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The Death of Free Speech in America?
You can thank Israel and its many friends
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There should be little doubt in anyone’s mind that the “wag the dog” relationship between the United States and Israel has done terrible damage to American institutions and constitutional liberties. The US bipartisan unconditional support of the ongoing Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people has not gone unnoticed by the rest of the world which now despises America’s corrupt political system and its increasing bizarre and out of touch leadership. There were even reports this past week that Washington and Tel Aviv have been discussing shipping upwards of two million Palestinians to Sudan and Somalia, two of the most violent places on earth, to permit the development of Trump Gaza resort and the annexation of the rest of historic Palestine by Israel.

To be sure, the cancer at the heart of the Israel-US relationship, if one might even call it that, has been in place for a long time as American politicians scrambled to get their share of Jewish billionaire money in exchange for a carte blanche when it comes to Israeli misbehavior. I recall how in May 2023, the newly appointed Speaker of the House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy, spoke before the Israeli Knesset. McCarthy made it a point to flatter his Israeli hosts by emphasizing that traveling to Israel was his first foreign trip as speaker, underlining the value of the relationship.

McCarthy was accompanied by the usual cast of congressional toadies who flock to Israel during every recess. The group was bipartisan and included the loathsome Steny Hoyer of Maryland who has made and even led the groveling entourage more than twenty times. The ambition-driven McCarthy, who has never been accused of having a great deal of brain power, delivered a predictable speech that produced the pro forma standing ovations from the audience, but I would call attention to one part of it in particular where he said the following: “This is the foundation of our special relationship: We are the only two countries in history that were conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that we are all equal. Our values are your values. Our heritage is your heritage. Our dreams are your dreams. America is grateful for our friendship with Israel. We are a better nation because of it. And we must never shy away from defending it… As long as I am speaker, America will continue to support fully funding for security assistance in Israel.”

Nearly every line in this part of the McCarthy speech is basically either an out-and-out lie or a twisting of reality to such an extent that it is incomprehensible, but it has served as the congressional framework for the fleecing of the American people while also stripping them of their liberties. In roughly the same time frame, the US based Israel Lobby was separately working assiduously to criminalize any criticism of Jewish collective behavior and/or of the state of Israel. Nobody worked harder at the task than hyper-ambitious Florida Governor and presidential aspirant whose groveling performance in bowing to Jewish power and money during his own trip to Israel culminated in his signing a new state law that inter alia exploits the “hate” mechanism to criminalize nearly all criticism or even skepticism regarding Israeli apartheid, of the co-called holocaust narrative, or of the behavior of Jewish groups and individuals. At the signing, DeSantis boasted how the legislation was very clearly about protecting Israel, arguing that rejecting “Israel’s right to exist is antisemitism,” which is the line that prevails among both Democratic and Republican politicians currently and which has also been copied by many other state legislatures. Thirty-six other states in addition to Florida have penalized anyone seeking to either boycott Israel or accept doing so, sometimes to include denial of government jobs or benefits.

As it happens, during the past two weeks Donald Trump and his band of Zionist stooges have finally hit rock bottom with their arrest and threatened deportation of a student who had admittedly helped organize nonviolent campus demonstrations against the Israeli slaughter of the Gazans. This was followed by threats directed by Trump against a highly respected congressman who has been critical of a number of issues involving both the administration’s foreign policy and congress. At heart, both were and are First Amendment free speech issues and both rely on a White House presumption that because it names someone as a “threat” it has to provide no evidence that that is actually the case. And there in the Israel exception rule in place that allows the Jewish state to avoid any consequences for its actions. Any and all “free speech” which is critical of or offensive to the foreign nation to which most American politicians and much of the fawning mainstream American media owe their primary allegiance clearly is considered outside the pale of acceptable behavior, even when supportive of every value and principle to which US governments have hypocritically claimed to adhere.

Simultaneously, the government is pressuring America’s colleges and universities to stamp down hard on anyone who demonstrates in defense of the Palestinians, using the DeSantis formulation that they are both antisemites and terrorism supporters. Columbia University is being particularly hit hard and has had $400 million in federal research funds blocked. The Trump administration has demanded that Columbia make dramatic changes in student discipline and admissions before it just might discuss lifting the cancellation of the money and has also said the ultimatum was necessary because of what it described as Columbia’s failure to protect Jewish students from harassment. The Trump Administration has demanded that the university formalize its definition of antisemitism to include criticism of Israel and to place the school’s Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies Department under “academic receivership,” the equivalent of constant monitoring by the government. The university has rolled over, responding by cutting lose a number of students involved in the nonviolent demonstrations after suspending them and in some cases expelling them. Interestingly, Jewish counter demonstrators who were responsible for most of the violence faced no punishment or sanctions because, so the argument goes, it is all about antisemitism. Indeed, to demonstrate its seriousness, the Department of Justice has dispatched a Task Force to four American cities (New York, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles) to investigate the problem of antisemitism and Palestinian protests.

The student who was arrested graduated with a Masters Degree from Columbia in December of last year. He is Mahmoud Khalil a Palestinian man married to an American woman who is reportedly eight months pregnant. Khalil has legal permanent resident status in the US, the so called “green card.” The Trump administration, without citing any precedents or history of criminal behavior, has insisted that it can hold Khalil without charging him and can do whatever it wants with him, even though the only issue relating to him is that he was exercising his free speech, guaranteed by the First Amendment to the US Constitution.

Last Monday, President Trump confirmed that “Khalil’s arrest and attempted deportation are part of his administration’s effort to crack down on ‘students at Columbia and other Universities across the Country who have engaged in pro-terrorist, anti-Semitic, anti-American activity’… This is the first arrest of many to come.” Khalil has been shipped off to a federal prison in Louisiana one thousand miles from his home in Manhattan, presumably to distance him from supporters in New York, even though the government cannot produce any evidence that he threatened anyone or committed a crime. On Wednesday, the Department of Homeland Security released a document citing an alleged provision in immigration law that gives the government authority to deport anyone if “The Secretary of State has determined that [his/her] presence or activities in the United States would have serious adverse foreign policy consequences for the United States.” What those “consequences” might be in the case of Khalil was not described and should be considered challengeable by the defense lawyers.

The congressman who is being pressured is Tom Massie from Kentucky. He is considering running for the state’s soon to be vacated Senate seat, but Trump has called for him to “primaried” by the Republican Party so he will not even receive the nomination. Also, the Republican Jewish Coalition has pledged “unlimited spending to block Massie” if he decides to run. Massie is among the most consistent opponents of legislation to support Israel and to criminalize so-called antisemitism in the House, so the prospect of his running “is already generating fierce opposition from the local and national Jewish community.” Massie is best known in some circles for maintaining during an interview on Tucker Carlson’s program that he is the only Congressman who doesn’t have “an AIPAC guy” on his staff that serves as an Israel Lobby “babysitter.” Massie also opposes having members of Congress who are secret “dual nationals,” which would presumably would impact most on Jewish American legislators who also hold Israeli citizenship. Massie is highly respected in both conservative and libertarian circles and is consistently antiwar and also a critic of corruption and overspending on the part of the federal government. That is what passes for malevolent behavior these days.

If the Trump Administration, working hand-in-hand with the Israeli government and the US Israel Lobby, can get away with the trashing of the US Constitution’s most fundamental freedom that of free speech, there will be “hell to pay,” to employ Donald’s favorite metaphor. Once the principle is established that the head of state can do no wrong even when what is being done is visibly suicidal, the United States that we Americans now living once knew will be gone forever. And the tragedy is compounded as it will have largely come about in unnecessary service to a tiny racist nation that is manifestly and quite openly the most evil place on earth.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is councilforthenationalinterest.org, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is inform@cnionline.org.

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  1. Anon[316] •�Disclaimer says:

    … a tiny racist nation that is manifestly and quite openly the most evil place on earth.

    Better put…

    … a small and malevolent Tribe based in Israel, the USA, the UK, France and Canada that is manifestly and quite openly the most evil group of devils on earth.

  2. arrest and threatened deportation of a student who had admittedly helped organize nonviolent campus demonstrations

    There are no nonviolent campus demonstrations. Taking over buildings and quads, blocking access, entering and disrupting classrooms, blocking opposition speakers from speaking, heckling and shouting down opposition speakers – these are the standard tactics of all Left-wing demonstrations, and they are not non-violent. This should be understood as the use of force to attack free speech, freedom of thought, and the freedom of association of those who disagree with the demonstrators.
    Any student who does this should be expelled and arrested.
    Aliens in this country should stay out of our politics. Aliens should not have the right to engage in political activities, including demonstrations. Free speech is for American citizens to engage in peaceful, lawful gatherings.
    I do agree that the only reason this particular group of violent demonstrators is being held to account is because of the political power of the nasty Israeli lobby in this country. I wish all the other left-wing heckling violent demonstrators (DEI, global warming, Trump haters, etc.) were similarly held to account for their violence against freedom of thought.
    I would also be happy to see any right-wing violent demonstrators thrown in jail for their attacks on freedom of thought. I just can’t find any right-wingers behaving in this way.

  3. Colin Wright says: •�Website

    ‘…There were even reports this past week that Washington and Tel Aviv have been discussing shipping upwards of two million Palestinians to Sudan and Somalia…’

    It’s striking that the sentiment is literally indistinguishable from that of the Nazis’ Madagascar Plan. That’s not hyperbole; the observation is clinically accurate.

  4. Charles says:

    The author presumes that the Jewish dominance of the US is undesired by “Americans”. Our first task would be to define an American. The presence of “paperwork Americans” – stretching back many generations – would make that job difficult for many befuddled people.

    Putting that aside, do most “Americans” really oppose the complete subservience of US society, education, law, media, and innumerable other facets of the country to the Jews? A reasonable person would say they do not. When it comes down to brass tacks, my personal experience says that my friends, in-laws, work associates and most (not all) of the rest would say “No matter what, the Jews are the Chosen People, and my pastor says that Yahweh would get really, really upset if we don’t give the Israelis all of the money, guns, and bombs they want. And in some complicated way I cannot explain, that’s what Jesus wants too”.

  5. Colin Wright says: •�Website

    ‘…that is manifestly and quite openly the most evil place on earth.’

    That opens the way to arguments about such possible rivals as Burma, North Korea, the Sudan, and various sub-Saharan African cesspits.

    I usually modify the claim with ‘that we support’ or ‘among First-World States currently in existence.’ That way the claim becomes virtually unanswerable.

    You don’t need to show that Israel is the most evil place on earth. You merely need to show that it is the most evil place on earth that we support.

  6. John T says:

    I commend Philip Giraldi for his intellect and courage. It appears Donald Trump wants to eviscerate the First Amendment by criminalizing any opposition to the Israeli policy of ethnically cleansing the Palestinian people living in Gaza.

  7. Notsofast says:

    “This is the foundation of our special relationship: We are the only two countries in history that were conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that we are all equal. Our values are your values. Our heritage is your heritage. Our dreams are your dreams. America is grateful for our friendship with Israel. We are a better nation because of it. And we must never shy away from defending it… As long as I am speaker, America will continue to support fully funding for security assistance in Israel.”

    while this sounds like it was written in complete sarcasm and it should be hilarious in its absurdity, but it is actually quite horrifying and reads like a scene out of invasion of the body snatchers. the most frightening part is that most americans are completely fine, with this in your face subversion of their own government and don’t blink an eye.

    Massie also opposes having members of Congress who are secret “dual nationals,” which would presumably would impact most on Jewish American legislators who also hold Israeli citizenship. Massie is highly respected in both conservative and libertarian circles and is consistently antiwar and also a critic of corruption and overspending on the part of the federal government. That is what passes for malevolent behavior these days.

    thomas massie is the last representative in our political political system, that hasn’t been fitted with a brainslug kippah and now he is slated for destruction by the great borg empire, for his refusal to assimilate to the israel hive mind. thomas, when you are tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail, you might as well take the flag with you, as the assimilation will be complete and the star of david, will replace the stars and stripes, turn out the lights, the party is over.

  8. Here in the USA arming and funding israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

    I wonder if the lefties who run academia will have the balls to stand up for free speech and their students. Or whether money and the Palestine exception will be triumphant.

    Should be fun to watch!

    •�Agree: N. Joseph Potts
    •�Replies: @Philip Giraldi
    , @lavoisier
  9. muh muh says:

    You’re the first here to bring attention to the news of Khalil and Massie, Phil.

    Thank you for all that you do.

    On Wednesday, the Department of Homeland Security released a document citing an alleged provision in immigration law that gives the government authority to deport anyone if “The Secretary of State has determined that [his/her] presence or activities in the United States would have serious adverse foreign policy consequences for the United States.” What those “consequences” might be in the case of Khalil was not described and should be considered challengeable by the defense lawyers.

    The provision, section 237(a)(4)(C) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, makes deportable any “alien whose presence or activities in the United States the Secretary of State has reasonable ground to believe would have potentially serious adverse foreign policy consequences for the United States.”

    There’s a free speech safe harbor in its inadmissibility provisions, prohibiting deportation “because of the alien’s past, current, or expected beliefs, statements, or associations, if such beliefs, statements, or associations would be lawful within the United States,” but it includes an exception: “unless the Secretary of State personally determines that the alien’s [presence] would compromise a compelling United States foreign policy interest” (emphasis added).

    Rubio’s argument:

    1) The protests Khalil led were antisemitic and created a hostile environment for Jewish students at Columbia.
    2) Because American foreign policy includes combating antisemitism across the globe, Khalil’s residency in the nation undermines that policy objective.

    As explained at justsecurity.org:

    Two features of this purported justification stand out. First, if section 237(a)(4)(C) of the INA means what this explanation says it means, the statute gives an almost entirely undefined deportation power to the Secretary of State. The Secretary can of course declare nearly anything to be a “foreign policy objective.” Once having cleared that very low bar, the Secretary can then declare deportable any noncitizen so long as the Secretary has “reasonable ground to believe” their presence “undermines that policy objective.” If the government has an objective to promote fossil fuel use across the globe, for example, then the Secretary of State could deem climate science advocates—or even noncitizens who own green technology firms—deportable on the ground that their residency “undermines the policy objective” of promoting fossil fuels. […]

    Second, if the Trump administration believes that Khalil is deportable solely on the basis of the protests in which he engaged, then it looks an awful lot like the administration plans to deport him because of the content of his speech on matters of political significance. To be sure, the language of the explanation reported by the New York Times gestures toward federal civil rights laws by suggesting that the protests created a “hostile environment for Jewish students at Columbia.” The question of when speech violates federal civil rights laws or falls outside the protection of the First Amendment is a complex one. But we can bracket that question for the moment, because at least at this juncture no federal official has argued that Khalil is being deported for violating civil rights laws or anything of the sort. “The allegation here is not that he was breaking the law,” a White House official said. Instead, the circumstances of his arrest, as well as public statements by both the White House and the State Department, strongly suggest that the government arrested Khalil and placed him in deportation proceedings because he engaged in political protest.

    One more issue…

    Government allegations aside, it has been argued by some that, because Khalil was a member of an organization that distributed pamphlets celebrating Operation al-Aqsa Flood, this constitutes ‘material support’ for a designated terror organization, yet this couldn’t be further from the truth.

    18 U.S.C. § 2339A and § 2339B provide clear definitions of said support. Even if Khalil had, in fact, distributed such pamphlets himself, his actions wouldn’t run afoul of the law.

  10. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    It’s so tiresome. Same old song.

    Video Link

    Video Link

  11. anonymous[598] •�Disclaimer says:

    The recent US election that kicked out the Democrats and voted in the Republicans is like cleaning a dog turd off your left shoe and then stepping in it again with your right shoe. It’s impossible to get rid of the turd, it sticks to everything in American politics, all we can do is pray that the wheels come off the whole system one day so that it can be rebuilt from scratch.

    •�Agree: mocissepvis
    •�LOL: Gerbils
  12. DanFromCT says:
    @rebel yell

    What do you make of these Democrat operatives now infiltrating town hall meetings and the like posing as Republicans? No more Antifa masks, spitting on cops, and tossing molotov cocktails into government buildings. Now it’s dressing like Bob Vila and pretending to be farmers, truck drivers, or whatever other class of people the left hates. Can you imagine the farce of supposed Republicans vehemently opposing DOGE cutbacks in leftist political graft?

    Where I live a group of women approached me some years ago to help them retake the local Republican Party from obvious Democrats posing as Republicans. Oy vey, who’d do something like that, right?

  13. @DanFromCT

    What do you make of these Democrat operatives now infiltrating town hall meetings and the like posing as Republicans?

    Yes, I saw that news as well. Our Republican form of government which is intended to empower ordinary citizens has been swamped by professional political manipulators. You see it in the media propaganda, astro turf political organizations, politicized charities, politicized classrooms, and in this case Democrat operatives paid to act as fake Republicans. Somehow the voting public has to become immune to this kind of manipulation if democracy is going to survive. For myself, I believe nothing I hear from any of our institutions.

    •�Replies: @DanFromCT
  14. muh muh says:
    @rebel yell

    There are no nonviolent campus demonstrations.

    Yes, there are, and your attempt to broad brush all demonstrations as inclusive of illegal conduct is so transparent a fallacy, even a high school civics student could squash it like a mosquito.

    That said, it strikes one as profoundly ironic that you also agree the only reason this particular group of ‘violent’ demonstrators is being held to account is because of the political power of the nasty Israeli lobby, one of the greatest defenders of violent and illegal conduct many orders of magnitude worse than anything in which these students would ever dream of engaging.

    You can ‘two wrongs’ this all you’d like. The American executive and legislative branches of government are complicit in genocide. If, after those same branches do everything in their power to make civil protest of this nearly impossible, your virtue signalling about any violence of the resistance comes off as both cowardly and hypocritical.

    In short, you sound like a Zionist.

  15. onebornfree says: •�Website

    ““This is the foundation of our special relationship: We are the only two countries in history that were conceived in liberty”


    Leaving aside the idiot Trumps blatant 1st amendment violations, which are obvious, let’s face a glaring pre-existing fact that almost everyone chooses to ignore :

    This just in:

    Israel is a welfare state, nothing more, nothing less; its almost totally dependent on money stolen from US citizens and then  doled out by a criminal entity, AKA the US government.

    Fact: there is _nothing_ in the US constitution to indicate that the states ever gave the federal government the power to dole out welfare monies either to US or foreign citizens or inc.s, or for US or foreign states, including Israel.

    Solution: end all federal welfare for all individuals and states, both domestic and foreign . All welfare is a blatant violation of the US governments founding documents.

    It’s all got to go, not just some of it, because once the principle has been accepted that it’s ok to dole out the stolen cash to individual or group A, others in groups B,C, D, and E ( and so on, ad infinitum), will demand their “fair share”of the stolen funds. There’s no getting around that fact.

