Intro: Below is my essay published first in 1995 in quarterly CLIO (A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History). In view of century-long and still ongoing scholarly disputes about the genesis of totalitarian temptations, intellectual repressions, as well as modern “wokeism” in the EU and US – it may be worthwhile to reexamine the debate between proponents of monotheism and polytheism (“mono-poly”!) from a new vantage point. Which is the genuine religious and intellectual homeland of Whites in America and Europe? Athens or Jerusalem? The Bible or Homer?
With the conversion of the Roman Emperor Constantine to Christianity, the period of pagan Europe began to approach its end. During the next millennium the entire European continent came under the sway of the Gospel — sometimes by peaceful persuasion, frequently by forceful conversion. Those who were yesterday the persecuted of the ancient Rome became, in turn, the persecutors of the Christian Rome. Those who were previously bemoaning their fate at the hands of Nero, Diocletian, or Caligula did not hesitate to apply “creative” violence against infidel pagans. Although violence was nominally prohibited by the Christian texts, it was fully used against those who did not fit into the category of God’s “chosen children.” During the reign of Constantine, the persecution against the pagans took the proportions “in a fashion analogous to that whereby the old faiths had formerly persecuted the new, but in an even fiercer spirit.” By the edict of A.D. 346, followed ten years later by the edict of Milan, pagan temples and the worship of pagan deities came to be stigmatized as magnum crimen. The death penalty was inflicted upon all those found guilty of participating in ancient sacrifices or worshipping pagan idols. “With Theodosius, the administration embarked upon a systematic effort to abolish the various surviving forms of paganism through the disestablishment, disendowment, and proscription of surviving cults.”[1]Charles Norris Cochrane, Christianity and Classical Culture (New York: Oxford UP, 1957), 254-55, 329. The period of the dark ages began.
Christian and inter-Christian violence, ad majorem dei gloriam, did not let up until the beginning of the eighteenth century. Along with Gothic spires of breathtaking beauty, the Christian authorities built pyres that swallowed nameless thousands. Seen in hindsight, Christian intolerance against heretics, Jews, and pagans may be compared to the twentieth-century Bolshevik intolerance against class opponents in Russia and Eastern Europe-with one exception: it lasted longer. During the twilight of imperial Rome, Christian fanaticism prompted the pagan philosopher Celsus to write: “They [Christians] will not argue about what they believe-they always bring in their, `Do not examine, but believe’. . .” Obedience, prayer, and the avoidance of critical thinking were held by Christians as the most expedient tools to eternal bliss. Celsus described Christians as individuals prone to factionalism and a primitive way of thinking, who, in addition, demonstrate a remarkable disdain for life.[2]T. R. Glover, The Conflict of Religion in the Early Roman Empire (1909; Boston: Beacon, 1960), 242, 254, passim. A similar tone against Christians was used in the nineteenth century by Friedrich Nietzsche who, in his virulent style, depicted Christians as individuals capable of displaying both self-hatred and hatred towards others, i.e., “hatred against those who think differently, and the will to persecute.”[3]Friedrich Nietzsche, Der Antichrist, in Nietzsches Werke (Salzburg/Stuttgart: Verlag “Das Berlgand-Buch,” 1952), 983, para. 21. Undoubtedly, early Christians must have genuinely believed that the end of history loomed large on the horizon and, with their historical optimism, as well as their violence against the “infidels,” they probably deserved the name of the Bolsheviks of antiquity. As suggested by many authors, the break-up of the Roman Empire did not result only from the onslaught of barbarians, but because Rome was already “ruined from within by Christian sects, conscientious objectors, enemies of the official cult, the persecuted, persecutors, criminal elements of all sorts, and total chaos.” Paradoxically, even the Jewish God Yahve was to experience a sinister fate: “he would be converted, he would become Roman, cosmopolitan, ecumenical, gentile, goyim, globalist, and finally anti-Semite. “(!)[4]Pierre Gripari, L’histoire du méchant dieu (Lausanne: L’Age d’Homme, 1987), 101-2. It is no wonder that, in the following centuries, Christian churches in Europe had difficulties in trying to reconcile their universalist vocation with the rise of nationalist extremism.
Pagan Residues in the Secular City
Although Christianity gradually removed the last vestiges of Roman polytheism, it also substituted itself as the legitimate heir of Rome. Indeed, Christianity did not cancel out paganism in its entirety; it inherited from Rome many features that it had previously scorned as anti-Christian. The official pagan cults were dead but pagan spirit remained indomitable, and for centuries it kept resurfacing in astounding forms and in multiple fashions: during the period of Renaissance, during Romanticism, before the Second World War, and today, when Christian Churches increasingly recognize that their secular sheep are straying away from their lone shepherds. Finally, ethnic folklore seems to be a prime example of the survival of paganism, although in the secular city folklore has been largely reduced to a perishable commodity of culinary or tourist attraction.[5]Michel Marmin, “Les Piegès du folklore’,” in La Cause des peuples (Paris: édition Le Labyrinthe, 1982), 39-44. Over the centuries, ethnic folklore has been subject to transformations, adaptations, and the demands and constraint of its own epoch; yet it has continued to carry its original archetype of a tribal founding myth. Just as paganism has always remained stronger in the villages, so has folklore traditionally been best protected among the peasant classes in Europe. In the early nineteenth century, folklore began to play a decisive role in shaping national consciousness of European peoples, i.e., “in a community anxious to have its own origins and based on a history that is more often reconstructed than real. “[6]Nicole Belmont, Paroles paiennes (Paris: édition Imago, 1986), 160-61.
The pagan content was removed, but the pagan structure remained pretty much the same. Under the mantle and aura of Christian saints, Christianity soon created its own pantheon of deities. Moreover, even the message of Christ adopted its special meaning according to place, historical epoch, and genius loci of each European people. In Portugal, Catholicism manifests itself differently than in Mozambique; and rural Poles continue to worship many of the same ancient Slavic deities that are carefully interwoven into the Roman Catholic liturgy. All over contemporary Europe, the erasable imprint of polytheist beliefs continues to surface. The Yule celebration represents one of the most glaring examples of the tenacity of pagan residues.[7]Alain de Benoist, Noël, Les Cahiers européens (Paris: Institut de documentations et d’études européens, 1988). Furthermore, many former pagan temples and sites of worship have been turned into sacred places of the Catholic Church. Lourdes in France, Medjugorje in Croatia, sacred rivers, or mountains, do they not all point to the imprint of pre-Christian pagan Europe? The cult of mother goddess, once upon a time intensely practiced by Celts, particularly near rivers, can be still observed today in France where many small chapels are built near fountains and sources of water.[8]Jean Markale, et al., “Mythes et lieux christianisés,” L’Europe paienne (Paris: Seghers, 1980), 133. And finally, who could dispute the fact that we are all brain children of pagan Greeks and Latins? Thinkers, such as Virgil, Tacitus, Heraclitus are as modern today as they were during the dawn of European civilization.
Modern Pagan Conservatives
There is ample evidence that pagan sensibility can flourish in the social sciences, literature, and arts, not just as a form of exotic narrative but also as a mental framework and a tool of conceptual analysis. Numerous names come to mind when we discuss the revival of Indo-European polytheism. In the first half of the twentieth century, pagan thinkers usually appeared under the mask of those who styled themselves as “revolutionary conservatives,” “aristocratic nihilist,” “elitists”-in short all those who did not wish to substitute Marx for Jesus, but who rejected both Marx and Jesus.[9]About European revolutionary conservatives, see the seminal work by Armin Mohler, Die Konservative Revolution in Deutschland, 1919-1933 (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1972). See also Tomislav Sunic, Against Democracy and Equality: The European New Right, prefaced by Alain de Benoist(Arktos: 2011). Friedrich Nietzsche and Martin Heidegger in philosophy, Carl Gustav Jung in psychology, Georges Dumézil and Mircea Eliade in anthropology, Vilfredo Pareto and Oswald Spengler in political science, let alone dozens of poets such as Ezra Pound or Charles Baudelaire-these are just some of the names that can be associated with the legacy of pagan conservatism. All these individuals had in common the will to surpass the legacy of Christian Europe, and all of them yearned to include in their spiritual baggage the world of pre-Christian Celts, Slavs, and Germans.
In the age that is heavily laced with the Biblical message, many modern pagan thinkers, for their criticism of Biblical monotheism, have been attacked and stigmatized either as unrepentant atheists or as spiritual standard-bearers of fascism. Particularly Nietzsche, Heidegger, and more recently Alain de Benoist came under attack for allegedly espousing the philosophy which, for their contemporary detractors, recalled the earlier national socialist attempts to “de-christianize” and “repaganize” Germany.[10]See notably the works by Alfred Rosenberg, Der Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts (München: Hoheneichen Verlag, 1933). Also worth noting is the name of Wilhelm Hauer, Deutscher Gottschau (Stuttgart: Karl Gutbrod, 1934), who significantly popularized Indo-European mythology among National Socialists; on pages 240-54 Hauer discusses the difference between Judeo-Christian Semitic beliefs and European paganism. These appear as unwarranted attacks. Jean Markale observes that “Naziism and Stalinism were, in a sense, also religions because of the acts that they triggered. They were also religions insofar as they implied a certain Gospel, in an etymological sense of the word . . . Real paganism, by contrast, is always oriented towards the realm of sublimation. Paganism cannot be in the service of temporal power.”[11]Jean Markale, “Aujourd’hui, l’esprit païen?” in L’Europe paienne (Paris: Seghers, 1980), 15. The book contains pieces on Slavic, Celtic, Latin, and Greco-Roman paganism. Paganism appears more a form of sensibility than a given political credo, and with the exhaustion of Christianity, one should not rule out its renewed flourishing in Europe.
Paganism Against the Monotheist Desert
Two thousand years of Judeo-Christian monotheism has left its mark on the Western civilization. In view of this, it should not come as a surprise that glorification of paganism, as well as the criticism of the Bible and Judeo-Christian ethics-especially when they come from the right-wing spectrum of society-are unlikely to gain popularity in the secular city. It suffices to look at American society where attacks against Judeo-Christian principles are
frequently looked at with suspicion, and where the Bible and the Biblical myth of god’s “chosen people” still play a significant role in the American constitutional dogma.[12]Milton Konvitz, Judaism and the American Idea (Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1978), 71. Jerol S. Auerbach, “Liberalism and the Hebrew Prophets,” in Commentary 84:2 (1987):58. Compare with Ben Zion Bokser in “Democratic Aspirations in Talmudic Judaism,” in Judaism and Human Rights, ed. Milton Konvitz (New York: Norton, 1972): “The Talmud ordained with great emphasis that every person charged with the violation of some law be given a fair trial and before the law all were to be scrupulously equal, whether a king or a pauper” (146). Ernst Troeltsch, Die Soziallehren der christlichen Kirchen and Gruppen (1922; Aalen: Scientia Verlag, 1965), 768; also the passage “Naturrechtlicher and liberaler Character des freikirchlichen Neucalvinismus,” (762-72). Compare with Georg Jellinek, Die Erklärung der Menschen-und Bürgerrechte (Leipzig: Duncker and Humblot, 1904): “(t)he idea to establish legally the unalienable, inherent and sacred rights of individuals, is not of political, but religious origins” (46). Also Werner Sombart, Die Juden and das Wirtschaftsleben (Leipzig: Verlag Duncker and Humblot, 1911): “Americanism is to a great extent distilled Judaism (“geronnenes Judentum”)” (44). Although the secular city has by now become indifferent to the Judeo-Christian theology, principles that derive from Judeo-Christian ethics, such as “peace,” “love,” and “universal brotherhood,” are still showing healthy signs of life. In the secular city many liberal and socialist thinkers, while abandoning the belief in Judeo-Christian theology, have not deemed it wise to abandon the ethics taught by the Bible.
Whatever one may think about the seemingly obsolete, dangerous, or even derogatory connotation of the term “European paganism,” it is important to note that this connotation is largely due to the historical and political influence of Christianity. Etymologically, paganism is related to the beliefs and rituals that were in usage in European villages and countryside. But paganism, in its modern version, may connote also a certain sensibility and a “way of life” that remains irreconcilable with Judeo-Christian monotheism. To some extent European peoples continue to be “pagans” because their national memory, their geographic roots, and, above all, their ethnic allegiances-which often contain allusions to ancient myths, fairy tales, and forms of folklore bear peculiar marks of pre-Christian themes. Even the modern resurgence of separatism and regionalism in Europe appears as an offshoot of pagan residues. As Markale observes, “the dictatorship of Christian ideology has not silenced those ancient customs; it has only suppressed them into the shadow of the unconscious.”[16]Alain de Benoist, Comment peut-on etre païen? (Paris: Albin Michel, 1981), 25. The fact that all of Europe is today swept by growing nationalism bears witness to the permanency of the pagan sense of tribal historical memory.
