulted from the disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, or to correctly evaluate the health risks involved and protect the public from radiation exposure.

We hereby convey our view, followed by our inquiry below concerning the Symposium organized by the Committee. Your sincere response to our inquiry will be much appreciated. Please note that this Letter of Inquiry will not only be delivered to the Committee but also be open to the public.


Question #1
Among the participants of the Symposium, there are no researchers reporting that the impact of low-dose exposure on health is greater than the assessment by the International Commission on Radiological Protection. If the International Expert Symposium is committed to studies on the impact of radiation exposure on health, it is essential to raise discussions among experts and researchers with different views. For what reasons are such researchers excluded from the Symposium?

Question #2
Fukushima Medical University Vice President Shunichi YAMASHITA, one of the Committee members, has been giving explanation to Fukushima residents that it is safe to be exposed to radiation up to 100 mSv per year. On the other hand, the Food Safety Commission, Cabinet Office, gives quite a different view that adverse impact is observed when one is exposed to a total dose of 100 mSv over a lifetime. What is your opinion on the huge gap between these two observations?

Question #3
Concerning the number of persons that died of cancer caused under the impact of radiation due to the Chernobyl disaster and the number of cancer patients, there is a significant discrepancy between the IAEA/WHO report (4,000 cancer deaths estimated by the Chernobyl Forum in 2005) and Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, “Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment,” (published in 2009; a total of one million deaths caused by various cancerous and non-cancerous diseases, stillbirths, etc.) or many other reports from ECRR, German Radiological Protection Association, etc. How will you explain the gap? We would like to have the view of the Committee good enough to be accepted by residents with fears.

Question #4
There is a passage, “The only illness pinned down related to the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant is thyroid cancer among children caused by internal exposure to radioactive iodine. No increases of other illnesses have been recognized” (“Purpose and Outline” in the Health Examination document). Are you planning examination of massive studies and reports (e.g., Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, “Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment” and German Affiliate of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Health Effects of Chernobyl, 2010) indicating observations different from the view above? If not, please explain the reasons.

Question #5
Despite the fact that experts and researchers have different opinions, they are not having any debate on the differences. This will lead to increasing concerns among local residents, which is against the purposes of the Symposium. What are the purposes and intent of the Organizing Committee? What are the reasons behind them?

Question #6
In the August 16 press conference, the Organizing Committee announced that you would compile suggestions for removing concerns over radiation among Fukushima residents in general and mothers with children in particular. You say you will make suggestions for eliminating concerns. Why won’t you make suggestions for radiological protection, instead?

Question #7
While being aimed at eliminating concerns among the public, why is the Symposium being held by excluding citizens in general, not allowing their voices to reach?


Organizations and Researchers submitting this Letter of Inquiry
(in random order)
市民放射能測定所 Citizens' Radioactivity Measuring Station 47 プロジェクト Project47
低線量被ばくから子どもの未来を守るプロジェクトProject to protect the future of children from low dose exposure
高木学校 Takagi school
NPO 法人セイピースプロジェクト Say Peace Project
市民科学研究室・低線量被曝研究会 Exposure to Low-Dose Radiation Research Group, Citizen Science Initiative Japan
ドイツ放射線防護協会 German Society for Radiation Protection
たんぽぽ舎 no nukes plaza tanpoposya
未来の福島こども基金 Fukushima Children's Fund
and many others...

Saturday, September 10, 2011

If it Really Safe for Children to Live in Fukushima?

Scientists from IAEA, WHO, ICPR are coming to Fukushima and hold International Conference: 9/11 Symposium on Radiation and Health Risks.

But this conference is getting a challenge and critisizm of people of Fukushima.

Fukusima Citizens Challenge 9/11 Symposium on Radiation and Health Risks

On Sept. 11-12, 30 radiation and health experts from 14 countries will gather in Fukushima Prefecture for a Nippon Foundation-sponsored symposium on the health risks faced by Fukushima residents. But the symposium has drawn fire from local residents who note Fukushima citizens will not be allowed to directly attend the proceedings, which are ostensibly being held for their benefit.

