Showing posts with label Impeachment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Impeachment. Show all posts

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Truth Can Move Us Forward - 911 War Crimes Tribunal Proposed

Wow, Kucinich is truly my hero. This really needed to happen in the US and I am so happy he keeps speaking and pointing out the most pressing issues for US and the world. What an inspiration to us all he is!

Thanks, Dennis. Thanks, Alfred, founder of Exopolitics, for sending this post to me. Alfred also published this article in his Peace In Space blog which can be seen by clicking here.

Dennis Kucinich Banner JPG

This article first appeared in The Nation.

The Truth Can Move Us Forward

America must move from the errant, retributive justice of 9/11 to a healing, restorative process of truth and reconciliation.

Before the Congress adjourns, I will bring forth a new proposal for the establishment of a National Commission on Truth and Reconciliation, which will have the power to compel testimony and gather official documents to reveal to the American people not only the underlying deception which has divided us, but in that process of truth seeking set our nation on a path of reconciliation.

We suffer in our remembrance of 9/11, because of the terrible loss of innocent lives on that grim day. We also suffer because 9/11 was seized as an opportunity to run a political agenda, which has set America on a course of the destruction of another nation and the destruction of our own Constitution. And we have become less secure as a result of the warped practice of pursing peace through the exercise of pre-emptive military strength.

It is not simply 9/11 that needs to be remembered. We also need to remember the politicization of 9/11 and the polarizing narrative which followed, locking us into endless conflict, a war on terror which has wrought further terror worldwide and which has severely damaged our standing worldwide as an honorable, compassionate nation. As we were all victims of 9/11, so we have become victims of the interpretation of 9/11.

Our government's external response to 9/11 was to attack a nation which did not attack us. Indeed on the first anniversary of 9/11, the Bush Administration issued a well-publicized stern warning to Iraq, which was part of a campaign to induce people to believe Iraq had something to do with 9/11.

The deliberate, systematic connection of Iraq with 9/11 has led America into a philosophical and moral cul-de-sac as over one million Iraqis and over 4,155 US soldiers have died in a war that will cost over $3 trillion. Additionally, soldiers from twenty-three other countries have died in the Iraq war.

We attempt to unite Iraq by further dividing it. We talk about restoring Iraq while taking steps to place control of its vast oil wealth in the hands of US oil giants. And we intend to impose upon the Iraqi people the cost of rebuilding a country our government ruined, keeping a once-prosperous nation lashed to debt and poverty for a long, long time. Iraq has paid for 9/11. We all continue to pay for 9/11.

The heartbreaking loss of the lives and injuries to America troops further binds us to the Administration's illogic of the Iraq War: We remember our troops' sacrifice by demanding more sacrifice; we support our troops by continuing the war.

The dominant color of our new national security since 911 is neither red, white nor blue. Every day is orange. Every day, reminders of fear of 9/11 become banal. Yet we no longer hear the airport announcements nor see the orange-colored warnings because they have commonplace standards in our new national security state, as is the Patriot Act, wiretapping, and a host of invasions of privacy and diminution of civil liberties. The Constitution has been roundly attacked by the very people who took an oath to defend it.

There is a powerful desire across America for change, not necessarily from control by one political party to another, but a change from living with lies to living with truth.

Over two dozen nations, facing peril within and without, deeply divided by politics and war have travelled down a path of restoring civil society through a formal process of reconciliation. At some point within each of those countries it was understood that the way forward is shown through the light of truth. This process is not without pain because it requires a willingness to study evidence from which eyes had been averted and ears had been closed. But in the process of truth and reconciliation, nations found new strength, new resolve, and new commitment.

The South African Truth and Reconciliation enabled that nation to come to grips with its past through a public confessional, bringing forward those who committed crimes and having the power to grant amnesty for full disclosure of crimes against the people. Of course, our path may necessarily be different: High US government officials stand accused in impeachment petitions of violating national and international law. Our continued existence as a democracy may depend upon how thoroughly we seek the truth. I will call upon the America people to join me in supporting this effort.