    Either it all ends, pronto, ( not just reduced, but completely eliminated across the board),or you can all continue whining about the inevitable consequences of the US governments entirely illegal welfare dole outs to favored individuals and foreign states like Israel etc . etc. for evermore.

    A 1787 Reminder:

    “A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.” Alexander Tyler (1787)

    Regards, onebornfree

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  16. Even More Assaults On Free Speech To Silence Criticism Of Israel
    Caitlin Johnstone; Medium; 3 Days ago


  17. I wonder what’s going to happen now…

  18. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    You know and I know that Zionists are cackling with glee at sights like this.

    And White Christians are laughing along because they see Jews as the master race and see Palestinians as subhumans to wipe out.

    And all those Arab cucks in places like Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia are worthless rats and weasels who will sell their own down the river for their dollars and trinkets.

    So pathetic all around.

    •�Thanks: Katrinka
  19. @rebel yell

    Aliens should not have the right to engage in political activities, including demonstrations. Free speech is for American citizens to engage in peaceful, lawful gatherings.

    So the government should be able to prohibit foreign speakers and pamphleteers in the public square? What about your interest in hearing or reading those opinions?

    The First Amendment, properly understood, doesn’t bestow the freedoms to write/read or speak/hear – those are natural rights. Rather, the 1st prohibits the government from impeding them.

    •�Agree: muh muh
    •�Replies: @rebel yell
  20. @muh muh

    In short, you sound like a Zionist.

    What kind of Zionist calls the Israeli lobby nasty? As it happens I think the US should completely cut itself off from Israel – no money, no military or intelligence support, no political support. And if we did, I assume Israel would go under, which is fine with me. And while we’re at it, Americans claiming dual citizenship with Israel should all be deported. Sound Zionist enough for you?
    Your dogmas only allow you to see one issue, “genocide”, and you then neatly slot every opinion you hear as either for or against you on that issue. It’s a stupid way to think about things.
    My issue is “stupid”. I don’t like stupid. The Left-wing demonstrators we’ve been dealing with these past years have achieved a great victory for stupidity. And yes, these demonstrations are almost always violent. Violence doesn’t just mean punches thrown. It also means physical threats. Illegally taking over a quad on campus is a physical threat. Angry crowds taking over streets are a physical threat. Screaming in someone’s face is a physical threat. Threats intended to intimidate and silence opposition make America more stupid, stupid, stupid.
    I take threats to free speech more seriously than I do genocide. And in our universities protestors are a greater threat to free speech than the administrators are. Being fixated on Gaza, you can’t understand criticism of the pro-Palestinian protestors as anything other than an apology for Israel.

    •�Thanks: Felpudinho
    •�Troll: Notsofast
  21. DanFromCT says:
    @rebel yell

    Years ago I read in the American Spectator, as I recall, a humorous article about leftist “grass roots” organizations with preposterous, but supposedly super-American names like the Western Colorado Rodeo Riders Association that were actually a bunch of squabbling Jewish communists operating out of a bagel shop in Brooklyn, or something to that effect. Like Bernie Sanders being investigated by yesterday’s FBI for plotting the overthrow of the United States government from some coffee shop in Burlington, VT, while today’s FBI exists to promote and protect enemies like Sanders. Imagine the inversion of Vermont’s history and mockery of its ancestors now that these losers send a man looking to destroy their families, communities, and way of life to the United States Senate. Does it get any sicker than that? Today it’s a thousandfold worse than it was when astroturfing got underway, with USAID footing the bill. So, sure, Republicans are up in arms to stop Musk from cutting off the grift. Of course, why would anyone question these hysterical, deranged outbursts that sound like and no doubt smell as bad as people suffering from TDS.

    •�Thanks: Felpudinho
    •�Replies: @A_Hand_Hidden
  22. Rich says:

    I remember Aipac went hard after Massie in his congressional primary and he still won 76% of the vote. Now they want to run a senate primary with a black candidate against him in a state with 7% blacks. And this guy was defeated by an unpopular dem candidate (who’d gone over the top during covid) in a run for governor. Massie could pull this off.

    •�Replies: @Annacath
  23. @Colin Wright

    The Nazi’s Madagascar resettlement plan was not to dump the Jews in Madagascar and leave them alone. There was to be an SS administration, the SS would have been the Israelis and the Jews would havwe been the Palestinians.

    The Jews would have been useful as subordinate administrators above the locals which would have given Jews a much better bargaining position than Palestinians have ever had. That, however, would have relied on SS tolerance. It’s only human nature in a master race/subject race reality that the Jews would have become Zionists and dreamt of an SS/Zionist amalgam as the master race. What Jew would have dreamt in the 1930s that an Israeli cabinet minister would proudly boast publicly that he was a Judeonazi without any fear of losing electoral support among Jews?

    I disapprove of Nazi and Zionist ideology but nobody should forget that majorities have often shared such beliefs in the past. They merely disagreed about who should be the masters – the Incas, the Aztecs, the Mongols, the Manchurians, the Tibetans, the Uighurs, etc, etc, etc. donthomson1@hotmail.com

    •�Replies: @Colin Wright
  24. @Greta Handel

    So the government should be able to prohibit foreign speakers and pamphleteers in the public square? What about your interest in hearing or reading those opinions?

    I don’t have a problem with Americans inviting a foreign speaker to an event or publishing opinions written by foreigners. That’s free speech for Americans. But this guy was organizing demonstrations, i.e. illegal trespass and block access intimidation events, at a university where he is not even a student. I don’t want foreigners leading American political movements. It’s undemocratic. Deport him.

    •�Replies: @Armageddon
    , @Wokechoke
  25. This is really serious, while pretending to have reinstated ‘free speech’ after the Biden totalitarian regime attacks on it, Trump is the one nailing the coffer. It looks as if both parties (the uniparty) works together towards the same goal: the end of the constitution to be replaced by a billionaire led neo-feudal totalitarian system the likes they have imposed upon the world in 2020 with their manufactured “pandemic”, testing their subjects obedience along the way.

    Trump attack on the first amendment should be easy to challenge by any judge with a bit of experience. The fact that the media follow him on this new abuse proves once more who owns the media: the Jews, zionists or not.

    It is surprising that Soros controlled “judges’ immediately attack trump when he wants to deport illegal aliens and yet do nothing when he illegally tries to deport a green card holder student married to an American woman.

    It shows again who is in control and what the real goals are behind the protection accorded to illegal immigrants and refused to legitimate ones.

    The attacks now against Thomas Massie will certainly not add to Trump soon to wane popularity, even in conservative circles.

    Trump is throwing executive orders one after the other, using the very popular ones like the end of Dei, the green scam, deportation of illegals, freeing of January 6 political prisoners or WHO withdrawing to impose outright evil ones like the illegal EO to ‘cancel’ the first amendment in the case of false and terror state “israel”.

    But Trump has very little time left to impose this agenda and protests are taking place again, whatever the menaces. The fact is, protests don’t even need to take place on campuses or involve only students. Most Americans are against what “israel” is doing in Palestine and Trump will soon know that.

    Economists are predicting a recession and if it’s true, when it hits, Trump will lose a lot of support from the silent majority and his EO’s and tricks will have more difficulties to pass.

    My two cents guess is that Trump and his team of zionists and billionaires are creating their own demise and within a year protests will grow stronger, especially if a recession hit and wars resume in the Middle East (not forgetting that the next target of Trump’s zionist handlers is Iran) and Russia.

    •�Agree: Dutch Abraham
    •�Thanks: anarchyst
    •�Replies: @Top Lel
    , @Jay Fink
  26. muh muh says:
    @rebel yell

    What kind of Zionist calls the Israeli lobby nasty?

    If your issue is ‘stupid’, you ought to know the difference between ‘sound like a Zionist’ and ‘are a Zionist’.

    You do know the difference, right?

    I wrote that you sound like a Zionist, since, like you, Zionists grossly mischaracterize the protests, describing otherwise completely legal activity as ‘physical threats.’ Where actual illegal activity has occurred — usually trespassing — protestors, the vast majority of whom are American citizens, have been arrested and prosecuted for it. Those misdemeanors, however, have not been life-threatening to anyone, and only thin-skinned devotees of Israel would perceive them as such.

    How else do you sound like a Zionist?

    Well, much like you, Zionists refer to Israel’s genocide in scare quotes and often project their own dogmatic myopia upon their critics. So that makes no less than three similarities between you and them.

    I take threats to free speech more seriously than I do genocide.

    What an odd thing to say, as if we’re staging some sort of contest between the two.

    I take both of them seriously, and anyone who really takes threats to free speech more seriously than genocide would still be supportive of Mahmoud Khalil, since he is not being detained because he’s an LPR with anti-Zionist views, but rather, he’s being detained for his views alone, as you yourself have readily admitted in saying “…the only reason this particular group of … demonstrators is being held to account is because of the political power of the nasty Israeli lobby in this country.”

    His LPR status is just a convenient fact that makes him potentially vulnerable for deportation, a fact Trump uses to rile up that portion of his anti-immigrant base consisting of dogmatically blinkered individuals such as you.

    •�Agree: Xavier
    •�Thanks: mark green, Iris
    •�Replies: @Greta Handel
  27. Colin Wright says: •�Website
    @Donald A Thomson

    ‘I disapprove of Nazi and Zionist ideology but nobody should forget that majorities have often shared such beliefs in the past. They merely disagreed about who should be the masters – the Incas, the Aztecs, the Mongols, the Manchurians, the Tibetans, the Uighurs, etc, etc, etc. ‘

    Yes — but morality is at least partially relative. Can one seriously regard Jewish soldiers committing atrocities in Gaza as no worse than Comanche raiders?

    Although there are limits, one does have to judge people by their own standards. An American boy setting fire to a cat’s tail in 1825 is not the same as an American boy doing it in 2025. Similarly, we can look at the values modern Jews profess — then conclude that Israel is indeed indefensibly vile.

    •�Agree: chris
  28. muh muh says:

    the most frightening part is that most americans are completely fine, with this in your face subversion of their own government and don’t blink an eye.

    ‘I take threats to free speech more seriously than I do genocide.’

    That’s an actual quote from a participant in this thread, one who thinks anti-Zionist protestors are the real threat to freedom of speech.

    Unfortunately, this sort of thinking is more indicative of Trump’s base than not. Call it out for what it is and you’ll be accused of ‘TDS’, an epithet functioning in much the same manner as ‘anti-semite’.

    The parallels just keep coming.

    •�Replies: @Notsofast
    , @Colin Wright
  29. anon[629] •�Disclaimer says:
    @rebel yell

    “What kind of Zionist calls the Israeli lobby nasty”.

    Those who wants to sabotage anti-zionist from within . Look at the disruptions Zio has caused at every level of the government starting from 911. Look at the money they have grabbed sinceOct 7. Look at the loss of the prestige and soft power US has lost.

  30. @Philip Giraldi

    Sounds exactly like the way Biden’s “Justice” department persecuted the J6-ers.

    •�Agree: NobodyImportant
  31. Trinity says:

    Deport ALL Jews and Palestinians in the West to Palestine/Israel. There, problem solved on that one. Now about the other trespassers……….

    IF these clown felt so strongly about the Palestinian people he would be over there (where he belongs) fighting instead of hanging out with (((paid protesters.)))

    •�Thanks: Felpudinho
    •�Replies: @Anon
  32. Z-man says:

    The obvious hypocrisy is going to or should come to bite the Cabal in the face sooner or later.
    Even the generally uninformed will/should easily see this and destroy it…but money 💰 talks and we type on Unz. 😔

  33. Saggy says: •�Website

    Oh the irony. Giraldi doesn’t believe in free speech himself, as he censors the comments.

    Giraldi is controlled opposition, the only kind that exists in the US except for a handful (of 2).

    •�Replies: @Top Lel
    , @24th Alabama
  34. JWalters says:

    The Khalil case will put Israeli censorship on a fast track to direct collision with the 1st Amendment. Any judge can see that voting against the 1st amendment will put him (or her) in the history books as betraying the Constitution and their oath to defend it, and one of the worst traitors to America since Benedict Arnold.

    The only judges who could vote to favor Israeli destruction of the 1st Amendment would be those who are

    1) Jewish supremacists who believe Israelis have the right to kill all non-Jews, including silencing them by any means;

    2) blackmailed for acts to heinous they would be even more damaging to their reputation than treason.

    This case is already creating an uproar. The 1st Amendment will remain standing. Talmudic censorship will be demolished decisively.

    This will open a flood of talking about Israel’s crimes. The truth about Israel’s terrorism, about the Holocaust, about JFK, about 9/11, about the Fed, and more will sweep through the population. The Jewish mafia will be unmasked and destroyed.

    This is like having your supposed “best friend” blurt the quiet part out loud.

  35. @Charles

    Our first task would be to bury the source of all of this insanity and that is to bury the Rature Doctrine and call it out for what it is, a bunch of BS used as an excuse for Jewish supremacy. Christians are idiots for going along with it, as they should well know, that Jesus is the new Covenant, and the old one is dead, but they basically worship Jews, because of Dispensationalism, a rather bizarre take on the supposed end times that in reality happened in 70AD and brought the emergence of Christianity. The same Jews that have been behind just about any culturally subversive movement/action ever since they were kicked out of Jerusalem.

    •�Replies: @Gerry
    , @Old and Grumpy
  36. @Charles

    That is due to the special brand of American Protestantism. it is highly unusual among all the Protestant denominations found outside of the US. There is a lot written about this. A segment of Protestants, the Puritans among them, who left Europe and saw this journey as that of Exodus with America being the Promised land and Europe being a land of pagans and Jezabels and home to Sodom and Gamorah, Crossing the ocean was compared to crossing the red sea.

    The God of American protestantism is a wrathful and unforgiving God that hurles fire and brimstone. That would be Yahweh. Not the God of compassion and forgiveness for that would be Jesus Christ. They even named their children by the names from the Old Testament as in Abraham, Joshua, Isaac and not the Christian names common in Europe. They say “Jesus” but they mean Yahweh . The beliefe in End of Times and Armageddon is from the Old Testament not from the Gospel

    It is due to this belief system that America readily accepted the Scofield Bible which makes the entire Jewish community as the chosen ones and not just the lineage of Abraham

    •�Replies: @skrik
  37. Tom Welsh says:

    “This is the foundation of our special relationship: We are the only two countries in history that were conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that we are all equal”.

    What he meant, I think, must be that Israel is the USA’s only colony. Being an offshoot of the only perfectly virtuous nation, it too must be perfectly virtuous.

    Funny, though, that the world’s most virtuous nations should also be its leaders in heaping up the corpses of those whom they consider surplus to requirements.

    Perhaps that’s because only Jews and Americans are Chosen by God.

    Although one day I fear the Americans will find that they are actually not Chosen by God – just useful tools.

    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  38. Tom Welsh says:

    “Israel’s right to exist is antisemitism…”

    Of course that is an outright lie – and a very obvious one too.

    Overlooking the fact that Arabs are semites too, and supposing one accepts the untrue assumption that “semitic” = “Jewish”, one can like and approve of Jewish people at large while disliking and disapproving of the Zionist project – which, after all, seeks to coerece all Jewish people to live in Israel.

  39. As terrible as it may be for the people of the Mideast, this may be the high point
    of Israeli and American influence in the region. A majority of Americans do not
    support the Gaza genocide despite the American Government enabling it.

    How long can the Government and the people be on opposite sides? This lasted
    for about two years during the Vietnam War until finally enough politicians saw
    it was a lost cause, although no members of Congress were owned by Vietnam,
    as they are now by Israel.

    Trump’s attempt to shut down free speech on the issue may be the beginning of
    the end for him and Israel, as the pendulum turns and the U.S. loses allies and

    The mood of the country will change rapidly as we enter an almost certain
    recession, led by a wave of Amazon caused retail store bankruptcies and a
    collapse of the commercial real estate market. The Dollar will drop and
    Trump will be impeached, again.

    •�Agree: Efficacious, Jim H
  40. Top Lel says:

    No sincere state or person believes in muh free speech. Every single entity has something to censor/prevent. Denying this is the same as accepting open borders/complete freedom of movement for everyone and everything.

    The US constitution is Satanic from the start.

    •�Replies: @muh muh
  41. Top Lel says:

    The recruitment stats of a regime is the direct reflection of it’s legitimacy. Nobody wants to die for “their country” in the (((west))). It is telling enough.

  42. @Tom Welsh

    But it goes way beyond the Orwellian. Israel was conceived in xenophobic hatred of the inhabitants of the land to be stolen, and ancient Judaic blood-lust, plus a desire to be avenged on ANYBODY, for the Nazi Judeocide. Israel as a state (its society still has some good features)is the distillation of evil, as the genocidal Gaza Holocaust shows.

  43. @JWalters

    You lose! The so-called First Amendment is declaration of Jew-hatred, and the judicial thugs know where their loyalties (and the videos) lie.

  44. Thomasina says:

    “This will open a flood of talking about Israel’s crimes. The truth about Israel’s terrorism, about the Holocaust, about JFK, about 9/11, about the Fed, and more will sweep through the population. The Jewish mafia will be unmasked and destroyed.”

    Here’s hoping.

  45. muh muh says:
    @Top Lel

    No sincere state or person believes in muh free speech. Every single entity has something to censor/prevent. Denying this is the same as accepting open borders/complete freedom of movement for everyone and everything.

    The US constitution is Satanic from the start.

    Is this supposed to be a persuasive argument for increasing government oversight of speech?

    ‘Cause I gotta tell ya, I’m not feelin’ it.

    •�Replies: @Top Lel
  46. Always good for a laugh, the Huffington Post has a wonderful propaganda essay online today (“Jewish Americans Are Sick Of Trump Exploiting Them”). It warns of how Trump is actually victimizing American Jews, by disguising his assault on the First Amendment (and his demonic desire to be America’s dictator) as a blow against antisemitism. And apparently US Jews are solidly for Mahmoud Khalil and against genocide too! You almost have to admire such an astonishing ability to turn reality upside down, shifting the acts of a servant of the Jewish lobby into yet another groundless persecution narrative.

    •�Thanks: Wokechoke
    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  47. Rob misek says:

    Trump and his war criminal buddy Netanyahu may be happy as the US is recognized as the festering boil enabling and supporting the genocide in Gaza.

    Make no mistake about it many other nations are supporting the genocide as well just more quietly. This is far more widespread than Israel and the US would have you believe.

    They are recognized by their absence from supporting the South African ICJ genocide case against Israel.

    What are YOU going to actually DO about it? READ? WHINE? OR GET OFF YOUR ASS AND PROTEST?

    These are the ONLY nations opposing the Israeli genocide in Gaza. If yours isn’t on the list, you’re supporting it too.

    14 nations that have formally joined the case against Israel

    South Africa

    20 nations that have declared their intention to support the case against Israel

    Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic
    Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

    These are the ONLY NATIONS opposing this genocide in Gaza.

