Showing posts with label Iraq. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iraq. Show all posts
Monday, March 16, 2009
Two New Groups for 911 Truth Launched
I have been busy writing and translating a chapter for the new book written by Mr. Yukihisa Fujita, who questioned the official US government's version of what happened on Sept. 11th, 2001 in NY at Japan's Diet (the equivalent of the US Senate) last year in January. Since then, there have been many new groups that have launched websites that question the official 911 story. Recently two new groups were launched that I feel the public needs to be made aware of.
One was initiated by a group of politicians, including Mr. Fujita, called Political Leaders for 911 Truth. Check out their website:
Another was started by religious leaders including Dr. David Ray Griffin, and is called Religious Leaders for 911 Truth. Their website URL is:
There are so many groups now in the world working for 911 truth and I really hope that President Obama will make an initiative to launch a new completely independent commission to investigate what really happened on Sept. 11th, 2001. The War on Terror still continues today. Innocent people are still getting killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, and all the family victims of 911 and the War on Terror should know the truth.
The book by Mr. Fujita is titled 'Questioning 9.11 Truth at Japan's Diet - Can Obama Really Change the US? It is published by Clubhouse and is available in Japan for 1500yen. ISBN978-4-906496-43-3. The Japanese title is: 「9.11テロ疑惑国会追及ーーオバマ米国は変われるか」It should be at bookstores in late March and there will be a publishing party held on April 8th, which I intend to attend.
There will be another event on this topic at which Mr. Fujita will speak on April 24 at Naked Loft in Tokyo. The charge will be 1000 yen at the door.
One was initiated by a group of politicians, including Mr. Fujita, called Political Leaders for 911 Truth. Check out their website:
Another was started by religious leaders including Dr. David Ray Griffin, and is called Religious Leaders for 911 Truth. Their website URL is:
There are so many groups now in the world working for 911 truth and I really hope that President Obama will make an initiative to launch a new completely independent commission to investigate what really happened on Sept. 11th, 2001. The War on Terror still continues today. Innocent people are still getting killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, and all the family victims of 911 and the War on Terror should know the truth.
The book by Mr. Fujita is titled 'Questioning 9.11 Truth at Japan's Diet - Can Obama Really Change the US? It is published by Clubhouse and is available in Japan for 1500yen. ISBN978-4-906496-43-3. The Japanese title is: 「9.11テロ疑惑国会追及ーーオバマ米国は変われるか」It should be at bookstores in late March and there will be a publishing party held on April 8th, which I intend to attend.
There will be another event on this topic at which Mr. Fujita will speak on April 24 at Naked Loft in Tokyo. The charge will be 1000 yen at the door.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Mr. Fujita's questions on 9/11 chosen as No. 24 in the Top 25 Censored Stories
Project Censored chose the Top 25 censored stories for 2009 and amazingly, one Japanese story is in the list. (I guess it is not so amazing actually, as I know all too well about the mainstream media censorship that goes on in Japan...).
Anyway, the story that was chosen about a topic that I am very involved in!
Parliament member Mr. Yukihisa Fujita asked questions to Mr. Fukuda, who was at that time the Prime Minister of Japan. The questions concerned not only the inconsistencies in the official version of what happened on Sept. 11th., but also debated the ethics of renewing Japan's 'anti-terror law' which supports the coalition forces operating in Afghanistan. Mr. Fujita pointed out that the US has not provided credible information that links al-Qaeda to Sept 11th.
The parliamentary session was broadcast by NHK TV live but not one newspaper or TV program even mentioned it that day or in the days following. To this day, almost no one in Japan knows about it!
There was and still is a total media blackout despite the importance of Mr. Fujita's questions!!
Please read what Project Censored wrote by clicking here.
Anyway, the story that was chosen about a topic that I am very involved in!
Parliament member Mr. Yukihisa Fujita asked questions to Mr. Fukuda, who was at that time the Prime Minister of Japan. The questions concerned not only the inconsistencies in the official version of what happened on Sept. 11th., but also debated the ethics of renewing Japan's 'anti-terror law' which supports the coalition forces operating in Afghanistan. Mr. Fujita pointed out that the US has not provided credible information that links al-Qaeda to Sept 11th.
The parliamentary session was broadcast by NHK TV live but not one newspaper or TV program even mentioned it that day or in the days following. To this day, almost no one in Japan knows about it!
There was and still is a total media blackout despite the importance of Mr. Fujita's questions!!
Please read what Project Censored wrote by clicking here.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Sept 11th, the day the world woke up!