Critics of the symposium are concerned about the Japanese participants, who have already indicated the primary purpose of the symposium is to conclude Fukushima is safe. They charge the symposium is merely an attempt by the nuclear power lobby to cover themselves with a fig leaf of international respectability rather than an open and objective scientific debate about the issues. The three speakers oppose the symposium, charging it will make a collective scientific evaluation on health risks faced by people living in Fukushima without any first-hand knowledge of Fukushima citizens, and without civil
society findings.

Fukushima-based Seiichi Natate and Wataru Iwata will address the voices of Fukushima citizens, their efforts to reduce radiation exposure, and the open letter of inquiry being sent to the organizing committee for the International Expert Symposium in Fukushima (September 11th-12th.)

Tokyo-based Kazumasa Aoki will present findings on radiation his organization has conducted including Fukushima children's urine, while Kyoto-based Aileen Mioko Smith will comment on her efforts to appeal to the UN on behalf of the Fukushima victims.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Fukushima is Worse than Chernobyl - on Global Contamination by Dr. Chris Busby

Now that Dr. Chris Busby is coming to Japan for the first time after 311, I would like to post this article here so that you know who he is and what he has been doing.

Dr. Chris Busby
Interview by Norimatsu Satoko and Narusawa Muneo

Introduction by Norimatsu Satoko

Chemical physicist Chris Busby is at the forefront of scientists who are challenging the radiation risk model propounded by ICRP, the International Commission on Radiological Protection, whose standards for allowable radiation doses the Japanese government has adopted for its citizens affected by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant accident.

Busby, Scientific Secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risk (ECRR), points out that the ICRP model “deals with radiation exposure from all sources in the same way, as if it were external to the body,” and then takes this dose and multiplies it by a risk factor based on the high acute external doses of the atomic-bomb survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The ICRP method thus fails to take into account a number of ways in which certain internal radionuclides can deliver very high doses to critical targets in cells, particularly the cell DNA. One of these is from “inhaled or ingested hot particles, which are solid but microscopic and can lodge in tissue delivering high doses to local cells.”

As a result, internal radiation exposure can be “up to 1,000 times more harmful than the ICRP model concludes.”

In his calculation based on the ECRR model that considers such internal radiation risks, Busby has estimated that within 100 km of Fukushima Daiichi, approximately 200,000 excess cancers will occur within the next 50 years with about half of them diagnosed in the next 10 years, if the 3.3 million people in the area remain there for one year.

He estimates over 220,000 excess cancers in the 7.9 million people from 100 to 200 km in the next 50 years, also with about half of them to be diagnosed in the next 10 years. By contrast, the ICRP model predicts 2,838 extra cancers in the 100 km population.

“The eventual yield will therefore be another test of the two risk models,” Busby contends, pointing out that many studies of the Chernobyl disaster showed much higher cancer yields than the ICRP model had predicted.

The effect of the nuclear disaster, moreover, extends well beyond the 200 km radius. It has been reported in Japan that “traces of plutonium” have been found in the proximity of Fukushima Daiichi.

This is no surprise, since unusual amounts of plutonium and uranium have been detected in Hawaii, Guam, Alaska, and on the West Coast by the US Environmental Protection Agency in the wake of the 3.11 earthquake and tsunami.

CTBTO, the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization, has reported that radioactive materials had dispersed throughout the Northern Hemisphere within two weeks of the Fukushima accident, and that it had even reached the Southern Hemisphere by mid-April.

Shukan Kin Yobi, a weekly magazine, interviewed Chris Busby on the issue of global contamination at a time when the Japanese media have maintained silence on the issue. This is a complete original English text of the interview, published simultaneously with the Japanese version on Shukan Kin’yobi (July 8 edition). Check out the Japanese version of the magazine by clicking here.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I will be on the Carrol Cox Show tomorrow (HAWAII)

I will be speaking on this show tomorrow morning (Sunday) from 8-10am in Hawaii.

If you are in Hawaii or have friends in Hawaii, it is KWAI 1080AM. If you are local, you can call in on:524-1080

Carrol Cox ShowのJPG

I will be speaking about the Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Power Plants disaster in Japan and our Tsunaguhikari campaign to evacuate pregnant women and children away from the radiation. We are currently moving/evacuating/finding homestays in Okinawa.