The truth can move us forward, as a unified whole, so that we can one day become a re-United States. 9/11 is the day the world changed. It is the day America embraced a metaphor of war. If we are open to truth and reconciliation, we may one day be able, once again, to embrace peace.

About Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich
At age 31, Dennis Kucinch was elected mayor of Cleveland, Ohio, making him the youngest-ever elected leader of a major American city. Since 1997, he has represented Ohio's 10th District in Congress, and he is currently the co-chair of the House Progressive Caucus. He ran for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004.

Friday, February 01, 2008


This came through the Global Peace Campaign mailinglist today and I would like to share it with you. If a 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal is going to be held in Japan, I will be definitely be a supporter or even an organizer.


I would like to call the attention of the 9/11 community to the work of Dr. Judy Wood, a former Professor of Mechanical Engineering and of John Hutchison, Canadian scientist and discoverer of the Hutchison effect. I viewed Dr. Wood's work first hand in August 2007, when I was asked to speak at the 9/11 Scholars Conference in Madison, Wisc. by Prof. Jim Fetzer of the University of Wisconsin, founder of 9/11 Scholars on 9/11 & International Law: A 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal: 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal:

Dr. Wood's work on the 9/11 event found that the experimental evidence at the World Trade Center (WTC) site was consistent with the the footprint of a high-energy electromagnetic or laser weapons which had transformed 80% of the mass of the WTC towers into nano particles within seconds.

Of note to the 9/11 community is scientist John Hutchison's public statement on Jan. 14 and 18, 2008 "that Col. John Alexander and others from the U.S. military visited him in 1983 and filmed his experiments with a team from Los Alamos National Laboratories (LANL). (Click here to listen to the statement)

Canadian MP Chuck Cook and Dr. Lorn A. Kuehne of the Canadian Security Intelligence
Service (CSIS) contacted him in 1986 and told him his work was "a matter of National Security."

Hutchison says he's been told that defense contractor, S.A.I.C., has his technology and has been developing it.


It remains to future evidentiary examination whether the work of Col. John Alexander in his reported 1983 filming and questioning of John Hutchinson's experiments on behalf of the Los Alamos National Laboratories (LANL) - a known situs of advanced weapons development - or in any other of his work in this area contributed to the energy weapons that may have been used on the World Trade Center towers on 9/11. It also remains to be established whether Col. John Alexander may have been knowingly involved in any capacity - including advanced weapons consultation - in the events of 9/11.

As per my presentation at the 9/11 Scholar's Conference and the Vancouver 9/11 Conference, such work by Col. John Alexander and other John and Jane Does, if knowingly involved in the commission of the events of 9/11 would constitute a war crime, including crimes against humanity and genocide under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Code. The events of 9/11 were used as a pretext for the illegal invasion of Afghanistan and the occupation of its uranium and hydrocarbon reserves, and the low level nuclear bombing of its population through depleted uranium weapons, an act which has been ruled as genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes by the Tokyo Tribunal for War Crimes in Afghanistan.

Video: 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal

For those who may not be aware of Col John Alexander, he is a key member of the Aviary (black budget ET/UFO programs) and the 2008 X-Conference schedule confirms his background with Los Alamos National Laboratories and directed energy weapons:

"What is known is that [Col. John Alexander] has been a leading advocate for the development of non-lethal weapons since he created renewed interest in the field starting in 1989. An original thinker, he has developed other unique concepts for conflict that must remain undisclosed at this time.

"He entered the US Army as a private in 1956 and rose through the ranks to sergeant first class, attended OCS, and was a colonel of Infantry in 1988 when he retired. During his varied career, he held many key positions in special operations, intelligence, and research and development. From 1966 through early 1969 he commanded Special Forces "A" Teams in Vietnam and Thailand. His last military assignment was as Director, Advanced Systems Concepts Office, US Army Laboratory Command. After retiring from the Army, Dr. Alexander joined Los Alamos National Laboratory where he was
instrumental in developing the concept of Non-Lethal Defense. As a program manager, he conducted non-lethal warfare briefings at the highest levels of government including the White House Staff, National Security Council, Members of Congress, Director of Central Intelligence, and senior Defense officials. He also met with heads of industry, and presented at academic institutions, including Columbia, Harvard and MIT.