    The secret satanic head of the beast driving this genocide is actually freemasonry.

  48. @rebel yell

    The guy is a legal permanent resident married to a U.S. citizen. He has every right to speak his mind and organize protests against genocide. More and more Israelis are flooding this country every day and they are all coming with the attitude that they are the real owners of this country and people such as yourself are mere subhuman lumpen.

    I hope you enjoy life in this country as a slave to Zionist Jews who will now terrorize you and your children instead of the Palestinians. Oh wait, they already have been terrorizing you for generations, yet you don’t speak out against them, because you are so blind to what is going on that you have come to believe the slavery you are subject to is actually freedom.

    You are nothing but a pathetic slave to Zionism and that is all you can ever hope to be. Thankfully, more and more White people are waking up to the Zionist occupation regime they are enslaved under, so God willing, those such as yourself will be a fringe minority in the coming years when this genocidal occupation regime finally collapses.

    •�Agree: Wokechoke
    •�Thanks: anarchyst
    •�Replies: @Top Lel
  49. @muh muh

    His LPR status is just a convenient fact that makes him potentially vulnerable for deportation, a fact Trump uses to rile up that portion of his anti-immigrant base consisting of dogmatically blinkered individuals such as you.

    Those who rationalize the persecution of Mahmoud Khalil also overlook how easily a throttled scope of free speech can and will be selectively used against their side and even citizens themselves.

    Russiagate Andrew Napolitano when serving as St. Mueller’s altar boy in his 2018 columns here at TUR endorsed the criminal prosecution of his fellow citizens for bringing Russian sources of information into “American marketplaces of ideas.”

    FARA Americans opposed to imperialism were subjected to prosecution over their organization’s receipt of foreign financial contributions.

    Yet some still want the Establishment to protect their free speech from foreigners.

    •�Replies: @muh muh
  50. Anonymous[292] •�Disclaimer says:

    The founders detested democracy and wanted a republic, right certain. Yet the quote presented is bogus. Colonials did not use modern economic language like “fiscal policy.” The terms fiscal policy and monetary policy did not exist yet. They used very different terminology like circulating medium, bills of credit, etc.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  51. muh muh says:
    @Greta Handel

    Those who rationalize the persecution of Mahmoud Khalil also overlook how easily a throttled scope of free speech can and will be selectively used against their side and even citizens themselves.


    If the Trump admin actually succeeds in deporting Khalil, it’s lights out for this country.

    And when the political winds shift — as they always do — those who cheer this on will inevitably be caught in the crosshairs.

    •�Agree: Annacath
    •�Replies: @lavoisier
  52. Anon[842] •�Disclaimer says:

    Quoting David Ben-Gurion, “Israel is the country of the Jews and only the Jews.”

    Lilienthal called the displacement of the 1.3 million, Christian and Muslim Arab population, a devastating abrogation of the western professed ideal of self-determination…this is the ‘original sin’ that underlies the entire Palestine conflict.”

    The Zionists employed psychological warfare and outright terrorism to drive out Palestinians and “expropriate their homes, lands and property.” One of the most heinous examples was the massacre of the small Arab village of Deir Yassin, wherein a surprise attack, 250 old men, women and children “…were cold-bloodedly murdered in their homes with no signs of fighting…I can’t forget what happened there…I saw the atrocities committed…” witnessed an Israeli Haganah officer.

    Lilienthal wrote that the massacre of Palestinians was “carefully concealed from the west–Americans in particular…who out of abysmal ignorance and a gnawing sense of guilt over the Holocaust accepted in toto the ideological Zionist fairy tale including the myth that the Arabs were being well treated” but in practical, economic, human and social terms they were being decimated.

    The Book That Changed the World – Why They Fear the Quran

    Video Link

  53. @John T

    After people of Gaza are removed, Californians will be next. Probably this is what Trump had in mind when he announced he would annex Greenland.

    •�Replies: @turtle
  54. Anonymous[332] •�Disclaimer says:

    A substantive legal challenge to all these Jewish exceptions to the First Amendment has been long overdue. The Supreme Court needs to get involved and hopefully issue a definitive ruling blocking the Jewish police state before we end up with the same repressive scenarios we currently see in the EU.

  55. tosca says:

    A person who says that jesus or yahweh shares his views is a psychiatric case or a madman, if you prefer. The only fact of making god speak is a kind of madness or a sacrilege, if you prefer.

  56. Teilhard says:

    But remember Ben-Gurion’s concern about the history of Jewish governments: they tend to come undone at 80 years. Consider then the following, in year 77 of the Zionist state:

    From Jewish Virtual Library (JVL):  Total population of Israel in 2023 was roughly 10 million: 74% (7,400,000) Jewish; 21% (2,100,000) Muslim Arab; 5% (500,000) Christian Arab and foreign. 

    Population of Gaza and the West Bank, per Wiki:  5,000,000.  Total Arab, excluding Christians:  7,100,000.  Add, say, 300,000 Christian Arabs, call it 7,400,000.  7,400,000 equals 7,400,000.

    Replacements?   JVL says from 2023 the growth rate for the Jewish population went down, mainly “due to lower immigration.”  And emigration?  “Israel faces record emigration, with 40,600 leaving this year, numbers the country has never seen before.”  Jerusalem Post  10/13/24. This includes doctors, “a new phenomenon.”  Haaretz (“They’re Ashamed but They’re Leaving”)  8/23/24   

    Fertility rates?  For 2022: Jewish, 3.03; Arab, 2.89.  But note: most Jewish births are Haredi, whose population is 17% of total Jews in Israel and growing, as the Ashkenazim decrease. Times of Israel 1/2/23. But most Haredim don’t fight, are woefully undereducated (Israel ranks 27 out of 31 OECD countries in reading,writing and math Haaretz “Israelis not ready for the modern world” 12/12/24) and the males shun work. Many regard the Zionist state as antisemitic. https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-808425

    The danger to the existence of the Zionist state is not Hamas. The danger is demographics. Hence the genocide. Jews used to consider themselves a humane people. I wonder what they think of themselves now.

  57. Jim H says:
    @rebel yell

    ‘My issue is “stupid”. I don’t like stupid.’ — Rebel Yell

    ‘There are no philosophical principles here. MAGA people don’t like perverts; they don’t like being told what to do; they don’t like being poor. All of the rest of it is extremely flexible if not outright arbitrary.’ — Andrew Anglin

    Ol’ Anglin nailed your ass, peckerwood.

    •�Replies: @NobodyImportant
  58. lavoisier says:
    @muh muh

    Have no fear. I have no doubt that our honourable elected representatives will rise to the occasion and tell Mr Trump his actions are immoral and illegal. Surely our courageous and honest judiciary will rule that these laws are unconstitutional.

    Right? Right?

  59. lavoisier says:

    The laws being passed to protect team Jew are so egregious and unconstitutional that even the blind have to wake up to the reality that their government is not theirs anymore. Zionist occupied government is an understatement. It should be termed Zionist controlled government.

    May all the treacherous whores in power know how much they are despised because of their venality and corruption. Anarchy is preferable to being under the control of ZOG.

    •�Agree: Katrinka
    •�Replies: @John Trout
  60. Annacath says: •�Website

    Unlike most of his “colleagues”, representative Thomas Massie is an honorable man.

    •�Agree: HT, Brad Anbro
  61. lavoisier says:

    I wonder if the lefties who run academia will have the balls to stand up for free speech and their students. Or whether money and the Palestine exception will be triumphant.

    If past performance is any guide, lefties will crumble like a house of cards. Profiles in courage they are not.

  62. Katrinka says:

    As of June 30, 2024, Columbia University’s endowment was valued at $14.8 billion.
    Here’s a more detailed breakdown:
    Endowment Value: $14.8 billion
    Fiscal Year 2024: The endowment’s value increased to $14.8 billion, based on investment returns and gifts to the university.
    Investment Performance: In fiscal year 2024, Columbia’s endowment achieved an 11.5% return.
    Ten-Year Annualized Return: Over the past ten completed fiscal years, the Columbia Investment Management Company (IMC) generated an annualized net return of 7.4% on the managed assets component of the endowment.
    Endowment supports: Academic programs, faculty research, student financial aid.

    Why is Columbia University receiving ANY federal funding?

    •�Agree: Notsofast, ariadna
  63. Bama says:

    The Jews began by using “ politically correct” to slyly defeat free speech. Now, that is not needed. It is quite interesting how Trump has used recent no borders and anti-Israel expressions to expand his bowing to Jewish power for their imposition of censorship.

    Any doubts about who runs Jewmerica?

  64. Hrw-500 says:

    It could be interesting to troll them by asking them which Jews are the Chosen People between The Mizrahi Jews, the Sephardic Jews and the Ashkenazis Jews.

  65. Wokechoke says:
    @rebel yell

    But you don’t mean that part about deporting Israeli Dual Nationals.

    At least this Palestinian is protesting his own folks getting slaughtered.

  66. Wokechoke says:
    @rebel yell

    If you can’t protest an outright genocidal slaughter, what’s the fucking point of the right to assembly anyway?


    •�Agree: Notsofast, muh muh, Flo
    •�Replies: @Hang All Text Drivers
  67. @lavoisier

    Congress no longer does shit. As to the judiciary, I share your cynicism, as expressed under a Mike Whitney column about the Antisemitism Awareness Act last November:


    Don’t be surprised if the SCOTUS ducks out citing a litigant’s “lack of standing” a la the recent 6-3 Murthy decision involving governmental encouragement of Big Tech clampdowns on dissent. It will almost certainly take someone who first suffers sanction and then years of litigation in order to bring a case that forces the issue. And even if successful, the “holding” likely will be limited, leaving this tyranny in place.

    Anyone should be able to seek injunctive relief from governmental suppression of free speech as soon as the Antisemitism Awareness Act becomes law. But your natural rights to read & write, speak & hear, and think for yourself are in$ufficient to be vindicated.

    Remember when some reporters including Chris Hedges challenged a law (PATRIOT Act, perhaps?) that criminalized their interactions with “terrorists” years ago? A District Court ruled in their favor, but the Circuit Court reversed the decision and the SCOTUS wouldn’t consider the challenge for “lack of standing.”

    No one knows how much since Hedges has gone unreported, or how much information he’s been deprived of since Murthy.

    When it comes to people versus government, those “branches” are better understood as three hands washing each other and drying off with the Constitution. Why do people who are deemed without “standing” keep taking seriously these pillowfighting politicians, endorsing with each Most Important Election Ever a corporatized government that couldn’t care less about them? (Even at TUR, overwrought columnists and commenters were obsessed for months with Trump’s appointment and Senate confirmation of the woman who wrote the Murthy decision and her stand down colleague “Kav.”)

    No one from the Establishment is coming to rescue you from itself.


    If he even gets that far, will Mahmoud Khalil be the next Fred Korematsu?

  68. Wokechoke says:

    Regular People already have to self censor about these issues to a degree that is degrading and certainly contrary to the principle of free speech and free assembly. Having a buffer for exiles like the Palestinian in question doesn’t seem like a problem. More an insurance.

    You are correct.

  69. @lavoisier

    The laws being passed to protect team Jew are so egregious and unconstitutional that even the blind have to wake up to the reality that their government is not theirs anymore. Zionist occupied government is an understatement. It should be termed Zionist controlled government.

    May all the treacherous whores in power know how much they are despised because of their venality and corruption. Anarchy is preferable to being under the control of ZOG.

    Those treacherous whores keep getting elected, AIPAC funds them with money collected from the American electorate. In effect, Americans supply the rope for their own hanging

    •�Agree: inspector general
  70. ariadna says:
    @rebel yell

    “rebel yell?”
    It sounds more like a rabbi yell

  71. @Jim H

    Maga people are a lot like the people who are attacking the first amendment. They don’t like being told what to do but they sure as hell love to tell other people what to do. Fuck Maga, and fuck Anglin hypocritical ass too. Honestly cannot stand that guy, that’s why I don’t bother reading his shit articles anymore. Nobody cares what these boring maga morons like or don’t like.

  72. skrik says:

    It is due to this belief system that America readily accepted the Scofield Bible

    I’ve only recently ‘discovered’ the Scofield Bible [with its own end-times travesties], but however reprehensible it is, the problem exists across Christians, probably Muslims and ‘keeping it in the 3-Abrahamic-religion family,’ Judaics; the so-called ‘life after death’ scam. [Haw. Explain the physics of that, please?]

    The scam works like this:

    1. Allow a minor-age [aka before the ‘age of reason’] child to observe some dead animal; the family dog or cat, a mouse or small bird out in the garden, say. The lifeless animal is still, flies may buzz about it with zero reaction from the dead animal.

    It helps, at this moment, if the child wails “Oh, poor pup/kitty/mouse/bird!” Normal reaction.

    That’s all. The child had already imagined itself in the same dead state as the animal, and had become fearful.

    2. Speaking quietly but seriously, the parent/guardian says “No matter, child, it as gone to heaven to live forever after and be happy with god and his angels.”

    3. The parent/guardian dispatches the child to Sunday school, where the finer details are provided. The Pope actually says it outright: Easter is the most important religious event; it provides the ‘proof’ of rising from the dead.

    Yes, it’s a scam; combining the fear of death with the promise of [impossible!] life after death. So all the religious travesties may also catch a ride – on what amounts to personal cowardice = the fear that death really and truly is ‘the end.’ [Actually there is, can be, no more].

    Keep up the hopes, believers!

    PS And so ((they)) may continue with their ghastly, Nuremberg-style criminal depredations in ex-mandate Palestine, since ((they)) a) invented the scam and b) gate-keep the rapture/life after death.

    Drawing on Scofield’s rather tendentious interpretation, Hagee claims, “The man or nation that lifts a voice or hand against Israel invites the wrath of God.”

  73. Heretic50 says:
    @Colin Wright

    Because so many stupid gentiles support Israel for religious reasons, it’s vitally important that those who understand the Bible — even those who don’t believe in it! — spread the word about how “Christian Zionist” claims are starkly contrary to the Bible.

    One of the central messages of the New Testament is that Christians — regardless of physical descent or ethnicity — are the new Israel. “Abraham’s children” are NOT those who are merely physically descended from Abraham. There are numerous verses and passages in the Bible that state this, sometimes directly, and sometimes in parables.

    Key passages to point out to “Christian Zionist” heretics include those here:




    Everyone should learn these passages and spread them tirelessly. It will make a difference!

    •�Thanks: Colin Wright
    •�Replies: @skrik
    , @Jim H
  74. Heretic50 says:

    On another note, remember that the 2nd Amendment is there to protect the 1st Amendment. If they come to round up all the “anti-Semites” and put us into camps on account of our constitutionally protected speech, don’t go quietly. Make sure you have quality weapons, a plan, and the balls to die on your feet rather than live on your knees.

    From an older post:

    The Second Amendment is there for a reason. There’s also a reason why Jews are at the forefront of efforts to eliminate it. We all have a duty to be prepared, so here’s a very brief intro for those who might not know anything about guns. Hopefully this will provide gun newbies with experienced advice and a springboard for more research on the Web:

    At the barest minimum, get yourself a good 12 gauge pump shotgun. If you’re on a tight budget, the Maverick 88 “Security” model is cheap and surprisingly well-made. If you want something better, I highly recommend the Benelli Supernova Tactical. For 12 gauge ammo, stick to 00 buckshot (or #1 buck, if available) and Brenneke slugs. Buckshot is best used at ranges inside 15-25 yards or so, depending on how your ammo patterns in your particular gun, but it does enormous damage to unarmored bodies. At across-the-room distances, a solid hit from a buckshot round can remove a limb. Slugs can be used to reach out to 100 yards or more, though rifle-like accuracy shouldn’t be expected in most cases.

    If funds and circumstances allow, get a good AR-15. Bravo Company and LMT are excellent brands. Stock up on M855 “penetrator” ammo — it’s relatively inexpensive and can punch through certain kinds of armor that other rifle rounds have trouble with. The AR isn’t quite as deadly as the 12 gauge at close range — honestly, nothing is — but the AR has advantages in ease of use, range, and the ability to penetrate soft body armor that can stop shotgun rounds.

    A good concealable handgun is very nice to have. 9mm works fine and provides a good balance between magazine capacity, controllable recoil, and terminal effectiveness. Smith & Wesson’s M&P 2.0 line is highly regarded, and the USP, P30, and VP9 lines from H&K are even nicer. Glocks used to be awesome, but I’ve found them to be hit-or-miss on quality control in recent years.

    Whatever you acquire, practice as much as you can. Don’t overlook your physical conditioning, either.

  75. HT says:

    Christian Zionists (most evangelicals) might be the biggest threat the country faces.

  76. Phibbs says:

    I like Philip Giraldi’s articles, but he needs a proofreader. There are at least two non sequiturs in this latest article.

  77. ariadna says:

    I have friends in KY who claim that if anyone ties to mess with Massie by “primarying” him, the Hatfield and McCoy descendants will come down from the hills, pursue them wherever they are and and “mess” with them and their families.
    The Htadfield-McCoy Reconciliatin Day is celebrated on June 14. Maybe Massie will attend.
    Imagine them starting a new “feud,” much wider in scope, against the Jews in power…

    •�Replies: @Jim H
    , @Brad Anbro
  78. Gerry says:
    @Robert Bruce

    As a Christian I never held to the pre-trib position of the rapture and do consider it wrong and farcical in the extreme. That tens of millions of people will go into the spiritual realm while their driverless cars fly off highways or planes falling out of the skies lol with no pilots at the helm would be a catastrophic event that would end the world big time. Not even another Hiroshima even multiplies would cause such a massive catastrophe globally! God is not stupid and if any cared to actually read and pay attention to what Christ actually said that “unless those days be shortened no flesh will survive,” means we are into it till the very end. An end we are told results in a global wide earthquake leveling every city on earth. The rapture occurs with this event and i highly doubt it will be in the tens of millions though hopefully so?
    Beyond this when these Christian Zionists find themselves still here when Israel finds and receives their false King
    they will turn on these people with a vengeance declaring their idol worshippers in keeping with their Noahide Laws! Can you imagine? Whatever friendship these Christians they think they have with them will be finished totally and completely and openly!
    Wow, all the lies and deception i look at it all with an expression of sheer horror.
    God help us all out of it!!!!
    Deliver Us From Evil never had greater meaning than today!!!!

    Time for a song.

    Video Link

    •�Thanks: Agent76
    •�Replies: @Agent76
    , @Carlyle Moulton
  79. skrik says:

    “Christian Zionist” heretics


    I would have thought that this might be enough:

    �It’s [God’s] LAW!

