Anti-Phishing protection

July 4, 2024

ID 91192

Kaspersky Security 8 for Linux Mail Server filters out phishing threats and links to websites with malware from messages passing through the mail server. Phishing refers to messages containing phishing web addresses, images or text that could trick users into disclosing confidential data to hackers.

The Anti-Phishing engine scans messages for phishing threats and links to websites with malware. The Anti-Phishing module analyzes the message content (including the Subject header) and attached files.

Based on the Anti-Phishing scan results, the program assigns the message one of the Anti-Phishing scan statuses and adds a status tag at the beginning of the message subject. You can configure the message status tag in the rule settings.

Depending on the status assigned, the program performs actions in accordance with the message processing rule settings. You can specify actions to be performed by the program on messages with a certain status. The default action taken by the program on messages is Skip, with messages delivered to users unchanged.

The Anti-Phishing module is enabled by default. If required, you can disable the Anti-Phishing engine or disable Anti-Phishing scanning of messages for any rule.

In this Help section

About Anti-Phishing message scan status labels

Enabling and disabling Anti-Phishing protection of messages

Enabling and disabling Anti-Phishing scanning of messages for a rule

Configuring the Anti-Phishing module

Setting default values for Anti-Phishing engine settings

Configuring Anti-Phishing scan actions on messages

Configuring tags added to message subjects after Anti-Phishing scanning

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