"Dr. Alexander organized and chaired the first five major conferences on non-lethal warfare and served as a US delegate to four NATO studies on the topic. As a member of the Council on Foreign Relations non-lethal warfare study, he was instrumental in influencing the report that is credited with causing the Department of Defense to create a formal Non-Lethal Weapons Policy in July 1996. For several years, he has been a distinguished guest lecturer at the US Air Force Air University and participated in key war games when non-lethal weapons were first being considered."

*From Andrew Johnson (UK):*

Scientists See WTC - Hutchison Effect Parallel

14th and 18th January 2008, Washington DC, USA - In two appearances on a Washington DC Pacifica Radio Station, WPFW, on a show hosted by Author and Political Commentator Ambrose I. Lane, Sr., Dr. Judy Wood, a former Professor of Mechanical Engineering, and John Hutchison, experimental scientist, discussed how photographic and video evidence suggest that the World Trade Centre (WTC) towers were destroyed using Directed Energy Weapons(DEW). Many of the observed effects resemble those seen in John Hutchison's experiments.

In early January 2008, Wood posted a new study on her website
which relates effects seen in photographs taken before, during and after the destruction of the WTC complex, to effects seen in Hutchison's ongoing experiments. Wood and Hutchison co-authored the study.

John Hutchison is a Canadian inventor and experimental scientist who has been working with "field effects" for almost 30 years. The Hutchison Effect is a collection of phenomena discovered accidentally by John Hutchison in 1979 during attempts to reproduce the work of Nikola Tesla. Hutchison uses radio frequency and electrostatic sources. The Hutchison Effect occurs in a volume of space where the beams intersect and interfere. The results are levitation of heavy objects, fusion of dissimilar materials such as metal and wood, anomalous melting (without heating) of metals without burning adjacent material, spontaneous fracturing of metals (which separate by sliding in a sideways fashion), and both temporary and permanent changes in the crystalline structure and physical properties of metal samples.

Hutchison has reproduced his experiments many times and the results are recorded on video and have been included in a number of TV documentaries that focus on unusual scientific experiments. Hutchison's metal samples have been repeatedly tested by scientists, including a group at the Max Planck Institute in Germany, confirming Hutchison Effects.

The article by Wood and Hutchison ( documents effects and events seen in the vicinity of the World Trade Centre and compares these with observed characteristics of the Hutchison Effect.

The observed effects include:

*"Weird Fires"*

The fires seen near the badly damaged cars do not seem to ignite nearby office paper. Some photos show firefighters walking very close to or even through the fires. A video by John Hutchison shows similar looking "fires" on a model metal boat.

*Bent Beams and "Jellification"*

Samples that Hutchison produced show very unusual effects on metal. Sometimes the metal "jellifies," turning soft and losing form, leading to severe bending or fracturing of the sample. Sometimes samples erupt from the centre and sometimes they turn to dust, similar to what happened to the WTC on 9/11.

*Ongoing reactions*

Hutchison's samples often show an ongoing reaction, even after the energy field is removed. This "non-self-quenching" reaction seems to occur at the nuclear level. This also appears to be happening at Ground Zero (GZ). Dr. Wood's study suggests that the WTC site is still being "decontaminated," with trucks moving dirt into and out of the site, while "hosing down operations" continue, which Dr. Wood and Andrew Johnson photographed and recorded on video in January 2008.


Sometimes materials subjected to the Hutchison Effect seem to change at a molecular or even atomic level. This could be the explanation for the apparent rapid rusting at GZ, where steel rusts like iron. Also, some photographs show unusual effects on the aluminium cladding used on the twin towers that look similar to effects produced on Hutchison's aluminum samples.