    All the way from “the Decalogue”:

    �Thou shalt not kill
    �Thou shalt not steal
    �Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour
    �Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house
    �Thou shalt not desire thy neighbour’s house
    �Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife his slaves, or his animals, or anything of thy neighbour [like ex-mandate Palestine, say]

    IF ((they)) assert: “God promised us!” THEN ((they)) must accept/honour God’s laws OR ((they)) must accept/honour international law = the UN; UNGA181 is not law, UNGA194 (“right of return”) is – that’s only fair. rgds

  80. Top Lel says:
    @muh muh

    You think whatever you want. Your freedumb of speech was taken away by freedumb of speech itself.

    I’m more for concrete social contracts, value and tangible rights/privileges and the duties required to keep them.

    But good luck having a shouting match with mobs, whores, kikes and your elites.

  81. Memo to the millions of American Evangelical pew sitters and pulpit dispensers, who are the chief enablers of DaSynagogue of Satan’s control of American life and culture:

    Never forget that Jesus Christ was the original “antisemitic extremist”. They hated Him so much that they paid his disciple to betray him and plotted to murder Him. – Vox Day


    Who FIRST designated the term SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN? The answer will surprise millions of Americans…..who claim to worship Him – but in actual fact worship DaSynagogue of Satan! Congress is full of them – all self-righteous and holy – and have AIPAC monitors to keep them monitored – both sides of the aisle.
    When you control the culture, you control everything – we are ruled by DaSynagogue of Satan! …..why? We ALLOWED IT! – DaSynagogue of Satan? Read all about it – https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/search?q=DaSynagogue+Satan&updated-max=2022-10-19T09:51:00-07:00&max-results=20&by-date=false&m=1 – headnotes to a collection of articles in DaLimbraw Library from a word search ‘DaSynagogue of Satan’ – it was an education for me as I gradually compiled it over the years – should be for anyone reading it.
    Just this ….sooner or later…..we have to……individually, within our families, churches, communities….we have to learn WhoTF our enemy is!

  82. RodW says:

    I was glad that ‘Vance’ chastised the Europeans for their declining democracy, but what does he have to say about this? Unfortunately the Europeans are in no position to turn around and say “And what about you?”.

  83. I voted for Trump because the overreach by the Democrats is unbearable. But I also like Thomas Massie and would not want him primaried by the Republicans because they will not succeed as he enjoys very solid support in his state. And certainly I do not appreciate this breach between the president and the congressman due to that foreigner.

    In as much as I am for free speech, I prefer societal cohesion thus don’t like to see Americans go at each others throats over outside trouble makers, be that Muslims or Jews. This God fearing Christian country, while protecting Israel to its utmost, should not get bogged down in college campus protests by supposed students.

    •�Replies: @NeverTrustaWizard
  84. @Robert Bruce

    Evangelicals are a strange breed. Quite a few are born again, which is a total Scofield fabrication. The upper tier always seem to ooze an ick factor, which the born again just love. They just love quoting the old testament and their version of the book of Revelations. Sadly they are too fanatical when it comes to the Jews. Nor does it help the other Protestant Churches are too gay and too girl bossy.

  85. True Blue says:
    @rebel yell

    Aliens in this country should stay out of our politics. Aliens should not have the right to engage in political activities, including demonstrations.

    Do you consider “dual citizens” aliens?
    They most certainly are, by any definition.
    And since they not only have the right to say whatever the hell they want, but participate in every echelon of our government, inside and out; including bribing our government in violation of FARA; you don’t have a leg to stand on.

    •�Agree: De Oppresso Liber
    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  86. anon[157] •�Disclaimer says:

    Trump is a gullible Jewish mafia genocidal pedophile who knows shit about either business or politics. Only gullible people like him voted for this assassin, they you will be suffered hopefully. The Jewish mafia members are NOT Semites, thus, ‘antisemitic’ is FAKE and is used only by genocidal rapiests to blackmail the gullible people in the west.

    It can work against FAKE ‘antisemitic’ as well.

    Erection of Israel was designed at the end of 19th century by Evil UK and US using their proxy the zionist Khazar to erect Israel in the heart of the Middle East to create chaos, wars based on ethnic and religious divide to bring the region under the control of the EVIL West is using their PROXY, the genocidal Israel for her project All these wars have been designed by these criminal states, US-UK with the support of the genocidal Russia. Thus, DESTRUCTION of Israel, which is a western project, is necessary to bring peace to the region. US and UK must fuck off from the region now.

    •�Replies: @John Trout
  87. JPS says:

    Public efforts to remove Thomas Massie from Congress would be counterproductive.

    For the Jews to make it clear that they are unwilling to permit even ONE conservative to sort of “buck them” and their control of Congress, is simply not worth it. A primary challenge would undoubtedly fail. Knowing Northern Kentucky.

    James Traficant, and Italian-American Democrat politician, was simply too easy a target for criminal prosecution.

  88. Iva says:

    The money out of politics. No more congressman and senators donations. We are Israeli colony. This needs to end.

    •�Replies: @A_Hand_Hidden
  89. @Colin Wright

    Though clearly and in a clinical sense one can fully understand why the Nazis would want to send the jews to Madagascar…

  90. Anon[120] •�Disclaimer says:

    The cancer at the heart of the US/Israel criminal enterprise is CIA, who liked their style in the Six-Day sneak attack and signed them up as henchmen. Shackley slipped them nukes.

    Long before genocide Jews bought themselves premodern blasphemy laws, CIA was shitting on Article 19 with Wisner’s Wurlitzer, Project Mockingbird, and “OGA” CIA censorship of social media.

    If you don’t like Jews leading you around by the nose, take the ring out of your nose. CIA is the ring in your nose. This shit won’t stop till CIA gets nuked.

  91. Mr. Giraldi – thanks for another fine essay filled with sensible analysis of our corrupt political system. I appreciate your tireless efforts to educate the public on the important topics of censorship and endless war-mongering on behalf of Israel.

    Your fact-filled and rational views are a welcome alternative to so much rage-filled nonsense by people like French atheist Larry G. and deranged nationalist Angry Andy. Folks like that should have no place at this website, as they only promote hatred and ignorance.

    •�Agree: Exile in Paradise
    •�Disagree: Jim H
  92. Pablo says:

    Freedom of Speech in the USA died a long time ago. When the Government–US Presidents like Clinton and Bush and BOTH Parties in Congress–enabled it. Ralph Nader wrote a book detailing the Jewish takeover of almost the entire US Mainstream Media (MSM). For a long time the MSM has not allowed ANY criticism of Israel. No discussion of George Soros. I recall the time on Fox “News” a guest mentioned George Soros. They cut him off the air right then and there. We STILL haven’t gotten the List of Epstein’s clients. It is hard to believe how slavish in loyalty our US Representatives are to their Israeli/Jewish owners. Nothing changes. And the American Public sits on its hands and does NOTHING. The Evangelicals are beyond redemption.

  93. DJ Phil – do you take requests? If so, how about a future essay on former US Army Lt. Col. Daniel Davis who was just rejected to oversee the production of the President’s Daily Brief?

    Zero Hedge did a good piece on that situation yesterday. But I fear that Mr. Davis will quickly be forgotten as just another casualty of Washington’s war against anyone who speaks out against Zionist aggression.


    Apparently, Mr. Davis was too honest about a variety of foreign affairs, including Israel’s violence against Palestinians PRIOR to their Oct 7 military response. For that, Davis was targeted by the Zionist Lobby and Trump caved to their pressure.

    If we’re lucky, Mr. Davis will continue his efforts as a senior fellow at Defense Priorities to keep educating the public on foreign policy. Perhaps Unz Review could feature some of Daniel Davis’s future work.

    •�Thanks: anarchyst, Jim H
  94. Notsofast says:
    @muh muh

    I take threats to free speech more seriously than I do genocide.

    this just goes to show you how pervasive the deceit and brainwashing has become. good ol’ “rebel yell” is either deceitful (most likely) or he has been brainwashed and is now spreading his hasbara, free of charge, an unwitting manure spreader, spattering the threads with israeli zioshit, like a hippo.

    Video Link

    someday the shit will really hit the fan and the zionists will be scattered to the wind once again.

  95. anarchyst says:


    1. Wear a keffiyeh in public. Wearing a keffiyeh in public attracts JEW$ like moths to a flame. This enrages JEW$ and their enablers to the nth degree.
    When I am accosted by JEW$ for doing so, I tell them to f#ck off and go to Palestine or Gaza where they can get their heads blown off.
    JEW$ are not used to being put down. The incredulous looks on their faces is priceless.

    2. When discussing JEW$, use their own words against them.
    When they claim that jewish supremacy does not exist, I have speeches by their “rabbis” and talmudic quotes espousing jewi$h supremacy at the ready.
    When JEW$ hear or read their own teachings, they have nothing to say.

    I am doing my part…

    •�Thanks: Tennessee Jed
  96. @Priss Factor

    Do white Christians know that a lot of Palestinians are Christians.

  97. Jim H says:

    ‘Christians — regardless of physical descent or ethnicity — are the new Israel.’ — Heretic50

    When the Deist founders sketched out the plan for the new United States, they envisioned it as a modern-day Greek republic, embodying Athenian democracy.

    Whereas the impoverished literature of backward Judea, mired in a Bronze Age past, rants darkly about mythical kings such as Solomon, endless wars of extermination against neighboring tribes (sound familiar?), and how to manage one’s slaves.

    New Israel? Christ, no! I’d rather be an honorary Congolese, if obliged to choose.

  98. Jim H says:

    ‘Hatfield-McCoy Reconciliation Day is celebrated on June 14. Maybe Massie will attend. Imagine them starting a new “feud,” much wider in scope, against the Jews in power …’ — ariadna

    Hatfield-McCoys vs the Shekelbergs: a feud for the ages.

    The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has allocated a record $454.5 million to the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) to enhance security at religious institutions, including synagogues, amid rising antisemitism, with funding distributed through FEMA.

    While the program supports various nonprofits, a significant portion of the funding historically goes to Jewish institutions like synagogues and day schools.

    The program began in 2005 with an allocation of $25 million and has since grown exponentially.

    Jewish organizations have historically championed the program and have worked closely with the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI to understand the terror threats facing American Jews. — AI summary

    Last I heard, ‘significant’ means around 90 percent.

    Poor dears. What did they ever do to become so despised? /sarc

  99. Anon[170] •�Disclaimer says:

    A substantive legal challenge to all these Jewish exceptions to the First Amendment has been long overdue. The Supreme Court needs to get involved and hopefully issue a definitive ruling blocking the Jewish police state before we end up with the same repressive scenarios we currently see in the EU.

    The Supreme Court has more or less disintegrated. We have a “Justice” that can’t define what a woman is. Chief Justice Roberts has been reported as being compromised (pedo?) for a decade or more. We have a supposed right-leaning justice that votes consistently left.

    You can’t protect a Republic with a Supreme Court populated by communists, compromised and woke idiots. It can’t be done. Anyway, it would be too little, too late if they did try to knock the zionists on their asses because the regime in Washington is no longer our government. Our government was overthrown by increments long ago ….. starting with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

  100. @Notsofast

    They murdered his wife too, after he made his AIPAC statement.

  101. @anon

    The Jewish mafia members are NOT Semites, thus, ‘antisemitic’ is FAKE and is used only by genocidal rapiests to blackmail the gullible people in the west.

    This should be on every billboard in the USA

  102. @Charles

    do most “Americans” really oppose the complete subservience of US society, education, law, media, and innumerable other facets of the country to the Jews?

    The point you bring up is the heart of the problem, most Amerikans are subverted to the Jew Bible. The writers of the Bible, whoever they were, have defined what reality is, a monster Jewish sky god who punished those who think for themselves, worship a different god, oppose the monster god’s plans. It turns out, man creates god in his image, the wrathful god of the OT are the Jews themselves, so these Protestants, who lean toward the OT, are in fact, whoreshipping the Jews as Almighty God. That is the root of the problem – Jews have managed to define god and represent this god, thus the Jews have become god – and it is, hands down, the greatest psychic coup of all time.


    Most people have never read the Bible, especially not critically from a skeptics viewpoint. Right off in Genesis, God chooses Abraham because the psychotic God tells him to go kill his oldest son Isaac, who he dearly loves. So Abraham follows the orders of talking psycho god in his head – which no sane person would do. That story is taught to nearly everyone in Amerika, who are being brainwashed to follow orders of the state. I believe the parents of Amerika will send their children (their genetic offspring) to fight and die for Israel because of that preposterous story – there is simply no such thing as this god giving us these orders – it is only a religious fable meant to create tribal gang loyalty.

    Furthermore there is no god making land covenants or any of it. It is all make believe, and it is bad make believe, and even worse billions of these fools believe it to be the ultimate truth, god’s personal revelations to us. This widespread belief in the Holy Bible being the inerrant word of God is the disease destroying us, the white race, which was forcibly converted to the desert demon sky god religion. These white Europeans, and their Amerikan cousins now defend the evil Jew text, because they have adopted it as their own. The god of white people is this monster Jehovah and his bastard son Jesus, a Jew, who promises them eternal life if they believe. My god people, this core belief system of the west is double batshit insane.

    First of all the Holy Bible is unproved religious literature, historians and archelogists alike can not verify or prove the existence of father Abraham, or his lineage like King Saul, Solomon, or David. The consensus amongst the scholars is that these characters never existed. Not me saying it, they are saying it:

    UK Indepedent: Leading archaeologist says Old Testament stories are fiction
    Professor Thomas Thompson, one of the world’s foremost authorities on biblical archaeology – says that the first 10 books of the Old Testament are … fiction, written between 500 and 1,500 years after the events they purport to describe. there is a complete absence of archaeological and historical evidence for many events portrayed in the Bible. The inevitable conclusion, he argues, is that the Israelite exile in Egypt, the Exodus and the Israelite conquest of the Promised Land never took place.

    Well no shit because Abraham is stolen myth, long before some author borrowed and rewrote Hindu mythology, Brahma marries his sister Saraswati – that fable became a new fable, aBrahma marries his sister Sara, who had a maid servant Hagar – which is the Ghaggar river in India. India is not the Middle East! So modern scholars have concluded no Israelite procession out of Egypt to the Holy Land, no Moses either. And if the OT is fiction, then what need do you have of Jesus, because the only reason you need a savior is to escape eternal punishment of the fire breathing sky god Yahweh.

    staring into the abyss – the new testament is fabricated state propaganda

    Jesus, real or imagined? That argument is now put to rest by Joseph Atwill in Caesar’s Messiah. Jesus is a 100% fictional character invented by Rome after the siege and destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. Jesus was invented many decades after he was said to live. Of course everyone ignores the proofs in that book, it even has escaped any scrutiny on TUR, and I ask why? Why doesn’t Laurent Guyénot take on the Holy Bible fable? I have an idea why, which was first stated by Professor Robert Eisenman of Cal State – if the NT is not true, we are staring into the abyss. The entire western world, with all it’s cathedrals and rituals, is based on the NT Jesus story being true.

    Neale Donald Walsch says we got god all wrong. Now we are paying for that epic mistake. Death of free speech in Amerika is because their is death of knowledge, people have chosen to believe fables over reality. And Trump is the bribed sold out bastard delivering Amerika into the hands of crazy religious Zionutcase zealots. Amerika is a bad nation which has bad presidents who have bad policies. Biden was crazy bad and so is Trump, and if you believe otherwise, you are just plain wrong. Trump is not our savior, he is our destroyer because he is loyal to Jewish money not to our free society, or our Bill of Rights and the Constitution. When Bibi came to town Trump should of slapped the cuffs on that genocidal gangster, but Trump choose not to, because Trump is in bed with evil. Trump is choosing to make Jewish insanity the state religion. Trump is a very bad man.

    •�Replies: @NobodyImportant
  103. Wokechoke says:
    @True Blue

    It’s quite interesting that the commentator said Aliens.

    When you do have multiple passport Israelis crawling all over the US government the concept of an actual exile gets very interesting. Traditionally America has never given up dissidents to the clutches of a foreign power. Even friendly powers. This Palestinian would have to be sent to West Bank I’d assume. He’s clearly being targeted by the Israelis for organizing the peep of protest in the US.

    •�Thanks: anarchyst
  104. muh muh says:

    I have no doubt that our honourable elected representatives will rise to the occasion and tell Mr Trump his actions are immoral and illegal.

    Not likely.

    Surely our courageous and honest judiciary will rule that these laws are unconstitutional.

    More likely, but nothing is certain.

    See post #9 above. The arguments favoring Khalil’s release are strong, and the judiciary is the one branch of government where officials are (usually) less likely to act along partisan lines.

    What concerns me is news like this:

    US judiciary warns of threats amid ‘concerning’ calls to impeach judges

    Sullivan said his concerns about threats mirrored those in Chief U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Roberts’ year-end report on December 31. The report noted that in the past five years, the U.S. Marshals Service has investigated more than 1,000 serious threats against federal judges.


    Team Trump doesn’t do street protests and trespassing, no.

    They just threaten the lives of judges. Much, much more civil.

  105. As it happens, during the past two weeks Donald Trump and his band of Zionist stooges have finally hit rock bottom with their arrest and threatened deportation of a student who had admittedly helped organize nonviolent campus demonstrations against the Israeli slaughter of the Gazans.

    Donald Trump
    The Zionist Stooge Band

    Rock Bottom Tour 2025

    (Has the makings of a great tee shirt!)

    •�Agree: muh muh
    •�LOL: A_Hand_Hidden, Jim H
  106. yesterday says:

    pro palestine nutcase demonstrators were/are organized by israel.

  107. @rebel yell

    Looks you are definitely a f.cking Jew

  108. Great article. I have summarized it here to save for my own studies:

    American politicians scramble to get their share of Jewish billionaire money in exchange for carte blanche when it comes to Israeli behavior. They then convince naive Americans that it is patriotic to fight Israel’s wars and that it is ‘supporting terrorists’ to be critical of anything Israel does.

    This has served as the congressional framework for the fleecing of the American people while also stripping them of their liberties.

    Any “free speech” which is critical of or offensive to the foreign nation to which most American politicians and mainstream media owe their allegiance is considered outside the pale of acceptable behavior.

    That is why the Israel Lobby is permitted to work on criminalizing any criticism of Jewish behavior or Israel.

    They have done so with much success. Thirty-seven states in America have passed laws to penalize anyone seeking to either boycott Israel or accept doing so, sometimes to include denial of government jobs or benefits.

    At the same time, the government is pressuring America’s colleges and universities to crack down on anyone who demonstrates in defense of the Palestinians or is critical of Israel.

    If the Trump Administration, working hand-in-hand with the Israeli government and the US Israel Lobby, can get away with the trashing of the US Constitution’s most fundamental freedom – that of free speech, the United States that we once knew will be gone forever.

    The tragedy is compounded, as it will have largely come about in needless service to a tiny racist nation that is manifestly and quite openly the most evil place on earth.