In European culture, polytheistic beliefs began to dwindle with the consolidation of Christianity. In the centuries to come, the European system of explanation, whether in theology or, later on, in sociology, politics, or history gradually came under the sway of Judeo-Christian outlook of the world. David Miller observes that Judeo-Christian monotheism considerably altered the Europeans’ approach to the social sciences as well as to the overall perception of the world. In view of these changes, who can reassure us about our own objectivity, especially when we try to understand the pagan world with the goggles of the postmodern Judeo-Christian man? It is no wonder that when paganism was removed from Europe the perceptual and epistemological disruptions in sciences also followed suit. Consequently, with the consolidation of the Judeo-Christian belief, the world and the world phenomena came under the sway of the fixed concepts and categories governed by the logic of “either-or,” “true or false,” and “good or evil,” with seldom any shadings in between. The question, however, arises whether in the secular city-a city replete with intricate choices and complex social differences that stubbornly refuse all categorizations-this approach remains desirable.[13]David Miller, The New Polytheism (New York: Harper and Row, 1974), 7, passim. It is doubtful that Judeo-Christian monotheism can continue to offer a valid solution for the understanding of the increasingly complex social reality that modern man faces in the secular city. Moreover, the subsequent export of Judeo-Christian values to the antipodes of the world caused similar disruptions, yielding results opposite from those originally espoused by the Westerners, and triggering virulent hatred among non-Western populations. Some authors have quite persuasively written that Christian ecumenism, often championed as the “white man’s Christian burden,” has been one of the main purveyors of imperialism, colonialism, and racism in the Third World.[14]Serge Latouche, L’occidentalisation du monde (Paris: La Découverte, 1988).
In the modern secular city, the century-long and pervasive influence of Christianity has significantly contributed to the view that each glorification of paganism, or, for that matter, the nostalgia of the Greco-Roman order, is outright strange or at best irreconcilable with contemporary society. Recently, however, Thomas Molnar, a Catholic philosopher who seems to be sympathetic to the cultural revival of paganism, noted that modern adherents of neo-paganism are more ambitious than their predecessors. Molnar writes that the aim of pagan revival does not have to mean the return to the worship of ancient European deities; rather, it expresses a need to forge another civilization or, better yet, a modernized version of the “scientific and cultural Hellenism” that was once a common reference for all European peoples. And with visible sympathy for the polytheistic endeavors of some modern pagan conservatives, Molnar adds:
The issue is not how to conquer the planet but rather how to promote an oikumena of the peoples and civilizations that have rediscovered their origins. The assumption goes that the domination of stateless ideologies, notably the ideology of American liberalism and Soviet socialism, would come to an end. One believes in rehabilitated paganism in order to restore to peoples their genuine identity that existed before monotheist corruption.[15]Thomas Molnar, “La tentation paienne,” Contrepoint, 38 (1981):53.
Such a candid view by a Catholic may also shed some light on the extent of disillusionment among Christians in their secular cities. The secularized world full of affluence and richness does not seem to have stifled the spiritual needs of man. How else to explain that throngs of European and American youngsters prefer to trek to pagan Indian ashrams rather than to their own sacred sites obscured by Judeo-Christian monotheism? Anxious to dispel the myth of pagan “backwardness,” and in an effort to redefine European paganism in the spirit of modern times, the contemporary protagonists of paganism have gone to great lengths to present its meaning in a more attractive and scholarly fashion. One of their most outspoken figures, Alain de Benoist, summarizes the modern meaning of paganism in the following words:
Neo-paganism, if there is such a thing as neo-paganism, is not a phenomenon of a sect, as some of its adversaries, but also some of the groups and chapels, sometimes well-intentioned, sometimes awkward, frequently funny and completely marginal, imagine … [What worries us today, at least according to the idea which we have about it, is less the disappearance of paganism but rather its resurgence under primitive and puerile form, affiliated to that “second religion,” which Spengler justifiably depicted as characteristic of cultures in decline, and of which Julius Evola writes that they “correspond generally to a phenomenon of evasion, alienation, confused compensation, without any serious repercussion on reality.[16]Alain de Benoist, Comment peut-on etre païen? (Paris: Albin Michel, 1981), 25.
Paganism, as a profusion of bizarre cults and sects, is not something modern pagan thinkers have in mind. A century ago, pagan philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche had already observed in Der Antichrist that, when a nation becomes too degenerate or too uprooted, it must place its energy into various forms of Oriental cults, and simultaneously “it must change its own God” (979). Today, Nietzsche’s words sound more prophetic than ever. Gripped by decadence and rampant hedonism, the masses from the secular city are looking for the vicarious evasion in the presence of Indian gurus or amidst a host of Oriental prophets. But beyond this Western semblance of transcendence, and behind the Westerners’ self-hatred accompanied by puerile infatuation with Oriental mascots, there is more than just a transitory weariness with Christian monotheism. When modern cults indulge in the discovery of perverted paganism, they also may be in search of the sacred that was driven underground by the dominating Judeo-Christian discourse.
From Monotheist Desert to Communist Anthropology
Has monotheism introduced into Europe an alien “anthropology” responsible for the spread of egalitarian mass society and the rise of totalitarianism, as some pagan thinkers seem to suggest? Some authors appear to support this thesis, arguing that the roots of tyranny do not lie in Athens or Sparta, but are traceable, instead, to Jerusalem. In a dialogue with Molnar, de Benoist suggests that monotheism upholds the idea of only one absolute truth; it is a system where the notion of the enemy is associated with the evil, and where the enemy must be physically exterminated (cf. Deut. 13). In short, observes de Benoist, Judeo-Christian universalism, two thousand years ago, set the stage for the rise of modern egalitarian aberrations and their modern secular offshoots, including communism.
That there are totalitarian regimes “without God,” is quite obvious, the Soviet Union for example. These regimes, nonetheless, are the “inheritors” of the Christian thought in the sense as Carl Schmitt demonstrated that the majority of modern political principles are secularized theological principles. They bring down to earth a structure of exclusion; the police of the soul yield its place to the police of the state; the ideological wars follow up to the religious wars.[17]Alain de Benoist, L’éclipse du sacré (Paris: La Table ronde, 1986), 233; see also the chapter, “De la sécularisation,” 198-207. Also Carl Schmitt, Die politische Theologie (München and Leipzig: Duncker und Humblot, 1922), 35-46: “(a)ll salient concepts in modern political science are secularized theological concepts” (36).
Similar observations were echoed earlier by the philosopher Louis Rougier as well as by the political scientist Vilfredo Pareto, both of whom represented the “old guard” of pagan thinkers and whose philosophical researches were directed toward the rehabilitation of European political polytheism. Both Rougier and Pareto are in agreement that Judaism and its perverted form, Christianity, introduced into the European conceptual framework an alien type of reasoning that leads to wishful thinking, utopianism, and the ravings about the static future.[18]Gerard Walter, Les origines du communisme (Paris: Payot, 1931): “Les sources judaiques de la doctrine communiste chrétienne” (13-65). Compare with Vilfredo Pareto, Les systèmes socialistes (Paris: Marcel Girard, 1926): “Les systèmes métaphy-siques-communistes” (2:2-45). Louis Rougier, La mystique démocratique, ses origines ses illusions (Paris: éd. Albatros, 1983), 184. See in its entirety the passage, “Le judaisme et la révolution sociale,” 184-187. Similar to Latter-day Marxists, early Christian belief in egalitarianism must have had a tremendous impact on the deprived masses of northern Africa and Rome, insofar as it promised equality for the “wretched of the earth,” for odium generis humani, and all the proles of the world. Commenting on Christian proto-communists, Rougier recalls that Christianity came very early under the influence of both the Iranian dualism and the eschatological visions of the Jewish apocalypses. Accordingly, Jews and, later on, Christians adopted the belief that the good who presently suffer would be rewarded in the future. In the secular city, the same theme was later interwoven into modern socialist doctrines that promised secular paradise. “There are two empires juxtaposed in the space,” writes Rougier, “one governed by God and his angels, the other by Satan and Belial.” The consequences of this largely dualistic vision of the world resulted, over a period of time, in Christian-Marxist projection of their political enemies as always wrong, as opposed to Christian-Marxist attitude considered right. For Rougier, the Greco-Roman intolerance could never assume such total and absolute proportions of religious exclusion; the intolerance towards Christians, Jews, and other sects was sporadic, aiming at certain religious customs deemed contrary to Roman customary law (such as circumcision, human sacrifices, sexual and religious orgies).[19]Louis Rougier, Celse contre les chrétiens (Paris: Copernic, 1977), 67, 89. Also, Sanford Lakoff, “Christianity and Equality,” in Equality, ed. J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapaman (New York: Atherton, 1967), 128-30.
By cutting themselves from European polytheistic roots, and by accepting Christianity, Europeans gradually began to adhere to the vision of the world that emphasized the equality of souls, and the importance of spreading God’s gospel to all peoples, regardless of creed, race, or language (Paul, Galatians 3:28). In the centuries to come, these egalitarian cycles, in secularized forms, entered first the consciousness of Western man and, after that, entire humankind. Alain de Benoist writes:
According to the classical process of the development and degra-dation of cycles, the egalitarian theme has entered our culture from the stage of the myth (equality before God), to the stage of ideology (equality before people); after that, it has passed to the stage of “scientific pretension” (affirmation of the egalitarian fact). In short, from Christianity to democracy, and after that to socialism and Marxism. The most serious reproach which one can formulate against Christianity is that it has inaugurated this egalitarian cycle by introducing into European thought a revolutionary anthropology, with universalist and totalitarian character.[20]Alain de Benoist, “L’Eglise, L’Europe et le Sacré,” in Pour une renaissance culturelle (Paris: Copernic, 1979), 202. One could probably argue that Judeo-Christian monotheism, as much as it implies universalism and egalitarianism, also suggests religious exclusiveness that directly emanates from the belief in one undisputed truth. The consequence of the Christian belief in theological oneness-e.g., that there is only one God, and therefore only one truth-has naturally led, over the centuries, to Christian temptation to obliterate or downplay all other truths and values. One can argue that when one sect proclaims its religion as the key to the riddle of the universe and if, in addition, this sect claims to have universal aspirations, the belief in equality and the suppression of all human differences will follow suit. Accordingly, Christian intolerance toward “infidels” could always be justified as a legitimate response against those who departed from the belief in Yahve’s truth. Hence, the concept of Christian “false humility” toward other confessions, a concept that is particularly obvious in regard to Christian attitude toward Jews. Although almost identical in their worship of one god, Christians could never quite reconcile themselves to the fact that they also had to worship the deity of those whom they abhorred in the first place as a deicide people. Moreover, whereas Christianity always has been a universalist religion, accessible to everybody in all corners of the world, Judaism has remained an ethnic religion of only the Jewish people.[21]Louis Rougier, Celse, 88. As de Benoist writes, Judaism sanctions its own nationalism, as opposed to nationalism of the Christians which is constantly belied by the Christian universalist principles. In view of this, “Christian anti-Semitism,” writes de Benoist, “can justifiably be described as a neurosis.” Might it be that the definite disappearance of anti-Semitism, as well as virulent inter-ethnic hatred, presupposes first the recantation of the Christian belief in universalism?
[1] Charles Norris Cochrane, Christianity and Classical Culture (New York: Oxford UP, 1957), 254-55, 329.
[2] T. R. Glover, The Conflict of Religion in the Early Roman Empire (1909; Boston: Beacon, 1960), 242, 254, passim.
[3] Friedrich Nietzsche, Der Antichrist, in Nietzsches Werke (Salzburg/Stuttgart: Verlag “Das Berlgand-Buch,” 1952), 983, para. 21.
[4] Pierre Gripari, L’histoire du méchant dieu (Lausanne: L’Age d’Homme, 1987), 101-2.
[5] Michel Marmin, “Les Piegès du folklore’,” in La Cause des peuples (Paris: édition Le Labyrinthe, 1982), 39-44.
[6] Nicole Belmont, Paroles paiennes (Paris: édition Imago, 1986), 160-61.
[7] Alain de Benoist, Noël, Les Cahiers européens (Paris: Institut de documentations et d’études européens, 1988).
[8] Jean Markale, et al., “Mythes et lieux christianisés,” L’Europe paienne (Paris: Seghers, 1980), 133.
[9] About European revolutionary conservatives, see the seminal work by Armin Mohler, Die Konservative Revolution in Deutschland, 1919-1933 (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1972). See also Tomislav Sunic, Against Democracy and Equality: The European New Right, prefaced by Alain de Benoist(Arktos: 2011).
[10] See notably the works by Alfred Rosenberg, Der Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts (München: Hoheneichen Verlag, 1933). Also worth noting is the name of Wilhelm Hauer, Deutscher Gottschau (Stuttgart: Karl Gutbrod, 1934), who significantly popularized Indo-European mythology among National Socialists; on pages 240-54 Hauer discusses the difference between Judeo-Christian Semitic beliefs and European paganism.