Wood, Hutchison, and Johnson appeared on two Ambrose Lane shows, "We Ourselves," and discussed the similarities between the WTC event and the experimental evidence produced by the Hutchison Effect. "I have been collecting data over the last year and a half or so and I have found these distinct and unusual characteristics, which I have given names such as 'fuming' and 'toasted' cars – I have even noticed flipped cars in some pictures," said Wood. "In some cases, the flipped cars are sitting next to trees that are fully covered with leaves."

"If the flipping of the cars was caused by big explosions or 'wind' from the towers coming down," asked Johnson, "how did the leaves stay on the trees?" Material scientist George Hathaway observes that the Hutchison Effect causes either lift or disruption of the material itself. Lift explains the flipped cars. ( )

In some of his experiments, Hutchison observed "spontaneous combustion" where "fires appeared out of nowhere." He also confirmed that Col. John Alexander and others from the U.S. military visited him in 1983 and filmed his experiments with a team from Los Alamos National Laboratories (LANL).

Canadian MP Chuck Cook and Dr Lorn A Kuehne of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) contacted him in 1986 and told him his work was "a matter of National Security."

Hutchison says he's been told that defense contractor, S.A.I.C., has his technology and has been developing it.

Asked about ongoing dirt removal and hosing down at the WTC complex, Hutchison commented, "I think there is an ongoing reaction or 'infection.'" Wood noted that the damage done to the Bankers Trust (Deutsche Bank) building was repaired, but then they decided to take the building down. This evidence indicates there is a continuing reaction there. Rusting beams in the Bankers Trust building and in the temporary PATH train station also suggest ongoing reactions too.

At the end of the first show, a caller said, "This is a revelation beyond revelations… this trumps everything… If this story ever gets out, it will change the course of the United States' and the whole world's history."

Another caller said during the second show, "I am thinking that these revelations we are hearing this morning should have the people so excited and so outraged that they should be flooding the lines to their congressmen and news people to get this message out as the number one story of the year."

For more information please see:

WPFW Related:

Audio of interviews:
*We Ourselves Dr Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson 14 Jan 2007.mp3

*We Ourselves Dr J Wood J Hutchison and A Johnson 18 Jan 2007.mp3

*"The Hutchison Effect"*
*Anomalies at the WTC*
*Weird Fires*

The fires seen near the toasted cars don't seem to ignite the paper. Some photos show firemen walking very or even through them. Are they "cold" fires?


*Bent Beams*

Samples that John Hutchison has produced show very unusual effects on the metal – sometimes severe bending occurs



Sometimes the metal "jellifies" - other effects are also seen.


*Thinning, Transmutation, and Rapid Aging*


*Cars/Lift and Disintegration*

Some WTC pictures show cars that are upside down. (How?) One of the key effects John Hutchison has reproduced many times is a "levitation" or "anti-gravity" effect. Objects are sometimes seen to levitate or if they don't, they disintegrate. These effects are seen in this video clip:


*Toasted Metal & Effects*

A number metal effects have been observed in samples from the WTC and these show similar features to some of the samples made by John Hutchison



Sometimes, materials subjected to the Hutchison Effect seem to change at an elemental level – could this be the explanation for the rapid rusting – steel is turned into Iron?






Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A Passionate Memorial Day Speech!

One of my friends just sent me the following eight minute video of Dennis Kucinich speaking in Tampa, Florida during the Memorial Day Weekend. His presentation is so direct, so heartfelt, so inspiring.

I don’t know how widely it was broadcast in the mainstream media, but I want to make sure as many people see it as possible...

He covers the war in Iraq, global warming, impeachment, price fixing and the nefarious greed of the global oil corporations and more!!

Please watch it and get your friends to watch it! We, the world, need a man like Dennis to lead us back to peace and sanity!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Dennis Kucinich on Democracy Now!

Today, Amy Goodman of Democracy Now, that broadcasts on NPR (National Public Radio) around the US, interviewed Dennis Kucinich, Ohio Congressman and Democratic presidential candidate, on his views on the Democratic leadership giving in to the Bush regime by abandoning its effort to include a non-binding timetable for withdrawal from Iraq in the war spending bill.