    •�Thanks: anarchyst
  109. It is wrong to say that Israeli behavior to the Palestinians is an unprecedented case of barbarity, it is neither better nor worse than past similar cases such the Nazi extermination of untermenchen and the genocides carried out by all other colonial settler states that have not had the option of ethnic cleansing.

    Such colonial settler genocides of the indigenous occurred in Argentina, Australia, Canada, German occupied South West Africa, The US and its preceding British colonies and no doubt many others of which I am unaware.

    Present populations of these nations are unaware of them. Do not confuse happenings in the past with history. History is what is written about the past. Things that happened are excluded or deemphasized and things that did not happen are included in official history. For genocide one must consult black armband histories. Both Australia and Israel have revisionist historians. Australia’s premier revisionist historian is Henry Reynolds. Israel’s include Avi Shlaim, Benny Morris, Ilan Pappé, and Simha Flapan.

    The problem is that the majority of present occupants of colonial settler states are unaware of their genocides and are thus unable to compare them to The Nazi Holocaust and Israel’s present actions. Also since the 1950ies there has been a comprehensive campaign of defamation of the Palestinians in all the nations of the West and Judeophilia prompted by shame about the Holocaust and the failure of the West including Germany and the former allies against Germany to respond to it have worked and obliterated sympathy for the Palestinians. Palestinian behavior is seen as terrorism but Israeli actions that provoked it are not seen as either terrorism before the establishment of Israel or State Terror after it nor are Australia, The Nato States, The UK and The US that attacked Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and supported the HTS attack on Syria seen as The Terror States and their special forces in Afghanistan and Iraq as murdering State Terrorists.

    The vast majority of species homo sapiens behave according to normal homo sapiens behavior and bifurcate their interpretation of it into behavior by us and people like us with whom we feel affinity and behavior by them. Their are plenty in the West who see Israel’s actions as they are but unfortunately they do not include those in power. Albanese and Dutton in Australia, all in power in Germany, Starmer in the UK, Trump and most politicians in The US see Israel and Ukraine as poor little democracies persecuted respectively by evil Russia and evil Palestine despite the extreme power disparity in the case of the latter two.

    Ukraine after the 2014 revolution organized by the US under Obama is a Nazi paleo not neo state tricked into starting a war against Russian speakers in the East in order to force Russian Invasion as a pretext to extend Nato to Ukraine in preparation for using it to regime change Russia. I question whether Nato was ever a defensive alliance as I do not believe that Western spy services were so incompetent as to be ignorant of the decay of the Soviet Union before its collapse and thus its inability to threaten Europe. Certainly it became an offensive one aimed at Russia as soon as it started to incorporate previous Warsaw Pact States.

    In the case of Israel most Westerners are unaware of the actions of Zionists from the last decade of the 19th century up until today. It has always been the Zionist intention to rid the Jewish state of non-Jews but the founders of Zionism thought they could do it softly by making them unemployed and encouraging surrounding Arab nations to employ them. They did not reckon with the attachment indigenous people have to their land. Now they know and their intentions have hardened if no countries accept expelled Gaza and West Bank Palestinians then they will complete the genocide. The collateral damage that Israel accepts to get one Hamas member or one identified by inaccurate AI face recognition from a drone image as a Hamas member when added up for all existing Hamas members including all non-military Government employees will ensure completion.

    I do not believe that most Westerners are aware of the details of the 1947-1948 Nakba. The Palestinians did not simply run away, they fled in rational fear of their lives. 750,000 fled but the Proto-Israeli militias which were non-State actors and therefore terrorists killed 15,000 to instill fear. This was done in two batches a first batch of about 7,500 before the full expulsion and another 7,500 to drive the point home, shoot one in the head and no-one will volunteer to test if one is the maximum. Israel terror gangs including some led by future Prime Ministers of Isral killed 2% of the 750,00 who fled to prompt them to flee.

    If every hostage from the 7th October 2023 attack is killed the total will be less than 1500 that is 10% of the Nakba killings. Since 1948 Israelis and Palestinians have been killing each other but ratio of Palestinians killed by Israelis to Israelis killed by Palestinians has been 20:1 but recently in the West Bank it is more like 50:1 and in Gaza a much higher but unknown ratio. The bodies that never made it to hospital morgues are not in the official count but the number that Donald Trump has estimated will need relocation is only 1.8 million not the 2.2 million prior population of Gaza. I think he or his advisers know that the total death toll including those caused? by disease and starvation is 400,000 or above.

    I do not believe that any Arab state will accept a large number of angry radicalized refugees both from the principle of non-cooperation with ethnic cleansing and fear of instability and certainly none of the Western nations that have aided Israel will, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, The UK and The US because of fear of terrorism and hatred of Palestinians. Were the Palestinians admitted to any of these countries some in my opinion would be justified by the normal high value that members of species Homo Sapiens give to revenge. The US is a country whose people attribute a high value to righteous revenge. How many bad Hollywood films have there been on this theme, I can think of two “Kill Bill” and “Taxi driver” I suspect there are many more especially in the Western genre.

    Members of species homo sapiens are very bad at distinguishing righteousness from self-rigteousness particularly Zionists and their supporters.

    •�Thanks: Jim H
    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  110. Wokechoke says:

    That wouldn’t make any difference.

    Germany was Christian and mostly Protestant in 1941.

  111. Anonymous[105] •�Disclaimer says:

    You can also thank Trump and his hundreds of millions from Adelsons and others, while on his way to a bank. Trump was always open that hes, MIGA, Make Israel Great Again-president. Because of low intelligence of american, they really do not get things.

  112. @Joekakfromadanac

    Yes some Palestinians are Christians but they have lost all Christian and Western sympathy because of being Palestinians and therefore by definition terrorists,

  113. A person can criticize Christians and Muslims and Palestinians and all sorts of things, except you can not criticize zionist jews because they rule over the ZUS regime and all the western regimes and they have for over a hundred years ie the communist zionist FED and IRS ie the central bank and graduated income tax, which are 2 of the 10 planks of the communist manifesto, so the ones who control the money creation control the nations.

    Nathan Rothschild infamously said ; I care not what puppet sits on the throne of England , for the man who controls the British empire is the man who creates the money and I am that man.

    It is the same here in America , the zionist communist FED is privately owned by 8 zionist jewish families and have turned America into a zionist owned slave plantation and most Americans have no clue about this unconstitutional zionist communist act that was signed by the communist Wilson in 1913.

    Trump is just another zionist puppet, just as was Biden and all the rest going back to JFK who the zionist killed as they could not control him, JFK’s assassination was a clear example of who controls the ZUS and it is not we the people.

    •�Agree: John Trout
    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  114. @Joekakfromadanac

    No, they don’t. White Christians are morons who have been spoon fed Jew propaganda since birth. And in the Zionist mindset all Palestinians whether Muslim or Christian are the enemy and deserve only death.

  115. @DanFromCT

    Indeed and it’s all so tiresome. IMO Black Rifle Coffee Company is yet another jew grift set up to cynically troll and milk the retarded white goyim. Jew-founded but with all the trappings the goyim love: “Black Rifles (ARs),” a “conservative” choice to where one can avoid Starbucks, and a paean to the sacrosanct “veterans.”

    It’s a frankly awesomely well thought-out jew grift. In time one must ask oneself –

    “Is it wrong to grift and parasitize voluntarily retarded creatures that aren’t apparently even human (goyim), especially if they’d try to kill or disemploy you if you’d make an effort to ‘wake’ them up to their absurd lives, beliefs, and the lies they live under?”

    •�LOL: DanFromCT
  116. @HT

    Religion is the biggest threat that the world faces.

    Unfortunately species Homo sapiens has a religious instinct. When humans existed in small tribes the social binding effects of religion were mainly beneficial but when homo sapiens with many religions live in close proximity things can go badly wrong. The 30 Years war, the Hundred Years War and the breakup of Yugoslavia are all examples.

    There are big religions with lots of adherents and they are considered legitimate and there are small religions and they are considered cults. I consider all religions cults some are less toxic than others and all have fragments that are extreme cults.

    I consider the right to life obsessive religions Catholicism and Pentecostalism to be toxic cults. I support the right to death, the right to abortion and that some fetuses such as those lacking a brain should be compulsorily aborted and that when a baby is born it should be examined for genetic defects and euthanized. It is cruel to let a defective human to grow into a defective adult who knows his/her inferiority. One can argue that sometimes a defective birth can become a great scientist, but most defective births grow into misery.

    Eugenics as an idea is not intrinsically bad but it is corrupted by people infected by otherisms. The otherism tat most worries us is racism but there are many others. If we could deotherize all those allowed to participate in eugenic endeavors we would only have stupidity to foul things up, unfortunately I suspect deotherizing humans is impossible.

    •�Replies: @DanFromCT
  117. @Iva

    The money out of politics. No more congressman and senators donations. We are Israeli colony. This needs to end.

    OK, sure.

    How will you ban or suppress under-the-table gifts and payments? And the obvious ongoing blackmail? Your solution while necessary would not be remotely sufficient

  118. @Saggy

    Giraldi is not the Gov., nor is TUR.

    The burning issue at this critical point in American History is:
    Do students at our universities have the right to oppose genocide
    if this causes adult, Jewish children to feel uncomfortable?

    •�Replies: @Saggy
  119. @HT

    There is nothing Christian about Evangelicals. They worship Abraham, Moses and all the other mythical characters of Judaism. They regard Jesus as some sort of a lesser deity skipping along behind their “giants of the Old Testament.” These Born-Again people are just as dangerous as any Jew.

    •�Agree: A_Hand_Hidden
  120. I find it surprising that law apparently doesn’t protect people generally against arbitrary measures which may be considered discriminatory. This means that people who have power, the government, may use its power in arbitrary ways against people they just don’t like. If a secretary of state may act arbitrarily against someone, what would prevent the nest secretary of state of acting the same way against the previous one? Shouldn’t people have some general protection against arbitrary discriminatory measures?

    Another point. There is a general problem of how to make some principles of justice effective against well organized groups, or against the power of government. Often we read good articles which would deserve to get the attention of a larger public. Why not form a large group of alternative media which would publish from time to time the same article on the same day? If every alternative media would occasionally publish an article about an important issue, it might attract the attention of a much larger public, especially if readers would be asked to spread such articles. Of course, it would be difficult to write an article which could be acceptable for many different media, it should be relatively short, it would have to be written in a relatively neutral way and it should be able to cause some impact. Maybe it should be published under some general title like “A letter to Americans”.

  121. Rusty912 says:

    Nothing a well-placed mushroom cloud wouldn’t help.

  122. @Notsofast

    “This is the foundation of our special relationship: We are the only two countries in history that were conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that we are all equal. Our values are your values. Our heritage is your heritage. Our dreams are your dreams.”

    Ok, how did the Jews subvert us to the point we think Jewish values are Amerikan Christian values? The Holy Bible is the common denominator, the Jews have define our religious beliefs with their book. And to get us to support Israel and whoreship the Jews, it was the Rothschild family which funded The Scofield Bible, so that when they created the State of Israel they would be able to get their Amerikan mules to fund and support it.


    Ian Carroll explains the Scofield Bible in less than a minute

    Video Link

    How could this nightmare have happened without this massive support amongst Evangelical Christians who have been subverted to support a genocidal state against what Jesus says in the NT? The pastors themselves have been bought off, like that fat bastard John Hagee, who says if you want to go to heaven you must love Jews and Israel. It is common knowledge that some of these televangelists will get twin engine jets for converting their sheep dip minded flocks to support the criminal state of Israel.

    When Bibi came to town last, he had an arrest warrant which Trump could of served, how the sane world would have jumped up and down in glee if POTUS Trump cuffed the world’s biggest genocidal maniac. But Trump chose evil over good. Trump is a gangster in bed with the Jewish mafia, he condemned the ICC and tells the UN Security council to go to hell. Trump is allowing the most evil monster on the planet to dictate US foreign policy. That is just wrong and treasonous.

    President of ZOGUSA Bibi Satanyahu wants more blood

    Add to that the Thomas Massie attack and what firm conclusion can you draw about Trumpenstein? Loyal to a foreign state over his nation. Allows a war criminal to walk free. Attacks a solid patriotic Constitutional congressman. Attacks our First Amendment for the Israeli criminals. Wants Bible prophecy to come true, so appoint religious nutcases to destroy the Dome of the Rock so Jews can start their barbaric stone age sacrificial rituals again. Pity the poor heiffer born red. I ask, is Donald Trump batshit insane?

  123. turtle says: •�Website
    @Matt Lazarus

    After people of Gaza are removed, Californians will be next.

    That is pending discovery of the Salton Sea Scrolls, those ancient sacred texts which convey Eternal and Holy Title of all land from the Colorado River to the Pacific Ocean, and from the Tehachapi Mountains to the Mexican border, and the right to all water in the Colorado River, to the Jewish Tribe, exclusively and in perpetuity, by order of Yahweh the Magnificent.

  124. @Yukon Jack

    That was epic writing, and explaining. You are so right but,

    I just got one thing to tell you though…”But Trump’s Better than the alternative!” You Kamala Harris supporter!

    LMAO! I’m just playing with you. But I did really enjoy everything you wrote.

  125. Pythas says:

    That’s what Jesus wants too! The jews had him crucified!

  126. Wokechoke says:

    Rights of Englishmen. Don’t forget that term!

  127. anonymous[316] •�Disclaimer says:

    Death to gullible and racist people who voted for a traitor, pedophile, a mafia thief who is attacking and murdering the people who are fighting or protesting against genocide. Death to US regime and its actors at the whore house.

    The response of the world against the genocidal zionists is the following:

  128. Jim H says:

    ‘ancient sacred texts convey Eternal and Holy Title of all land from the Colorado River to the Pacific Ocean, and from the Tehachapi Mountains to the Mexican border, and the right to all water in the Colorado River, to the Jewish Tribe.’ — turtle

    Your screenplay has got potential, Mr T. Much of the interior drama can be filmed right here in Fortress Hollywood, as our Chosenite troops (many of them ex-IDF) fan out to subdue the goyische hinterland.

    But we’ve got a casting problem with the Moses character. Clearly rank amateurs like Adam Schiff and Doug Emhoff are just minor bit players, who would provoke only cynical laughter in the theater if elevated beyond their lowly stations.

    Maybe Jonathan Greenblatt, with a nose job, a wig, and wielding a Rambo-style bazooka? Let’s do lunch!

    •�LOL: 24th Alabama
  129. I read Mein Kampf in college not because it was required reading but because every damned class except for straight mathematics had the ‘Hitler was Satan” propaganda.

    So I wanted to understand. I read about (((them))) in the publishing, entertainment, and banking industries along with their anti-nationalist belief system.

    It’s taken almost half a century to realize how right it all was. How important nationalism is. And unfortunately despite backing Trump – how tragically wrong he is on Zionism.

    In a perverse way, he ran on nationalism while in fact being an Israel-First candidate.

    •�Replies: @turtle
  130. DanFromCT says:
    @Carlyle Moulton

    Yours is what the philosophers call the view from nowhere—an unrealistic perspective assuming with no evidence or argument that there would be peace and prosperity in some non-existent world because there is no religion. Science and everything good in modern life that we take for granted, however, arose in Christendom and nowhere else and at no other time.

    In all sincerity, listen to one of Professor Wm. T. Cavanaugh’s talks on his book, The Myth of Religious Violence: Secular Ideology and the Roots of Modern Conflict. If anything, it’s secularism that has given rise to the barbarities and massacres that make the so-called religious wars you mention pale in comparison.

    I can’t do Dr. Cavanaugh’s brilliant work justice, but he mentions the fact that in every Supreme Court decision up until the late 1940s, religion in America was always held to be the explanation of peace and prosperity—that is, until Frankfurter’s opinion claiming that religion was the chief or even sole cause of civil strife in America.

    Since then and in every case bearing on religion, the Supreme Court, which at that time was a Freemason and not American institution, has consistently ruled along Frankfurter’s bald-faced assertion posing as a considered legal opinion. It’s also worth noting that only recently has the correspondence between Frankfurter and Brandeis from the late 1920s been made public, making clear that Jewish intellectual leaders in America were seeking the annihilation of America as a Christian nation at least twenty years before it became the overriding mission of the Supreme (Freemason) Court.

    •�Agree: 24th Alabama
    •�Replies: @Exile in Paradise
  131. muh muh says:



    •�Replies: @Colin Wright
  132. @Tennessee Jed

    The essence of Judaism is xenophobic HATRED. Doesn’t sound like The Sermon on the Rock, to me.

  133. @Charles

    Americans have never historically been sufficiently anti-semitic for their own good. Probably the most discrimination that Jews ever faced in this country is that they were in the past barred from living in certain areas dominated by WASPs, as well as barred from certain public accommodations like niggroes were. Other than that it was difficult to contain them as they should have been contained simply due to the amount of money they possessed, which they used to effectively bribe corrupt American politicians into overlooking their myriad crimes. Aiding and abetting the crooked, compromised politicians was the crooked, compromised “Christian” church, especially the Protestant church, which had become compromised and infected by the grifter Cyrus Scofield’s heresy (Scofield’s “pro-semitism” was a by-product of his being in major debt to Jewish shylocks).

    Perhaps the root reason for America’s tolerance or fondness of all things Jewish is simply that America is still too young of a nation to have experienced the full toxic depredations of the Jews as other, older nations have.

    •�Replies: @DanFromCT
    , @Franz
  134. @Desert Fox

    One of those nong-nongs who affixes ‘communist’ to anything he doesn’t like.

  135. @Carlyle Moulton

    The truth of the Nakba is that Zionazism, based in Judaism, regards killing civilians, including children, as a mitzvah, or good deed. Until you comprehend that Judaism is a murder cult, where killing ‘..anyone who gets in our way’ is divine wisdom, you’ll never understand the genocides committed by the Judeonazis. And a brief perusal of current Israeli politicians and other public figures, raving for more murder, more torture, more destruction, will tell you what the region, and the world, has to fear.

  136. Wokechoke says:
    @Tennessee Jed

    Most American evangelicals are just larping as Jews.

    •�Agree: Tennessee Jed
  137. Agent76 says:

    As a follower of Christ this is what we can expect before the Tribulation.

    “There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom God says, ‘All right, then, have it your way.” C. S. Lewis

    Sep 18, 2023 The Great Disappearance”

    The Perhaps Today! Rapture pre-enactment videos aim to create content so intriguing that the world will want to stop and consider the reality of this imminent prophetic event and look to the Word of God for the answers to their spiritual questions.

    Video Link

    •�LOL: NobodyImportant
  138. DanFromCT says:

    As recently as the 1960s Jews were considered foreigners for good reason. They, the Jews, were every bit as exclusionary at their country clubs and the like as any WASP club was at excluding not only Jews but Catholics, blacks, Asians, whatever. People like to be with their own kind.