Today here in Tokyo Japan, Benjamin Fulford, Yukihisa Fujita and myself took part in a 911 Truth Event on this seventh anniversary of the Sept. 11th, 2001. We had a full house with over 200 people attending!
Mr. Fujita speaking on the question of if Japanese politics is manipulated by the US Government.
As Benjamin mentioned during his talk today, as terrible as the events of Sept. 11th were, in reality, they were needed to wake the world up from the dangerous slumber it was in. Prior to 911, virtually no one was aware of the nefarious behind the scenes manipulation of local and global events for the benefit or corporations, the military and the wealthy elite.
I myself began to realize something was not quite right with the official 911 story about three years after Sept. 11th, 2001. Since then I have continued my research and now know that Sept. 11th was just one of many, many events that were planned in advance in order to manipulate and control the fabric of society for the benefit of the elite and the businesses they control!
Sept 11th was used to manipulate us into believing that extremists from Afghanistan and Iraq were behind the attacks in New York and the only way to stop them from doing the same again was to invade, attack and control their countries. In the years that have passed since the war started over 4,000 US soldiers have been killed, with some 30,000 wounded. As for the Iraqi's, some estimates put their death toll at over a million...
We now know that Sept. 11th was not carried out by 19 terrorists wielding box cutters! How gullible we were to believe that they could defeat not once, but four times on the same day, the most sophisticated military and security forces in the world!
How gullible were we to believe that two steel towers that were built to handle hurricane force winds for months at a time could collapse in their own footprints in less than ten seconds, an hour or so after they were struck by the planes!
The fake war on terror continues today, physically and mentally maiming not only Iraqi's but US soldiers and their families too!
The PressTV News Story
Enough is enough! We must now put the spotlight on 911 as many people still do not know the truth! I hope you will join me and my many friends around the world. We have been working hard to get the truth out about 911!
As the mainstream media is the voice of the military, the corporations and the the elite, it is up to us, to you and me, to become the voice of truth and peace! Each one of us must become the media. We need to tell everyone we know that 911 Was An Inside Job!
On November 3rd, we will be holding our 2nd 911 Truth Conference in Japan. Please visit our website to learn more about what we have planned. If you are living in Japan don't miss it! If you know someone living in Japan, please make sure you tell them about it.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Japanese MP Yukihisa Fujita Speaking at Oz 2008 911 Truth Conference
Now, you can watch what Mr. Fujita said at the Oz 2008 Truth Now Tour Conference held in Sydney Australia on March 15th and 16th. He spoke on both days, this video being from March 15th. Mr Fujita has become the conscience of the parliamentarians of the world now. I hope more politicians can follow him to light the 911 truth which is still in the dark.
For readers with bandwidth limits, click here to listen to just the audio of his presentation. (MP3 format, 6 MB)
The following comments are from my friend Chihaya, who attended all three days of the conference:
Hello everybody,
I got back from the Sydney conference today.
The conference was fantastic.
Dr. Bob Bowman was really powerful!!
Dave vonKleist was so funny.
Great to see an Aussie scientist(chemist, Dr. Frank Legge who worked for the Department of Agriculture for years) and engineer (David Leifer from Sydney University) saying the official story is just "impossible."
Too many stories to tell and write but I'm simply extremely TIRED (have been limping a bit) and need to get some rest.
John Bursill the organizer kindly gave me five minutes on Friday night to sing "George the Killer" and my new song "September 11th was an Inside Job!" People there loved it! Also, John asked me to join the forum on activism on Sunday. It was my great pleasure to tell the crowd what they can do in daily life to spread the truth.
Also when I sang my song to Ian Woods of Global Outlook and Adam of on Sunday night privately, Ian was moved to TEARS!!
One more thing... I was glad that they invited Ed Griffin. He saw my passion for some reason and encouraged me to join his group.
When I questioned the panel on "how to wake up super pathetic peace activists," I noticed that he was looking at me very intensely. It was kinda scary... Anyhow, he seems to have a lot to tell. Will be interesting to learn more about what he said in his lecture, depending on my time and energy... I think for some his talk could have been way too much to absorb.
I found some truthers, including an 'expert' as well as a truther from LA, that had the same view as mine when we talked about that Global Warming Swindle.
It was really unfortunate that somebody PINCHED the last copy of "Children of the Gulf War" by Takashi Morizumi. It was my personal copy that I had on a table for people to take a look at. That was really disappointing. I hope whoever took it will show it around to as many people as possible.
One last thing, Bob Bowman praised that book "Shell Game" though we'd better wait for the second edition that will include Bob's corrections.