Dennis made his viewpoint very clear, that the Democrats, who were elected in November last year to end the war have failed the wishes of the people of America. He also makes the underlying reasons for the US presence in the Gulf area have everything to do with profiteering from Iraqi oil...

A transcript of the interview can be read here. To watch the interview, click here.

I urge you to go to Congressman Kuchinich’s website in order to learn more about him and his outstanding policies. Anyone who truly desires peace for our planet needs to give him the serious consideration he undoubtedly deserves!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Kucinich Sweeps California Democratic Convention Party

Check out this fabulous speech by Dennis Kucinich speaking to the California Democratic Party's 2007 State Convention in San Diego, April 28, 2007.

Kucinich is without question, the man who should be President in 2008!

The fact that Kucinich hardly gets any coverage in the US mainstream media really shows that the media is no longer giving fair coverage to all candidates and issues.

Check out a review of his speech on The After Downing Street homepage!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

First Lady To Be!

Please watch this amazing impromptu interview with Elizabeth Kucinich.

I met Elizabeth the first time in September 2005 when I attended the 3rd National Conference for a Department of Peace. Dennis and Elizabeth were newly married and looked very happy. We spent three hours talking together. Yes, she is a beautiful woman inside and out.

Dennis, Elizabeth and Yumi JPG

At the 3rd National Department of Peace Conference in Washington DC, Sep. 2005

This time in February, I was in Washington DC again to attend the 4th National Conference for a Department of Peace and I met Elizabeth again. Dennis and Elizabeth have become a really powerful and compassionate couple, which is something good for America, England and the world. Their relationship is now very close as they enjoy working together on projects and issues that they both have deep common interest in. I am very happy that Dennis has such a wonderful partner in his life.

I really hope that Americans will finally find the real leader of their country and our planet, that person, of course, I feel should be Dennis Kucinich and his wife Elizabeth.

We need a leader who is compassionate, not someone who kills and destroys.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Kucinich Introduces Impeachment Articles Against Cheney

Updated GIF
Check out the CNN video interview on YouTube with Dennis.


This is sooooo moving that I have to publish it in full. Hope ALL Americans read this and understand that Kucinich is the leader USA needs and the whole world awaits for.

Kucinich Introduces Impeachment Articles Against Cheney

CQ Transcripts Wire
Tuesday, April 24, 2007; 6:09 PM

REP. DENNIS J. KUCINICH, D-OHIO: Thank you very much for being here.

Dennis Kucinich JPG

We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights; that, among these, are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; that, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the government; and, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it.

These words from the Declaration of Independence are instructive at this moment. Because not only whenever any form of government, but whenever any government official becomes destructive of the founding purposes, that official or those officials must be held accountable.

Because I believe the vice president's conduct of office has been destructive to the founding purposes of our nation. Today, I have introduced House Resolution 333, Articles of Impeachment Relating to Vice President Richard B. Cheney. I do so in defense of the rights of the American people to have a government that is honest and peaceful.

It became obvious to me that this vice president, who was a driving force for taking the United States into a war against Iraq under false pretenses, is once again rattling the sabers of war against Iran with the same intent to drive America into another war, again based on false pretenses.

Let me cite from the articles of impeachment that were introduced this afternoon, Article I, that Richard Cheney had purposely manipulated the intelligence process to deceive the citizens and the Congress of the United States by fabricating a threat of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction to justify the use of the United States armed forces against the nation of Iraq in a manner damaging to our national security.

That despite all evidence to the contrary, the vice president actively and systematically sought to deceive the citizens and the Congress of the United States about an alleged threat of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.

That preceding the March 2003 invasion of Iraq, the vice president was fully informed that no legitimate evidence existed of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The vice president pressured the intelligence community to change their findings to enable the deception of the citizens and the Congress of the United States.