For more information, please go to our website:
つなぐ光(Japanese site)

Thank you for your support!

We do need donatioNS to help with transporting those women to Okinawa. The airfare from the Tohoku area to Okinawa is about $700 per person and many have lost everything and can not go back to homes as they are too contaminated with radiation. They will not be able to return to the area near the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station for a while, possibly for a long while.

The half life of caecium is 30 years. It accumulates in the soil. Their fertile farm land will be unsuitable for farming for a long long time I am afraid.

The half life of plutonium is 24,000 years. Fukushima No.3 reactor has plutonium so I am very concerned.

Here is the latest news. The situation continues to be quite serious:

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Keep Your Dream Alive and Be the Change: Bioneers and The Best Game

"Keep Your Dream Alive and Be the Change" is what I brought home (Japan) from my 2 weeks trip to USA, learning NVC and participating/covering Bioneers Conference. These words wake me up this morning so laud that I decided to write here.

Every step about my trip to the USA was miracle for me. I was able to take time off from my work in Japan (including leaving two young kids), to enter the USA (even though I was stopped and questioned for 2 hours at the immigration), to understand and enjoy learning NVC in another language in spite of my lack of English ability, to be happy and relaxed about sharing NVC in Japan, to be able to attend the Bioneers Conference thanks to Miki Kashtan who was giving a NVC workshop there, to be at peace about how the film ZERO was doing whole I was absent (actually it did very well), to be able to spend a night at a hotel with a new friend Jane I met at Women's leadership training within Bioneers, and Jane has a dream house and a half acre of land that can be turned into permaculture garden and it even has a mature avocado tree, etc......all of these were miracle after miracle for me.

And most of all, I was able to interview and record Nina Simons words, co-founder of Bioneers, in spite of her super busy and tight schedule (she gave me a few minutes) while everyone there wanted to talk to her. It was amazing she took a few minutes to answer my question.

And what she told me is amazing and inspiring, exactly what I wanted to hear: isn't this a miracle?

So listen to the Podcast of Nina which will be posted soon (11:30second will be an interview with Nina. My question was "What inspired you to start Bioneers?").

It is important for me to focus on what I am for rather than what I am against. I am for PEACE rather than I am against war. YES PEACE, rather than NO WAR, yes for sustainablitiy rather than against unsustainability (such as clear cutting of forest, polluting air, ocean, soil, etc).

Bioneers is something I really would like to get involved more and I also would like to see if I can organize something like that in Japan.

I continue to be the change, be the media and be peace as I have been saying last couple of years like a mantra.

In a way, Bioneers gives me the similar inspiration as The Best Game, which was founded by Norie Huddle, and I really share the value of The Best Game even today (I got to know Norie in 1988).

The Goal of the Best Game is to create peace, health, prosperity and justice universally on earth by year 2012. And the Game has 10 rules on how to go about it. In a way, it is vague, but it really gives me the rules how I want to live daily life. I am a member of the Game since the time I know Norie Huddle.

TO learn more about the Best Game:

Saturday, February 14, 2009

♪ Anastasia Inspires A New Way Of Life ♪ - 30 min 31 sec - 7.1 MB

PodCast GIF

I met Dr. Leonid Sharashkin on Feb 11th and 12th, 2009 during his first speaking tour in Japan. I happened to be giving a talk in Okayama on Feb 11th when he was giving a talk in Kagawa. As the cities are only an hour away from each other across the Setonaikai sea, I decided to go and meet him.

He is an amazing young man. You can watch a 40 minute interview he did with the Conscious Media Network here:

I am very happy I went to see him and also met with an amazing Japanese women who organized the tour and events for this marvelous man. The Book Anastasia and the Ringing Cedars series are bestsellers and I hope to be able to help with the publishing of the Japanese version soon.

Please click the title of this blog to listen to my interview with the editor of English version of the Ringing Cedars books, Dr. Leonid Sharashkin.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Tokyo Peace Film Festival This Week!

