About the key

January 24, 2025

ID 91152

A license key is a sequence of bits used to activate and use the application in accordance with the End User License Agreement. A license key is generated by Kaspersky.

You can add a key to the program in one of the following ways: apply a key file or enter an activation code.

After you add a key to the application, the license key is displayed in the application interface as a unique alphanumeric sequence.

Kaspersky can block a license key over violations of the End User License Agreement. If the license key has been blocked, you must add a different license key to continue using the application.

There are two types of license keys: active and additional (or reserve).

An active license key is the key that is currently used by the application. A trial or commercial license key can be added as the active key. The application cannot have more than one active license key.

An additional (or reserve) license key is a license key that entitles the user to use the application, but is not currently in use. An additional license key automatically becomes active when the license associated with the current active license key expires. An additional license key can be added only if the active license key is available.

A license key for a trial license can be added only as the active license key. A license key for a trial license cannot be added as an additional license key.

An additional key can be added only if the active key is available.

Kaspersky Security 8 for Linux Mail Server uses keys of the following types:

  • Fully-functional key. When this key is added, the program works in full-functionality mode, performing scans for spam, phishing, viruses and other types of malware, as well as Content Filtering, Mail Sender Authentication, and scans of messages using Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform.
  • Key for Anti-Virus protection. When this key is added, the program performs scans for viruses and other types of malware, Content Filtering, Mail Sender Authentication, and scans of messages using Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform. The program does not perform a spam scan. The status label assigned by the program to a message following a scan contains information about limited functionality.
  • Key for Anti-Spam and Anti-Phishing protection. When this key is added, the program performs scans for spam and phishing, Content Filtering, Mail Sender Authentication, and scans of messages using Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform. The program does not scan for viruses or other malware. The status label assigned by the program to a message following a scan contains information about limited functionality.

The type of additional key should match the type of the previously added active key. If the type of the additional key does not match the type of a previously added active key, the available program functionality changes in accordance with the type of the additional key when the additional key becomes active.

Anti-Spam and Anti-Virus databases are updated regardless of key type.

See also

Application licensing

About the End User License Agreement

About the license

About the license certificate

About the activation code

About the key file

About the subscription

About data provision

Viewing information about the license and added keys

Viewing information about the license and added keys using the command line interface

Updating of license and added keys information

Adding a key file

Adding an activation code

Removing a key

Notifications that the license expires soon

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business Advanced: Adaptive security of your company
Web and device controls. Data encryption. Centralized and convenient management from a single console.
Kaspersky Premium Support (MSA): High‑priority incident processing
Telephone and web ticket support. Fast response, monitoring and health check. Submit a request and activate the contract (MSA).