[11] Jean Markale, “Aujourd’hui, l’esprit païen?” in L’Europe paienne (Paris: Seghers, 1980), 15. The book contains pieces on Slavic, Celtic, Latin, and Greco-Roman paganism.
[12] Milton Konvitz, Judaism and the American Idea (Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1978), 71. Jerol S. Auerbach, “Liberalism and the Hebrew Prophets,” in Commentary 84:2 (1987):58. Compare with Ben Zion Bokser in “Democratic Aspirations in Talmudic Judaism,” in Judaism and Human Rights, ed. Milton Konvitz (New York: Norton, 1972): “The Talmud ordained with great emphasis that every person charged with the violation of some law be given a fair trial and before the law all were to be scrupulously equal, whether a king or a pauper” (146). Ernst Troeltsch, Die Soziallehren der christlichen Kirchen and Gruppen (1922; Aalen: Scientia Verlag, 1965), 768; also the passage “Naturrechtlicher and liberaler Character des freikirchlichen Neucalvinismus,” (762-72). Compare with Georg Jellinek, Die Erklärung der Menschen-und Bürgerrechte (Leipzig: Duncker and Humblot, 1904): “(t)he idea to establish legally the unalienable, inherent and sacred rights of individuals, is not of political, but religious origins” (46). Also Werner Sombart, Die Juden and das Wirtschaftsleben (Leipzig: Verlag Duncker and Humblot, 1911): “Americanism is to a great extent distilled Judaism (“geronnenes Judentum”)” (44).
[13] David Miller, The New Polytheism (New York: Harper and Row, 1974), 7, passim.
[14] Serge Latouche, L’occidentalisation du monde (Paris: La Découverte, 1988).
[15] Thomas Molnar, “La tentation paienne,” Contrepoint, 38 (1981):53.
[16] Alain de Benoist, Comment peut-on etre païen? (Paris: Albin Michel, 1981), 25.
[17] Alain de Benoist, L’éclipse du sacré (Paris: La Table ronde, 1986), 233; see also the chapter, “De la sécularisation,” 198-207. Also Carl Schmitt, Die politische Theologie (München and Leipzig: Duncker und Humblot, 1922), 35-46: “(a)ll salient concepts in modern political science are secularized theological concepts” (36).
[18] Gerard Walter, Les origines du communisme (Paris: Payot, 1931): “Les sources judaiques de la doctrine communiste chrétienne” (13-65). Compare with Vilfredo Pareto, Les systèmes socialistes (Paris: Marcel Girard, 1926): “Les systèmes métaphy-siques-communistes” (2:2-45). Louis Rougier, La mystique démocratique, ses origines ses illusions (Paris: éd. Albatros, 1983), 184. See in its entirety the passage, “Le judaisme et la révolution sociale,” 184-187.
[19] Louis Rougier, Celse contre les chrétiens (Paris: Copernic, 1977), 67, 89. Also, Sanford Lakoff, “Christianity and Equality,” in Equality, ed. J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapaman (New York: Atherton, 1967), 128-30.
[20] Alain de Benoist, “L’Eglise, L’Europe et le Sacré,” in Pour une renaissance culturelle (Paris: Copernic, 1979), 202.
[21] Louis Rougier, Celse, 88.
Am reminded of the crisp comment of Unz author, Vietnamese-American Linh Dinh, who expressed a desire for Asia to be free of ‘Jewish saviours’ whether of the Christian-Muslim kind or the Marxist etc kind … ideologies which nominally include the majority of the world
Western ‘paganism’ as far as we know it, is thin gruel, only a pale reflection of what was in ancient India and then more widely in Asia. Western paganism is missing the secure faith in rich afterlife via solid ideas of reincarnation, and the strong yogic practices such as meditation which enable direct access to the divine, giving one full perceived proof that this life is not the only one. In the Hindu Bhagavad Gita, Krishna tells warrior Arjuna:
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Or it might have been simply useful in extracting money, gold, coins from gullible people. It definitely compares well with the rhetorics that I’ve seen people engage in when talking about climate change, Covid-19, Covid vaccine, WEF etc.
With the exhaustion of Christianity, people would most likely gravitate towards other ideologies in order to satisfy their psychological need of security, especially in regards to the metaphysical underpinnings of our world. Since paganism is unlikely to properly adress such a need, given it is fuzzy, spiritual and fundamentally egocentric, other religions will pop up. Which ones? Only time can tell but I expect these to be just as brutal and logically incoherent as the religions of yesterday.
Much of Marxism-Leninism goes back to or is at least partially derived from Jewish rather than Christian principles. It might be interesting to investigate how both Christianity and Judaism have shaped communist ideology. Marx acclaimedly was atheist, but he still grew up in a very religious house with a Rabbi father. Engels was protestantic, but just as much exposed to his religion. Even if you don’t believe in it, you’re still shaped by it.
It pleases me no end that the days of the week are still named in honor of Tiu, of Woden, of Thor, of Freya, and of Saturn and the sun and moon. And our months are still Roman, honoring Junius Brutus, Julius Caesar, and Caesar Augustus. Those intolerant savages from the Middle East have taken much from us, but not all, even as their dogma carried the seeds of its own destruction. By ripping mankind out of the natural, pagan world and placing us on an artificial pedestal, we eventually learned how to study the natural world objectively, and in discovering science, we found the key to free us from superstition. I see the current devolution into fundamentalism of all three Abrahamic religions as their final bright flaring, like the supernova death of a star that has used up all its fuel, before they go dark forever, and cloud the minds and blight the lives of our kind no more.
Seraphim ought to take note. Perhaps it is better to keep your mouth shut and invoke “belief” than to try and rationally defend Christianity. That is how we know Christianity has already been defeated. Because they now endeavor to “prove” to people that Jesus Christ was an actual historical figure. And when they get pwned in that debate they never capitulate, they slink back into the shadows to trot out their same spurious arguments at a later date.
Paul said it best: Christianity rejects sophia logos or wise words. Celsus called out this demented cult from day one. It is an excellent example of the fact that being right doesn’t really matter. Christianity was just as ridiculous to the pagan Romans as it is to modern thinkers. And they called it out just like we do. And they were censored, defamed, and murdered for their efforts.
I am reminded of the fact that huge swathes of America also rejected the Warren Commission and the moon landings as fraudulent, and it similarly didn’t really matter. When you are in the clutches of a totalitarian government, you can be right, you can even be part of the majority, yet you can still be libeled and defamed and drowned in vicious propaganda. For decades, for centuries, for millennia.
I liked the essay but found the author’s snide dismissal of Indian gurus and oriental religion to sound like Judeo Christian supremacy in drag. I agree with comment #1 that
Hinduism is wonderful because at the heart of all these polytheistic images is a deep understanding of the unity of God and self and all creation. This is the true monotheism: not one god, apart and aloof, but one god, within and without. “Thou art that”.
The self is eternal and the body is like a mirror that is easily broken.
Panentheism is the true faith.
Reincarnation is the law.
The days of the week are named for the visible planets and the Sun and Moon, and so are the gods. The connection in English to the names of the Norse gods is not special. For example, in French the Roman names of the gods are still apparent. Sunday is Dimanche, the Sun’s day; Monday is Lundi, Luna’s day; Tuesday is Mardi, Mars’ day; Wednesday is Mercredi, Mercury’s day; Thursday is Juedi, Jove’s day; Friday is Vendredi, Venus’ day, and Saturday is Samedi, Saturn’s day.
The seven day week was supposedly adopted by Constantine after his conversion to Christianity. This makes sense since the seven day week in relation to the seven visible heavenly bodies originated in ancient Mesopotamia and was invoked by the Jewish scribblers who wrote Genesis.
When did the Norse adopt the 7 day week? Obviously their ordering of the week corresponds exactly to the post Christian Roman ordering.
The dark side of universalism:
The American revolutionaries wrote, “We hold these truths to be self-evident…” This delusion was due to the heavy influence of Deist universalism.
Contrary to the Declaration of Independence, cultural anthropology has documented a variety of moral customs, which have variously sanctioned infanticide, euthanasia, and slavery. Different cultures have held different ideas about the rights of commoners and kings, sexual mores, and sharing of property. A good reference is Folkways by William Graham Sumner.
Monotheist universalism has as its end goal a totalitarian one-world order. (Muslims are the most frank about their intentions of world conquest. Among Christians, the Spanish imperialists acted similarly.) Such an order will crush all diversity of opinion, and culture will become stagnant. This is an adequate reason to take the side of the pagans.
The pagan worldview is also superior because of its more limited view of the gods, none of whom is all-powerful. Neither are they all-good. Witness tendency of Christians to withdraw from the affairs of the world and await the Apocalypse. As another example, the “QAnon” suckers were told to trust the plan and munch popcorn. Belief in a limited god fosters hope. Belief in an invincible God, on the other hand, instills docile submission. If God is benevolent and almighty, then whatever happens is His will and must be right.
The only justice which shall exist in this world will be what Man puts into it. Man makes himself–preferably, not in the image of a jealous tyrant.
“Some authors appear to support this thesis, arguing that the roots of tyranny do not lie in Athens or Sparta, but are traceable, instead, to Jerusalem. In a dialogue with Molnar, de Benoist suggests that monotheism upholds the idea of only one absolute truth; it is a system where the notion of the enemy is associated with the evil, and where the enemy must be physically exterminated.” (cf. Deut. 13).
Well, you do have a father and a mother no? You belong to them no? So what then you desire to leave the house of your birth for another? a Pagan? The God of the Bible is the Father of all life it is why Adam and Eve didn’t have belly buttons and why you are a descendant of them making you a son or daughter of the Father of all life. Treason is the story of the Old Testament and why the Father of all life doesn’t take that very easily. It is why he made an example out of Egypt and all the other nations who knew He existed and yet chose to deliberately follow idols.
As for tyranny and Jerusalem, yes of course from Jerusalem why else would Christ say:
I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him. John 5:43
a demigod is shortly to arrive I’m afraid. It is what the bankers of the world are hoping for and workings towards:
“It is necessary to discover a head capable of directing it, endowed with an intelligence surpassing the most elevated human level.”9
—H.G. Wells
“Let that man be a military man or a layman, it matters not.”10
—Paul Henry Spaak, first president of the Council of Europe, planner of the European Common Market, president of the United Nations General Assembly, and one-time Secretary-General of NATO
“Strong, one-man civilian control of America’s giant military establishment is vital to the nation’s wellbeing. The concentration of authority is inevitable.”11
—Roswell Gilpatrick, Deputy Secretary of Defence “The only escape from total destruction of civilization will be a world government, or we will perish in a war of the atom.”1
—Harold Urey
“In the field of atomic energy, there must be set up a world power.”2
—Robert J. Oppenheimer
“World government has become inevitable.”3
—Arthur Compton Cantelon
“One world Government is in the making. whether we like it or not, we are moving toward a one-world government.”4
—Dr. Ralph Barton Perry of Harvard
“Either we will find a way to establish world government, or we will perish in a war of the atom.”5
—Raymond Swing to Albert Einstein
“The secret of the bomb should be committed to a world government, and the USA should immediately announce its readiness to give it to a world government.”6
—Albert Einstein
“Sovereignty must go, that means also the interests which sovereignty protects must be recognized as outmoded in character and dangerous in operation.”7
—Professor Laski of Oxford
“We shall have a world government whether or not we like it. The only question is, whether world government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”8
—James Warburg, February 17, 1950 before the U.S. Senate
Lastly, monotheism? O GOOD GRIEF!!!!!!!!!! Read and think for once:
I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me.
“I have given them the glory you gave me, so they may be one as we are one. 23 I am in them and you are in me. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me. 24 Father, I want these whom you have given me to be with me where I am. Then they can see all the glory you gave me because you loved me even before the world began! John 17:21
This author Tom Sunic seems to like to poke De Benoist. Perhaps what de Benoist really needs is a song? Yes a song!!! So time for a song I’d say:
Video Link
I can assure you Christ is alive, my book on climate change is more than enough proof of that. Universities it seems to me have failed and failed miserably on education wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The idea that faith is blind because God can’t be observed to exist is a lie, a huge lie. GARBAGE!!
So do you like being lied to? DO YOU?!?!?!?!
Please sink your teeth into some real truth! I’d say its about time yes?
“The Lord is slow to anger but great in power; the Lord will not leave the guilty unpunished. His way is in the whirlwind and the storm, and clouds are the dust of his feet.” {Nahum 1:3}
“See, the storm of the Lord will burst out in wrath, a whirlwind swirling down on the heads of the wicked. The anger of the Lord will not turn back until he fully accomplishes the purposes of his heart. In days to come you will fully understand it clearly.” (Jeremiah 23:19–20)
Antisemitism is primarily the result of naughty Semitism.
Horse shit. The Bolsheviks killed more people in half a century than the Christians killed in one thousand five hundred years. If you’re looking for the “dark ages”, look no further than the twentieth century, you blind fool.
These places are very far from the USA. I think it’s time to cut the cord.
Zion is Utah.