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It is my great pleasure and joy to announce and invite you to the 5th Tokyo Peace Film Festival, which starts on Friday July 18th, 2008 at 7:15pm with the film 'Iraq For Sale' (In English with Japanese subtitles).

The doors open at 6:45pm at the National Olympic Youth Center which is near Sangu-bashi Station on the Odakyu Line, two stops from Shinjuku. If your Japanese is up to speed, after the film you will be able to listen to a lecture by the well known researcher Yu Tanaka.

The next day, Saturday July 19th, the doors open 9:30am. The first movie will start at 10. There will be six films and in the afternoon I will give a talk on Sept. 11th 2001 and the events surrounding that terrible day. During my presentation I will show excerpts from some well known 911 films. My talk will be in Japanese.

Here are the films that will be shown on Saturday.

1: 10:05 Our Daily Bread (Narration in English with Japanese Subtitles)
This is a must see if you would like to know how modern food is actually produced.

2: 11:55 From Carrot to the Universe (In Japanese only)
A wonderful organic farmer Katsuto Akamine talks about the secrets of the universe.

Flyer cover JPG

3: 14:00 Star Wars Returns (In English with Japanese subtitles)
Are you aware that Japan is also planning to join the US initiated Star Wars program? This is the result of the passing a new Universe Basic Law (Uchu Kihon Ho) in the Japanese parliament. Watch this film and find out what they are trying to do without our consent!

4: 14:40 Development with Destruction (In English with Japanese subtitles)
In this expose, a BBC camera crew captures how the natural environment has been destroyed in Okinawa by the presence of the many US bases as well as the ongoing public construction and development work. See this link also.

5: 15:25 Compassion in Exile (In English with Japanese subtitles)
The Story of the 14th Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama's and his relatives talk on his life. Music by Philip Glass.

6: 16:40 9.11 and How War is Made (Talk in Japanese, some film excerpts contain English)
The 'War on Terrorism' which was started in response to the Sept. 11th 2001 incident is still ongoing with no end in sight. In my presentation I will be showing short excerpts from a number of films and recorded interviews with well known 911 Truth researchers. Find out what 9.11 was really about.

7: 18:40 Peace Bed: The US VS John Lennon 2006 (In English with Japanese subtitles)
John and Yoko's amazing story! Their actions for peace still empower us today. See this link as well.


The last Day: Sunday, July 20 starting at 10am, door opens at 9:30am

Flyer cover JPG

1: 10:05 Rokkasho Report No.4 (In Japanese only)
After the film the director, Hitomi Kamanaka will give a talk in Japanese

2: 13:10 SPALTPROZESSE (The Nuclear Split) (In German with Japanese subtitles)
Ever since the location of the nuclear fuel reprocessing plant was finally determined on 4 February 1985, many people have changed their accustomed patterns of life. In its continuing line of development and its thematic diversity this film provides a profound insight into the process of landscape and ecologic destruction; and it describes the intentions behind the construction of a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in terms of atomic policies. Once loyal citizens have been turned into hesitant radicals. Women civil servants, housewives and mothers all reveal their awareness of a political and social responsibility that extends far beyond any initial expression of indignation. This is of great relevance to Japan's own Rokkasho Mura Nuclear Processing plant in Aomori Prefecture. Check out Ryuichi Sakamoto's website.

3: 15:15 Iraq (In Japanese)
A behind the scenes look at the war in Iraq. See things the mainstream media will not cover, including the killing of innocent children and the high cancer rates that have been blamed on the military's use of depleted uranium weapons.

4: 16:15 Hiroshima Nagasaki (White Light, Black Rain) (In Japanese)
On August 6th and 9th, 1945, two atomic bombs vaporized 210,000 people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Those who survived are called "hibakusha" -- people exposed to the bomb-- and there are an estimated 200,000 living today. Today, with the threat of nuclear weapons of mass destruction frighteningly real - the world's arsenal capable of repeating the destruction at Hiroshima 400,000 times over, Oscar® award-winning filmmaker Steven Okazaki revisits the bombings and shares the stories of the only people to have survived a nuclear attack. Steven spent 25 years making this film.

