RPH 2016 English Year 3

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Date 4 January 2016

Day Monday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 6

Time 10:35 – 11:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 1 : Things I Do

L. Standard 1.1.1, 1.1.4, 1.2.1 (e)

L. Outcomes - Able to speak with correct word stress

- Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance
- Able to participate in daily conversations :
(e) talk about oneself

Activities 1. Teacher guide pupils to look and say about the pictures in the
2. Teacher describe each pictures to the pupils.
3. Next, teacher ask pupils about their daily activities and pupils
4. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 1).
5. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook

EE Thinking Skills


Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :
Date 5 January 2016

Day Tuesday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 6

Time 9:05 – 10:05

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 1 : Things I Do

L. Standard 1.1.1,1.2.1 (e)

L. Outcomes - Able to speak with correct word stress

- Able to participate in daily conversations :
(e) talk about oneself

Activities 1. Teacher guide pupils to listen and say about the pictures in the
2. Teacher use the face of a clock. Next, get one pupil to show the
time and the others to answer.
3. Pupils work with a friend to ask and answer refering to the
dialogue given.
4. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 2).
5. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook

EE Contextual Learning


Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :
Date 7 January 2016

Day Thursday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 6

Time 9:05 – 10:05

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 1 : Things I Do

L. Standard 1.1.1,1.2.1 (e)

L. Outcomes - Able to speak with correct word stress

- Able to participate in daily conversations :
(e) talk about oneself

Activities 1. Teacher guide pupils to listen and say about the pictures in the
2. Teacher guide pupils to read the dialogue.
3. Next, teacher ask the pupils to draw a weekly planner and talk
about the activities.
4. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 3).
5. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook and A4 paper

EE Values and Citizenship


Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :
Date 8 January 2016

Day Friday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 6

Time 9:20 – 10:20

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 1 : Things I Do

L. Standard 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 1.2.1 (e)

L. Outcomes - Able to read and understand phrases and sentences in linear and non
linear texts
- Able to read and understand simple and compound sentences
- Able to participate in daily conversations :
(e) talk about oneself

Activities 1. Teacher guide pupils to read the sentences in the textbook.

2. Teacher explain the meaning of the sentences.
3. Next, teacher ask the pupils some question based on the
sentences and pupils respond.
4. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 5).
5. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook

EE Values and Citizenship


Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :
Date 13 January 2016

Day Wednesday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 6

Time 10:35 – 11:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 1 : Things I Do

L. Standard 2.2.2, 2.2.4

L. Outcomes - Able to read and understand phrases and sentences in linear and non
linear texts
- Able to read and understand a paragraph with simple and compound

Activities 1. Teacher guide pupils to read the paragraph in the textbook.

2. Teacher explain the meaning of the paragraph.
3. Next, the pupils tick their answer based on the statement given.
4. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 5).
5. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook

EE Multiple Intelligences


Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :
Date 15 January 2016

Day Friday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 6

Time 9:20 – 10:20

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 1 : Things I Do

L. Standard 3.1.1 (a), 3.2.1 (a), 3.2.2 (a),

L. Outcomes - Able to write in neat legible print with correct spelling :

(a) phrases
- Able to complete :
(a) linear texts
- Able to write with guidance :
(a) simple sentences

Activities 1. Teacher guide pupils to read the sentences in table.

2. Teacher teach to write in a paragraph.
3. Next, the pupils fill the blank space with answer.
4. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 6).
5. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :
Date 18 January 2016

Day Monday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 6

Time 10:35 – 11:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 1 : Things I Do

L. Standard 5.1.1 (a) (b)

L. Outcomes - Able to use nouns correctly and appropriately :

(a) common nouns
(b) proper nouns

Activities 1. Teacher introduce common and proper nouns and give some
2. Teacher guide pupils to practise using the nouns by refer to the
3. Next, the pupils do practise in the textbook.
4. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 7 & 8).
5. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :
Date 19 January 2016

Day Tuesday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 11:35 – 12:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 1 : Things I Do

L. Standard 4.1.2, 4.3.2 (b)

L. Outcomes - Able to sing action songs, recite jazz chants and poems with correct
pronounciation, rhythm and intonation
- Able to perform with guidance based on
(b) poems

Activities 1. Teacher guide pupils to recite the poems.

