
ダニ・ロドリックが表題のProject Syndicate論説(原題は「Economists vs. Economics」)で、最近のポール・クルーグマン、ポール・ローマー、リチャード・セイラー、ルイジ・ジンガレスといった著名な経済学者による経済学批判を取り上げ、こうした内部からの批判は健全であり、自分自身も自由市場や自由貿易といった経済学の聖なる牛を度々攻撃してきた、と前置きしつつ、以下のように述べている(H/T Mostly Economics)。

But there is a disconcerting undertone to this new round of criticism that needs to be made explicit – and rejected. Economics is not the kind of science in which there could ever be one true model that works best in all contexts. The point is not “to reach a consensus about which model is right,” as Romer puts it, but to figure out which model applies best in a given setting. And doing that will always remain a craft, not a science, especially when the choice has to be made in real time.
The social world differs from the physical world because it is man-made and hence almost infinitely malleable. So, unlike the natural sciences, economics advances scientifically not by replacing old models with better ones, but by expanding its library of models, with each shedding light on a different social contingency.
For example, we now have many models of markets with imperfect competition or asymmetric information. These models have not made their predecessors, based on perfect competition, obsolete or irrelevant. They have simply made us more aware that different circumstances call for different models.
Similarly, behavioral models that emphasize heuristic decision-making make us better analysts of environments where such considerations may be important. They do not displace rational-choice models, which remain the go-to tool in other settings. A growth model that applies to advanced countries may be a poor guide in developing countries. Models that emphasize expectations are sometimes best for analyzing inflation and unemployment levels; at other times, models with Keynesian elements will do a superior job.

この後ロドリックは、ボルヘスの実物大の地図の寓話(cf. ここ)を持ち出した後、モデルや地図においては理解のための単純化は避けられず、いずれも目的に応じて使い分けるべき、と論じている。ちなみにモデルと地図とのアナロジーについてはMark Thomaが以前から指摘している点であり、また、このエントリでリンクしたFiscal Times論説でThomaは、指輪物語のフレーズをもじって、「One Economic Model to Rule Them All」は存在しない、と述べている。


Navigating among economic models – choosing which one will work better – is considerably more difficult than choosing the right map. Practitioners use a variety of formal and informal empirical methods with varying skill. And, in my forthcoming book Economics Rules, I criticize economics training for not properly equipping students for the empirical diagnostics that the discipline requires.

But the profession’s internal critics are wrong to claim that the discipline has gone wrong because economists have yet to reach consensus on the “correct” models (their preferred ones of course). Let us cherish economics in all its diversity – rational and behavioral, Keynesian and Classical, first-best and second-best, orthodox and heterodox – and devote our energy to becoming wiser at picking which framework to apply when.
経済モデル群の中を舵取りし、より機能するモデルを選択することは、正しい地図を選択することに比べて格段に難しい。実際にその作業に従事する人たちは、様々な技能を用いて正式もしくは略式の実証手法を適用している。そして間もなく出版される私の著書「Economics Rules: The Rights and Wrongs of the Dismal Science」では、経済学で必要とされる実証的な診断学を学生に適切に授けてないという咎で経済学教育を批判している。