Download the Tokyo Peace Film Festival Flyer(B5/4 pages、PDF2.2MB)

Ticket Information

--------<Tokyo Peace Film Members>--------
To become a member you can register (in Japanese only) at the Peace Film Festival Homepage.
Adults (Students)    
7/18 (Friday) One day ticket 1,500yen (500yen)  
7/18 (Friday) 〜19 (and Saturday) 2 day ticket 3,000yen (2,000yen)  
7/18 (Friday) 〜20 (Sat, Sunday) 3 day ticket 5,000yen (3,000yen)
(The number of three day tickets available for members is limited to 200)
7/20 (Sunday) Single day ticket (No pre-sales) 2,000yen (1,000yen)

--------<General Public>--------
No pre-sale tickets available.
Adults (Students)
7/18 (Friday) One day ticket 2,500yen (1,500yen)
7/19 (Saturday) One day ticket 4,000yen (3,000yen)
7/20 (Sunday) One day ticket 3,000yen (2,000yen)

Sunday, July 15, 2007

An Open Letter to CNN from Michael Moore

CNN Building JPG

Something revolutionary is happening around the Michael Moore's latest film SICKO and I have to post this for you all to read.

Micheal Moore was interviewed on CNN about a week ago... You can check out the interview on YouTube below if you have not already seen it. In the interview, Michael asks CNN to apologize to the citizens of the US for not only the fudged facts made in the initial CNN story aired in the clip, but also, and more importantly, for their incorrect coverage of his movie Fahrenheit 911, as everything Michael Moore mentioned in the movie has come to be seen as true. For example, Michael was correct about there being no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and so on...

Michael gave CNN five days to apologize but they did not, so he wrote this scathing letter to them which he finishes by accusing CNN of being responsible for the war in Iraq and the lives of 3,610 soldiers...

Take the time to read it. Yes, there can be little doubt that todays media (not only CNN) is controlled by big corporations who have only one thing in mind, profit. They do not care for the truth, our health, for that matter our very lives...

Dear CNN,

Well, the week is over -- and still no apology, no retraction, no correction of your glaring mistakes.

I bet you thought my dust-up with Wolf Blitzer was just a cool ratings coup, that you really wouldn't have to correct the false statements you made about "Sicko." I bet you thought I was just going to go quietly away.

Think again. I'm about to become your worst nightmare. 'Cause I ain't ever going away. Not until you set the record straight, and apologize to your viewers. "The Most Trusted Name in News?" I think it's safe to say you can retire that slogan.

You have an occasional segment called "Keeping Them Honest." But who keeps you honest? After what the public saw with your report on "Sicko," and how many inaccuracies that report contained, how can anyone believe anything you say on your network? In the old days, before the Internet, you could get away with it. Your victims had no way to set the record straight, to show the viewers how you had misrepresented the truth. But now, we can post the truth -- and back it up with evidence and facts -- on the web, for all to see. And boy, judging from the mail both you and I have been receiving, the evidence I have posted on my site about your "Sicko" piece has led millions now to question your honesty.

I won't waste your time rehashing your errors. You know what they are. What I want to do is help you come clean. Admit you were wrong. What is the shame in that? We all make mistakes. I know it's hard to admit it when you've screwed up, but it's also liberating and cathartic. It not only makes you a better person, it helps prevent you from screwing up again. Imagine how many people will be drawn to a network that says, "We made a mistake. We're human. We're sorry. We will make mistakes in the future -- but we will always correct them so that you know you can trust us." Now, how hard would that really be?

As you know, I hold no personal animosity against you or any of your staff. You and your parent company have been very good to me over the years. You distributed my first film, "Roger & Me" and you published "Dude, Where's My Country?" Larry King has had me on twice in the last two weeks. I couldn't ask for better treatment.