2. The pupils substitute the words in colour with other activities and
3. Next, the pupils present their work.
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook

EE Creativity and Innovation


Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :
Date 22 January 2016

Day Friday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 7:35 – 8:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 2 : Being Healthy

L. Standard 1.1.1, 1.1.4

L. Outcomes - Able to speak with correct word stress

- Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance

Activities 1. Teacher guide pupils to look and say the pictures in textbook.
2. Teacher get the pupils to name and describe traditional food they
eat at home.
3. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 9).
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :
Date 25 January 2016

Day Monday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 8:05 – 9:05

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 2 : Being Healthy

L. Standard 1.2.1 (e), 1.3.1 (a)(b)

L. Outcomes - Able to participate in daily conversations :

(e) talk about oneself
- Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by :
(a) asking simple Wh-Questions
(b) answering simple Wh-Questions

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to talk about the food they would like for
breakfast, lunch and dinner.
2. Teacher introduce the concept of a balanced diet and relate the
effects of too much fat in the diet with obesity.
3. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 10).
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook

EE Contextual Learning


Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 26 January 2016

Day Tuesday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 11:35 – 12:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 2 : Being Healthy

L. Standard 1.1.4, 1.3.1 (a)(b)

L. Outcomes - Able to talk about stimulus with guidance

- Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by :
(a) asking simple Wh-Questions
(b) answering simple Wh-Questions

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to look and say about what you should
eat/drink more and less.
2. Teacher initiate a discussion on what happens if the pupils do not
eat well or exercise.
3. Next, teacher introduce the concept of obesity and the effects of
being obese.
4. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 13).
5. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook

EE Thinking Skills


Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 27 January 2016

Day Wednesday
Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 11:35 – 12:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 2 : Being Healthy

L. Standard 2.3.1 (b), 1.1.1, 3.2.3 (b)

L. Outcomes - Able to read for information and enjoyment with guidance :

(b) non-fiction
- Able to speak with correct word stress
- Able to punctuate correctly :
(b) comma

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to read the dialogue in textbook.

2. Next, the pupils cut out labels from food packages and say the
source of the food (plants, trees or animals).
3. Then, the pupils make a scrapbook, stating the source of the food.
Teacher highlight the usage of the comma.
4. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 11 & 13).
5. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook & food packages



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 28 January 2016

Day Thursday

Class Year 3
No. of pupils 7

Time 7:05 – 8:05

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 2 : Being Healthy

L. Standard 2.3.1 (b), 2.2.1 (b)

L. Outcomes - Able to read for information and enjoyment with guidance :

(b) non-fiction
- Able to apply word attack skills by :
(b) identify words similar in meaning

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to read the notice in textbook.

2. Next, the pupils answer few question about the notice.
3. Teacher explain the sentence “You are what you eat” and “Good
health begins with you”.
4. Then, the pupils make a poster on how to stay healthy.
5. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook & drawing paper



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 29 January 2016

Day Friday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7
Time 7:35 – 8:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 2 : Being Healthy

L. Standard 3.2.2 (a)(b), 1.1.4, 3.3.1 (b)

L. Outcomes - Able to write with guidance :

(a) simple sentences
(b) compound sentences
- Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance
- Able to create simple texts using a variety of media with guidance :
(b) linear

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to read the sentences in textbook.

2. Next, teacher ask the pupils to replace the coloured words with
suitable responses.
3. Then, the pupils write texts about what you do to stay healthy.
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook

EE Thinking Skills


Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 1 February 2016

Day Monday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 8:05 – 9:05

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 2 : Being Healthy

L. Standard 5.1.1 (c)(d)

L. Outcomes - Able to use nouns correctly and appropriately :

(c) singular nouns
(d) plural nouns

Activities 1. Teacher introduce singular and plural nouns and give some
2. Teacher guide pupils to practise using the nouns by refer to the
3. Next, teacher get the pupils to name the objects in the classroom
and give the plural form of the words.
4. Then, the pupils do practise in the textbook.
5. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 14).
6. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook & word cards



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 15 February 2016

Day Monday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 8:05 – 9:05

Duration 1 hour
Subject English

Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 2 : Being Healthy

L. Standard 4.3.2 (b), 1.1.3

L. Outcomes - Able to perform with guidance based on :

(b) poems
- Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes, tongue twisters and sing
songs paying attention to pronounciation, rhythm and intonation.

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to recite the poems.