4,000 words and not one mention of Byzantium nor Orthodoxy. Hmmmmm
The Crusades were a farce?
Say-what?? Didn’t realize that this article was written in the 19th century! What is this guy talking about? The exact opposite seems to be the case.
The general problem I have with this article is that the author is describing some very common observations, that the worship of Christian saints is an extension or adoption of polytheism into Christianity, and describing them like he’s had some mind-blowing revelation. It’s like he’s never heard of Chesterton or Laurent Guyenot.
He then tries to paint this self-acknowledged Christian truism as some sinister conspiracy which ‘surprisingly‘ bears no digestible philosophical fruit as a revelatory tool for explaining the current Western decline. That the Christian commandeering of polytheism should be the source of our current malaise is a thesis worthy of ChatGPT-beta version.
The only useful thing I found in the article was the (author’s unintentional) comparison between the current, woke paradigm shift, forcefully applied to our Western society to that of the Christianization of Europe in late Roman Empire.
The author is under the common delusion that Christianity is molded after the same stamp of the predatory „religions“ of Islam and Judaism. This misconception was created and duly propagated in the so-called „age of enlightenment“, when masonic freethinkers started to question the natural order. First results of slandering the catholic church were the monstrosities committed in the French Revolution and they have their current climax in the foul minds of Yuval Harari and his likes.
Being rather spiritual than religious, I detect more common traits between Christianity and Zoroastrism than with any other. Just compare traditional images of Jesus and Ahura Mazda and you‘ll know what I mean. The concept of goodness, of light triumphing over darkness, of a brotherhood of mankind and everyone being equal in the eyes of God, doesn‘t resonate much with other religions. The classical world had its great philosophers, nevertheless it was Christianity that brought the message that no one will be lost or forsaken, be it the sexually exploited orphan or the abused slave or the mutilated prisoner of war. Jesus Christ, or Ahura Mazda, or Horus, are different names for the same redeemer.
The Greek and the Romans proposed equal rights for all, meaning the peers, and to a lesser degree for the common people, but none to the depraved. In Christian societies, those hapless people were taken care of by the catholic church, as documented in countless hospitals and monasteries all over Europe and the Holy Land. Even after the islamic conquest, when the crusaders were deployed to protect the pilgrims flocking to Jerusalem, many Muslims preferred to live under the rule of a christian overlord in cities like Acre than having to cope with the arbitrary decisions and rampant corruption of the average Sultanate.
Meanwhile, we‘re heading into that direction again, I‘m afraid.
Not only Jews or Christians think that there ist only one truth.
I quote a verse by Homer (Ilias II, 204).
“ouk agathon polykoiranie heis koiranos esto” “The rule by many isn’t good. Only one has to rule.”
Aristoteles refers to this at the end of book XII of his Metaphysic.
Meaning: There is only one human reason not many contradicting each orher.
(Please excuse my bad English. I’am german.)
No A(braham)would have meant no (Brahm)in and no Hinduism Bhagavad-Gita or Krishna or Buddha or religion itself etc.
Just ask yourself,exactly what were the gifts that Abraham sent his sons ‘east’ bearing?.
When you understand what those gifts likely were then the religious/spiritual jigsaw puzzle of the long distant past will be getting near completion for you.
Wow, what a salad…, what a spin… and spin and at the end, the bottom line:
How to overcome anti-semitism. ()
What a way of hissing stories (aka histories) and holding people off true.
Without truth anything and everything is nothing. There is only ever one truth.
If a theory is true it is a Theory, a describtion of the works (working).
If it is untrue, not proven, not a describtion of workings, it is a hyp, a hypothesis,
a mindfuck, like the above article from a – z, posing as something „very intelligent“: in reality not having the faintest clue about the foundation of life.
Also notice the similarity between (Sara)swati the Hindu goddess mentioned in the Rigveda and A(brahams) wife Sarah.
This is essentially a caricature view of history and of Christianity. The pagan Empire was in terminal decline – demographic and moral – by the year 150. After the great Plague of Cyprian, in the middle of the third century, the population of the Empire began to shrink dramatically. Infanticide, especially of baby girls, was practised on a massive scale by the pagan population, and this stymied any demographic recovery after the plague. Notably, however, in the East – which had the highest Christian population – there was a revival, both economic and demographic. The Christians of course forbade both infanticide and abortion. The people in the Empire who valued children were the Christians, and that’s why Constantine legalized the faith. He needed more subjects and tax payers. He did not persecute paganism. That came 50 years later with Theodosius.
Yes, there was bigotry and narrow-mindedness among Christians. There still is. But please, can we have an end to this outmoded bullshit idea that they somehow caused a “dark age” (which never in any case existed).
This is entirely back to front. Early Christian communities were an island of respectability, fair dealing and high ethical standards in that sea of sleaze and corruption that were the end days of Imperial Rome. A difficult read, but excellent source, is Robin Lane Fox’s “Pagans and Christians” Alfred A. Knopf Inc. New York 1987
This seemed to be more of a British 19th century thing. Particularly the Classical orientation of the British Imperial elite. Completely rejecting French revolutionary ideas while blending their elite Classicism with updated medieval chivalry. An excellent source is Richard Jenkyns “The Victorians and Ancient Greece” Harvard University Press, 1981.
This “Judeo-Christian” construct is yet another line of attack on ethnic Europeans. “We’re part of the same family – Trust me”
There’s the religious aspect of taking charge of Good and Evil. Defining what is and what isn’t. Who is evil and who is a saint. The Medieval church took to themselves this power as did the Bolshevik Jews. No room for the First Amendment here. The modern recreation is the Wokist religion promoted to protect the temporal power of Black Rock, Vanguard etc.
Quite right there Reiner! —Furthermore–that is a Natural Law. It is repeated throughout the Natural Order, or Cosmos!
Actually, Christianity is not strictly Monotheism! It is a Trinity. As Georges Dumézil pointed out the Trifunctionality paradigm in European thought, this trifunctionality appears in Christianity–not Judaism! Actually, the Christian trinity is in line with the Natural Law because just as “The Rule of One” appears throughout Nature, so does the Tripartite paradigm!
Moreover, the Christian Trinity is the Golden Mean–the Mean between the extreme monotheism of the Semites, Jew and Arab, and the extreme of the polytheism of the old pagan religions.
The Whole of the Christian godhead is in line with the Natural Law, or Laws of Nature.
That things repeat—is proof of not only a God, but that Logos drives all things. And since there is ONE Logos in Nature–means that there is ONE God. That things repeat is the Law of Nature of Macrocosm/Microcosm!
“Macrocosm/Microcosm in Doric Thought Part I, 4th Rev.”
In that paper is not only a proof that there is ONLY One God per Homer’s rule but also that per Dumezil, God is Tripartite. Why else does Nature repeat these things? Because the Cosmos is a reflection of its Creator! There is ONE Logos in Nature–therefore there is only One God.
Krishna should be impersonated as a kind of vaguely ashen-blue-greyish Bengali or South Indian Darkie as there are so many. He stands as a representative of the non-Aryan Indian populations. He should also be represented playing music all the times. He clearly represented a personality type marked by instant gratification and the quest for good vibrations though of a more refined, less material kind than among Western dark people like the Rastas.
I would argue egalitarianism has always been more common in certain parts of Northern Europe such as Scotland, Norway, and Sweden, regardless of whether the system was, pagan, Christian, or secular. I simply do not think Europe, with its many isolated islands and peninsular, has a very unified culture. The author’s own Balkan roots draw him naturally to places like Jerusalem and Athens which may not loom so large over the imaginations of those in other parts of Europe, and even less to the people of America, many of whom have tenuous emotional connection to the Catholic or Orthodox portions of Europe, if at all. Free and fair elections (called “things”) were held for political office in Iceland before the advent of Christianity, for example.
This tendency is more pronounced among Catholics. Catholicism is still considered an alien religion in many parts of rural America, and it is a common mistake of Catholics to believe that their Roman religion represents a universal form of Christianity.
A poetic translation I have read of this phrase is:
“A multitude of rulers is not a good thing. Let there be one ruler, one King.”
While it sounds nice, I am unsure if this translation is very accurate to the original meaning.
I’ll take monotheism over Hinduism any day, thanks.
He is a Croat. Not a a Serb….
Using the term Judeo-Christian (an oxymoron) repeatedly throughout this essay leaves a void in understanding their differences a mile wide and infinite in length – – and that is a list of just headnotes to articles on that subject in DaLimbraw Library.
Furthermore, when confusing Churchianity with Christianity, it makes the study of history a discombobulated collection of events leading to further ‘mysterious misunderstandings’ without explanation of DaAuthor of those deceptions. I have commented previously on DaGap in understanding by various authors who deal with world history and current events – – this is just an introduction to a thread of knowledge that even most pew sitters lack.
No, my links are not for casual readers – too much time and intellectual curiosity required to follow through………but it does confirm what Jesus said about ‘broad is the way to destruction and narrow is the path to life….and few that find it!’
If so, from whom was the first to be reincarnated reincarnated?
From Norse mythology:
Odin hanged himself from the branches of Yggdrasil as a human sacrifice. He made it a blood sacrifice by piercing himself with a spear.
The Poetic Edda describes the revelation of the runes in terms of both death and of rebirth. The pain of his hanging is followed by images of having “quickened and flourished, sprouted and throve.”………………..sounds familiar?
From Mark Twain:
“It ain’t those parts of the Bible that I can’t understand that bother me, it is the parts that I do understand.”
It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them.”
Christianity had attracted so many citizens of the Roman Empire by the time of Constantine that he had to accept it as legal or his troops wouldn’t have fought. Paganism was destructive of women, children, the poor and the unborn.
Let your current urban pagans publicly sacrifice a few more of the poor and innocent and you’ll see a new revival of the age of Catholicism, the age you pagans love to call the Dark Ages. The Dark Age is demonically named as such because it was actually a twelve-hundred year history of light and human decency among the ruling classes.
An interesting and ‘coincidental’ update just published today at CFT – – which further edifies that Judeo-Christian anomaly previously mentioned. In fact, if anyone seriously wants to understand much of the world today, CFT is a must study site.
If you want to kill the dragon, it won’t do to attack its claws or tail. You must strike for the heart or the head.
The head of the Globo-Homo Monster is Jewish Power. Jews fund it, promote it, protect it.
Jews got the academia, media, Wall Street, Hollywood, Deep State, top law firms, the courts, and blackmail operations. Jews make up the main donor base.
So, as long as you don’t attack the head/heart of the dragon, nothing will matter.
If the dragon blows flames at you, does it make sense to fixate on the fire? The fire isn’t self-generated by comes from the dragon. You must slay the dragon, and you must hit the head/heart.
Jews see homo power as analogous to their power. Minority elite supremacism. Jews also value homo work ethic, fanaticism, and neo-aristocratic elitism, as both groups are elites. Homos, in their vanity, love to cater to the rich and power, which is why the rich favor homos as the face of ‘leftism’. Gayday than Mayday about the workers. Ass politics than Mass politics.
Also, every nation has its share of homos who are alienated from the culture, and Jews recruit those groups in EVERY society to serve as collaborator-agents of Jewish Power.
Jews also elevated globo-homo or queentianity or limpwristianity as the substitute for Christianity, a religion they loathe and will never forgive. Weak-minded whites have accepted Anno Sodomini as their new religion, and this allows Jews to ‘pink-wash’ their Wars for Israel , War on Russia, and oppression of Palestinians. Jews can say, “Look, Israel has big ‘pride’ parades, whereas Arabs/Muslims are ‘homophobic’.” That is enough for white cucks to support Jews and Israel because spreading queertianity has become their new crusade.
It’s difficult to believe that the Flavians knew they were creating a mind virus that would cause so much trouble later on.
I’m speaking from the perspective of a Buddhist. Most eastern religions consider that the universe is part of an infinite chain of universes, so there doesn’t *have* to be a “first to be reincarnated”.
Believe me there are a lot of conflicting beliefs on these issues. I think the majority Buddhist belief is that reincarnation doesn’t have a beginning, but many Hindus believe that it starts with the beginning of a “day of creation”. Some Buddhists believe that the chains of phenomena associated with reincarnation (called “mindstreams”) can actually diverge, but most do not.
I do believe in reincarnation and I even think I know who I was reincarnated from, *but* I have no personal sense of where it all began or if it indeed had no beginning.
Reincarnation with no beginning is problematic because it automatically poses the question of what a sentient being for an *infinity* of incarnations before the present one and why would it take an infinity of reincarnations to get to enlightenment?
I’m just saying these things, because if you are looking for clarity on these issues, you won’t get it.
Explained by the oldest religious symbol in the world: The serpent eternally eats his tail.
The ouroboros has been found almost everywhere and it always means the same thing: We have been recycling through all time and always will be.
Unless SOME vedic traditions are true. Which means we break past the cycle of birth/death and reach a kind of goal where we graduate. Perhaps moving on or not.