That in this the vice president subverted the national security interests of the United States by setting the stage for the loss of more than 3,300 United States service members and the loss of 650,000 Iraqi citizens since the United States invasion; the loss of approximately $500 billion in war costs, which has increased our federal debt; the loss of military readiness within the United States armed services, through an overextension and lack of training and lack of equipment; and the loss of United States credibility in the world affairs and decades of likely blowback created by the invasion of Iraq.

That with respect to Article II, that Richard Cheney manipulated the intelligence process to deceive the citizens and the Congress of the United States about an alleged relationship between Iraq and Al Qaida in order to justify the use of United States armed forces against the nation of Iraq in a manner damaging to our national security.

And that, despite all evidence to the contrary, the vice president actively and systematically sought to deceive the citizens and Congress of the United States about an alleged relationship between Iraq and Al Qaida.

That preceding to the March 2003 invasion of Iraq, the vice president was fully informed that no credible evidence existed of a working relationship between Iraq and Al Qaida, a fact articulated in several official documents.

With respect to Article III, that in his conduct while vice president of the United States, Richard Cheney openly threatened aggression against the Republic of Iran, absent any real threat to the United States, and has done so with the United States's proven capability to carry out such threats, thus undermining the national security interests of the United States.

That despite no evidence that Iran has the intention or the capability of attacking the United States, and despite the turmoil created by the United States's invasion of Iraq, the vice president has openly threatened aggression against Iran.

Furthermore, I point out in the articles that Article VI of the United States Constitution states, and I quote, "This Constitution and the laws of the United States shall be made in pursuance thereof and all treaties made or which shall be made under the authority of the United States shall be the supreme law of the land. Any provision of an international treaty ratified by the United States becomes the law of the United States."

The United States is signatory to the U.N. Charter, a treaty among the nations of the world. Article II, Section 4 of the United Nations Charter states, and I quote, "All members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations."

The articles conclude by pointing out that the vice president's deception upon the citizens and the Congress of the United States that enabled the failed United States invasion of Iraq forcibly altered the rules of diplomacy so that the vice president recent belligerent actions toward Iran are destabilizing and counterproductive to the national security of the United States of America.

These articles of impeachment are not brought forth lightly. I've carefully weighed the options available to members of Congress and found this path the path that is the most important to take.

The justifications used to lead our nation to war have unquestionably been disproved. Brave soldiers and innocent civilians have lost their lives in a war the United States should never have initiated. The weight of the lies used to lead us into war has grown heavier with each death. Now is the time for Congress to examine the actions that led us into this war, just as we must work to bring the troops home. This resolution is a very serious matter, and I will urge the Committee on Judiciary to investigate and carefully consider this resolution.

At this time, I'm happy to take any of your questions.

QUESTION: Congressman, at this point do you have any other -- any fellow members support this?

KUCINICH: At this very moment, the resolution is being transmitted to members of Congress. Because this resolution is so weighty in its import, it's going to be important for members of Congress to have sufficient time to study the articles. This is unlike any other type of legislation or resolution. This is not something that you can ask anyone to make a snap judgment on. It took me a while to come to this point. And I would expect that members of Congress, given the opportunity to review these articles, will be able to come to a conclusion consistent with their own concerns and the concerns of their constituents.

QUESTION: But at this point, you stand alone, at this point?

KUCINICH: At this point, I believe that I stand with millions of Americans who have expressed concern through their state legislatures, through petitions to Congress, through contact with their members of Congress, that something has to be done to reclaim our country's goodness, to reclaim a government which the American people want to be honest, want to be just.

And so I do not stand alone. I have multitudes of people backing this.

QUESTION: (OFF-MIKE) Chairman Conyers to look at this?

KUCINICH: I will discuss this with Chairman Conyers, now that this has been introduced, and I will ask for his consideration. And I will communicate this to all members of the House and ask them to give it the kind of thoughtful consideration that it deserves.

KUCINICH: I might point out that -- that when you read the annotations here, you will see that everything that has been said in these articles has been carefully documented. In fact, I would imagine that some of you have even reported some of the statements, although perhaps the statements have not been challenged in this way until now.