2. Next, teacher ask the pupils to find and name fruits or vegetables
according to the letters of the alphabet.
3. Then, the pupils recite it.
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 16 February 2016

Day Tuesday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 11:35 – 12:35

Duration 1 hour
Subject English

Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 3 : My Cousins, My Neighbour

L. Standard 1.1.4

L. Outcomes - Able to talk about a timulus with guidance

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to look and say about the picture in
2. Next, teacher ask the pupils what they see in the picture.
3. Then, the pupils respond to the question.
4. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 15).
5. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook

EE Values and Citizenship


Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 17 February 2016

Day Wednesday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 11:35 – 12:35

Duration 1 hour
Subject English

Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 3 : My Cousins, My Neighbour

L. Standard 1.1.1, 1.2.1 (f)

L. Outcomes - Able to speak with correct word stress

- Able to participate in daily conversations :
(f) introduce family members and friends

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to listen and say about Zarif’s family tree.
2. Next, teacher ask the pupils based on the family tree.
3. Then, the pupils respond to the question.
4. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 16).
5. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 19 February 2016

Day Friday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 7:35 – 8:35

Duration 1 hour
Subject English

Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 3 : My Cousins, My Neighbour

L. Standard 1.2.1 (f)

L. Outcomes - Able to participate in daily conversations :

(f) introduce family members and friends

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to listen and say about the dialogue between
Zarif and Emir.
2. Next, teacher ask the pupils to act out the dialogue with friends.
3. Then, the pupils practise using other forms of introductions and
4. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 17).
5. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook

EE Values and Citizenship


Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 22 February 2016

Day Monday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 8:05 – 9:05

Duration 1 hour
Subject English

Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 3 : My Cousins, My Neighbour

L. Standard 1.3.1 (c), 2.2.2, 2.2.3

L. Outcomes - Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by :

(c) giving True/False replies
- Able to read and understand phrases and sentences in linear and non-
linear texts.
- Able to read and understand simple and compound sentences.

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to read the sentence in textbook.

2. Next, teacher ask True or False question.
3. Then, the pupils respond.
4. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 18).
5. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 23 February 2016

Day Tuesday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 11:35 – 12:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English
Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 3 : My Cousins, My Neighbour

L. Standard 2.2.2, 2.3.1 (a)

L. Outcomes - Able to read and understand phrases and sentences in linear and non-
linear texts.
- Able to read for information and enjoyment with guidance :
(a) fiction

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to read the letter sentence in textbook.
2. Next, teacher ask question based on the sentence.
3. Then, the pupils respond.
4. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 19).
5. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 24 February 2016

Day Wednesday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 11:35 – 12:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English
Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 3 : My Cousins, My Neighbour

L. Standard 3.3.1 (b)

L. Outcomes - Able to create simple texts using a variety of media with guidance :
(b) linear

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to read the paragraph in textbook.

2. Next, teacher guide the pupils to write a paragraph.
3. Then, the pupils do the writting.
4. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 20).
5. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 25 February 2016

Day Thursday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 7:05 – 8:05

Duration 1 hour

Subject English
Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 3 : My Cousins, My Neighbour

L. Standard 5.1.2 (a)

L. Outcomes - Able to use pronouns correctly and appropriately :

(a) personal

Activities 1. Teacher introduce pronouns and give some examples.

2. Next, teacher guide pupils to practise using the pronouns by refer
to the textbook.
3. Then, the pupils do practise in the textbook.
4. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 21).
5. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 26 February 2016

Day Friday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 7:35 – 8:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English
Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 3 : My Cousins, My Neighbour

L. Standard 4.1.1, 4.3.2 (b)(c)

L. Outcomes - Able to enjoy action songs, jazz chants and poems through nonverbal
- Able to perform with guidance based on :
(b) poems
(c) action songs

Activities 1. Teacher teach the pupils the new vocabulary e.g. slim, shy before
introducing the song.
2. Next, the pupils take turns to role-play as Uncle Putra, Aunt Maria,
Emir and Mia while the rest of the class sings to them.
3. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 22).
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook

EE Multiple Intelligences


Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 29 February 2016

Day Monday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 8:05 – 9:05

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 4 : People Around Me

L. Standard 1.1.4

L. Outcomes - Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to look and say the occupation inside the
2. Next, the pupils name other occupations they know.
3. Then, teacher get the pupils to say why some people wear uniforms
while others do not.
4. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 23).
5. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook

EE Entrepreneurship


Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 1 March 2016

Day Tuesday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 11:35 – 12:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 4 : People Around Me

L. Standard 1.1.3, 1.2.1 (e)(f)

L. Outcomes - Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes, tongue twisters and sing
paying attention to pronounciation, rhythm and intonation
- Able to participate in daily conversations :
(e) talk about oneself
(f) introduce family members and friends

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to listen and say the poem ‘People Around’.
2. Next, the pupils say what their parents, family members and
neighbours do.
3. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 24).
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 2 March 2016

Day Wednesday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 11:35 – 12:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 4 : People Around Me

L. Standard 1.2.1 (e), 1.3.1 (a)(b)

L. Outcomes - Able to participate in daily conversations :
(e) talk about oneself
- Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by :
(a) asking simple Wh-Questions
(b) answering simple Wh-Questions

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to listen and say.