    The great irony is Trump’s impossibly unqualified appointees —so utterly unqualified as to be presumptive of bad faith and betrayal—bizarrely claiming they have some sacred duty to defend Jews, the people who arguably are responsible for most of the social ills plaguing this nation and for the barbarous genocide in Gaza and the West Bank today. Is this meant as a slap in America’s face?

    Of course what it comes down to is moral cowardice—that is, straightforward fear of the Jews—which, by the way, is the subliminal message underlying TV news shows where actors like Sean Hannity get paid millions to grovel at the feet of Jews like Mark Levin and Alan Dershowitz, who in the latter case was Epstein’s lawyer, advisor, and confidante. BTW, what ever happened to Epstein’s financier, Les Wexner? Above the law, apparently.

    •�Agree: Wokechoke, ariadna
  139. Franz says:

    Perhaps the root reason for America’s tolerance or fondness of all things Jewish is simply that America is still too young

    No, it’s more a kind of imitation game.

    Americans were always yearning for their version of “the city on the hill, light of nations” and their obvious model was the Hebrews and the conquest of Canaan.

    Whether admitted or not, the Puritans and Mormons and others, small and large, wanted to establish what folklore says the ancient Israelites are alleged to have done.

    I’m far from alone in thinking the circle is unbroken: The Zionist project was not really a going concern until the USA was up and running and seen as more or less successful. The 19th century was far from perfect, but the American march from east to west was admired. If the Hebrew slaughter of all the inhabitants of the fictional ancient Palestine was the implicit model for the American treatment of the natives and the slaves, America also supplied a kind of conquistador legitimacy to the current treatment of the living Palestinians.

    The two systems are bound up together. The system includes the British Empire that was, because none of the colonies behaved differently. There’s still the nagging doubt that while Britain removed her governors from the USA, the accountants and shadow rulers remained. Even Lincoln was on to that.

    Regime change to dump the current Israeli dictatorship will really involve most of Europe and all of the Anglosphere. We need a new nationalist order, and we need it fast.

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  140. @JWalters

    Do you really think that a flood of talking about Israel’s crimes will bring down their worldwide cabal that’s been in existence for thousands of years?

    •�Replies: @Sarita
  141. @Heretic50

    On another note, remember that the 2nd Amendment is there to protect the 1st Amendment.

    Truer words were never spoken.

    •�Agree: Colin Wright
  142. DanFromCT says:

    Exactly—when it comes to criticizing the Jews. An American- and Christian-hating Jew freak like Larry David can do a comedy sketch urinating on an image of Christ’s face, and the members of Congress hide behind the First Amendment. But say one word in defense of the Palestinian children being massacred and these same whores in Congress want you imprisoned, bankrupted, and your life ruined. That skit by Larry David, by the way, typifies tens of thousands of such blasphemous scandals from Hollywood, and not a peep out of Congress, Conservatism Inc, or the Protestant and Catholic clergy—all moral cowards cowering in the corner like abused dogs lest they get bad press on kosher TV news or in the NYT.

    As a Catholic I take very personal umbrage at the stinking bishop cowards calling themselves the USCCB, who claim that mentioning the Jews overwhelming responsibility for the Bolsheviks’ worst atrocities in human history is a sin. Sure, of course, it’s a sin to tell the truth about the Jews’ massacre of tens of millions of Christians, and an even bigger sin—a real biggee, you see—to proclaim the truth that the Jews in Israel are engaged in genocide and outright crimes against Christ.

    •�Thanks: anarchyst
    •�Replies: @Moishes dick
  143. Colin Wright says: •�Website
    @muh muh

    ‘…Unfortunately, this sort of thinking is more indicative of Trump’s base than not. Call it out for what it is and you’ll be accused of ‘TDS’, an epithet functioning in much the same manner as ‘anti-semite’…’

    Well, ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ is real and obvious; I can see not liking Trump — but the raving, frothing at the mouth, hatred? Hitler, he’s not.

    On the other hand, while we certainly have a fine selection of genuine anti-semites here (including myself, I’m afraid), more usually the term refers to those who are critical of Israel’s crimes, or simply those whom Jews dislike. Trump, for example, is often — and rather absurdly — described as an ‘antisemite.’

    If only he was. That would be a step in the right direction.

    •�LOL: DanFromCT
    •�Replies: @NobodyImportant
    , @muh muh
  144. @ariadna

    Sid Hatfield was a very honorable man!

    Thank you.

  145. Colin Wright says: •�Website
    @muh muh


    I know. That was really something.

    I’m starting to feel like I can only watch in morbid fascination to see where this goes. Hopefully, it’ll be ‘the worse the better,’ and the Jews will finally get their comeuppance.


    •�Replies: @Alden
    , @muh muh
  146. Wokechoke says:

    Jews really are a special kind of dissembler.

    •�Replies: @Colin Wright
  147. Wokechoke says:

    I agree. American evangelicals are larping as Jews.

  148. Sarita says:
    @Tennessee Jed

    Do you really think that a flood of talking about Israel’s crimes will bring down their worldwide cabal that’s been in existence for thousands of years?

    I’ll answer that if you don’t mind,

    Eh, no, it won’t but, there was never a flood of taking about Israel’s crimes all over the world specially since the creation of their headquarters in Palestine

    Most people today 👇

  149. Wokechoke says:

    The Jew voluntarily fought to live amongst the Arabs there. So alls fair.

  150. Alden says:

    Miami Beach the city rents space to businesses. One is a movie theater. It’s showing a documentary No Other Land. It’s about the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in the West Bank. Mayor Meiner a Jew plans to evict the theater because it showed a movie about the Jewish not so soft. genocide on the West Bank of occupied Palestine.

    •�Replies: @ziggurat
  151. Alden says:
    @Colin Wright

    Could it be legal to revoke a degree?

    •�Replies: @Colin Wright
    , @turtle
  152. Mark Dankof says: •�Website

    Mr. Trump illustrates once more that his “America First” claims are totally bogus in terms of his lackey status where Netanyahu and the Israeli Lobby are concerned. Dr. Giraldi hits the nail on the head once more, underscoring that Trump’s war on the First Amendment will also embroil the United States in global apocalypse. Trump is no Pat Buchanan. https://vtforeignpolicy.com/2025/03/take-a-hike-trump-real-american-patriots-support-thomas-massie-of-tennessee/

  153. Gallatin says:

    Trump probably promised Adelson he would do this. I imagine he privately thinks it’s a little much, but feels as if he is in her debt,and wants to curry favor with powerful wealthy Jews.

    Gentile white leaders should internalize a lesson here: if you wanna help your own kind, get rich and become politically financially active.

  154. @Colin Wright

    “TDS” is just a stupid word you Trump fanboys made up because you can’t stand it that people are sick and tired of this attention whoring asshole.

    •�Disagree: Colin Wright
  155. @Anonymous

    A substantive legal challenge to all these Jewish exceptions to the First Amendment has been long overdue. The Supreme Court needs to get involved

    Why do you insist the unelected judges on the SC should have final say on every issue? Where does the constitution grant judges authority to decide what is constitutional or not?

    •�Agree: NobodyImportant
  156. Colin Wright says: •�Website

    Jews really are a special kind of dissembler.

    I’m beginning to seriously think that’s true.

    It may go back to that Talmudic pilpul. What matters isn’t actually whether a woman is defiled if a man ejaculates in a stream she subsequently bathes in, but what arguments you construct in defense or criticism of the proposition.

    It may be why Jews make such good lawyers. While a gentile will tend to be conscious of the truth — and see his rhetorical constructs as subsidiary to that — a Jew will charge right ahead. Is the verbal construction sound?

    Then it doesn’t matter. In the Jew’s mind, it apparently becomes the truth.

    Or as good as. It’s all the yeshiva, and impressing the rebbe.

    The consequences for the rest of us are as we see.

  157. @Annacath

    Massie is also smart. Graduate of MIT, the toughest college in the country. Was an engineer and businessman for almost 20 years. Not a professional politician like most congressman.

    •�Agree: Anonymousrgc
  158. @Wokechoke

    If you can’t protest an outright genocidal slaughter, what’s the fucking point of the right to assembly anyway?

    Khalil is not an american citizen. That makes all the difference.

  159. @Anon

    And chew scum like meanjuju better realise that the winds of change of change are coming for him and his demonic tribe – and all those pathetic Shabbos goy Stockholm-victimised losers who have chosen to serve these hellish scum for 30 pieces of silver.

  160. Colin Wright says: •�Website

    Could it be legal to revoke a degree?

    That’s an excellent question. One would think the university would have to show some fact was concealed from it when the degree was awarded, or the recipient’s transcript was fraudulent, or something.

    Not just ‘we gotta appease boss man, so…’

    •�Replies: @Alden
  161. @DanFromCT

    Tell this to the useful-idiot evangelical “Christians” who don’t bat an eyelid when you inform them that Christians in the middle-east are being pulverised by their 5ionist overlords – they literally cannot comprehend how they have become willing servants of the anti-christ/Logos.

    •�Replies: @skrik
    , @Anonymousrgc
  162. Colin Wright says: •�Website
    @Hang All Text Drivers

    ‘Khalil is not an american citizen. That makes all the difference.’

    It makes no difference. First, the right to free speech is not confined to citizens. Read the First Amendment.

    Second, it has yet to to be shown that Khalil violated any law at all. He’s to be deported because some find him annoying.

    Third, permanent residence can only be revoked by a judge. This isn’t a matter of judicial activism. This really is something that can only be done by a judge. Rubio can no more deport Khalil than he can sentence you to twenty years imprisonment.

    The whole thing is a lot of B.S. that will never go anywhere. It’s just Miriam Adelson getting value for money.

    •�Agree: muh muh
    •�Replies: @zumbuddi
  163. H. L. M says:

    Western AI is Entirely Jewish, and Entirely Criminal


  164. @Hang All Text Drivers

    You’ve noted above that the SCOTUS has no Constitutional claim to authoritative interpretation.

    So where in the prohibition is the exception for aliens?

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

  165. @Priss Factor

    And all those Arab cucks in places like Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia are worthless rats and weasels who will sell their own down the river for their dollars and trinkets.

    So pathetic all around.

    Their days are as numbered as those of the Zionists and they will suffer an even worse fate once they are thrown out of power. The Global American Empire (GAE) is the only thing keeping them in power, and the GAE’s days are also numbered.

  166. @Anonymous

    A substantive legal challenge to all these Jewish exceptions to the First Amendment has been long overdue. The Supreme Court needs to get involved and hopefully issue a definitive ruling blocking the Jewish police state before we end up with the same repressive scenarios we currently see in the EU.

    It would appear that Kagan is the only kike currently on the SCOTUS. How are we so blessed?

  167. muh muh says:
    @Colin Wright

    Hitler, he’s not.

    Never been my take.

    But I’m seeing an uptick in use of the term as a reflexive reaction to legitimate criticism, which is bound to make anyone used to being called an anti-semite pay closer attention.

  168. zumbuddi says:
    @Colin Wright

    According to Alex Krainer, in conversation with Tom Luongo, Khalil was an employee of the British embassy in Beirut, in which position he held security clearance; and that Khalil played some role in managing AlQaeda in Syria.

    Krainer & Luongo maintain a meta-narrative that all (evil) roads lead to Britain, more specifically, City of London.

    Their argument regarding Khalil is that the Trump admin is working mightily to scrape the British off of America’s shoes and to extricate USA from Syria. Taking Khalil into custody under (fake) story that he was Hamas supporter is a cover-up. He was taken to Louisiana for interrogation, on the belief he knows a lot about what is going on in Syria that the Trump admin would like to have more insight into.

    Elsewhere the claim has been made that Soros funded the Jewish protests at Trump tower, which makes sense in context of the Krainer claim, since Soros would oppose any attempt to detain worker for the British in Middle East.

  169. muh muh says:
    @Colin Wright

    There’s more:

    US arrests second pro-Palestine Columbia University protester

    US immigration officials have arrested a second activist who took part in pro-Palestine rallies last spring at Columbia University in New York City.

    Leqaa Kordia, a Palestinian from the West Bank, was apprehended in New Jersey, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced Friday.

    According to the statement, another student, Ranjani Srinivasani, who holds Indian citizenship, elected to “self-deport” by departing the US earlier this week.

    “The atmosphere seemed so volatile and dangerous,” Ms. Srinivasan, 37, said on Friday in an interview for The New York Times, her first public remarks since leaving the US and heading to Canada. “So I just made a quick decision.”


    Ah, but Kordia’s visa had expired, so that will be the detail featured prominently in the American mainstream.

    No coincidence there. No, siree.

  170. @Proteus Procrustes

    The “breech” between Trump and Massie is due to Trumps loyalty to zog. Full stop.

    •�Agree: Colin Wright, turtle, DanFromCT
  171. WJ says:

    So many chumps here supporting the 1s A rights of a non citizen that probably hates their white guts as much as he hates Israel. I detest that parasitic little country but I have no illusions about the other side but to those driven insane by the tribe it is either one way or the other and nothing in the middle.

    •�Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  172. @Charles

    Unfortunately, this is the reality of the situation. The brainwashing and indoctrination runs deep, especially among the older generation.

    I’m not sure how they can justify the murder of thousands of women and children or how that morally aligns with Christ’s teachings. It is all rather peculiar.

  173. werpor says:

    My father was in Palestine during the Arab Uprising. As he said to my mother in the 1950s, something like — “…had I been a Palestinian I would have revolted.” Paraphrasing of course.

    During the 1960s I sympathized with the Jews. Who wouldn’t? The holocaust as presented did not seem deniable to me at all?

    In those years I was at odds with my father about some things! I discounted his witnessing the violence perpetrated against the Arabs! How foolish was I?

    He never evinced anything but disgust for Winston Churchill. Why? Because it was Churchills noxious interference in military affairs behind my father being captured by German paratroops on Leros.

    Leros is a Greek island located in the southeastern Aegean Sea. Churchill conceived a plan for the Allies to land on the Adriatic coast of Yugoslavia and advance through the Ljubljana Gap in the Alps to reach Austria in order to stake a post-war claim on Eastern Europe. This was a piece of the Mediterranean strategy.

    In any event it was an ill conceived notion. It was impossible to support such an endeavour. My father said all one had to do was look at a map. Which I remember he and I did. In essence the soldiers on Leros were abandoned to their fate.

    Consequently my father spent time as a guest of the Wehrmacht in a POW camp outside Munich. After a few attempts at escaping he eventually did.

    He was an astute observer and had a conversational facility with German. But when I was growing up told me he never bought into the ‘us or them’ shtick! There are things I prefer not to reveal here on Unz but he understood events differently than the conventionally received. He understood that very little of what is broadcast is in the best interests of the population.

    He studied that stuff at the U.S. army Information School after the war. Which of course confirmed his understanding that the people are brainwashed and intentionally deceived.

    I guess his influence rubbed off on me!

    •�Thanks: turtle, DanFromCT
    •�Replies: @Notsofast
  174. @rebel yell

    Your dogmas only allow you to see one issue, “genocide”, and you then neatly slot every opinion you hear as either for or against you on that issue. It’s a stupid way to think about things.

    I agree. Many commenters here are also unable to understand that Jews AND Muslims can BOTH be rotten, no good, SOBs. They can’t seem to understand that there is a reason why the Muslim world won’t touch the “Palestinians” with a 10-foot pole. These are the same people who go on and on about a year-long famine and mass starvation in Gaza while the TV shows us lots of fatties and zero walking skeletons.

    The Left-wing demonstrators we’ve been dealing with these past years have achieved a great victory for stupidity. And yes, these demonstrations are almost always violent. Violence doesn’t just mean punches thrown. It also means physical threats. Illegally taking over a quad on campus is a physical threat. Angry crowds taking over streets are a physical threat. Screaming in someone’s face is a physical threat. Threats intended to intimidate and silence opposition make America more stupid, stupid, stupid.

    I’d agree with your statement if you changed “stupidity”/”stupid” to lawlessness/lawless.

    I prefer the good old days when looters, arsonists, and violent agitators knew full well before they took their chances that, if caught, they’d be shot on sight.

    •�Agree: Poupon Marx
    •�Replies: @Poupon Marx
    , @Alden
  175. ziggurat says:

    This video (at the bottom of this post) covers the censorship of the film “No Other land”, which recently won the Oscar for Best Documentary Feature Film.


    Despite winning the most prestigious accolade in Hollywood, it could not obtain a U.S. distributor. It is only shown in small and independent theaters.


    The issue is the aggressive and often successful attempt by pro-Israel pressure groups to prevent audiences from viewing films that are critical of Israel. We’ve seen pressure campaigns for Netflix to remove “Farha”, the Jordanian film about atrocities committed during the 1948 war in Israel. There have been similar challenges for other films critical of Israel, including “Tantura”, “200 Meters”, “Little Palestine: Diary of Siege”, and “Nila and the Uprising”.

    Recently the American documentary “Israelism”, produced by left-leaning American Jews, investigates how American Jewish communities educate their members about the Israeli Palestinian conflict often in ways that erase the existence of Palestinians. The film has faced an ongoing campaign of censorship. The University of Pennsylvania refused to allow a Jewish student group to screen the movie and Hunter College similarly cancelled a screening. Eventually Hunter College allowed a screening but only if a rabbi was featured to host a discussion after the film and he was criticized for refusing to take student questions. Screenings for the film have been blocked in other colleges and universities since October 7th.

    The other incredible example of film censorship that really has no parallel in recent modern American history is that of Al Jazeera’s explosive documentary “The Lobby”. This multi-part series featured an undercover reporter who infiltrated a pro-Israel lobbying group with a hidden camera and gained unprecedented access to strategy sessions from a constellation of pro-Israel organizations that touted their work, covertly censoring surveilling and intimidating American activists and student groups. The film also shows the close coordination with the Israeli government, regular meetings with Israeli Embassy, along with explicit Direction and support from Israeli intelligence groups operating in the US.

    But this explosive film was removed from the Internet in 2018 as the Qatari government, which funds Al Jazeera, faced a military blockade from the Saudi Arabian and UAE government, negotiated a settlement of that conflict. Max Blumenthal and others reported that as part of the deal with the U.S. along with the first Trump Administration, they called for removing “The Lobby” film in exchange for lifting the blockade and restoring normal relations. Pro-Israel organizations with influence with the Trump administration, who were angered by the film and its many exposés, helped play a key role in the negotiations.

    And finally I have my own story to tell that has not been previously reported. In 2023, I worked with a Norwegian film company to produce “Praying for Armageddon”, a documentary about the role of Christian Zionism in fueling the crisis in Israel. Many pro-Israel lawmakers here in the US and policy makers have explicitly endorsed the removal of Palestinians from Israel and encouraging violent conflict as part of their interpretation of a Biblical Doomsday Prophecy in which the second coming of Christ requires Jewish control of the holy land and a new world war that ends up killing or converting the world’s Jewish population. While it may sound like an anti-Jewish belief system, some of these Christian Zionists and allied pro-israel groups encourage this belief because it builds American support for is Israel’s continued expulsion of Palestinians from their homes and communities.