That's why I was so stunned when you let a doctor who knows a lot about brain surgery -- but apparently very little about public policy -- do a "fact check" story, not on the medical issues in "Sicko," but rather on the economic and political information in the film. Is this why there has been a delay in your apology, because you are trying to get a DOCTOR to say he was wrong? Please tell him not to worry, no one is filing a malpractice claim against him. Dr. Gupta does excellent and compassionate stories on CNN about people's health and how we can take better care of ourselves. But when it came time to discuss universal health care, he rushed together a bunch of sloppy -- and old -- research. When his producer called us about his report the day before it aired, we sent to her, in an email, all the evidence so that he wouldn't make any mistakes on air. He chose to ignore ALL the evidence, and ran with all his falsehoods -- even though he had been given the facts a full day before! How could that happen? And now, for 5 days, I have posted on my website, for all to see, every mistake and error he made.

You, on the other hand, in the face of this overwhelming evidence and a huge public backlash, have chosen to remain silent, probably praying and hoping this will all go away.

Well it isn't. We are now going to start looking into the veracity of other reports you have aired on other topics. Nothing you say now can be believed. In 2002, the New York Times busted you for bringing celebrities on your shows and not telling your viewers they were paid spokespeople for the pharmaceutical companies. You promised never to do it again. But there you were, in 2005, talking to Joe Theismann, on air, as he pushed some drug company-sponsored website on prostate health. You said nothing about about his affiliation with GlaxoSmithKline.

Clearly, no one is keeping you honest, so I guess I'm going to have to do that job, too. $1.5 billion is spent each year by the drug companies on ads on CNN and the other four networks. I'm sure that has nothing to do with any of this. After all, if someone gave me $1.5 billion, I have to admit, I might say a kind word or two about them. Who wouldn't?!

I expect CNN to put this matter to rest. Say you're sorry and correct your story -- like any good journalist would.

Then we can get back to more important things. Like a REAL discussion about our broken health care system. Everything else is a distraction from what really matters.

Michael Moore
[email protected]

P.S. If you also want to apologize for not doing your job at the start of the Iraq War, I'm sure most Americans would be very happy to accept your apology. You and the other networks were willing partners with Bush, flying flags all over the TV screens and never asking the hard questions that you should have asked. You might have prevented a war. You might have saved the lives of those 3,610 soldiers who are no longer with us. Instead, you blew air kisses at a commander in chief who clearly was making it all up. Millions of us knew that -- why didn't you? I think you did. And, in my opinion, that makes you responsible for this war. Instead of doing the job the founding fathers wanted you to do -- keeping those in power honest (that's why they made it the FIRST amendment) -- you and much of the media went on the attack against the few public figures like myself who dared to question the nightmare we were about to enter. You've never thanked me or the Dixie Chicks or Al Gore for doing your job for you. That's OK. Just tell the truth from this point on.

Here is the CNN interview mentioned above:

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Resolving The Worsening Crisis At The FDA

Food Politics GIF

I received the article below directly from Steven Fox. I have decided to publish it in full as I feel it absolutely necessary for each of us to learn more the failings of the FDA. The FDA are no longer (perhaps they never have been!) the protectors of the food supply, these days they work hand in hand with the large multi-national food and drug companies, with profit, not health as their as their only goal. Our politicians are implicitly involved as well...

For some serious and insightful reading on this topic I highly recommend Marion Nestle’s book Food Politics.

May 11th, 2007

The FDA has been taken over by the very industries that it was meant to regulate. This is outrageous; this is tragic; at times, this is even criminal. The unholy alliance between corporation and state have bled out even the pretense that the FDA is working for the benefit and safety of the American people. The FDA is a failed bureaucracy under corporate control. This sad litany affects every single American, and is compellingly detailed in this article by Stephen Fox. His analyses are at times horrifying, yet are always medically and legally accurate; his recommendations concerning corrections, especially at the state (rather than Federal level) are insightful.

KP Stoller, MD
President, International Hyperbaric Medical Assoc
Medical Director, Hyperbaric Medical Center of New Mexico

By Stephen Fox

Never before in Human History has food chemistry been so precarious and so critical to the health of billions. This results from multinational corporate biochemical mayhem going unchecked by regulatory bodies in every nation, the worst two being the United States Food and Drug Administration and Chinas total lack of standards. This crisis is worsening, demonstrated by the FDA failing to discern the imported melamine from China in the wheat and rice gluten additive to pet food that has already killed at least 4000 pets, and the failure to prevent imports of diethylene glycol, the fake glycerine from China added to medications as a sweetener, which has killed hundreds, especially children, from Panama to India to Bangladesh.