2. Next, the pupils say what they would like to be and why?
3. Then, the pupils say what their friend would like to be and why?
4. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 25).
5. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 7 March 2016

Day Monday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 8:05 – 9:05

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 4 : People Around Me

L. Standard 5.1.2 (b), 1.3.1 (a)(b)

L. Outcomes - Able to use pronouns correctly and appropriately :

(b) demonstrative
- Able to listen to and demonstrate, understanding of oral texts by :
(a) asking simple Wh-Questions
(b) answering simple Wh-Questions

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to listen and say.

2. Next, the pupils practise the use of demonstrative pronouns by
using objects related to occupations.
3. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 26).
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 8 March 2016

Day Tuesday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 11:35 – 12:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 4 : People Around Me

L. Standard 2.2.4, 3.2.1 (b)

L. Outcomes - Able to read and understand a paragraph with simple and compound
- Able to complete :
(b) non-linear texts

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to listen and say.

2. Next, the pupils read and understand a paragraph with simple and
compound sentences.
3. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 26).
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 9 March 2016

Day Wednesday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 11:35 – 12:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 4 : People Around Me

L. Standard 2.2.3, 3.2.1 (a), 3.2.2 (c)

L. Outcomes - Able to read and understand simple and compound sentences

- Able to complete :
(a) linear texts
- Able to write with guidance :
(c) questions

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to read the dialogue in textbook.

2. Next, the pupils complete the dialogue with question words.
3. Then, the pupils ask and write about the occupations of their
friends’ parents.
4. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 28).
5. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook

EE Multiple Intelligences


Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 10 March 2016

Day Thursday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 7:05 –8:05

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 4 : People Around Me

L. Standard 5.1.2 (b)

L. Outcomes - Able to use pronouns correctly and appropriately :

(b) demonstrative
Activities 1. Teacher introduce demonstrative pronouns and give some
2. Next, teacher guide pupils to practise using the demonstrative
pronouns by refer to the textbook.
3. Then, the pupils do practise in the textbook.
4. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 24).
5. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 11 March 2016

Day Friday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 7:35 –8:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 4 : People Around Me

L. Standard 4.3.2 (c)

L. Outcomes - Able to perform with guidance based on :

(c) action songs
Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to sing together.
2. Next, teacher prepare picture cards on occupations.
3. Then, pupil A asks the question and pupil B picks the
corresponding card and responds.
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 21 March 2016

Day Monday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 8:05 –9:05

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 5 : Having Fun

L. Standard 1.1.3, 1.1.4

L. Outcomes - Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes, tongue twisters and sing
songs paying attention to pronounciation, rhythm and intonation
- Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance
Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to listen and say together.
2. Next, teacher asking question and pupils respond.
3. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 24).
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook

EE Contextual Learning


Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 22 March 2016

Day Tuesday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 11:35 –12:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 5 : Having Fun

L. Standard 1.2.1 (e), 1.3.1 (a)(b)

L. Outcomes - Able to participate in daily conversations :

(e) talk about oneself
- Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by :
(a) asking simple Wh-Questions
(b) answering simple Wh-Questions
Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to talk with dialogue.
2. Next, pupil say what their like to play.
3. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 30).
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 23 March 2016

Day Wednesday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 11:35 –12:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 5 : Having Fun

L. Standard 1.2.1 (e)

L. Outcomes - Able to participate in daily conversations :

(e) talk about oneself

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils toname and describe the activities/games in
the album.
2. Next, pupil ask their friends what they like or do not like to do.
3. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 24 March 2016

Day Thursday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 7:05 –8:05

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 5 : Having Fun

L. Standard 2.2.2, 2.2.1 (a), 3.2.3 (a)

L. Outcomes - Able to read and understand phrases and sentences in linear and non-
linear texts
- Able to apply word attack skills by :
(a) grouping words according to word categories
- Able to punctuate correctly :
(a) exclamation mark
Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to read.
2. Next, teacher explain and demonstrate how an exclamation mark is
3. Then, the pupils take turns to role-play the dialogues.
4. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 32).
5. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 25 March 2016

Day Friday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 7:35 –8:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 5 : Having Fun

L. Standard 2.2.4, 2.3.1 (a)

L. Outcomes - Able to read and understand a paragraph with simple and compound
- Able to read for information and enjoyment with guidance :
(a) fiction

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to read.