    Here again it was virtually impossible to find a single U.S. distributor or streaming partner. Many European television networks and Distributors showed the film. However after months and months, no one here in America said yes. And I can say that again, fear of angering pro-Israel pressure groups played a major role in why this film could not find a single American platform, a streaming Network or a distributor.

    •�Thanks: Iris
  176. @WJ

    ‘Nothing in the middle’, of a genocide? What a moral pygmy you are.

  177. @Gerry

    “God is not stupid”.

    God is not stupid because God does not exist. To be stupid one has to exist, but members of species Homo Sapiens really make up for any lack of stupidity and its greatest manifestations are caused by ideologies and religions.

  178. Jay Fink says:

    “Most Americans are against what “israel” is doing in Palestine and Trump will soon know that.”

    I think you are overestimating this sentiment among normie Americans. Unlike everyone else here I side with Israel and am passionately against Palestine and pro-Palestinian protesters. I’m not looking for a debate though. I’m not going to change any minds. I bring this up to tell you that I once believed what you do…that most Americans are pro-Palestine. This was upsetting me until I did some research.

    I looked at the comments on popular mainstream news sites and the vast majority are against the protesters and want the foreign ones kicked out of the country. The typical Trump supporter could not be more pleased “everyday is Christmas” one said. What surprised me is many liberals were also saying this was a rare time they agree with Trump…that these troublemakers need to be kicked out of the country.

    I like this site in general. There are a lot of thought provoking articles but make no mistake this is not a place where normies hang out. The opinions you see here are not what the masses are thinking..

    •�Agree: peterAUS
    •�LOL: NobodyImportant
  179. KenH says:

    Frankly I couldn’t care less about Mahmoud Khalil and others like him. Did Khalil oppose the persecution and prosecution of January 6ers? Has he opposed anti-white hatred and racism at Columbia? If America had a sane immigration policy Mahmoud Khalil and others like him would be in the Middle East where they belong. And Jews would not be welcome in America either.

    What I am concerned about is Donald Trump’s illegal attempts to stamp out “anti-semitism” won’t stop there or stop at immigrants with student visas or green cards. Even if the totally bought and paid for by Jewish supremacist billionaires Trump administration does stop there when far left wing Democrats get back in power (and they will) the war against free speech will shift to native born critics of Israel, the American Jewish lobby and white people who oppose their racial dispossession on a continent founded and build by their ancestors.

    The cowardly and Jew tools at the SCOTUS are likely to uphold orange man’s shameless attacks on the first amendment which will set a very back precedent and empower left wing demagogues to punish their political enemies for speech that they hate.

    •�Agree: peterAUS
  180. Wokechoke says:
    @Hang All Text Drivers

    Right to assembly? It makes absolutely no difference whatsoever if he’s a citizen or a Permanent Resident. He’s entitled to buying a firearm under the second amendment too.

    My guess is that he’s somehow provided material support for terrorism, or at least that’ll be the charge.

    Many of the people involved at the highest level of American politics are Dual US-Israel citizens. An exile like most if not all of these Palestinians, doing street theater and protests is not worthy of such legal scrutiny. Someone ought to check the faculty at Columbia.

    •�Thanks: anarchyst
    •�Replies: @Greta Handel
    , @Wielgus
    , @RobinDC
  181. turtle says: •�Website
    @backwoods bob

    Trump – how tragically wrong he is on Zionism.

    Trump – how tragically [owned] he is on Zionism.

  182. turtle says: •�Website

    Could it be legal to revoke a degree?

    I did not attend Columbia, but did graduate from a prestigious private university in Massachusetts.

    I have certified copies of my own transcript, which state:
    “Awarded the degree of ________, [date]”

    To “revoke” the degree would require memory-holing official transcripts.
    I do not see how this could be possible.
    What are they going to do?
    Hunt down all the certified copies (embossed with seal of the institution) and burn them?
    I think not, comrades.

    •�Thanks: Alden
    •�Replies: @Voltarde
  183. Sarita says:
    @Jay Fink

    “but make no mistake this is not a place where normies hang out.”

    Will that include your Jew rotten ass?

  184. @Wokechoke

    My guess is that he’s somehow provided material support for terrorism, or at least that’ll be the charge.

    Or maybe criminal engagement with Uncle Sam’s foes, like Russiagate or what was ginned up against some fellow Americans a couple years ago?


    Some around here are unconcerned (or craven?) when the targeted are unsympathetic foreigners or oddball black socialists.

    But they’re cheering on a police state that can easily reach them, too.

  185. Alden says:
    @Colin Wright

    I asked Google. Universities can and do if the universities can prove beyond doubt that the person cheated to get the degree. Nothing about revoking or rescinding degrees that were honestly earned.

    If the AMA did anything like that half the foreign doctors that replaced qualified White American men would have their licenses revoked.

    We don’t insist on White American White men Drs just because we’re White Nationalists who want to give jobs to American Whites. But because we don’t want to die or end up disabled for life because of non White foreign Drs who paid someone else to attend medical school and take the exams in their name. Or who did finish med school and pass the license exams but are incompetent.

    Very common practice in the countries those foreign Drs come from. And increasingly in American colleges invaded by non White foreigners and immigrants. Every once in a while there’s a news story about a college teacher who sees a familiar face under a different name in the class. That’s one of the many who will take a class for someone else. It’s how they make money. Plenty of professional licensing exam test takers around too.

    •�Replies: @Colin Wright
  186. skrik says:
    @Moishes dick

    they literally cannot comprehend how they have become willing servants of the anti-christ/Logos

    You have an interesting ‘turn of phrase.’

    I looked up Logos:

    �Theology the Word of God, or principle of divine reason and creative order, identified with the second person of the Trinity incarnate in Jesus Christ

    Hmmm; a bit ‘esoteric’ for [non-believer] me.

    Apropos esoteric, could you please explain what, to those in the forum unfamiliar with “the event-horizon called 110” may be? A fully adequate explication would be nice, thanks in advance. rgds

  187. MarLuc7 says:

    The Legacy of Trump will be forever smeared by his overt capitulation to Israel. He could have been the one. The first President to fix it all. Instead we are all being played by this guy.

    Trump is a Zionist. His grandchildren are being raised Jewish. They are taught the Holocaust Religion. They sit around his dinner table wearing their kippahs. All of his friends in NYC are powerful Zionist Jews. All of his business loans are from Jewish Banks. His entire empire is built with Jew money.

    His biggest Donor is Zionist Miriam Adelson:


    His besty is Benjamin Netanyahu:

    Trump is just another shit turd US President….OWNED by the fucking Zionist. Every aspiring US President will follow Trump’s blueprint.

    The narcissism on full display. What normal human being with the knowledge of the GAZA Genocide of Palestinian children would post such a fucking INSULT????


    I feel like we have all been duped by this guy. The DOGE is a pile of propaganda bullshit. The Epstein files will never be released. No one will ever be prosecuted. The JFK files will be completely redacted. The FED will never be audited.

    Thousands of low level Government employees will be fired. And millions of illegal aliens will be rounded up and deported. This all low hanging, clown show, fruit to keep the MAGA masses distracted. We get to laugh at CNN “reporters” and Democrat Voters…..yeah we won and you lost….nanna…nanna…boo…boo.

    Meanwhile, jewish predation continues…full force without the slightest slowing of corruption.

    All the NGOs that have stolen Billions will go unpunished. Federal Hate Speech laws will be passed. And no future President will ever challenge them. They will be like Affirmative Action laws of the 1970s.

    Nothing will truly change. All Ivy League schools will remain chock full of Jews. The tribal Juggernaut of Black Rock will continue to own and crush everything. Big Pharma will never be held accountable for Covid Murders. Jewish owned Porn Industry will continue to rake in billions.

  188. @DanFromCT

    You might also love Sir John Eccles, a distinguished 20thc neurologist, who defended his belief and other scientists’ belief in God while in the Oxbridge culture of Bertrand Russell and the general atheist environment of that time. His book, The Human Mystery, is really wonderful

    •�Replies: @Wokechoke
  189. @MarLuc7

    Great deal of truth in what you say. Sometimes a crusade or movement will overreach and provoke opposite reactions, thus throttling or shutting down the enterprise. The same could be happening with Doge. Done in a clumsy, callous way, with no PR or detailed explanation, the pushback is severe, with over 60% of Amurkins against it. Well, what do you expect from Boobus Americanus? Subtlety, discernment, critical thinking? Fly me to Planet Pluto.

    America, the land of oafs. I cringe everytime a US general officer tries to explain a world event.

    The personification of the Everyman in America:


    The fate of all mankind is in the hands of fools:

  190. @Felpudinho

    I agree with your general take and overview of the pitfalls of modern society and with it the coming disaster and chaos creating AI and its application of robots to take over all human functions.

    AI itself can replicate Reality so thoroughly and undebatably, that manipulation and control over humans will be complete and opaque.

  191. Colin Wright says: •�Website

    ‘…We don’t insist on White American White men Drs just because we’re White Nationalists who want to give jobs to American Whites…’

    But it would be a good reason if it were the only reason.

    …we have to quit apologizing for making America a nation intended for the benefit of Americans. If the overwhelming majority of doctors are not Americans, that’s something we need to figure out how to change, not something we should accept.

    I was looking at the board of practitioners at my local medical center. Now, this is a town that as of 2010 was over 90% white. Half the faces on that board were Dot Indians. All their credentials may well be deserved and fairly earned. I still don’t like it.

    •�Replies: @anonymous
  192. Notsofast says:

    thank you for your post, my father was a ww2 vet in the pacific, in the philippines. he hated macarthur, for having abandoned his men when he bugged out, leaving them to be captured by the japanese, who then ruthlessly tortured them. his whole “i shall return” schtick, didn’t help the poor souls, who were psychological shattered by the inhumane treatment. my father was stationed there after macarthur’s “glorious return”, where the old queen had to film his triumphant return, wading through the waves multiple times, to make sure they captured his good side.

    my father had to build a road through the jungle, so macarthur could have a house on a hill, from which to look down on his troops. he ended up contracting jungle rot in his finger and toe nails, that could never be cured. my father like your’s, gave me the real story of ww2, he made sure, that i knew, what they taught us in school was a load of bullshit and that it was the russians won the war against the wehrmacht.

    he was not pro war and did not wave the flag, he was opposed to the vietnam war from the beginning. he taught me not to trust the government and told me the only thing that truman ever did right was fire macarthur. that generation that i knew, really were the greatest generation and it’s a shame they are blamed for the ills of this fucked up country today, along with all the boomer bashing they use to divide and conquer us as a people.

    i wish i had spent more time with my father while he was still here but when you’re young it’s hard to understand, they won’t always be here with us in the flesh. he is with me in spirt though and like the tao te ching says, the spirit of the ancestors, carries us forward in this generation.

    •�Agree: Flo
    •�Thanks: DanFromCT
    •�Replies: @werpor
  193. Anonymous[167] •�Disclaimer says:

    Non-citizen Aliens from the Middle East should NOT have free speech in America. Neither side of camel jockies should. Deport them all.

    •�Replies: @anarchyst
    , @Colin Wright
  194. @Jay Fink

    Jay Fink (?) I was not going to respond to your nonsense about “normies” as reflected in the mainstream media but it clearly indicates that you do not understand that said media is dominated or at a minimum heavy influenced by Jews and Jewish money and comments on its articles, which are themselves slanted, are edited and managed by the media itself which means that expressions of support for the Palestinians tend not to appear while sucking up to Israel and the Israel Lobby are all part of the mission to control the world on behalf of the Chosen.

    •�Agree: Sarita, Dutch Abraham
    •�Thanks: Iris
  195. anarchyst says:

    Does this include the American politicians who hold citizenship with israel?

  196. GCM says:

    “What do you make of these Democrat operatives now infiltrating town hall meetings and the like posing as Republicans”

    JFC, no. Just stop. They are citizens from a wide range of political stripes deeply concerned about the machinations of billionaires like Musk who are gaming the system for their own ends. But the easy excuse is to say the people there are “planted”. They are not. Grow the f—- up.

  197. anonymous[363] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Colin Wright

    Nah. Most of the Pajeets buy their diplomas from diploma mills in India. Holds for some other countries, too. A recent news story involved a “doctor” in Germany who had come from Saudi Arabia as a refugee. He was known as Dr. Google, because he had to research every patient’s symptoms on Google.

    Somehow I lucked out when I was assigned a primary care physician at the place I go to for a yearly checkup and and other very rare visits-a white guy from Nebraska who seems to be more than middling competent. As a bonus, he actually seems to care about the state of my health.

    A person who had a female Pajeet doctor told me her doctor was very brusque and did not seem to care if she lived or died. Nice, eh?

    •�Replies: @Alden
  198. Top Lel says:

    You are talling to “rebel yell”. Such a handle likely indicates some sort of american redneck hillbilly who worships trumps and his kike masters. They are not humans anymore and should be treated as such.

    Oh you can you see?
    Shlomo’s cock up your ass!

    •�Replies: @Alden
  199. Colin Wright says: •�Website

    ‘Non-citizen Aliens from the Middle East should NOT have free speech in America. Neither side of camel jockies should. Deport them all.’

    So amend the Constitution.

  200. Saggy says: •�Website
    @24th Alabama

    That isn’t the burning issue, that is theater, the burning issue is …. is the US going to start WW III in Ukraine, or Iran? Here it is in a nutshell –

    •�Thanks: 24th Alabama
    •�Replies: @24th Alabama
  201. Top Lel says:

    Reading through this comment section justifies “huh-white” extermination. This is as tiresome as trying to debunk the Holohoax back then.

    These MIGApede kike lovers can keep giving their masters a big fat blowjob.

    God wills it, they will drown in a lottery of non-Euro immigrants.

  202. Free speech has never actually existed, not even for a brief moment, in America. It has not existed anywhere else, either.

    What people always fail to realize is that having a large list of permitted actions does not constitute freedom. It’s what happens when you perform an action that is not socially acceptable that determines freedom.

    It is easy to believe in freedom if you lack the wisdom to see the truth and the willpower to speak the truth. As soon as you do, you will be swatted down.

    Freedom is only something that only exists in the minds of those who do not test it.

    •�Agree: peterAUS
  203. aspnaz says:

    Israel’s friends (otherwise known as lackeys) have already destroyed free speech in the UK, you cannot even criticise Jews on their websites. I guess that also means that most of the articles on UK sites will avoid anything in the news that could be considered negative to the tribe. You see the same in Russia, Putin has become a Zionist, it is interesting to see him declare his fervent belief in the Holocaust, despite him certainly knowing that it is bullshit. The world is changing, everything is pro Zioniat these days, you have to wonder at what stage Syria was captured by the Zionists and what the future plan is, what with Russia helpfully persuading their BFF Assad to hand over the keys. I guess the Zionists will now make hay as they finally get to build their pipelines to Europe. Zionism is the golden goose foralmost all politicians and billionaires in the west, I wonder how this will turn out for those people who still insist on denying anything is happening.

  204. @Moishes dick

    Blaming Christians for the war crimes of Jews seems to be a theme among many Unz commenters. Zio Christians are poor hillbillies who have no impact on the decisions of the rich and powerful in NYC and DC.

    •�Agree: Wokechoke
  205. gph says:

    Great article, spot-on. I would avoid using “Jewish”, rather “Zionist”. It’s not about Judaism, it’s about Zionism, the racist genocidal ideology that many adhere to, including millions of Christians

    •�Replies: @Sarita
    , @anarchyst
  206. Sarita says:

    “I would avoid using “Jewish”, rather “Zionist”. It’s not about Judaism, it’s about Zionism”.

    I disagree.
    Zionism was born the other day, they have been starting shit for 3.000 years.

    Zionism wasn’t around when they killed Jesus.

    Oh, and by the way, Christ is King. (I say the latter because they are trying to impose that phrase as anti-semitic.)



  207. anarchyst says:

    Respectfully disagree…

    The JEW$ who are protesting the genocides in Gaza and the West Bank have only one thing on their minds–self preservation.

    If JEW$ are finally seen as foreign interests and interlopers withing the country, they will know that the “jig is up” and that they will be exposed and marginalized.

    Judaism itself has to “go away”as it is a bronze-age death cult which has successfully taken over the USA…not good.

    Can judaism be reformed? I think not.

  208. Athena says:

    We need another Fenian Incursion in Canada. Our constitution has been hijacked, ie the parliament has been prorogued (without the required approval of the Governor general and Confidence motion of the majority in Parliament), and Mr Carney took the reins of the government (again without the required approval of the Governor general and Confidence motion of the majority in parliament), so two invalid actions. Carney is now in Europe which is increasingly weaponized and impoverished, probably to continue war against Russia. All media are demonizing the US 24/7, and Protests here are criminalized.


    American Spring? Uphold Freedom of Speech on American Campuses

    ”As George Orwell wrote in 1984: “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

    America’s college students are not rejecting the evidence of their eyes and ears. They see at least 46,000 dead Palestinians, most of them women and children. They know their government is complicit and are demanding an end to the atrocities. That does not make them anti-Semitic—it makes them human.

    They are part of a long American tradition of challenging war and repression. History shows that when governments which try to suppress legitimate protest only fuel greater resistance.”

  209. megoy says:

    The Jews need to be removed and charged $43 TRILLION for both 9/11 and resulting wars AND the 2008 financial crisis. We want our money or we will take pounds of flesh. Anyone including the president who aids and abets the foreign nation of Israel and their attempts at violating our right should be killed as tyrannical enemies within. We want our money back or we will take pounds of flesh!

  210. Blow Joe says:

    In the execution of such a plan, nothing is more essential than that permanent, inveterate antipathies against particular Nations and passionate attachments for others should be excluded; and that in place of them just & amicable feelings towards all should be cultivated. The Nation, which indulges towards another an habitual hatred, or an habitual fondness, is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its interest. Antipathy in one Nation against another19 disposes each more readily to offer insult and injury, to lay hold of slight causes of umbrage, and to be haughty and intractable, when accidental or trifling occasions of dispute occur. Hence frequent collisions, obstinate envenomed and bloody contests. The Nation, prompted by ill will & resentment sometimes impels to War the Government, contrary to the best calculations of policy. The Government sometimes participates in the national propensity, and adopts through passion what reason would reject; at other times, it makes the animosity of the nation subservient to projects of hostility instigated by pride, ambition and other sinister & pernicious motives. The peace often, sometimes perhaps the Liberty, of Nations has been the victim.

