Saturday, July 16, 2011

Prof. Chris Busby to make an emergency visit to Japan

Chris Busby JPG

To the Press
July 14, 2011

Dr. Chris Busby - European Committee on Radiation Risk (ECRR)
Emergency Visit to Japan Press Conference & Lecture Schedule

From July 17 to 21, Dr. Christopher Busby, Scientific Secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risk (ECRR) and well known for his research on internal radiation exposure will make an emergency visit to Japan. As you may know, Dr. Busby’s position differs significantly from that of the International Committee on Radiation Protection (ICRP), which he believes has greatly underestimated the dangers of internal exposure. Dr. Busby continues to research into both the dangers of internal exposure as well as the negative health consequences of low-dose radiation exposure.

During his visit to Japan, Dr. Busby will present for the first time his analytical results for the various radionuclides that have been dispersed in Fukushima Prefecture and Tokyo, based on his original dust collection method, which was carried out in advance of his visit. His findings indicate that the official methods used to evaluate radiation exposure to the population are grossly inadequate. He is deeply concerned for the people of Japan as he feels they have not been given accurate data on the levels and types of radionuclides that they are being exposed to.

Dr. Busby will give talks in Aizu Wakamatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture; Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture; and in Tokyo, and will meet with local citizens. Visiting Japan for the first time since the nuclear accident, Dr. Busby will hold lectures and press conferences as outlined below. We sincerely look forward to your attendance at any or all of the events.

Dr. Busby’s Lecture Schedule in Japan

July 17 (Sun) 16:00 to 20:00 pm (Venue opens 15:50)
Location: Waseda Hoshien Scott Hall (2-3-1 Nishi Waseda, Shinjuku Ward)
Attendance limit: 200 persons Participation fee: 1000 yen
Enquiries: [email protected]

July 18 (Mon) 13:30 to 16:30 p.m
Location: Matsudo City Chamber of Commerce, 5th Floor Conference Room
Attendance limit: 200 persons Participation fee: 500 yen
Enquiries: [email protected]

July 19 (Tue) 18:30 to 21:00 pm (Venue opens at 18:00 pm)
Location: Apio Space Exhibition Hall (90 Inter-nishi, Aizu Wakamatsu City)

Attendance limit: 250 persons Participation fee: 500 yen
Enquiries: Ms. Sakai: 080 5557 5407
Interlocutor: Professor Emeritus Shoji Sawada of Nagoya University

***July 20 (Wed) 11:00 a.m. (Venue opens at 10:00 a.m.)***
Location: Kojimachi Press Conference Room
2F, YT Bldg. Kohjimachi 2-2-4 Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo

Sponsor: Free Press Association of Japan
Application: Free Press Association application web page:
Please enter “Application for 20 July Dr. Chris Busby Press Conference participation” in the subject line and then fill out the required details. *Please ensure that each individual wishing to participate sends in their own separate application.
Deadline: By 18:00, 19 July
Enquiries: Free Press Association (FPAJ), PR Manager: Mr. Hatakeyama
Tel. 03-5213-4888 Fax. 03-5213-4989 [email protected]

For more information regarding this press interview and all other events: Ms. Hajime Shiraishi: 03-3296-2720 (Our Planet TV) 090-9824-5731 [email protected]

July 20 (Wed) 2011 13:30 to 16:00
Location Chiyoda Ward, Uchisaiwai Hall (1-5-1 Uchisaiwai Cho, Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo)
Attendance limit: 183 persons Participation fee: 1000 yen
Ms. Hajime Shiraishi: 03-3296-2720 (Our Planet TV)

***July 20 (Wed) 16:30 to 18:30 pm***
Meeting with House of Representatives Members and Press Conference
Location: Diet Members' No. 1 Office Building of the Lower House, Conference Room No. 2

Attendance limit: Diet members and press only.(not open to public)
Enquiries: [email protected] (Ms. Irisawa)
Sponsor: “Evacuate Children From Fukushima Lawsuit”, Representative Mr. Toshio Inoue, Chair of Legal Team, Mr. Toshio Yanagihara Prior application is not required. Participation is on a first come, first served basis.

If there are English language problems when booking any of the events listed, contact Gen Morita:

For more background on the "Evacuate Children from Fukushima Lawsuit" check out this news story:

Fukushima is Worse than Chernobyl - on Global Contamination by Dr. Chris Busby

Now that Dr. Chris Busby is coming to Japan for the first time after 311, I would like to post this article here so that you know who he is and what he has been doing.

Dr. Chris Busby
Interview by Norimatsu Satoko and Narusawa Muneo

Introduction by Norimatsu Satoko

Chemical physicist Chris Busby is at the forefront of scientists who are challenging the radiation risk model propounded by ICRP, the International Commission on Radiological Protection, whose standards for allowable radiation doses the Japanese government has adopted for its citizens affected by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant accident.

Busby, Scientific Secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risk (ECRR), points out that the ICRP model “deals with radiation exposure from all sources in the same way, as if it were external to the body,” and then takes this dose and multiplies it by a risk factor based on the high acute external doses of the atomic-bomb survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The ICRP method thus fails to take into account a number of ways in which certain internal radionuclides can deliver very high doses to critical targets in cells, particularly the cell DNA. One of these is from “inhaled or ingested hot particles, which are solid but microscopic and can lodge in tissue delivering high doses to local cells.”

As a result, internal radiation exposure can be “up to 1,000 times more harmful than the ICRP model concludes.”

In his calculation based on the ECRR model that considers such internal radiation risks, Busby has estimated that within 100 km of Fukushima Daiichi, approximately 200,000 excess cancers will occur within the next 50 years with about half of them diagnosed in the next 10 years, if the 3.3 million people in the area remain there for one year.

He estimates over 220,000 excess cancers in the 7.9 million people from 100 to 200 km in the next 50 years, also with about half of them to be diagnosed in the next 10 years. By contrast, the ICRP model predicts 2,838 extra cancers in the 100 km population.

“The eventual yield will therefore be another test of the two risk models,” Busby contends, pointing out that many studies of the Chernobyl disaster showed much higher cancer yields than the ICRP model had predicted.

The effect of the nuclear disaster, moreover, extends well beyond the 200 km radius. It has been reported in Japan that “traces of plutonium” have been found in the proximity of Fukushima Daiichi.

This is no surprise, since unusual amounts of plutonium and uranium have been detected in Hawaii, Guam, Alaska, and on the West Coast by the US Environmental Protection Agency in the wake of the 3.11 earthquake and tsunami.

CTBTO, the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization, has reported that radioactive materials had dispersed throughout the Northern Hemisphere within two weeks of the Fukushima accident, and that it had even reached the Southern Hemisphere by mid-April.

Shukan Kin Yobi, a weekly magazine, interviewed Chris Busby on the issue of global contamination at a time when the Japanese media have maintained silence on the issue. This is a complete original English text of the interview, published simultaneously with the Japanese version on Shukan Kin’yobi (July 8 edition). Check out the Japanese version of the magazine by clicking here.