2. Next, the pupils copy the table in their exercise books.
3. Then, they ask their friends what they like and do not like to do.
4. The pupils present their findings in the classroom.
5. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 33).
6. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 28 March 2016

Day Monday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 8:05 –9:05

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 5 : Having Fun

L. Standard 3.2.2 (a)

L. Outcomes - Able to write with guidance :

(a) simple sentences

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to read.

2. Next, the pupils copy the table in their exercise books.
3. Then, they ask their friends what they like and do not like to do.
4. The pupils present their findings in the classroom.
5. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 33).
6. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 29 March 2016

Day Tuesday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 11:35 –12:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 5 : Having Fun

L. Standard 5.1.2 (c), 1.1.3

L. Outcomes - Able to use pronouns correctly and appropriately :

(c) possessive
- Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes, tongue twisters and sing
paying attention to pronounciation, rhythm and intonation

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to learn possesive pronouns.

2. Next, teacher teach the pupils how to differentiate between a
possesive adjective and a pronoun.
3. Then, the pupils substitute and practise using other pronouns.
4. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 35).
5. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 30 March 2016

Day Wednesday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 11:35 –12:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Self/Family And Friends

Topic Unit 5 : Having Fun

L. Standard 4.3.1 (b)

L. Outcomes - Able to produce simple creative works with guidance based on :

(b) poems

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to recite poems.

2. Next, the pupils substitute the coloured words with the names of
their friends and activities/games they like.
3. Then, the pupils present their work in the classroom.
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.
Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 31 March 2016

Day Thursday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 7:05 –8:05

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 6 : Pet’s World

L. Standard 1.1.4, 1.2.1 (e)

L. Outcomes - Able to talk about stimulus with guidance

- Able to participate in daily conversations :
(e) talk about oneself

Activities 1. Teacher ask the pupils to name the animals in the picture.
2. Next, teacher get the pupils to name other animals they can or
cannot keep as pets and say why.
3. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 37).
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.
Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 1 April 2016

Day Friday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 7:35 –8:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 6 : Pet’s World

L. Standard 1.1.3, 1.3.1 (b)

L. Outcomes - Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes, tongue twisters and sing
paying attention to pronounciation, rhythm and intonation
- Able to listen to and demonstrate, understanding of oral texts by :
(b) answering simple Wh-Questions

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to listen and say.

2. Next, pupils work with a friend to answer the question about the
3. Then, teacher ask some questions and pupils respond.
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.
Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 11 April 2016

Day Monday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 8:05 –9:05

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 6 : Pet’s World

L. Standard 1.3.1 (a)(b)

L. Outcomes - Able to listen to and demonstrate, understanding of oral texts by :

(a) asking simple Wh-Questions
(b) answering simple Wh-Questions

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to talk.

2. Next, pupils work with a friend to answer the question about the
3. Then, teacher ask some questions and pupils respond.
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 12 April 2016

Day Tuesday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 10:35 –11:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 6 : Pet’s World

L. Standard 2.2.3

L. Outcomes - Able to read and understand simple and compound sentences

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to read.

2. Next, teacher ask the pupils how they would look after their pets.
Teacher start a discussion on why we need to look after our pets
3. Then, teacher introduce the concept of caring for animals.
4. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 39).
5. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook

EE Values and Citizenship


Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 13 April 2016

Day Wednesday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 9:05 –10:05

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 6 : Pet’s World

L. Standard 2.2.4, 2.3.1(b), 2.2.5

L. Outcomes - Able to read and understand a paragraph with simple and compound
- Able to read for information and enjoyment with guidance :
(b) non-fiction
- Able to apply dictionary skills to locat words.
Activities 1. Teacher guide the pupils to complete the life cycle of the frog
using the diagram.
2. Next, teacher encourage the pupils to use a dictionary to find the
meaning of words.
3. Then, teacher get the pupils to go online and download information
about other animals. They present it in the classroom.
4. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 40).
5. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.
Teaching Aids Textbook