These egregious vignettes, however, pale in epidemiological comparison with harm done by the manufacturing of neurotoxic and carcinogenic food additives in general, which is rapidly destroying health in hundreds of nations. My own theory is that melamine, not normally very toxic, became poisonous when mixed with cyanuric acid in the bottom of the vats in China, a theory also advanced by Richard Goldstein at the Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine.

Food-flavoring workers in California were recently diagnosed with bronchiolitis obliterans, a rare and life-threatening form of lung disease, also known as popcorn workers lung, particularly in workers at microwave- popcorn factories; the disease destroys the lungs. Since 2001, studies have shown links between the disease and a chemical used in artificial butter flavor called diacetyl. Flavoring manufacturers have paid out more than $100 million as a result of lawsuits by people sick with popcorn workers lung over the past five years. One death from the disease has been confirmed among workers; how many have gone undetected in the general population?

Lawsuits against Pfizer and Zoloft have resulted in the FDA recently requiring antidepressant manufacturers to add suicide warnings to their products, a belated public relations gesture. Even the normally unflappable Dr. Andrew Von Eschenbach, Commissioner of the United States Food and Drug Administration, was very recently appointed a new Assistant Commissioner for Food Safety and Security, Dr. David Acheson, M.D. A 1980 graduate of University of London Medical School, Acheson trained in internal medicine and infectious diseases then taught at Tufts Medical Center and researched food borne pathogens, focusing on Shiga toxin- producing E. coli. He also participated in FDA discussions about the fact that heating french fries to 425 degrees transforms the starch into the carcinogenic acrylamide. (In 2003 and 2004, then Attorney General of California Lockyer tried to officially label french fries as containing a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer, over the objections of the fast food lobby and the FDA commission at that time. Perhaps the present AG of California, Jerry Brown will continue this vital consumer protection battle).

Rep. Rosa DeLauro, Connecticut Democrat and senior member of the House Appropriations Committee, blasted Achesons appointment as a mere "reshuffling of management" doing little to prevent future outbreaks. "The agency should have a sense of the barriers, gaps and most critical needs in our food safety system," DeLauro said. "What is needed to adequately protect our food supply is strong enforcement authority that would require mandatory recalls of contaminated products and a commitment from agency management to follow-through with safety investigations."

This pet food thing has shown people, including people at the very highest levels of the administration, that something needs to be fixed. If this isn‘t a wake-up call, the people are so asleep they are catatonic, stated William Hubbard, Associate Director of FDA from 1991 to 2005. As long as the system depends on government inspectors to detect problems and pull dangerous foods, it‘s a failed system, said Michael Taylor former Director of the Agriculture Departments Food Safety Service. Former FDA Commissioner David Kessler, who served under both Bush I and Clinton, maintained that major improvements were needed from Congress, the industry and the FDA."The food safety system in this country is broken," Kessler told the Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Kessler said the FDA needed more money for food safety efforts and should make it a higher priority. "Food safety can't be delegated to second-tier management within the agency, and the fact is that food is a second-tier priority within the FDA," Kessler said.

More money for more experts? Was Kessler joking? We wantonly add chemicals to almost everything we consume as food, almost none of which existed 101 years ago when the Pure Food and Drugs Act was passed, the precursor of the 1937 FDCA that created the FDA (except for Saccharin from Monsanto, invented in 1904). Ralph Nader published THE CHEMICAL FEAST in 1970. Everything is done for superficial appearance or taste. Sodium hexametaphosphate added to potatoes. Sodium Erythorbate, Sodium Nitrates and Nitrites TBHQ, BHA, and BHT, some of which chemical relatives of embalming fluid routinely added to meats and manufactured food products, result in cancers from heated carcinogenic nitrosamines. Artificial sweeteners, made by adding chlorine to sugar (Sucralose/Splenda) or Aspartame, metabolized as methanol and formaldehyde. Take coffee beans; add mercurial fungicides during the transport, then mix the coffee with chemicals like artificial sweeteners and non-dairy creamers, or even just the regular old recombinant bovine grown hormones, found in 99% of the USAs milk, all at higher temperatures which release the proven brain tumor causing diketopiperazine from the Aspartame molecule. Ship cases and cases of Diet Sodas to the Middle East, store them out in the sun at 120 degrees, and then are you surprised when the troops drinking 12-15 daily of these come home with neurological impairments conveniently dubbed Gulf War Syndrome, as if someone else were responsible for these Weapons of Mass Destruction?