The final part of Plato’s Republic gives, in mythical terms, the Greek version of this.
For us moderns, Anthony Peake gives the scientific version in Cheating the Ferryman, which explains it in fairly simple terms. Some science but it won’t break anyone’s head.
Point is the elder culture felt dying was impossible. They found this frustrating.
Brachman is the Absolute, supreme “being”. He/it is attribute-less, because the infinite, ineluctable Godhead is only diminished by any description.
Go read an Upanishad, study some Advaita Hinduism; if nothing else, your view of “Hinduism”, which you probably associate with dot-Indians instead of your Aryan forbears, would be more informed.
Agreed. The endless references to Christian “monotheism” in this piece were annoying to me.
Actually, toss in the worship of the Mother Of God, the endless number of Saints, and even Satan – a near co-equal of God, and the whole mix gets to be mighty murky.
Wet streets cause rain.
The peoples of Greece and Rome abandoned the gods, and therefore Christianity arose to express their impious atheism. It was already evident by Saint Socrates’ time that these iron men felt the gods should worship them, rather than the reverse.
Indeed. Christians claim to worship love precisely because they worship hatred. They hate others because they hate themselves.
If you yourself wish to suffer and die, then inflicting pain and torment on others is just following the Golden Rule, now isn’t it?
Calling it paganism is an Abrahamic slur. Or rather, an attempted slur. Likewise, ‘polytheism’ isn’t polytheistic. Rather, non-Abrahamics acknowledge that what I’ll call the Dao has multiple aspects. It has colour and texture. Details and twists. By contrast Abrahamism is monochromatic, childishly simple and sterile.
The Golden rule is pyrite. The true rule is to do unto others what they would wish to do unto you. If they feel extermination is warranted, then they ought to be exterminated. It is good and just to punish criminals with the crime they attempted to carry out.
See what happened to Faustian civilization due to impiously failing to uphold this edict. Reject babby’s first empathy.
Although outwardly claiming the gods should worship them, the peoples of Greece and Rome inwardly felt the gods ought to destroy them. And lo…
Not aberrations. Merely purification of the doctrine.
Previously it was more adulterated, as Faustians were less degenerate. The medicine needed a sugar coating. Now the poison can be laid almost bare and it will be swallowed anyway.
Wet streets cause rain.
The point of Christianity is precisely to tear down the glorious; the belief in [[equality]] is merely a means of doing so. (I would assume Judaism as well, though I haven’t exhaustively checked. Jews are extremely neurotic and feel Envy very powerfully.)
April 21, 2019 Catholic university officials: Pro-life display with crosses ‘creates harm’
Students for Life reports that this is the case for the pro-life group at Dominican University, a Catholic university outside Chicago.
APR 30, 2015 Catholic College Rolls Out the Red Carpet for Pro-Abortion Feminist Gloria Steinem
MADISON, WI Earlier this month, abortion activist Gloria Steinem gave a speech at St. Norbert College, which is a Catholic liberal arts school located in Wisconsin.
Oct 7, 2014 Catholic Social Injustice
The Vatican’s top social justice agency is giving leadership to an organization that pushes communism, abortion, and homosexuality.
Video Link
The Surprising Sayings of Jesus Christ, “Many False Prophets Will Arise and Deceive Many”
In His famous Sermon on the Mount, Jesus issued the following warning regarding false prophets or preachers: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves” (Matthew 7:15). Jesus being the great Shepherd, His followers are portrayed as sheep. Yet these false prophets only appear to be Jesus’ followers. Their true nature is one of devouring the lives of the unsuspecting—as a wolf among the flock.
Matthew 7:15 Bible teaching Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. The false prophet always wait you to think that they are more than they really are.
Video Link
For a very long time “Tuesday” was a mystery to me, for I’d never heard of that particular Norse God.
Christmas is another inherited/converted Pagan holiday. I’m still grateful for my parents telling me very early that Santa was a nice fairy tale. In later years I started tuning out all the Manger scenes and Wise Man/Star of Bethlehem stuff. Having fun and exchanging gifts during the Winter Solstice is (for me) unconnected from celebrating the assigned birthday of a religious figure.
My ancestors were Mormons who immigrated to the US in 1860. They loaded all their earthly belongings on a push-cart and walked all the way from St. Louis to Salt Lake City. They were clearly devout Mormons and lost 3 children trying to create the “New Zion”. In the end they left Mormon church and were ostracized.
Mormonism is very close to Cabbalism and Freemasonry. This is by design. It was/is just another Judaic/Illuminati deception. Just consider Mitt Romney.
Fritz Springmeier in “Bloodlines of the Illuminati” goes into this:
Universalism has no light side, so to speak. Universalism is inherently Gnostic, because Reality is inherently particular.
The only purpose of universal truth is to derive your own particular, local truths. If you already live virtuously or eudaimonically, the universal truth is nothing but a waste of compute.
An invincible god only fosters docile submission if you’re a degenerate. The universe is inherently and immutably just. This means it’s only ever more important to cultivate glory. To deserve a glorious life and glorious land.
Do cool shit because it’s cool. If you need a better reason: sucks to suck.
Truth is more like darkness than like light, by the way. Lies burn out, and truth is eternal. Truth is what you get once all lies are cleared away. Though Plato’s light=truth metaphor does get you Plato’s sunburn, and I can’t replicate that with a darkness metaphor.
The atomic nature of matter is mirroring [as above so below] the particulate nature of spirit.
Normally mortals don’t reincarnate. Their spirit is instead reduced to some level of component parts, just as their body is reduced to its component parts. It can even be atomized, the way the body can be reduced to plasma.
It is then, sooner or later, reconstituted piecemeal into new spirits, just as the body is reconstituted into new objects, such as worms or bacteria. If this sounds a bit too straightforward to be true, well, too bad. Some things are easy. Sometimes it really is that simple.
The difference is that Earthly mortality is inevitable while spiritual mortality is not. (The cost is that conservation is not strictly true for the spirit; annihilation is possible.)
The mortal soul relies on its mortal Earthly casing to hold itself together against its own internal conflicts. Just as there is no Maxwellian Daemon ensuring the ‘right’ hydrogen and carbon makes up your body, a new spirit tends to simply be the accumulation of whatever happened to be nearby. There’s no reason for it to naturally fit together, and typically it just doesn’t.
If the conflicts are resolved or removed, the soul will no longer be mortal. There is no requirement that the mortal casing hold mortal contents. If it can hold itself together strongly enough, the soul can survive the death trauma of its Earthly incarnation.
That is, I used to call myself a philosopher, but it appears the correct name for someone like me is alchemist.
It would have been better had Romans destroyed Christianity. But, Christianity adapted.
Not wanting to write a long essay, I’d just notice that neo-Paganism is forced, somehow artificial. Even Hitler derided it.
What the author writes about is, I think, millenarian thinking & world-view, as well as Christian universalism which became counterproductive in the past decades (and even earlier). We don’t want other races to overwhelm us just because they’re Christians.
We simply need a healthy nationalism without extremes, and most of the people don’t have spiritual or metaphysical “needs’ ‘. For instance, CCP is not millenarian; Chinese are superstitious, but not too spiritual – and they don’t need all that baggage of theories and speculations.
Nobody in the West needs reincarnation or Arjuna or Wotan or…
When I encounter this way of thinking, I’m reminded of Kennedy’s inaugural speech: “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country”.
This, to paraphrase Stalin, “rootless cosmopolitan” mentality is the same all over the world & is not something anyone can build anything on. All societies have phases of growth & decadence. Life is more than superficially “good life” & less bureaucracy. Who doesn’t feel in their bones- that’s where I belong & all other places are alien and, when I consider it- I don’t give a damn about them- that person simply cannot comprehend what I wrote. As Seneca said: Who is everywhere, he is nowhere.
To put it succinctly- it is national pride that matters the most. Everything else is of secondary importance.
Christianism may appear less offensive as a cult than Judaism and Islamism only because Jews and Muslims are openly more barbaric due to their special circumstances, but it’s still as much of a tool of social management by the ones wielding power to influence it. The possibility of collective salvation by individually becoming respectable christened taxcattle is so useful modern Satanism is just an evil twin version of Christianism, and another Abrahamic abortion to deal with.
All because some Jews pulled wild tales out of their asses; but still Xtians, Muslims and Satanists need everyone to acknowledge their version of the Jew tales as the righteous one.
“…No A(braham)would have meant no (Brahm)in…”
There is no connection between te Hebrew name Abraham and the Sanskrit word brahmana.
According to the Bible Abraham’s original name was Abram which literally means “father high” i.e. “he whose father is high”. Later on when he was promised a great progeny his name was altered to Abraham which means “father (of a) multitude”. See Genesis 17, 5
As for the Sanskrit word brahmana see:
“…Also notice the similarity between (Sara)swati the Hindu goddess mentioned in the Rigveda and A(brahams) wife Sarah…”
The Hebrew name Sarah is the female form of sar meaning “prince”. Sarah therefore means “princess”.
Sanskrit Saraswati is a combination of saras meaning “water”,”lake”, “pond” with the suffix -wati which is the female form of -wanta meaning “having”. Saraswati therefore means a female entity “having water” i.e. a water-spirit or nymph.
The pagan ‘deities’ are our ancestors. They were men, like us.
The worship of God the Creator came first. Then came the worship of Man as Man (seems to be what the Tower of Babel might have been). After this came ancestor worship which evolved into the pagan deities as the identity of the patriarchs who founded nations and cities got blurred into being gods. Then God reached out again with Abraham. I think the Israelites were supposed to spread the News. They spent the OT screwing up, worshipping false gods, getting punished, turning back to the One True God, getting rescued, prospering, and screwing up again in a long cycle.
After the last prophet of the OT, there were four hundred years. During this time, men created oral traditions which were added to the OT. Jesus came, as the God Man, with God again reaching out to Man, and He blasted the oral traditions and the fakes and the money lenders, but He upheld the OT, and brought a clarification of the intent of the Law. The Law was meant to show the need for Grace, for God’s kindness. The point had been missed. Jesus expressed the point again.
None are righteous. Unless your righteous exceeds that of the Pharisees, you’re toast. And He had spent a lot of time blasting the supposed righteousness of the Pharisees.
It is the mercy and love of Christ the Redeemer we all need. This is a universal truth. Just as A does not equal Not A and 2+2=4 is a universal truth.
The author confuses the obvious. There is universalities. And there are particularities. You can be saved while driving a car. Or going up on an altar call in a little white church in the dell. Or in a building of glorious stone with stained glass windows. You can be saved under a tent as the evangelists wears out the podium, or by the quietly logical words of a soft spoken friend. You can be saved now by the pompous words of an arrogant snot.
The universality is that you must be saved, and Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Period.
I strongly agree. And I add: Trinity is the love of God within himself.
God is not only a person who loves, but he as a Trinity ist the love.
Any use of Judeo-Christianity us entirely suspect.
Christianity is part and parcel of the historical West. Hating it is hating the west. I’m not a believer but I’ve never met an anti-Christian who was anything but as anti Western as the woke. It’s like Japanese nationalists who hate all Shinto culture, or a secular Indian nationalist who hates Hindu cujtyre. Whatever this would be it’s not nationalism, but something else.
Science is degenerating into Scientism. Another devolution along with Judaism and its two retarded children.
“the Christian Trinity is the Golden Mean — the Mean between the extreme monotheism of the Semites, Jew and Arab, and the extreme of the polytheism of the old pagan religions.”
I see the Golden Mean practiced in Catholicism but not Protestantism. The Luther splinter faction fell under the influence of the followers of the spider god Yahweh shortly after its inception. Under the umbrella of Protestantism the Yahwehans generated cults meant to eventually dilute the power of the Christian religion. One such cult was Rosicrucianism which eventually gave birth to modern science and its own inevitable cult Scientism.
The Golden Mean seems nice, balance is important in all things, but the spider god taint contaminates both branches of the Christian religion.
Are you that guy I met in the psych ward?
This author carries on about paganism, Christianity and Marxism without understanding what any of them are. Or so it seems to me.
On paganism, he holds that paganism is sublimation, that it cannot serve political ends. This betrays a grievous misunderstanding of ancient city-states, in which civic life was woven very deeply and firmly around the pagan cults of the given city’s civic gods. The hopeless case of pagan revivalism is made later, with a floundering to convey just what exactly all these thinkers are really meaning by the term “paganism”, except to say some remote, romanticized notion of life-sans-Christianity.
And then on Christianity, the discourse veers into an extended barrage against “Judeo-Christianity”, which is to say “NOT Christianity”, for there is no such animal any more than there is a “Judeo-Islam” or a “Judeo-Buddhism”. The cat is let out of the bag when the author mocks Christianity as a perverted Jewish form. We’re not encountering serious thought here, we’re encountering prejudice on full display in deceptively crafted academic style.