KUCINICH: The question relates to why I'm bringing the articles of impeachment against Mr. Cheney, and not Mr. Bush. Is that it?

QUESTION: Why solely Mr. Cheney?

KUCINICH: Well, there's a practical reason here. And the practical reason is -- first of all, I want to say that each and every charge against Mr. Cheney relates to his conduct or misconduct in office.

Now, with respect to the president. I think that it's very important that we start with Mr. Cheney. Because if we were to start with the president and pursue articles of impeachment, Mr. Cheney would then become president.

It's significant and responsible to start in this way, because if the same charges would relate to the president as relate to the vice president, you would then have to go through the constitutional agony of impeaching two presidents consecutively.


KUCINICH: Well, actually -- I'll wait until that truck goes by here.

Let me tell you the difference. The difference today is that this vice president is actively encouraging aggression against Iran. It is urgent that Congress take steps to check the abuse of power. And that's what this impeachment resolution will do.

KUCINICH: There is no comparison whatsoever -- in any way, shape or manner -- between these articles of impeachment and the articles of impeachment which were presented to the House of Representatives in 1999.

In fact, these articles of impeachment are deeply researched, will stand up in a discussion in the House and in the Senate. And I believe that they are -- that they're imperative to bring forth right now because the threat of war against Iran is very real.

And this vice president cannot be permitted to continue to violate both the U.S. Constitution and the U.N. Charter.

QUESTION: Congressman, you're running for president. Are you hoping to get the others (OFF-MIKE)?

KUCINICH: Each person has to -- each person will have to make his or her own decision.

This goes beyond partisan terms. This is being done to defend our constitutional system of government. This is being done so that all those of us who took an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States can understand that this impeachment is one valid way in furtherance of the defense of our Constitution.

I don't see this as being distant from anyone, in any capacity in our government. Everyone must reflect on this.

Years from now, people will ask, "Why didn't the United States government respond when they saw this threat to our democracy? Why didn't people inside the government respond?" if this doesn't move forward.

And so this really isn't so much, I might add, about the vice president as it is about who we are as a people. What is it that we stand for? What kind of government do the people of the United States expect and deserve?

KUCINICH: It's not appropriate for the government to lie to people. It is wrong for government officials -- you know, the vice president, in this case -- to take this nation into war based on lies.

And so, again, this becomes a question of who we are as a people. And so this resolution 333, articles of impeachment against the vice president, will let future generations know that no one is above the law of this country and that Congresses have the specific responsibility to provide a check to administrative abuse of power. That's the way the framers set this government up.

QUESTION: Congressman, Speaker Pelosi has said on more than one occasion she's not interested in impeachment.

Have you had conversations with her on this, or some exchange, in your mind...

KUCINICH: No, I have not discussed this with Speaker Pelosi.

I want to stress that this is not a partisan action at all. I have not confided in anyone in the leadership of my party, because I take this action beyond partisanship, beyond party, as an obligation and commitment to my nation and my loyalty to America and my willingness to say, "Stop the lies. Stop the lying. Stop the dying that's occurring in Iraq over lies."

It's imperative that America stand for the truth. It said in the Bible, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." Well, let then these articles of impeachment help set our nation free from the lies that have enveloped our governmental process, the lies that are trapping us still in a war in Iraq, the lies that could take us into a war against Iran.

This is about the truth.

QUESTION: Congressman, it's been said by some pundits that you're just introducing these articles to gain publicity for your presidential campaign.

What do you make of those allegations? And do you think this is going to help you out in your race for the presidency?

KUCINICH: These articles are about the conduct of the vice president of the United States, that he deceived the people of the United States to take this country into a war, that he continues to exhibit a pattern of conduct that could take this country into another war based on false pretenses. That's what this is about.

KUCINICH: And I believe that the people of this country are demanding that someone stand up and anyone has been free to do this. Anyone in the House of Representatives could take similar action if they so choose, or could take action against the vice president or the president.