Are you surprised when children drinking sodas for breakfast and having manufactured junk food at lunch doled out in the federally funded school lunch programs develop behavioral problems like the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Syndrome, or worse genetic afflictions like Autism? Or when they fail academically or develop criminal pathologies at an early age, and they develop Adult Onset Diabetes at the age of 10 or 11? Add in pesticides, herbicides, fluorine and chlorine in the water, and unburnt hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide in the air, and you have a witches brew of toxic chemicals that is destroying health in the USA and other nations. When activists, lawyers, and legislators try to take some tiny incremental step to begin to correct even one of these problems, they are met with a solid wall of bureaucratic intransigence, corporate lobbyists, stonewalling, and idiotic denial of even the basic premises of their arguments, as if that to reveal that critics are paranoiac will somehow defuse their arguments.

At the level of the New Mexico Legislature 2005-2007, it became absurd to talk to State Senators about the obvious need to prevent Aspartame from harming our children, while six out of nine of them were obliviously guzzling their own can of Diet Coke! Only when bodies pile up killed by chemicals, as they did from DDT, Agent Orange, Asbestos, Vioxx, and others, will the corporate clamor and smoke and mirrors evaporate. Only when the massive lawsuits and judgments begin to roll up will regulatory authorities like the FDA be FORCED to rescind the approval for more of these harmful chemicals, and will see state-level FDAs created by legislatures.

Once, I had hope about FDA Commissioner Von Eschenbach, a cancer survivor who proclaimed that he sought to end cancer by 2015. However, in every single case wherein he was contacted by Aspartame victims, physicians treating Aspartame poisoning, citizen activists, and even state and national Senators, he has either ignored them or else diligently toed the line of cranking out corporate-pleasing lies. In his letter responding to 21 New Mexico legislators asking for Aspartames approval to be rescinded, Von Eschenbach said FDA has yet to be presented with credible scientific evidence! Fact: FDA has always completely ignored or discredited evidence laid before them (just google Ramazzini Oncology Foundation, Dr. Russell Blaylock, Dr. H.J. Roberts, Dr. Betty Martini, and others, to read some of the evidence).

I am suspicious of Dr. Acheson, the recently appointed Food Safety and Security Deputy Commissioner. At best, he is a band-aid pasted on to thus far unsolved afflictions, another gutless apparatchik appointed to appease our increasingly angry public, yet not rock the boat of the grander Administration schemes of corporate-driven Haliburton-corrupted plutocracies, health be damned. Acheson has thus far obtained the ringing endorsement of the Grocery Manufacturers of America, who lick his boots and count on him to do absolutely nothing to correct the medical, neurological, epidemiological, and educational harm done by the biochemical mayhem and chemical feast called mainstream American cuisine.

Hillary Clinton very recently called on FDA and the Agriculture Department to strengthen regulations for imported and domestic foods. In a letter to Secretary Mike Johanns of the USDA and to Commissioner Andrew Eschenbach, Clinton wrote that "On top of the direct threat to human health, this contamination also threatens our agricultural industries. It is unconscionable that America does not have proper mechanisms in place to adequately test and track food and feed materials from overseas." She asked: "What procedures you plan to put in place to test food and feed products coming in from overseas, especially countries with lax food safety standards? How you can improve the monitoring and tracking of products once they enter into the United States? How you will alert the public to these problems in the future?"

However, as long as we have current and prior Presidents and the rest of the current Presidential candidates addicted to junk food, unable to recognize the neurological harm done by their own guzzling of aspartame in diet sodas, is there any political resolution possible to curtail general fast food corporate abuses of human health? Please let me know what you think!

Stephen Fox
Founder, New Millennium Fine Art
[email protected]