You can also check out this story that was posted directly after his speech on, a very good alternative news source.
For readers with bandwidth limits, click here to listen to just the audio of his presentation. (MP3 format, 6 MB)
The following comments are from my friend Chihaya, who attended all three days of the conference:
Hello everybody,
I got back from the Sydney conference today.
The conference was fantastic.
Dr. Bob Bowman was really powerful!!
Dave vonKleist was so funny.
Great to see an Aussie scientist(chemist, Dr. Frank Legge who worked for the Department of Agriculture for years) and engineer (David Leifer from Sydney University) saying the official story is just "impossible."
Too many stories to tell and write but I'm simply extremely TIRED (have been limping a bit) and need to get some rest.
John Bursill the organizer kindly gave me five minutes on Friday night to sing "George the Killer" and my new song "September 11th was an Inside Job!" People there loved it! Also, John asked me to join the forum on activism on Sunday. It was my great pleasure to tell the crowd what they can do in daily life to spread the truth.
Also when I sang my song to Ian Woods of Global Outlook and Adam of on Sunday night privately, Ian was moved to TEARS!!
One more thing... I was glad that they invited Ed Griffin. He saw my passion for some reason and encouraged me to join his group.
When I questioned the panel on "how to wake up super pathetic peace activists," I noticed that he was looking at me very intensely. It was kinda scary... Anyhow, he seems to have a lot to tell. Will be interesting to learn more about what he said in his lecture, depending on my time and energy... I think for some his talk could have been way too much to absorb.
I found some truthers, including an 'expert' as well as a truther from LA, that had the same view as mine when we talked about that Global Warming Swindle.
It was really unfortunate that somebody PINCHED the last copy of "Children of the Gulf War" by Takashi Morizumi. It was my personal copy that I had on a table for people to take a look at. That was really disappointing. I hope whoever took it will show it around to as many people as possible.
One last thing, Bob Bowman praised that book "Shell Game" though we'd better wait for the second edition that will include Bob's corrections.
You can also check out this story that was posted directly after his speech on, a very good alternative news source.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Japanese Councilor (Senator) Mr. Yukihisa Fujita Questions the Official US 911 Story
It was historical and exciting to watch 911 truth being questioned at the Japanese Diet (Parliament) on Jan 10, 2008. For the first time in Japan serious questions were first asked as to the legitimacy of Japans support for the US 'War On Terror'. The proceedings were aired live on NHK TV (Japan Broadcasting Corporation). See the full session below on YouTube, with English subtitles... A transcript can be read here.
Though the session was broadcast live on NHK TV, no newspaper or TV new program on that day or in the days following has mentioned it. Only people who happened to be watching TV at the time it was broadcast know of it, and that, of course, is not so many people.
It is quite obvious that the media here is Japan is controlled by powers that do not want this topic to be brought to the attention of the population in general.
The person who made history is Mr. Yukihisa Fujita, a member of Democratic Party of Japan and of the House of Councillors. Before becoming a politician, Mr. Fujita spent more than 20 years working for International human rights NGO's such as MIRA (IC) and Nanmin wo Tasukeru Kai (Association for Aid and Relief, Japan), helping young refugees of war.
I have known him for quite a while and we have a mutual trust and understanding. I was honored to be able to provide the information he used during the January 10th session of the Diet. Benjamin Fulford and Chihaya also supplied him with 911 related information. Mr. Fujita was warned not to speak too much about 911 as it is dangerous matter, but he was and is determined to continue seeking the truth regardless of such threats.
Working for refugees, especially children, for so many years made him realize that war is not the way to tackle terrorism. In this regard we have a common stance about how to go about international politics and the importance of using peaceful means to resolve disputes and conflicts. Thanks to the many wonderful activists, film makers and researchers around the world I am now convinced that 911 was not the terrorist attack planned by Osama bin Ladin and Al Quada that the US would like us all to believe. The people behind 911 wanted an excuse to have a 'war' so that they could get rich from the making weapons and the destruction of innocent lives. Their greed is not only for money however, it is for power too. It is becoming clear that they are now trying to control every aspect of our lives, from what we eat and drink, to where we go and can't go, to where we live and can't live, to even what we think! (Alex Jones is doing a good job of exposing many of these things.)
The events of September 11th, 2001 could not have happened without the support of people high in power in the US government, including perhaps Vice President Dick Cheney. I doubt President Bush could have planned such sophisticated and complicated events but that does not mean he was not 'in the know.'