And then on to Marxism. The problem with Marxism all along, we’re told, is that it’s too Christian. What a laugher. That, like the related statement that paganism is apolitical, is supremely ridiculous. It is not sufficient to claim that the very basic collectivism and egalitarianism common to both Christianity and Marxism justifies a Christian pedigree for Marx. That’s an inch-for-a-mile sort of exchange, particularly given that Marxism has told you strongly up front not to be so foolish.
George Soros is taking over from dad —-Make Joe and Hunter Happy !!!!
But what about all those “Judeo-Christians” who were fed to lions in the Colosseum?…lol
I can hear the announcer just like Vin Scully, except in Latin.
“A beautiful clear blue sky today here in Rome! And we’ve got plenty of Judeo-Christians ready to be torn apart for your enjoyment”
Great to see first rate mind, Dr. Tomislav Sunic on here. I’ve met him a couple of times at public lectures and read many of his articles. A true gentleman and great thinker.
The Hare Krishnas had their annual parade on the Fifth Avenue and a festival in Washington Square yesterday and though the vast majority of the Fair goers were of Indian stock, there were plenty of Whites as well as a smattering of blacks and a few east Asian. Almost all of them were dressed in the Hindu peasant style and were feasting on vegetarian dishes, which were free (donations were welcomed). And none of them looked aggressive but rather happy-go-lucky. There must be something to the idea of pagan worship.
Tom Sunic is strong at anti-Christian rhetoric, but weak at Christian history.
”During the reign of Constantine, the persecution against the pagans took the proportions “in a fashion analogous to that whereby the old faiths had formerly persecuted the new, but in an even fiercer spirit.” By the edict of A.D. 346, followed ten years later by the edict of Milan, pagan temples and the worship of pagan deities came to be stigmatized as magnum crimen”.
The Edict of Milan was issued in February 313 AD. Constantine died in 337 AD. How could he been giving a decree in 346?
The decrees of 356 AD were given by Constantius II.
That’s exceedingly unlikely.
No cow poop festivals for me, thanks
The world was doing great LONG before Jews/Judaism ..Rome/Greece/Babylon/China…Great economic/cultural/Moral/Philosophical empires, all ruined by Judaism…Tikkum Olam..The JEWS did NOT give us MONOTHEISM …that cme from the Egyptian/Gnostic traditions.
I thought that that child molesting sect of parasites and beggars that made themselves visible at every airport and public area in the 60’s and 70’s, had been sued into oblivion. The very thought of them brings back unpleasant memories of seeing them when I was a kid, with bad smell and endless repetitive chanting.
this phrase sums up the stupid screed but incorrectly blames the religion. Christianity is not the one exhausted but it’s ‘modern’ man who is sick and tired by the pursuit of material riches and of happiness and knowledge falsely so called. he abandoned the Church, and became sinful, miserable, empty and lonely, and now has the shameless audacity to lay his stupid errors at the feet of the Church. what a shameless, shameful, stupid and arrogant ass is modern man!
when he is not insulting your religion, he is threatening you with nuclear holocaust. if he is not somewhere fornicating, then he is elsewhere polluting. when he is not manufacturing machine guns, he is making killer drones. if he is not busy watching a violent film, perhaps he is on the way to shoot up some people. either he is indoctrinating your children or he is actually molesting them. not content with sodomy, now he wants to change his gender too. he shoots himself in the foot, but blames his own grandmother.
modern man! where could one flee to escape him? dear modern man, please come back to the Church, for there is no salvation outside her. the gates of hell shall not overcome her, for her Shepherd and Bridegroom is the Eternal God Himself. we still have hope. Our Lady is the Mother and Protector of the Church and all believers.
+++ Glory to God!!!
Video Link
There are so many truths, semi-truths, half-truths, blatant falsehoods and non-sequiturs in this piece that it’s impossible to even know where to start. None of it holds together logically or even grammatically. I have a huge interest in the subject, a fraction of academic credibility… and also a tendency to be verbose. So to spare both myself and any readers who read this, I will zero in this:
3 points which I will try to keep as simple and brief as my verbose mind will allow me to be:
Point 1:
This guy distinguishes between “Real paganism” (and thereby logically) what would have to be called “false paganism” which is (he says) “by contrast” to something he neither names nor defines. Now I actually agree with him that there is a real paganism (and thus a false paganism) and I prefer to honor the real by capitalizing the word Pagan (for Real Paganism) whenever I speak of it. But real Paganism is also monotheistic (in practice even if it acknowledges the existence of other [lessor] gods). Real Paganism actually converges with Judaism, Christianity and Islam at salient points of which all three Abrahamic faiths claim to be extensions of and fulfillment of original Paganism even if most of the non-educated adherents of all three faiths are totally ignorant of the obscure facts. Either all three faiths are wrong… or one of them is right, and I have an opinion.
The Hebrew Bible calls all non-Jews “pagans” “heathen” or “idolaters” (עוֹבֵד אֵלִילִים, אֱלִילִי, פָּגָן) but ironically Judaism itself actually begins genealogically and historically with Paganism. Adam, Enoch, Noah, Melchizedek and genealogically speaking the entire cast of the Hebrew Bible all the way to Abraham himself – were all Pagans, i.e. non-Jews. (Abraham was from Ur, i.e. Babylon, the undisputed apex of ancient Pagan civilization.) In the New Testament, Christ (an ethnic Jew) we are told in Hebrews 5:5-6, was “a priest in the order of [the Pagan priest] Melchizedek.”
The famous archeologist William F. Albright in his book Yahweh and the Gods of Canaan shows two ancient texts side-by-side, one Ugaritic (Pagan) and one from the Hebrew Bible (Deuteronomy as I recall). The only difference between the two texts is that the Pagan deity is Baal and the Hebrew deity is Yahweh. (As a point of reference, the Ugaritic text pre-dates the Hebrew.) Likewise, in the New Testament, Paul quotes from two Pagan Stoic sources in Acts 17 (Epimenides and Aratus) and many scholars have noted that Platonism, Stoicism and Christianity overlap on many points. In John 1 the Apostle John says that the λόγος (translated “Word” in English due to there being no other English cognate) was not only the Jewish “in the beginning” (of Genesis 1) but was stated by John to have been incarnated in the person of Jesus via the virgin Mary. The λόγος is the central organizing principle of both the Pagan Stoics and Plato. To take this a step further, in the Chinese translation of John 1, the word λόγος is translated 涛 (Tao) of which the great and very knowledgeable scholar of both Christianity and Paganism (and married to a Jew) said,
That a deity (האלים) or Elohim could impregnate a human female was/is a Pagan idea and abhorrent to the Jews even though some early Jews believed in the Pagan Enoch enough that they actually incorporated (nearly verbatim) his narrative of deity-human copulation into the early chapters of Genesis 6:1-4. (The term “sons of God” in Hebrew unmistakably refers to deities or angelic beings and is repeated in the New Testament in Jude 1:6-7.) This has HUGE implications for why the impregnation of Mary by the deity who was both the “Real Pagan” deity of Adam, Enoch, Noah, Melchizedek, Plato, Seneca and Marcus Aurelius as well as the early Jewish deity (האלים or Elohim) who created the world, the Stoic “first principle” and Plato’s “unmoved mover” …is supremely important… if true, or a horrific lie (as Sunic apparently believes) if not.
Notably, and equally important, Jesus and all the early “Christ-tians” (Christ followers) were all Jews as were all of the Apostles and all of the New Testament writers (except Luke). They were, to the man, persecuted by the Jews and many of them killed like the Jews killed (“genocided”) the Pagans of ancient Canaanite civilizations in the Late Bronze Age under the leadership of Joshua. “Jesus” is the Greek translation of the name “Joshua.” Let that sink in for a bit. He offered a very different approach than the original Joshua.
The Hebrew word that is often mistranslated (purposely) in the English as “God” (האלים) is in most cases actually plural and more accurately translated as “gods” (unless a singular verb or article construct is used). Thus, a correct translation of Genesis 1:1 is “In the beginning [the] gods created the heaven and the earth.” An excellent book on this subject (very readable, scholarly, well documented and pro-Christian) is The Unseen Realm by Michael Heiser.
Point 2:
Either this guy is himself very ill-informed or a liar who assumes (probably correctly) that his readers are ill informed and ignorant of ancient history. By far and with zero respectable scholarship to the contrary, the greatest temporal powers in all of history were pagan temporal powers: Samaria, Acadia, Babylon, Ugarit, Assyria, Egypt, Carthage, Phoenicia, Greece, Rome. Nothing else to say. This statement alone is enough to refute everything else this guy is saying… unless there is a grain of truth to his statement regarding there being a “real” (and false) Paganism of which (in my opinion) he appears to be correct but clearly doesn’t understand a fraction of the implications of that if it is true.
Point 3:
Again, ill-informed or liar … see first sentence point 2. It was actually the Jewish assertion of a single transcendent deity VS the pagan deities of immanence that allowed science to culturally evolve. You cannot explore, speculate or theorize about space if all the suns, moon, stars and planets are gods who must be worshipped. You cannot mine for gold, silver, copper, bronze, minerals etc. if the earth is the sacred habitation of the gods. Now again, giving Sunic probably more credibility than he deserves, the Jews and by extension the Christians, did swing too far from the original ancient “Real” Pagans who managed to acknowledge and worship a singular universal Creator while also acknowledging the lessor gods of the terrestrial spheres and nature. But his statement above is absolute bunk and easily refuted by anyone even remotely knowledgeable in the social and intellectual history of science. Even the Catholic Church VS Galileo dust-up, if carefully and objective studied, was less about the facts asserted by science (and actually agreed upon by the Church) than it was about who had the power and authority to assert them – and I am NOT defending the Catholic Church but only stating that the accusation against them is only partially correct, a fact which Galileo himself later admitted.
There are a lot of people who have very legitimate gripes against Judaism, Christianity and Islam. I too admit to having a chip on my shoulder against Judaism in particular (believing most modern Jews to be total frauds) and Christianity to a lesser extent. That being said, in the quest for truth, I try to put my personal prejudices aside and connect the historical dots even when they don’t line up exactly like I would prefer them to if all my biases were correct. In my opinion, Sunic would be doing himself a favor if he made a greater effort to do the same.
I highly recommend the books below which are where I take most of my ideas of an original Real Paganism that I believe is the core thread that can be traced through Judaism, Christianity and Islam. (I am myself a rather poor and inconsistent but nevertheless a (more or less) believing Christian.)
Saving The Appearances: A Study in Idolatry, Owen Barfield
Four Quartets, T.S. Eliot
Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold, C.S. Lewis
Like all other 100% Croats, the author supports the Ustasha movement and the Croatian genocide against the Serbs. The text mentions Medjugorje in the context of paganism but does not say that all these phenomena in Catholicism are frauds. Medjugorje is one of the thousands of execution sites where living Serbs were thrown into bottomless pits from where even after a week the moans of those who were still alive could be heard. Medjugorje is the place of the Croatian celebration of the genocide against the Serbs, and thanks to millions of naive Catholics from all over the world who came there and left millions of dollars, that remote karst region in the rocky area became a metropolis with an airport. Even the Vatican had to officially renounce that fraud where some children as false witnesses saw Our Lady there.
The text clearly has many shortcomings and silent matters. It was kept silent, for example, that ‘pagan’ is a Serbian word. What does it mean? The beginnings of Christianity and the Roman Empire are still under the influence of Hollywood with numerous forgeries. Enormous facts are kept silent, and it is no wonder that Comandante Che Guava is very frustrated with his modest knowledge and unwillingness to turn on his brain.
I will say briefly. I think that the persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire was not as important as it is officially given. Scholars should answer why Christians were persecuted when the confession of all faiths was free in the Empire. As I said before, the Serbian-Roman emperors were key in the last 50 or so years that the persecution of Christians lasted until it was legalized. The Serbian-Roman emperor Prob was the first to introduce systematic measures (sale of Certificates) with which the state tried to suppress Christianity. It was short-lived and had little effects.
Diocletian stood out the most in the persecution of Christians. He implemented significant economic reforms, divided the Empire into two parts and introduced the Tetrarchy. He executed St George and his own wife Alexandra and confiscated the property of the Christians. However, towards the end of his reign (he retired on his own to work as a gardener in a small village in Serbia), he began to relax the persecution of Christians.
His son-in-law, the emperor Galerius, brought the Edict of Serdica (Serbica, modern Sofia) in 311 AC, where the tolerance of Christianity was proclaimed. Diocletian, Galerius and the other members of the tetrarchy were Serbs – Maximinus succeeded Diocletian and married one his daughter to Constantine’s father and another daughter later to Constantine himself. His son was Maxentius who drowned in the Tiber, defending Rome from Constantine. He tried to seize the army from Constantine while the latter was in England, so upon his return, the latter chased him from Milan, Lyon to Marseilles, where he was captured. He was allowed to commit suicide which is the scene cited by Coppola in the movie Godfather when the Pentangeli was allowed to do the same in the CIA prison.