EE Information and Communication Technology Skills


Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 14 April 2016

Day Thursday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 10:35 –11:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 6 : Pet’s World

L. Standard 3.2.2 (a)(b)

L. Outcomes - Able to write with guidance :

(a) simple sentences
(b) compound sentences
Activities 1. Teacher guide the pupils to write a report.
2. Next, teacher ask the pupils if they have pets and they describe the
pets they have.
3. Then, teacher ask the pupils what pet they would like to have. The
pupils get pictures of the animals and describe them.
4. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 41).
5. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook


Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 15 April 2016

Day Friday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 9:20 –10:20

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 6 : Pet’s World

L. Standard 5.1.3 (a)

L. Outcomes - Able to use verbs correctly and appropriately :

(a) reguar verbs
Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to learn verbs.
2. Next, teacher explain what verbs are.
3. Then, teacher ask the pupils to identify verbs or action words in the
4. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 42).
5. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook


Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 18 April 2016

Day Monday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 11:35 –12:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 6 : Pet’s World

L. Standard 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.3.2 (c), 4.3.1 (c)

L. Outcomes - Able to enjoy action songs, jazz chants and poems through nonverbal
- Able to sing action songs, recite jazz chants and poems with correct
pronounciation, rhythm and intonation
- Able to perform with guidance based on :
(c) action songs
- Able to produce simple creative works with guidance based on :
(c) action songs

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to sing and act.

2. Next, the pupils substitute the words in bold with suitable words.
3. Then, teacher get the pupils to make masks and role-play/perform
the song.
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook

EE Multiple Intelligences


Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 19 April 2016

Day Tuesday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 10:35 –11:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 7 : From the Sea

L. Standard 1.1.4, 1.3.1 (a)(b)

L. Outcomes - Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance

- Able to listen to and demonstrate, understanding of oral texts by :
(a) answering simple Wh-Questions
(b) asking simple Wh-Questions

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to name the equipment people use to catch
2. Next, teacher get the pupils to find out how fish is packed and sent
to the market..
3. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook


Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 20 April 2016

Day Wednesday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 9:05 –10:05

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 7 : From the Sea

L. Standard 1.3.1 (a)(b)

L. Outcomes - Able to listen to and demonstrate, understanding of oral texts by :

(a) answering simple Wh-Questions
(b) asking simple Wh-Questions

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to talk based on the dialogue in the
2. Next, teacher ask some question. Pupils respond it.
3. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 44).
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook


Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 21 April 2016

Day Thursday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 10:35 –11:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 7 : From the Sea

L. Standard 1.1.4, 1.3.1 (a)(b)

L. Outcomes - Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance

- Able to listen to and demonstrate, understanding of oral texts by :
(a) answering simple Wh-Questions
(b) asking simple Wh-Questions

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to talk based on the picture in the textbook.
2. Next, teacher ask some question. Pupils respond it.
3. Then, teacher get the pupils to surf the internet and find out how
people catch fish around the world. The pupils download the
pictures and share with their friends.
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook

EE Information and Communication Technology Skills

Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 22 April 2016

Day Friday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 9:20 –10:20

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 7 : From the Sea

L. Standard 2.2.2, 2.2.5 (a)(b)

L. Outcomes - Able to read and understand phrases and sentences in linear and non-
linear texts.
- Able to apply dictionary skills to locate words :
(a) entry points
(b) exit points

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to read the menu in the textbook.
2. Next, teacher ask some question. Pupils respond it.
3. Then, teacher get the pupils to use a dictionary or go online to find
the maning of the words.
4. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 45).
5. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook


Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 3 May 2016

Day Tuesday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 10:35 –11:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 7 : From the Sea

L. Standard 2.2.4, 2.2.1(c), 2.3.1(b)

L. Outcomes - Able to read and understand a paragraph with simple and compound
- Able to apply word attack skills by :
(c) identifying words opposite in meaning
- Able to read for information and enjoyment with guidance :
(b) non-fiction

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to read the fun facts.

2. Next, teacher ask some question. Pupils respond it.
3. Then, teacher get the pupils to surf the Internet and find out about
the largest and the smallest sea creatures. They share the
information with the class.
4. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 46).
5. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook

EE Information and Communication Technology Skills, Knowledge

Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 4 May 2016

Day Wednesday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 9:05 –10:05

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 7 : From the Sea

L. Standard 3.1.1 (a)(b), 3.2.2 (a)(b)

L. Outcomes - Able to write in neat legible print with correct spelling :

(a) phrases
(b) simple sentences
- Able to write with guidance
(a) simple sentences
(b) compound sentences

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to surf the internet.