What we can and need to do is to spread this news, the truth of what really happened on 911, as widely as possible! There are many good 911 videos you can watch online for free... If you are in Japan, we have some DVD's available in both English and Japanese at our Global Peace Campaign Store.
Let's finish the absurd and cruel war game now.
Though the session was broadcast live on NHK TV, no newspaper or TV new program on that day or in the days following has mentioned it. Only people who happened to be watching TV at the time it was broadcast know of it, and that, of course, is not so many people.
It is quite obvious that the media here is Japan is controlled by powers that do not want this topic to be brought to the attention of the population in general.
The person who made history is Mr. Yukihisa Fujita, a member of Democratic Party of Japan and of the House of Councillors. Before becoming a politician, Mr. Fujita spent more than 20 years working for International human rights NGO's such as MIRA (IC) and Nanmin wo Tasukeru Kai (Association for Aid and Relief, Japan), helping young refugees of war.
I have known him for quite a while and we have a mutual trust and understanding. I was honored to be able to provide the information he used during the January 10th session of the Diet. Benjamin Fulford and Chihaya also supplied him with 911 related information. Mr. Fujita was warned not to speak too much about 911 as it is dangerous matter, but he was and is determined to continue seeking the truth regardless of such threats.
Working for refugees, especially children, for so many years made him realize that war is not the way to tackle terrorism. In this regard we have a common stance about how to go about international politics and the importance of using peaceful means to resolve disputes and conflicts. Thanks to the many wonderful activists, film makers and researchers around the world I am now convinced that 911 was not the terrorist attack planned by Osama bin Ladin and Al Quada that the US would like us all to believe. The people behind 911 wanted an excuse to have a 'war' so that they could get rich from the making weapons and the destruction of innocent lives. Their greed is not only for money however, it is for power too. It is becoming clear that they are now trying to control every aspect of our lives, from what we eat and drink, to where we go and can't go, to where we live and can't live, to even what we think! (Alex Jones is doing a good job of exposing many of these things.)
The events of September 11th, 2001 could not have happened without the support of people high in power in the US government, including perhaps Vice President Dick Cheney. I doubt President Bush could have planned such sophisticated and complicated events but that does not mean he was not 'in the know.'
What we can and need to do is to spread this news, the truth of what really happened on 911, as widely as possible! There are many good 911 videos you can watch online for free... If you are in Japan, we have some DVD's available in both English and Japanese at our Global Peace Campaign Store.
Let's finish the absurd and cruel war game now.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Team GOGO!
Something positive and revolutionary is about to happen here in Japan. There is a marvelous new positive action group called TEAM GOGO that is beginning to make big waves across the country.
TEAM GOGO was initiated by Tentsukuman (literally, a man who creates heaven) and Ryuichi Nakamura. They want to stop global warming, the radioactive pollution that will soon spread across Japan once the Rokkasho reprocessing plant in northern Japan becomes fully operational, and of course, they want to end all war.
They suggest that by changing just a few small things in our lives we can make such changes a reality! For example, instead of depositing money in multinational banks we should create and use local peoples’ banks... We should try to eat as much locally grown food as possible. We should choose energy saving electric appliances. grow our own food where possible, and use candles for romantic dinners and so on... They have many more wonderful ideas. If enough people were to adopt them, the effect on our planet would be enormous.
To spread the word about these changes that need to take place and the actions each of us can do, TEAM GOGO will distribute their GOGA newspaper to every home in Japan. The distribution will take place between June 10th and June 22nd.
To coordinate the distribution of the newspaper in all the cities, towns and villages across Japan, we need 1,800 Rainbow Angels. If you live in Japan, would you join us and become a Rainbow Angel or Rainbow Angel Supporter?
Even if you don’t speak Japanese you can help! TEAM GOGO has English speaking staff and will be happy to put you in touch people in your area that you can work with. Here is the email address you should use: [email protected]. Please include your name and address. If you can speak Japanese, let us know, as that would be advantageous!
If you cannot help us with the actual distribution of the newspaper, you can also help by donating to TEAM GOGO. We require 20 million yen to print the newspaper and to distribute it to all the families in Japan (49 million families). We are working hard to raise the required money and your contribution would be greatly appreciated!
If you live in Japan you can send a donation from your local post office by Yubin Furikae money transfer. Here are the details you need to include.
Account number: 01670-5-75050
Thanks for in advance for your support and involvement. Together, let's make this miracle happen.
The TEAM GOGO homepage can be viewed here. Unfortunately, there is no English page available at this time.
