Configuring settings of message content filtering for a rule
January 24, 2025
ID 149715
To configure message content filtering settings for a rule:
- In the main window of the program web interface, open the management console tree and select the Rules section.
- In the rules list, click the name of the rule to open the rule for which you want to configure the message content filtering settings.
- Select the Content Filtering section.
- Flip on the toggle switch next to the name of the Content Filtering settings group if it is off.
- To restrict transmission of messages containing attachments of a certain size:
- In the If the allowed message size is exceeded settings group, click the link to the right of the Message size limit setting name to open the Attachment size scan limit window.
- In the field under the window name, enter the maximum size of objects in the range from 0 KB to 1048576 KB (1 GB).
If the value is set to 0 KB, no restrictions apply to the size of objects.
- Click the OK button.
The Attachment size scan limit window closes.
- To restrict transmission of messages containing attachments of a certain format:
- In the If attachment type is banned settings group, click the link to the right of the Banned formats of MIME parts setting name to open the Attachment types excluded from scanning window.
- Select check boxes next to the formats of attachments the transmission of which you want to restrict.
You can restrict transmission of messages with the following attachments:
- Executable files (e.g., EXE; DLL; OCX)
- Document files (e.g., DOC; XLS; PDF; PPT)
- Multimedia files (e.g., AVI; WMV; MP3)
- Graphic files (e.g., JPG; BMP; WMF)
- Archives (e.g., ZIP; RAR; TGZ)
- Databases (e.g., ACCDB; ACCDC; MDB)
- Other files (e.g., TXT; CHM; HTM)
- Click the Close button.
The Attachment types excluded from scanning window closes.
- To restrict transmission of messages containing attachments with specific names:
- In the If attachment name is banned settings group, click the link to the right of the Banned names of attachments setting name to open the Names excluded from scanning window.
- In the field under the window name, enter the names of attachments the transmission of which you want to restrict.
You can use masks and regular expressions in an attachment name. Names can contain any characters. Use semicolons ";" to separate the names.
Regular expressions and masks are not case-sensitive.
For example, you can enter the
name mask to restrict transmission of messages that include attachments with the EXE extension.To restrict the sending of messages that contain executable files of widespread formats, you can use the following regular expressions:
re:.*\.(scr|cpl|com|bat|cmd|vbs|pif|lnk|url|exe|bvs|spl|dll)$; re:^[^\t\n]*\.[A-Za-z0-9]+\.(exe|vbs|cpl|dll)[. ]*$
- Click the OK button.
The Names excluded from scanning window closes.
- If you want to scan for forbidden formats or names of files within archives, select the Scan file formats and names in archive check box.
- If you want to scan for forbidden formats or names of files within compound objects, select the Scan compound objects check box.
If you enable scanning of compound objects, scanning of archives will also be enabled.
If you disable scanning of compound objects, scanning of archives will also be disabled because archives are compound objects.
- Click the Apply button in the lower part of the workspace.
In order for the settings you have configured to be used during operation of Kaspersky Security 8 for Linux Mail Server, make sure that content filtering of messages is enabled for the rule and the rule for which you have configured settings is enabled.