At the wedding in Milan, where Constantine married his sister to the emperor Licinius, the Edict of Milan was issued in 313 AC, which legalized Christianity. And Licinius tried a couple of times to overthrow Constantine, who forgave him the first time for the rebellion because of his sister, but the next time he was still executed.
Some scholars believe that at the Council of Nicaea Constantine proposed more ‘pagan’ elements into Christianity in order to make it more easily accepted by the people. It is also interesting that his nephew, the emperor Julian (the Apostate), wanted to abolish Christianity and return to the pre-Christian paganism of the Roman Empire.
Many scholars and commentators ignore the fact that Roman mythology was created as a replica of Greek mythology and Greek mythology (Zeus, etc.) is a replica of the mythology of the native Serbian people in the Balkans and was not brought from Africa and the Middle East homeland, no matter what Comandante Che G. thought about it in his inability to give at least one answer to any question.
If Abraham lived around 4000 years ago and Sanskrit began and the Veda’s were written around 3800 years ago then the Sanskrit name Brahman could easily have been named after the Biblical Patriarch A(braham) because his ‘root’ spiritual knowledge may have been ‘expanding’ ‘growing’ and ‘enlarging’ due to his son’s travelling east and east was very likely to what is now India.
Therefore i maintain that there very likely is a connection and what you said has done nothing to change my view.
And when I say ‘spiritual knowledge’ you would be hopelessly clueless to what I am talking about.
FR is dumbas as a panzer. If he tells us what is the meaning of Rg Veda, or where the language from which (according to the mainstream) the so-called Balto-Slavic and Indo-Iranian (from which Sanskrit arose) originated, or what is the meaning of – tsar, czar, Caesar, Kaiser, etc… I will publicly withdraw the previous statement.
But he won’t say that because he’s on the mental level of Commandante Che G.
By far the most important part about the Rigveda is ‘Soma’ and how this ‘spiritual gift’ from the divine is very likely connected to Abraham sending his son’s east bearing gifts and apart from being connected to the mystic Rishi’s in Northern India who wrote the Veda’s,Soma is most certainly very strongly connected to the birth of Hinduism and thus religion itself and as FR wouldn’t have a clue what Soma actually was/is without researching online for hidden clues,you certainly won’t be needing to withdraw your statement,i can assure you.
Firstly I think you mean 道, not 涛, which usually appears to reference in waves. That’s only true of the Protestant Bible in any case. John 1:1 of the Protestant Chinese Bible:
太初有道、 道與神同在、 道就是神。
– 約翰福音1節1
道: “dao” (“tao” in Wade-Giles romanization) = “the word” lit. “the way”
神: “shen” = “God” lit. “Spirit”
John 1:1 in the Catholic Chinese Bible:
– 若望福音1節1
聖言: “shengyan” lit. “holy words”
天主: “tianzhu” fig. “heavenly principal/chairman of heaven”
Note Catholicism is called 天主教: “tianzhujiao” or “church of the chairman of heaven” in Chinese (maybe not the best translation, however “Chairman Mao” comes from “毛主席” or “Mao zhuxi” so you can see the same character is used).
Western Christianity was brought to China at the height of the wars of religion so most Chinese, including most devout practicing Chinese Christians, are unaware that Protestantism and Catholicism have a common root as they use totally different Chinese words for many key concepts including “God” and “Jesus Christ.” Note also “John” is translated differently in the Chinese Protestant and Catholic bibles.
So only the Protestant Bible has the 道 from the Chinese classic 道德經, and many Chinese Christians would point to differences between their own faith and Taoism, since, you know, there’s nothing stopping them from being Taoists in China.
First words of the 道德經:
(dao ke dao, fei chang dao)
It is famously hard to translate, described by one translator as “a famous puzzle which everyone would like to feel he had solved.” I won’t try here, and would suggest one of the many extant translations for any who are curious.
Melchizedek is a fascinating character in the Bible, who does indeed suggest some sort of accepted religion that was either monotheistic or had a principal deity before most of the events in the Bible, appearing as he does as a priest-king in Genesis 14:
“And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God.
And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth:”
– Genesis 14:18-19, the Bible, KJV
Jesus being of “the order of Melchizedek” is a plot device that allows Jesus to function as both priest and King, since priests (of the tribe of Levi) were not kings (of the tribe of Judah) among the ancient Hebrews.
Nonsense. Many polytheistic and pagan societies made useful, if primitive, astronomical observations, and the idea that mining for metal did not occur in pagan societies, including pre-Christian Europe is simply absurd. Even some important “British” metallurgical innovations, such as the Bessemer process, were refined from very similar Chinese examples which were invented centuries prior:,Early%20history,iron%20under%20a%20cold%20blast.
Note there are six posters on this topic but only one of them gets the Satanist pushback. Only one inspires fear. A [you catch flak when you’re over the target] situation.
(My condolences on your illness, by the way. I don’t visit psych wards, though. Except, I suppose.)
In Sanatana Dharma, an individual can worship one God (Goddess) or many Gods (Goddesses) — in ANY form s/he wants to for her/his spiritual quest — or no God (Goddess) at all.
When a “Hindu” meditates in front of a gold-statue or a clay-statue of his/her beloved deity, at that point his/her mind is way above the question of whether there is one God or Goddess or many Gods or Goddesses in the entire universe!
One and only God or Goddess in the manifestation of many Gods or Goddesses is a later day interpretation in Sanatana Dharma!
So, Sanatana Dharma teaches Mahāvākyas such as “Tat Tvam Asi” and “Saḥ Aham”.
Sanskrit words: “Ekam Sat, Vipra Bahuda Vadanti” means if a “Hindu” worship his/her ancestral God or Goddess, that particular “Hindu” is worshiping in the same spirituality of Sanatana Dharma like another “Hindu” in another completely different geographical territory who is worshiping his/her ancestral God or Goddess in another way.
However, Sanatana Dharma distinguishes between mere ritualism and true spirituality.
If a person has his/her mind full of Kama (Lust), Krodha (Anger), Lobh (Greed), Moha (Attachment), Mada (Narcisism) and Matsarya (Jalousy), then that person’s ritualism has no spiritual benefit in Sanatana Dharma.
If a person slaughters animals in the hope of receiving or gaining special boon from his/her deity, that person is basically doing “Voodoo Worship” no matter how ancient his/her ritualism is.
Whereas Middle Eastern so-called “Mono-Theism” means that — if I translate correctly — “I will command you to worship me only, because if you do not worship only me, you will experience death, deformities and destitution on earth and eternal HELL-FIRE in your after life!”
That’s succinct description of Middle Eastern so-called “Mono-Theism”.
Middle Eastern so-called “Mono-Theism” has ZERO spirituality in it — whether you name Middle Eastern so-called “Mono-Theism” as Judaism or Christianism or Islam.
But, the good thing is the followers of Judaism, Christianism and Islam kill each other for adhering to one and only “True” G-d or one and only “True” faith!!!
Sanatana Dharma evolved over the millennia (i.e., over 25,000 years or even more).
If there are 8 billion humans on earth, there could be 8 billion Gods or Goddesses on earth — if not even more!
It is the human psychology that seeks spirituality for his/her well-being.
Human minds created the concept of God or Goddesses.
However, the Middle Eastern so-called “Mono-Theism” wants you to follow an unknown character as your “Master” for a “Master-Slave Relation” regardless of all available scientific evidences to the contrary.
Reincarnation DOES NOT mean a cow becomes a woman in her next life!
Reincarnation means EVOLUTION — from one stage to another by transforming oneself for the higher or lower state of mind.
There is no such thing on earth to be called “Paganism”, because there was (is) no uniform religious system on earth to be categorized with one single word called “Paganism”.
If we say Buddhism is “Paganism”, world’s Buddhists will take arms to claim that Buddhism is not “Paganism” although Buddha preached his unsustainable and arbitrary “Ahimsa” principles 500 years before Christian idol Jesus the Nazarene Jew was allegedly born.
So, calling someone “a Pagan” is correct; but, what s/he practices for her/his spirituality is not to be called “Paganism”.
Early Christians named everything that did not conform to Judeo-Christian falsehoods as “Paganism”.
In reality, if we consider every religion prior to the advent of Christianism — and Christianism’s sister-religion Islam — as “Pagan”, we find that, not every “Pagan” culture was (is) equal with another “Pagan” culture in terms of social, political, literary and scientific endeavors throughout its history.
In Indian subcontinent (i.e., Bharat Varsha), Vedic culture produced vast good for its people as evidenced by the actual authors in their writings of two great epics called “Ramayana” and “Maha-Bharata” even though no one will argue that “Ramayana” and “Maha-Bharata” were (are) chronologically sufficient historical records.
Since almost all historical libraries and archives were arsoned to ashes — by both Christians and genocidal Muslims — in order to wipe out any trace of pre-existing culture(s), one cannot produce today any concrete evidence of superiority of one “Pagan” culture from another “Pagan” culture.
However, as we indirectly witness from time to time, different living styles or different livelihoods of humans (i.e., Homo sapiens) prior to the advent of Christianism and Islam, we can say that humans (i.e., Homo sapiens) were not worse off when there was no Jesus the Nazarene Jew or Muhammad the Arabian bastard.
That’s for now.
What is to stop it?
We might hope so, and perhaps there is truth to it if we take a longer term view, but in the Buddhists have always believed that humans can reincarnate as animals and vice versa.
Show me a sect, be it a Jewish, Christian, Jain, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh or Zoroastrian etc., and I will find someone in that cult who has molested either women or children. As to the smell, I think all religious freaks smell unpleasantly. I wouldn’t be too preachy as long as I live in a glasshouse of my own. Besides, it would not surprise me that the CIA or the FBI had something to do with the made up charges; just as the followers of that Jain freak Rajneesh of fifty Rolls-Royce fame in Oregon claimed that while he was kept in the pokey for a couple of weeks in Charlotte, NC, the spooks poisoned him and within a few months all his healthy teeth fell out. Remember, Hare Krishnas had made a lot of enemies because children of very powerful people had joined up the cult to get away from their own spiritual peccadillos, so, what’s good for the goose, it’s good for the gander.
Yes, you are correct, wrong character. The Chinese Bible I have in front of me uses 道 in John 1:1. But this is the same character commonly translated as Tao (path, way or road) in English. I have no idea which translation I have as it came from China and doesn’t have word of English in it anywhere and my Chinese is not good enough to figure it out. As you know there are numerous Chinese translations of the Bible and the Catholics have a tendency to refer to anything “Christian” that is not officially Catholic as “Protestant” even if those in question are more Catholic than the Catholics and actually believe more Catholic doctrines than they do or even if the scholars are actually secular or even Jewish linguists. I have Catholic friends who considers me a Protestant even though I am not now nor have I ever been a member of a Protestant Church. Like Simone Weil, I believe in God and Christ but also like her I am neither catholic nor Protestant but to a Catholic I must be a Protestant and to a Protestant I am a heretic. Weil actually got close enough to Catholicism and she was brilliant enough that they decided to claim her anyway. Neither Catholics nor Protestants want to claim me and I am too critical of Semitism for most (not all) Jews. So, I mostly go with the flow, and “Protestant” is close enough for me and I do tend to protest a lot.
In my experience, Protestants (anywhere in the world) will tend to use whatever translation they perceive is the best translation whether it actually is or not. It is my understanding, please correct me if this is wrong, that the first translation of the Bible into Chinese was done by Matteo Ricci, a Jesuit, which would make that bible a Catholic Bible, correct? In that Bible λόγος is translated by 道. I am certainly no Chinese or Biblical scholar but from what I have been told by those who claim to know, Ricci’s translation (like the KJV in English) set the gold standard for Chinese translations for years to come and thus since the majority of translations are not Catholic they must be “Protestant” even if done by atheist Chinese scholars who are members of the CCP.
Very interesting note on 天主教. I had no idea. This seems more like Catholic marketing to me than honest translation.
Again, according to Chinese friends, there is a distinction between Taoism as philosophy and Taoism as religion and there are many Taoist sects and just like in Protestantism each sect tries to lay claim to being the proper expression of the Tao… which to my Western mind (as somewhat of a heretical Protestant’s Protestant) the mere claim to having the exclusive instantiation of truth, is proof that you don’t.
I beg to differ with you on “pagan science.” My words probably could have been better chosen, but there is a ton of intellectual history to support the thesis that so called “pagan science” was actually pagan religion and that Judaism first, followed by Christianity, “de-divinized” the pagan world which made secular science possible. In fact, even Richard Dawkins agrees with this idea. He just thinks we need to move on from religion altogether. Descartes and the Enlightenment would have never happened in a pagan world… which is not to say that Judaism, Christianity or Islam were totally on board with it, but only to say that their earlier rejection of the world as “sacred immanence” set the stage. Yes, there was primitive pagan metallurgy but tin, copper and bronze was fairly easy to come by and was first financed and supported because it was blessed for making religious artifacts… though the utility for swords and spears followed quickly. All the radical environmentalists think the world needs to be “re-paganized” to reverse the rape of the earth by Christianity. Where did they get that idea? Funny how Judaism never gets blamed. Much, if not most, environmentalist “re-paganization” as the writer of this article points out and seems to advocate himself, is Hindu paganization… which is laughable if one has ever been to India. But I guess if matter is all an illusion anyway, why not just chant Om until you go into a trance and everything disappears.