    So likewise, a passionate attachment of one Nation for another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favourite nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest, in cases where no real common interest exists, and infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels & Wars of the latter, without adequate inducement or justification: It leads also to concessions to the favourite Nation of priviledges denied to others, which is apt doubly to injure the Nation making the concessions—by unnecessarily parting with what ought to have been retained—& by exciting jealousy, ill will, and a disposition to retaliate, in the parties from whom eql priviledges are withheld: And it gives to ambitious, corrupted, or deluded citizens (who devote themselves to the favourite Nation) facility to betray, or sacrifice the interests of their own country, without odium, sometimes even with popularity; gilding with the appearances of a virtuous sense of obligation a commendable deference for public opinion, or a laudable zeal for public good, the base or foolish compliances of ambition, corruption or infatuation.

    As avenues to foreign influence in innumerable ways, such attachments are particularly alarming to the truly enlightened and independent Patriot. How many opportunities do they afford to tamper with domestic factions, to practice the arts of seduction, to mislead public opinion, to influence or awe the public Councils! Such an attachment of a small or weak, towards a great & powerful Nation, dooms the former to be the satellite of the latter.

    •�Replies: @Colin Wright
  211. Colin Wright says: •�Website

    ‘The Death of Free Speech in America?’

    With literally every passing day, it seems increasingly reasonable to suggest that you delete the question mark.

    See the deported Lebanese surgeon.

  212. anarchyst says:

    Suggestion for protesters at colleges and university (which are about to be outlawed in the uSA)…
    Use the JEW$ own methods against them.
    In the civil-rights protest marches of the 1960s, “passive resistance” was successfully used against a more powerful opponent.
    What every supporter of Palestine should do is obtain and wear a Palestinian keffiyeh while on campus. When the JEW$ see that there are more of us than them, they might just get the message. You will not have to say a word.

  213. werpor says:

    The guys and gals running things these days are none too bright. But people tend to believe those who they presume know best. The thing is these bright sparks are victims of their conditioning. It seldom occurs to them that they have been carefully selected by the process itself. The process tends to screen out those who understand their years in school did not cause a metamorphosis. Base metals are not turned into gold.

    If while going to school a kid is bored and suspects the teachers do not thoroughly understand their subjects the kid loses his respect for him or her. As an example in our schools the gym teachers often taught history. I recall both my grade 7 and grade 8 teachers holding the textbooks up in one hand and copying from the texts.

    The thing was I had been reading since before I can remember. A dog bite kept me home convalescing in the months of the Cuban missiles crisis and the assassination of Kennedy. I watched this stuff on TV. And read about it in the NY Times!

    At the time my dad said to my mother, I vividly recall, that the Jewish mafia did not like being kicked out of Cuba. First I ever heard of the Jewish mafia. I said I thought the mafia were only Italians.

    He said the Italian mafia were sidelined by the Jewish mafia. He said the Jews don’t like competition.

    It’s odd things like that, which impressed me more than I realized when I heard them.

    Well now I realize “of course!” It’s remarks like that, said in an offhand fashion, that convinces.

    Only gradually did I come to understand that my father understood there was always a back story —which as a rule countervailed the conventionally received, promulgated intentionally by those who seek to deceive. Of course it was ever thus!

    Understanding history is not comforting. But it most certainly is better than having your eyes wide shut.

    •�Thanks: Notsofast
  214. @DanFromCT

    Democrats posing as Republicans, you mean like Donald J. Trump?

  215. @MarLuc7

    Is there anything more sickening than these Judeonazis and their charming children posing as their real homeland, Eretz Yisrael, slaughters scores more Gazan children. It reminds me of Goebbels posing with his ‘charming’ children.

  216. @Anon

    The once fledgling pseudo nation of Israel, has grown beyond its original size to encompass every neighboring country under the auspices of the Greater Israel Project. Thanks to the Mosaad-CIA assassinations of JFK & RFK, the insertion of Jewish President LBJ, who covered up Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty in 1967, the escalation of the Vietnam War and endowment of Israel with a nuclear project at Dimona; (one Kennedy fought against under his straightforward nonproliferation policy) and we now see the result. Israel went on to bomb the WTC on 9-11-2021, launch a COVID war that destroyed the American middle class and buy the entire U.S. Congress except for Ron, Ran Paul and Thomas Massie. AIPAC controlled the Biden administration and have now secured the Trump administration under their yolk of international subterfuge. The Jewish lobby have extorted over $37 trillion in bank loans to the Rothschild- controlled Federal Reserve Bank. What else this clannish cabal of narco-bankers have in store for America is plainly written on the faces of Neocons and Neoliberals like Victoria Nuland’s and Hillary Clinton. Miriam Adelson owns Donald Trump lock, stock and barrel. Goodbye to the American dream. It’s now an American nightmare.

    •�Thanks: anarchyst
  217. Colin Wright says: •�Website
    @Blow Joe

    ‘…Such an attachment of a small or weak, towards a great & powerful Nation, dooms the former to be the satellite of the latter.’

    …except in our case, in which our attachment to Israel has apparently doomed the great and powerful to be the satellite of the small and weak.

  218. Voltarde says:

    The irony of ironies.

    7 decades on, scholars to annul Nazi revoking of doctorates

    Times of Israel. 8 January 2015.


    Polish, German academics to denounce the stripping of Jews’ university qualifications during WWII

    WARSAW, Poland (AP) — In a symbolic gesture, Polish and German scholars will condemn the Nazi-era decision by Germany’s former Breslau University to strip some 260 mostly Jewish academics of their doctors’ titles, a spokesman said Thursday.

    Jacek Przygodzki, the spokesman for the southwest Wroclaw University, told The Associated Press that the January 22 ceremony being held with the German University of Cologne aims to condemn political meddling into academic life. The two universities will declare Breslau University’s decision “non-existent,” he said.

    The titles stripped under Adolf Hitler’s reign from 1933 to 1945 were those of Hitler’s critics. Many were of Jewish scholars who taught in the then-German city of Breslau. In total, some 2,000 German scholars were stripped of their degrees.

  219. Alden says:

    You can call your health insurance plan and demand a White American man Dr. We did and got White American men Drs . Current GP is White man German surname 37 years old.

    I say it often and I say it loud.
    I’m a racist and I am proud.

    If there’s a St John’s Providence around see if you can get them. They do practice affirmative action. But only affirmative action not no White Americans need apply.

  220. Alden says:
    @Top Lel

    There’s a real rebel yell recording made in the 1920 on you tube somewhere. It’s not yelling. It’s yip yip yip like the Indians did.

  221. Sarita says:

    I guess after what’s been happening this last 48 hours it should be known 💯% that orange clown Trump is just as Jew pussy whipped as ice cream, retard, sleepy Joe Biden.

    I’ve been looking for that comment above where a guy says something like “er, give Trump a chance, he’s gonna turn on the Jews, eh, just give him time eeehh” to tell him to stfu.

    There is only one last hope I see and that is that the Iranian hard-core military is provoking the US into attacking them so that Mr. Khameney erases the fatwa and then they’ll run a huge nuke test that will make BiBi’s balls go up his ass because more humiliation than this is just impossible.

    Look how Trump is kissing Putin’s ass.
    And it isn’t because he’s good looking but because he got 5000 nukes.

  222. Alden says:

    I know all too well the Muslims are scum. Some of those non humans were planning to kidnap our kids when we were in Italy. Italian police came to our hotel one morning and more or less evacuated us. They drove us to Milano airport we got a flight to Switzerland and then home. Every time I see that name Kevin Barrett on this site I want to rip his head off. What a loser a White man wanted to be a college propagandist soooo much. Became a Muslim to be a diversity hire.

    Has anyone else been getting ads to send money to starving Muslim children so they can have Ramadan meals? I have. I think it’s all this pro Muslim crap on the site. Ron’s even denying that that freak Alex oooga booga who murdered 3 and seriously injured 10 little English girls at a park and rec event is a Muslim.

    Just this morning a “ 26 year old man” rammed his car into a group of Kings College Londen girls killed one another is in critical condition one injured. Not an accident a group of young women students Not men or men and women. Just young women.
    How macho.

    Muslim.men really target women and little girls. And this site us insanely unrealistically pro Muslim. Be anti Jew and anti Israel why be pro Muslim.

  223. Wielgus says:

    I like how the zombie newspapers state basic concepts like SUBMIT…

  224. Gc says:

    If I had “voted” for Trump, this is something I would not forgive him.

  225. @Saggy

    “Burning issue” was sarcasm, Sag.

  226. Wokechoke says:
    @Exile in Paradise

    There are top physicists who also reckon God exists.

    •�Agree: Exile in Paradise
  227. @Alden

    It’s hard to determine whether you are predominately mentally unwell, spiritually evil or moronic-or all of the above. Your Italian ‘story’ is hilariously deranged.

  228. @Anon

    So you’re one of those saying the OTHER side are the “good guys.”


    There is no good guy in this fight. Muslims intend to convert, subjugate (dhimmitude) or kill every human on earth. Jews intend to enslave every human on Earth. To someone who rejects both there is no difference.

    •�Replies: @anarchyst
  229. @Alden

    Sadly, the comment section here has too few non-Muslims; those of us who are, of course, understand that both belief systems are murderous supremacist hot garbage.

  230. anarchyst says:

    Here are jewish teachings on child rape and abuse:
    KETHUBOTH, 11a-11b. “Rabba said, It means (5) this: When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this (6), it is as if one puts the finger in the eye (7), but when a small boy has intercourse with a grown-up woman, he makes her as a girl who is injured by a piece of wood’ “.
    (footnotes) “(5). Lit., `says’. (6) Lit., `here’, that is, less than three years old. (7) Tears come to the eyes, again and again, so does virginity come back to the little girl under three years.”
    So much for jewish morality.
    Judaism is a disease that must be excised from the world.

  231. anarchyst says:

    There is a BIG difference between Islam and judaism.

    Read the jewish Talmud and you will have your answer.

    The hatred of Jesus Christ and Christianity that is spewed in this jewish supremacist text knows no bounds.

    You see, jews operate covertly when it come to their hatred of Christianity as long as the support (shekels) from misguided Christian evangelicals keeps flowing.

    What is never mentioned is jewish hatred of Christians in Israel that is overt, despite misguided evangelical Christians who support jews and Israel. The evangelical Christians who support judaism are misguided to say the least…

    As to Islam, Jesus Christ is looked upon as a great prophet and is accorded respect, while his mother Mary is specifically mentioned on the Qu’ran and is given a position of high honor.

    Contrast that with the jewish Talmud, which declares that Jesus Christ is an apostate’ “boiling in excrement for eternity” while his mother Mary, “is a harlot who conceived Jesus Christ with a Roman soldier”.

    Now, tell me which belief system has a greater respect for Christianity…

    Hint: It isn’t judaism…

  232. Anon[208] •�Disclaimer says:

    IF these clown felt so strongly about the Palestinian people he would be over there (where he belongs) fighting instead of hanging out with (((paid protesters.)))

    First off, Khalil, while Palestinian, is from Syria, not Gaza or the West Bank. So, were he to be deported there who would he fight, besides the rebranded US head choppers in charge there? They might even believe they’d be doing their benefactors a favor by taking off his head.

    Second, even if he were to be deported to Gaza how effective might he be fighting in the face of one of the most technologically advanced and equipped militaries in the world provided by American largesse?

    He could be dead in an hour or a day by quadcopter before ever encountering a single IDF soldier to fight.

    Third, are you completely ignorant to the role that student protests played throughout American college campuses in ending the Apartheid regime in South Africa in the late 1980s?

    This was the non violent political model the Palestinians hoped would put pressure on Israel to finally grant them their natural rights. So, perhaps he surmised it would be a more effective method of fighting, by protesting them here in the belly of the beast, rather than there, ineffectively facing them in the middle of the pulverised rubble in Gaza.

    Lastly, Khalil is a human being regardless your implied denigration of that. He entered the country legally, studied hard and earned a Masters degree, got married to his wife a US national, and is expecting their first child. By any rational metric, he has a right to life, not a Syrian death sentence.

    •�Replies: @NobodyImportant
  233. RobinDC says:

    Someone ought to check the faculty at Columbia.
    Start with this one:

    This was Alan MacLeod’s piece under the headline, “Professor at Center of Columbia University Deportation Scandal Is Former Israeli Spy.”

  234. @Anon

    There are a lot of “legals” here, and quite frankly I could care less if they follow the laws, have degrees…I miss the days when the U.S. actually looked like an American country and not a nation full of people from every fucking where else living here. My entire neighborhood is full of “legals” all of them Muslims. And not an ounce of goddamn English spoken among any of them. Having a lot of legals in your country is no better than having a lot of illegals there. Walking around seeing people protesting with Palestinian flags and shit…Looks so damn unAmerican too me. Even I wouldn’t go to another country and do some shit like that even if I were legally allowed to do it. I see Mexicans who like to do this same stuff, fly their flag in another country. When I was looking at the protest footage, I didn’t see not one goddamn American flag. The flags were either Izzy flags or Palestinian flags and that was during the NY Protest Clash between supporters of both sides.

  235. ltlee1 says:

    “There are a lot of “legals” here, and quite frankly I could care less if they follow the laws, have degrees…I miss the days when the U.S. actually looked like an American country…”

    1. Agree that legals or not is nothing but writing on a piece of paper which became law, if that is your point. At the same time, are there really a God or Gods divining what piece of land belongs to which people, forever and ever?

    Vatican had issued a few “Doctrine of Occupation” which enabled Europeans to take Native land. If a piece of land was not occupied by White Christians, it was considered empty. Killed the natives and/or enslaved them as needed. Similarly, the US government had written laws to allow legal immigration from various part of the world to make Americans wealthy and America Great.

    2. No matter how one misses his/her past days, the past is the past, it won’t come back. 2025 is not 1625 or 1725.

  236. ltlee1 says:

    “There are a lot of “legals” here, and quite frankly I could care less if they follow the laws, have degrees…I miss the days when the U.S. actually looked like an American country…”

    1. Agree that legals or not is nothing but writing on a piece of paper which became law of the land, if that is your point. At the same time, are there really a God or Gods divining what piece of land belongs to which people, forever and ever?

    Vatican had issued a few “Doctrine of Discovery” which enabled Europeans to take Native land. If a piece of land was not occupied by Christians, it was considered empty and discovered by Christians. Killed the natives and/or enslaved them as needed. Similarly, the US government had written laws to allow legals from various part of the world to make Americans wealthy and America Great.

    2. No matter how one misses his/her past days, the past is the past, it won’t come back. 2025 is not 1625 or 1725.

  237. ltlee1 says:

    Even I wouldn’t go to another country and do some shit like that even if I were legally allowed to do it.


    Some of America’s problem is its “holier-than-thou” complex, ranged from individual human rights activist, human rights organizations which form a cottage industry, journalists, and of course, politicians. They all love to criticize other country concerning their supposedly human rights violations.

    However, former President Kennedy’s most memorable phrase was “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” Yet all those “holier-than-thous” want other nations to do something to please them. By making such demands, they arrogate themselves over the citizens and residences of other nations.

    My point, if you do go to other nations and live as a Long Term resident, please speak up and speak out. It is your right and your responsibility, like your citizen neighbors. And you are contributing to the country you are residing.

  238. ltlee1 says:

    The title reads

    The Death of Free Speech in America.

    Actually, the US has a democracy problem. The government is the interface between the people and other countries. It should represent the people and their collective will to other countries as much as possible.

    To be sure, the government Does Not Have to Agree with the people. But then it must inform the people on why they were wrong. And in what way, the government’s current approach is better for short term and/or long term interest. In short, it has to explain its policy, regarding excessive killing in Gaza, as soon as possible.

  239. Anon[208] •�Disclaimer says:

    To the author. Mr Giraldi, with apologies and all due respect, were you drunk when you edited this otherwise fine and important article?
    Please don’t get me wrong, I (we) love you Phil for your no holds barred and courageous stance in illustrating the myriad perversions imposed on American governance by our slavish devotion to propping up the Apartheid State, but certain textural mistakes make reading this piece less than properly effective, and at points, unreadable.

    This bit for instance:

    culminated in his signing a new state law that inter alia exploits the “hate” mechanism to criminalize nearly all criticism or even skepticism regarding Israeli apartheid, of the co-called holocaust narrative, or of the behavior of Jewish groups and individuals. At the signing, DeSantis boasted how the legislation was very clearly about protecting Israel, arguing that rejecting “Israel’s right to exist is antisemitism,” which is the line that prevails among both Democratic and Republican politicians

    Might that read: … to criminalize nearly all criticism of Israeli apartheid, or even skepticism, of the so-called holocaust narrative … (???)

    The quotation marks around “Israel’s right to exist is antisemitism,” omits the preceeding verb “rejecting”, and makes the following subjective statement confusing at best and indecipherable at worst, because American politicians surely do not consider “Israel’s right to exist is antisemetism.”

    Sorry to quible, but I send these articles on to other folks who have only vague awareness of Israel/Palestinian issues, generally thinking that most Palestinians are, at best, terrorist adjacent, and that Israel’s actions are justifiable and entirely defensive; nor do they have any awareness of Zionism’s deliterious effect on American governance. So I send them on in effort to illuminate and persuade them that our obsequious devotion to the Zionist State perverts our values, and degrades the entire culture.

    Continuing; this part quoted below, which I believe is one of the more important points (and would be illuminating) if not for some confusing typos(?) in editing:

    At heart, both were and are First Amendment free speech issues and both rely on a White House presumption that because it names someone as a “threat” it has to provide no evidence that that is actually the case. And there in the Israel exception rule in place that allows the Jewish state to avoid any consequences for its actions. Any and all “free speech” which is critical of or offensive to the foreign nation to which most American politicians and much of the fawning mainstream American media owe their primary allegiance clearly is considered outside the pale of acceptable behavior, even when supportive of every value and principle to which US governments have hypocritically claimed to adhere.

    “And there in the Israel exception rule in place that allows the Jewish State to avoid any consequences …”(???)

    Might that read: And therein is the Israel exception rule that allows the Jewish State to avoid consequences. (???) OR: And there is the Jewish exception rule in place that allows the Jewish State …

    Again, sorry to nitpick, but the meaning, as written, is about as clear as mud.


  240. David Martin says: •�Website

    This is the dedication page of my book, The Assassination of James Forrestal:

    To Alfred M. Lilienthal, the brave and principled man whose positive reaction to the first installment of “Who Killed James Forrestal?” in 2002 encouraged me to continue my quest for truth in the case and to P.A. Leonard, Deputy Director, (Claims, Investigations and Tort Litigation), of the U.S. Navy’s Judge Advocate General’s office who sent me the Navy’s official inquiry into Forrestal’s death in 2004. That inquiry, which I dubbed the Willcutts Report after Admiral Morton D. Willcutts, the head of the National Naval Medical Center who appointed the review panel, had been kept secret for 55 years.

    See https://www.unz.com/article/fifteen-years-before-kennedy-zionists-murdered-forrestal/?lang=undefined for a thorough explanation of the importance of the book’s revelations.

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