QUESTION: Pelosi says it's not going anywhere.


KUCINICH: Have you talked to her today?

QUESTION: Yes, I did.

KUCINICH: Then I would say I have not talked to her. And as much as I admire the speaker, as much as I voted to support her, I feel that it's my obligation as a member of Congress to introduce these articles of impeachment. And I believe the American people will be the final arbiters as to whether or not these articles should go forward.

QUESTION: Just to follow up, when you say the vice president led us into war, wouldn't that be President Bush? Isn't Cheney working for Bush? (inaudible)

KUCINICH: Well, let's go into Article I. "Mr. Cheney: 'We know they have biological and chemical weapons.'" Said this in a press conference on March 17th, 2002. "We know they're pursuing nuclear weapons." He said this in a press briefing on March 19th, 2002. "He is pursuing, activity pursuing nuclear weapons at this time." He said this on "CNN Late Edition," March 24th. "We know he's got chemical and biological, and we know he's working on nuclear."

"Meet the Press," May 19th: "But we know Saddam has resumed his efforts to acquire nuclear weapons." "There is no doubt he's amassing them against our friends, against our allies and against us." August 26th, 2002.

On and on and on. "He has in fact activity and aggressively seeking to acquire nuclear weapons." September 8th, 2002, "Meet the Press."

"He has in fact reconstituted nuclear weapons." March 16th, "Meet the Press."

This vice president was a driving force in trying to create the circumstances to justify the United States's attack against Iran. And he not only deceived the people of the United States, and the Congress of the United States, he deceived the American media.

KUCINICH: And so these articles are tightly focused on the conduct of the vice president. And to the extent that they may reflect in some way on the conduct of the president of the United States, is another matter for another day.


KUCINICH: I think the record is very clear, that this vice president used his conduct of office to promote a war and Article I and Article II are very clear that he conducted himself in such a way as to use the power of his office to promote that war.

And so this relates to the vice president. And I think I answered the question earlier about why the vice president and not the president.

Anyone else? I want to thank you very much for being here.

QUESTION: Do you have anyone you would identify as a replacement? If Vice President Cheney were impeached, it would have to be voted on the House and the Senate for confirmation.

KUCINICH: That would be up to President Bush.

Thank you.

Thursday, April 19, 2007


Great news after such tragedies in Virginia, USA and Nagasaki, Japan.

The Mayor of Nagasaki, Mr. Itoh, a strong peace and anti nuclear supporter, was shot to death during his election campaign, the following day after the Virginia Tec gun massacre. I pray that the victims and their families and friends will be able to transform the grief and pain they share into the energy our society so badly needs to create a more peaceful culture in the world.

Here is some great news I found today.
Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich Intends to File For Cheney Impeachment

Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), the most liberal of the Democratic presidential candidates in the primary field, declared in a letter sent to his Democratic House colleagues this morning that he plans to file articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney.

Kucinich has made ending the war in Iraq the central theme of his campaign. He has even taken aim at the leading Democratic presidential candidates in the field for their votes on authorizing the war.

Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution gives Congress the authority to impeach the president, vice president and "all civil Officers of the United States" for "treason, bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

Sources tell the Sleuth that in light of the mass killings at Virginia Tech Monday, Kucinich's impeachment plans have been put on hold. There will be no action this week, they say.

Kucinich's office had no comment on the Congressman's "Dear Colleague" letter -- which apparently was drafted over the weekend, before the school massacre -- or on what the focus of articles of impeachment against Cheney would be.

But Kucinich shouldn't hold his breath on getting anywhere with his impeachment plan. "We'll see a Kucinich Administration before we'll see a Cheney impeachment," quipped one Democratic aide.

Here is the text of his letter, a copy of which was forwarded to the Sleuth:

April 17, 2007

Dear Colleague:

This week I intend to introduce Articles of Impeachment with respect to the conduct of Vice President Cheney. Please have your staff contact my office . . . if you would like to receive a confidential copy of the document prior to its introduction in the House.


Dennis J. Kucinich
Member of Congress