Well, Matteo Ricci was a long time ago. The Chinese government’s own figures estimate 39 million Protestants and 12 million Catholics in China, though the actual numbers may be higher. There are many explanations as to why this is the case. My personal opinion is that Catholic countries had far less impact on China than Protestant nations such as the U.S. and U.K.
Didn’t the Vedic culture, (proto)Sanskrit, Rg Veda, Ramayana and Mahabharata come with the Aryans to SE Asia 4000 years ago?
Who were the Aryans and what was their mythology?
Where did this millennial development take place and what does it have to do with the Aryans?
I suspect you are right and it was probably more British than US influence. The British missionaries had more success than any of the others except, of course, the Buddhists from India. Even Mao acknowledged that British missionaries had done a lot for China, and his crackdown on religion was harder on the Buddhists and Taoists than the Christians. There is also a funny phenomenon in China that has always puzzled me. Across the board, the Chinese all seem to love the British… or if love is too strong of a word, they are at least fascinated by them. I find this puzzling give the Opium Wars, harsh British treatments, and theft of Hong Kong.
The Americans seem to think that the Chinese have long memories, hold grudges, and plot revenge. I think this is a classic case of “what A says about B, telling more about A than B.” The Chinese do have long collective memories but then why wouldn’t they since they have been around much longer than anybody else? They do not seem to me to be revengeful people. I have heard Chinese people say that most Chinese would completely bury the hatchet with Japan if Japan would only acknowledge Manchuria and Nanjing. They wouldn’t even have to pay reparations… just say “we did it and it was wrong” and the Chinese would say, “Good. Your tea and noodles still taste like shit, but let’s figure out how we can make some money together?”
I suspect you are British. No, there has been a lot of growth in China’s Christian population in the last two or three decades or so… not exactly a high water mark of British influence in China. Not sure how long this will last.
There is a lot of projection in a lot of Western commentary on China, that is for sure.
We congratulate NOVAK the GOAT on his victory at Roland Garros 23
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Nope not British. The son of a Czech Jew and an Irish Pagan Mom with a Native American Great, grandmother… born, raised and educated in America but traveled fairly widely and lived outside the US more than average. The two places that have made the biggest impact on me by far have been Switzerland and China… probably why I tend to identify with the Protestants and the Chinese though I am really neither. I positively hated the UK, but I only spent 5 days in London so that’s not a very objective sampling. Only in retrospect have I come to realize that I have been heavily influenced by a lot of British authors. The fact that they were British was never part of any conscious attraction. The only “British” friends that I have had, have been either Chinese or South African. If you can analyze this and make any sense out of it, please feel free!
Christianity seems to flourish during times of chaos and privation. Most of the Christians in China went underground during the Revolution. From what I can tell, though the official numbers declined, the real numbers were exploding. As a Christian, I like to think that is because when times get tough people cut through what doesn’t work and eventually find ultimate reality. But there may be other explanations for this phenomena as well.
It’s been a pleasure talking to you. I will watch for your posts whenever I visit Unz.
Sounds like you might have a better handle on numbers of Chinese Christians than I do…
This sounds a lot like me. I’ve never visited the UK however I did not particularly enjoy interacting with Brits when I worked at AstraZeneca though I have read a lot of English literature so I can understand this viewpoint.
Thanks for your kind words & I will look for your comments as well. Some interesting points you have made in this discussion.
EyeEye says: What is to stop it?
Face_The_Truth replies:
If something DOES NOT actually happen, there is NO need for stopping it.
EyeEye says: We might hope so, and perhaps there is truth to it if we take a longer term view, but in the Buddhists have always believed that humans can reincarnate as animals and vice versa.
Face_The_Truth replies:
Buddhism is economically un-sustainable and theologically arbitrary!
Swami Dayananda Saraswati (1824–1883 A.D.) aptly observed, “Buddhism as ‘anti-Vedic’ and atheistic by noting that the type of ‘Salvation’ Buddhism prescribes is attainable even to dogs and donkeys.”
“Hindu” crown prince Siddhārtha Gautama renounced and left his princely luxurious life in search of “God” and found nothing (i.e., there is no “God”) and became a Buddha 2600 years ago.
Buddhism flourished in modern day territories of Afghanistan at that time as local “Hindus” converted to Buddhism.
History turned out that, Buddhists helped Muslim-invaders to conquer — from the western front — “Hindu” homeland known as Bhārata-varṣa during medieval time.
Buddha said, there is no “God the Creator” of the universe; but, his followers worship him as “God” to this day.
I don’t know how old you are, but for anyone who grew up in the 60’s, 70’s, the Hare Krishnas were an all pervasive and disgusting disgrace, akin to leaving garbage that makes noise in every public place. If big brother broke them up, that’s one time I would approve. Public nuisances need to be removed for the public good.
Odyssey asks: Didn’t the Vedic culture, (proto)Sanskrit, Rg Veda, Ramayana and Mahabharata come with the Aryans to SE Asia 4000 years ago?
Face_The_Truth answers:
Odyssey asks: Who were the Aryans and what was their mythology?
Face_The_Truth answers:
Some White greedy European Christians think they are “Aryans”, which is utterly false; because, in Sanskrit the word “Aryan” means “Noble”, not any particular race.
British Christian imperialists and their paid-historians promoted the idea that, “Aryans” came from European continent to create Indus River Civilization millennia ago since Indian native “Hindus” were Dravidians who were obviously un-civilized brutes!
British Christian imperialists spent a lot political capital specifically to translate “Hindu” Purãnã stories — from Sanskrit to English — to shame Indian “Hindus” during 160 years of British Christian colonial rule with the earnest hope of converting a vast number of Indian “Hindus” into Judeo-Christianism, but failed.
However, super-nasty German White greedy Christian lunatics took the official falsehoods of British Christian imperialists as Gospel-truth in order to make German people purest amongst the fictitious “Aryan race”.
As for the “Hindu” mythology, we must understand how typical historical facts — from one mouth to another mouth — became legends and how those legends ultimately became myths!
Plus, we also need to understand, in “Hindu” Purãnã stories (i.e., “Hindu” mythology) the so colorfully described characters were not like us mortal humans.
That means, those characters in “Hindu” Purãnã stories — fictional or not doesn’t really matter for analytical purposes — were not born like us (i.e., humans) after being in the wombs of our mothers for nearly a year!!!
Odyssey asks: Where did this millennial development take place and what does it have to do with the Aryans?
Face_The_Truth answers:
Geographically, I would say based on what scholars find today, the “Millennial development” indeed took place within Indian subcontinent.
As I’ve written above, “Aryans” were not foreigners of White Caucasian race, were rather native Indian “Hindus” who wrote:
ॐ असतो मा सद्गमय ।
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय ।
मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय ।
आविराविर्म एधि ।
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥
Lead us from the unreal to the real
Lead us from darkness to light
Lead us from death to immortality
Let the Knowledge of the Self-Manifest Atman Grow in Me
Aum peace, peace, peace!
ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात्पुर्णमुदच्यते
पूर्णश्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ॥
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥
Aum! That is infinite, and this (universe) is infinite.
The infinite proceeds from the infinite.
(Then) taking the infinitude of the infinite (universe),
It remains as the infinite alone.
Aum! Peace! Peace! Peace!
ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः
सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः ।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु
मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत् ।
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥
Om, May All become Happy
May All be Free from Illness
May All See what is Auspicious
May no one Suffer
Om Peace! Peace! Peace!
I remember Hollywood movies with the likes Bruce Willis in which Hare Krishnas, who were more nuisance than physical menace, were definitely target of harassment, just like the Muslims/Arabs were cast as villains; personally, I don’t have either like or dislike of them.
I’ve also been intrigued by the similarities between Abram/Abraham and the Vedic god Brahma on the one hand, and Sarai/Sarah and Saraswati (the female divinity/consort of Brahma) on the other.
There are many reasons to believe these similarities are not coincidences. For one, Saraswati is the Vedic goddess of learning, art, and music, as well as “water.” Music is especially relevant here, since the Abram/Abraham and Sari/Sarah story is full of puns related to the mathematics of music. See:
Abram fathering a child at 86 on Haggar aged 60. Abraham circumcised at 99, a father again at 100 with a wife of 90. Ismael, fathered by Abram on Haggar lives to be 137. Jacob, fathered by Abraham on Sarah, is supposed to live to 180? These are all numbers used to mathematically construct and describe musical scales, so are the numerological equivalents of Abram = 243, Abraham = 248. Hence Ismael fathers 12 Arab princes; Jacob also has 12 sons that found the 12 tribes of Israel – what is being described is the computation of two different 12-note chromatic scales – the 12 notes of one system always being a little discordant with the 12 notes of the other; inevitable conflict intrinsic to existence, jokingly proved by math?
I would not be surprised if Saraswati’s original meaning had to do with music or at least culture, rather than water per se. Philologists have assumed that Vedic words first referred to naturalistic phenomena and only later took on psychological associations, but this assumption about the evolution of the language is questionable. For example, the philosopher Aurobindo managed to translate the Vedas as a very sophisticated and coherent psychological document rather than as an appeal to forces of nature.
In the case of the word Saraswati, I would think a psychologically based derivation of Sara = flow and saw = self would suit a goddess of creativity, especially music and speech. I think it also interesting that Saraswati sounds much like the Russian “Tsara Svyataya,” apparently once meaning holy/illumined princess or queen (Tsara). And “Sarah” can mean “princess” in Hebrew. “Bram” in Russian means “top” – another similarity.
I’m under the impression that there was a commonality of culture among elites spread throughout Eurasia at one time. Scriptures in diverse areas of the world may reflect this. The presence of incessant punning in scriptures, especially punning with numbers, suggests that we are not dealing with chronicles of historical events. Besides, there are reasons to believe that the foundational story of Abraham and Isaac is a rewrite of the foundational story in the Greek Golden Fleece story cycle.
What is the translation of – Rg Veda?
Is India really this shitty?
Did you ask Mr./Ms. Manju Baturu what to do about in order to prevent “On average 32 Indians die on railway tracks or onboard trains in accidents per day.”?
Did you ask Mr./Ms. Manju Baturu how to pay for 1.5 billion Indians’ proper sanitation, standard housing, minimal medical care, and safe transportation?
Indians that you see in North America and in Western Europe are just one out of a thousand, which means 999 Indians actually live in India who are busy making a daily living to feed their mouths!
One distinguishing factor that differentiates Indian “Hindus” from any other ethnic group on earth — throughout the history — is extreme SELFISHNESS.
A “Hindu” is someone who has his/her own God (Goddess), own house, own village, own caste, own worldview and own exclusive family and who is not concerned about his/her neighbor(s) dying on the streets while sharing food from a stray-dog!
Now put 800 years of Islamic rule in various parts of Indian subcontinent that actually taxed Indian “Hindus” to utmost poverty — century after century — and also include 160 years of British Christian colonial rule that looted £100,000,000 EVERY YEAR from Indian “Hindus” in order to make Western Europe’s British Kingdom super-great and, then, also insert Islam-sympathizer post-independence Indian government of Nehru, Indira, Morarji, Vishwanath Pratap et al. who were always busy how to appease Indian Muslims at any cost to Indian “Hindus”.
So, India has so much problems, so much poverty, so much divisions and so much backwardness today that, the next time when you talk or meet Mr./Ms. Manju Baturu, kindly ask him/her to furnish the solution(s).
Good show! It’s too bad that Western man could not keep the religion of our pagan forebearers!
“. Why are you leaving in religion of your forefathers for the religion of the Jews?”
..Julian the Apostate ( last pagan Roman emperor)
..”Message to the Galileans””
‘there was a commanality of culture’.
Yes indeed there was and when one understands fully the deeply spiritual connection of this commonality one understands why the ancient Egyptian Uraeus and the Hindu Tilaka are both from the centre of the forehead and bearing in mind how close Egypt is to the land of the ancient Biblical Patriarch’s it becomes quite feasible that this connection could very very easily be linked to Abraham sending his son’s east bearing gifts…..of a deeply spiritual nature.
I’m sorry pal, but old Aryans where whites that invaded the Indus Valley, genetics disprooves your theory (Read about R1a and R1b, you don’t need to believe me, do your own research). Besides, there’s no way those dark skinned individuals that inhabited India back then wrote those Sacred Texts, their IQ is too low for that.
Those “indians” of old that wrote the Vedas and the Sanksrit were not the same modern Indians that inhabit that area today, they were Caucasians/indo-europeans that invaded the Indus Valley and created the caste system in order to prevent race mixing (It failed anyways, and modern India is the proof of that). Read about R1a and R1b haplogroups, you don’t need to believe me, do your own research.