

彼は、GlasnerのほかMark Thomaの主張――モデルも地図と同様に目的によって使い分ける必要があるという以前紹介した主張を改めてThe Fiscal Timesで行っている――も引きつつ、ウッドフォードをはじめとするニューケインジアンのモデルには、そもそも単なる経済分析とは別の目的があったのだ、と指摘する。その目的とは、10年前にロバート・ソローがスティグリッツの還暦祝いの席で以下のように指摘した現代思想の問題への対処である。

We want macroeconomics to account for the occasional aggregative pathologies that beset modern capitalist economies…. A model that rules out pathologies by definition is unlikely to help. It is always possible to claim that those “pathologies” are delusions, and the economy is merely adjusting optimally to some exogenous shock. But why should reasonable people accept this?… Why should the burden of proof fall on those who see an ordinary standard pathology here?


And they rebutted this current of thought by demonstrating that all you needed was very small market frictions–very small deviations from the Ramsey setup at the level of the individual agent–to produce large and macroeconomically-significant pathologies: to show that large business cycles could emerge from small menu costs, and thus the assumption that market failures were small at the level of individual economic actors should not be taken to imply that any macroeconomy was approximating the solution to any optimal central planning problem.


But then Mike Woodford and company lost sight of the goal. Yes, New Keynesian models with more or less arbitrary micro foundations are useful for rebutting claims that all is for the best macro economically in this best of all possible macroeconomic worlds. But models with micro foundations are not of use in understanding the real economy unless you have the micro foundations right. And if you have the micro foundations wrong, all you have done is impose restrictions on yourself that prevent you from accurately fitting reality.
Thus your standard New Keynesian model will use Calvo pricing and model the current inflation rate as tightly coupled to the present value of expected future output gaps. Is this a requirement anyone really wants to put on the model intended to help us understand the world that actually exists out there? Thus your standard New Keynesian model will calculate The expected path of consumption as the solution to some Euler equation plus an intertemporal budget constraint, with current wealth and the projected real interest rate path as the only factors that matter. This is fine if you want to demonstrate that remodel can produce macroeconomic pathologies. But is it a not-stupid thing to do if you want your model to fit reality?
今の標準的なニューケインジアンモデルは、カルボプライシングを用い、現在のインフレ率を将来予想される産出ギャップの現在価値と緊密に結び付いているものとしてモデル化する。これは、現実に存在している外の世界を理解する助けとなるモデルに本当に与えたいと思う要件だろうか? 今の標準的なニューケインジアンモデルは、消費の期待経路を異時点間の予算制約下での何らかのオイラー方程式の解として算出する。その際、現在の資産と予想される実質金利の経路だけが重要な要因となる。モデルの作り替えによってマクロ経済的な病状が再現できることを示したい場合には、それも結構だろう。しかし、モデルを現実に適合させたい場合には、これが馬鹿げていないやり方と言えるだろうか?


After all, Ptolemy had microfoundations: Mercury moved more rapidly than Saturn because the Angel of Mercury left his wings more rapidly than the Angel of Saturn and because Mercury was lighter than Saturn…