2. Next, teacher encourage the pupils to download pictures of sea
creatures and write explanations about the creatures.
3. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 47).
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook

EE Information and Communication Technology Skills, Knowledge

Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 6 May 2016

Day Friday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 9:20–10:20

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 7 : From the Sea

L. Standard 5.1.3 (b)

L. Outcomes - Able to use verbs correctly and appropriately :

(b) simple present tense

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to learn simple present tense.

2. Next, teacher give some example of simple present tense.
3. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 48).
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook


Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 9 May 2016

Day Monday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 11:35 –12:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 7 : From the Sea

L. Standard 4.3.2 (a), 4.3.1 (a)

L. Outcomes - Able to perform with guidance based on :

(a) jazz chants
- Able to produce simple creative works with guidance based on :
(b) jazz chants

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to recite and act out the chant.
2. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook


Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 10 May 2016

Day Tuesday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 10:35 –11:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Story

Topic Unit 8 : It’s Story Time

L. Standard 1.1.4

L. Outcomes - Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to look and say.

2. Next, teacher ask few questions and pupils respond.
3. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :
Date 11 May 2016

Day Wednesday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 9:05 –10:05

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Story

Topic Unit 8 : It’s Story Time

L. Standard 1.1.4

L. Outcomes - Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to look and say.

2. Next, teacher ask the pupils to bring their favourite storybooks.
3. Then, teacher ask Wh-Questions about the book cover.
4. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 49).
5. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :
Date 12 May 2016

Day Thursday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 10:35 –11:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Story

Topic Unit 8 : It’s Story Time

L. Standard 1.1.4

L. Outcomes - Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to look and say.

2. Next, teacher brief the pupils about books care.
3. Then, teacher ask pupils to give other ways to take care of their
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 13 May 2016

Day Friday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 9:20 –10:20

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Story

Topic Unit 8 : It’s Story Time

L. Standard 2.2.4, 2.3.1 (b)

L. Outcomes - Able to read and understand a paragraph with simple and compound
- Able to read for information and enjoyment with guidance :
(b) non-fiction

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to read the story of Goldilocks and the
Three Bears.
2. Next, teacher ask Wh-Questions to instill good behaviour.
3. Then, teacher review the comma and exclamation mark.
4. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 50).
5. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 16 May 2016

Day Monday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 11:35 –12:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Story

Topic Unit 8 : It’s Story Time

L. Standard 3.1.1 (b),3.2.2 (a)(b)

L. Outcomes - Able to write in neat legible print with correct spelling :

(b) simple sentences
- Able to write with guidance :
(a) simple sentences
(b) compound sentences

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to write a sentence for each picture to end
the story.
2. Next, teacher encourage the pupils to create and write their own
ending to the story.
3. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 53).
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 13 June 2016

Day Monday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 11:35 –12:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Story

Topic Unit 8 : It’s Story Time

L. Standard 5.1.3 (a)(c)

L. Outcomes - Able to use verbs correctly and appropriately :

(a) reguar verbs
(c) simple past tense

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to look for other words in the past tense in
this unit.
2. Next, teacher explain that if the present form of a regular verb ends
in ‘y’ preceded by a consonant, drop the ‘y’ andadd ‘-ied’.
3. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 52&54).
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 14 June 2016

Day Tuesday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 10:35 –11:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Story

Topic Unit 8 : It’s Story Time

L. Standard 4.3.2 (b)

L. Outcomes - Able to perform with guidance based on :

(b) poems

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to recite the poems.

2. Next, teacher ask the pupils to create bookmarks with sayings.
3. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 62).
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook

EE Creativity and Innovation


Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 15 June 2016

Day Wednesday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 9:05 –10:05

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 9 : The Holidays

L. Standard 1.1.4, 1.2.1 (e)

L. Outcomes - Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance

- Able to participate in daily conversations :
(e) talk about oneself

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to tell what they did during the school
2. Next, the pupils respond.
3. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 55).
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 16 June 2016

Day Thursday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 10:35 –11:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 9 : The Holidays

L. Standard 1.1.4, 1.2.1 (e)

L. Outcomes - Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance

- Able to participate in daily conversations :
(e) talk about oneself

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils surf the Internet for information about these
2. Next, teacher ask the pupils to make notes.
3. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 56).
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook

EE Information and Communication Technology Skills


Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 17 June 2016

Day Friday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 9:20 –10:20

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 9 : The Holidays

L. Standard 1.3.1 (a)(b)

L. Outcomes - Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by :

(a) asking simple Wh-Questions
(b) answering simple Wh-Questions

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to role-play the dialogue.