By the way, on the 22nd, there will be a Candle Night Summer Solstice, when we hope one million people in Japan will turn off their electric lights for two hours from 8 to 10 PM and just use candles for their illumination. Check out the Candle Night English homepage here:
TEAM GOGO was initiated by Tentsukuman (literally, a man who creates heaven) and Ryuichi Nakamura. They want to stop global warming, the radioactive pollution that will soon spread across Japan once the Rokkasho reprocessing plant in northern Japan becomes fully operational, and of course, they want to end all war.
They suggest that by changing just a few small things in our lives we can make such changes a reality! For example, instead of depositing money in multinational banks we should create and use local peoples’ banks... We should try to eat as much locally grown food as possible. We should choose energy saving electric appliances. grow our own food where possible, and use candles for romantic dinners and so on... They have many more wonderful ideas. If enough people were to adopt them, the effect on our planet would be enormous.
To spread the word about these changes that need to take place and the actions each of us can do, TEAM GOGO will distribute their GOGA newspaper to every home in Japan. The distribution will take place between June 10th and June 22nd.
To coordinate the distribution of the newspaper in all the cities, towns and villages across Japan, we need 1,800 Rainbow Angels. If you live in Japan, would you join us and become a Rainbow Angel or Rainbow Angel Supporter?
Even if you don’t speak Japanese you can help! TEAM GOGO has English speaking staff and will be happy to put you in touch people in your area that you can work with. Here is the email address you should use: [email protected]. Please include your name and address. If you can speak Japanese, let us know, as that would be advantageous!
If you cannot help us with the actual distribution of the newspaper, you can also help by donating to TEAM GOGO. We require 20 million yen to print the newspaper and to distribute it to all the families in Japan (49 million families). We are working hard to raise the required money and your contribution would be greatly appreciated!
If you live in Japan you can send a donation from your local post office by Yubin Furikae money transfer. Here are the details you need to include.
Account number: 01670-5-75050
Thanks for in advance for your support and involvement. Together, let's make this miracle happen.
The TEAM GOGO homepage can be viewed here. Unfortunately, there is no English page available at this time.
By the way, on the 22nd, there will be a Candle Night Summer Solstice, when we hope one million people in Japan will turn off their electric lights for two hours from 8 to 10 PM and just use candles for their illumination. Check out the Candle Night English homepage here:
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
A Passionate Memorial Day Speech!
One of my friends just sent me the following eight minute video of Dennis Kucinich speaking in Tampa, Florida during the Memorial Day Weekend. His presentation is so direct, so heartfelt, so inspiring.
I don’t know how widely it was broadcast in the mainstream media, but I want to make sure as many people see it as possible...
He covers the war in Iraq, global warming, impeachment, price fixing and the nefarious greed of the global oil corporations and more!!
Please watch it and get your friends to watch it! We, the world, need a man like Dennis to lead us back to peace and sanity!
I don’t know how widely it was broadcast in the mainstream media, but I want to make sure as many people see it as possible...
He covers the war in Iraq, global warming, impeachment, price fixing and the nefarious greed of the global oil corporations and more!!
Please watch it and get your friends to watch it! We, the world, need a man like Dennis to lead us back to peace and sanity!
US Elections
Friday, May 25, 2007
Dennis Kucinich on Democracy Now!
Today, Amy Goodman of Democracy Now, that broadcasts on NPR (National Public Radio) around the US, interviewed Dennis Kucinich, Ohio Congressman and Democratic presidential candidate, on his views on the Democratic leadership giving in to the Bush regime by abandoning its effort to include a non-binding timetable for withdrawal from Iraq in the war spending bill.
Dennis made his viewpoint very clear, that the Democrats, who were elected in November last year to end the war have failed the wishes of the people of America. He also makes the underlying reasons for the US presence in the Gulf area have everything to do with profiteering from Iraqi oil...
A transcript of the interview can be read here. To watch the interview, click here.
I urge you to go to Congressman Kuchinich’s website in order to learn more about him and his outstanding policies. Anyone who truly desires peace for our planet needs to give him the serious consideration he undoubtedly deserves!
Dennis made his viewpoint very clear, that the Democrats, who were elected in November last year to end the war have failed the wishes of the people of America. He also makes the underlying reasons for the US presence in the Gulf area have everything to do with profiteering from Iraqi oil...
A transcript of the interview can be read here. To watch the interview, click here.
I urge you to go to Congressman Kuchinich’s website in order to learn more about him and his outstanding policies. Anyone who truly desires peace for our planet needs to give him the serious consideration he undoubtedly deserves!
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