2. Next, teacher ask the pupils to work the dialogue with friends.
3. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook

EE Multiple Intelligence


Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 20 June 2016

Day Monday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 11:35 –12:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 9 : The Holidays

L. Standard 2.2.4, 1.3.1 (b)

L. Outcomes - Able to read and understand a paragraph with simple and compound
- Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by :
(b) answering simple Wh-Questions

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to read the passage.

2. Next, teacher explain about the passage.
3. Then, teacher ask the pupils to answer the question.
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 21 June 2016

Day Tuesday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 10:35 –11:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 9 : The Holidays

L. Standard 2.2.4

L. Outcomes - Able to read and understand a paragraph with simple and compound

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to read the passage.

2. Next, teacher explain about the passage.
3. Then, teacher ask the pupils to answer true or false question.
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 22 June 2016

Day Wednesday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 9:05 –10:05

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 9 : The Holidays

L. Standard 3.1.1 (b), 3.2.2 (a)(b), 2.2.2

L. Outcomes - Able to write in neat legible print with correct spelling :

(b) simple sentences
- Able to write with guidance :
(a) simple sentences
(b) compound sentences
- Able to read and understand phrases and sentences in linear and non
linear texts

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to write about the place.

2. Next, teacher guide the pupils to write.
3. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 58).
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 23 June 2016

Day Thursday
Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 10:35 –11:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 9 : The Holidays

L. Standard 5.1.4 (a)(b)(c)

L. Outcomes - Able to use conjuctions correctly and appropriately :

(a) and
(b) or
(c) but

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to surf the internet and do a keyword search
on “conjuctions”.
2. Next, teacher choose appropriate resources to share with the pupils.
3. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 59&60).
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook & Internet



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 24 June 2016

Day Friday

Class Year 3
No. of pupils 7

Time 9:20 –10:20

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 9 : The Holidays

L. Standard 4.2.1(b), 4.3.1(d)

L. Outcomes - Able to respond to :

(b) place in stories with guidance
- Able to produce simple creative works with guidance based on :
(d) stories

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to make a poster.

2. Next, the pupils use the following subheadings to create a poster :
name of place & what you can find there
3. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook, photographs/pictures, markers, glue, coloured pencils & manila


Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 27 June 2016

Day Monday

Class Year 3
No. of pupils 7

Time 11:35 –12:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 10 : A Ride in the Safari Park

L. Standard 1.1.4

L. Outcomes - Able to talk about stimulus with guidance

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to look and say about the picture.
2. Next, the teacher ask pupils to name the animals they see in the
3. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 61).
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 28 June 2016

Day Tuesday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7
Time 10:35 –11:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 10 : A Ride in the Safari Park

L. Standard 1.3.1 (a)(b)

L. Outcomes - Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by :

(a) asking simple Wh-Questions
(b) answering simple Wh-Questions

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to discuss other possible places where they
can find these animals.
2. Next, the teacher ask pupils to work with a friend based on the
dialogue in textbook.
3. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook

EE Knowledge Aquisition


Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 29 June 2016

Day Wednesday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7
Time 9:05 –10:05

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 10 : A Ride in the Safari Park

L. Standard 1.1.1, 1.3.1(a)(b)

L. Outcomes - Able to speak with correct word stress

- Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by :
(a) asking simple Wh-Questions
(b) answering simple Wh-Questions

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to write about the animals that have
something in common, what it is and why.
2. Next, the teacher ask pupils to compare with animals that are
3. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 62).
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



Disemak oleh :
Tarikh :

Date 30 June 2016

Day Thursday

Class Year 3

No. of pupils 7

Time 10:35 –11:35

Duration 1 hour

Subject English

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 10 : A Ride in the Safari Park

L. Standard 2.2.3, 2.3.1 (b)

L. Outcomes - Able to read and understand simple and compound sentences

- Able to read for information and enjoyment with guidance :
(b) non-fiction

Activities 1. Teacher get the pupils to read the fun fact.

2. Next, the teacher ask pupils to work with a friend to answer true or
false sentence.
3. Pupils do exercise in activity book (pg. 63).
4. Teacher sum up lesson and instill values.

Teaching Aids Textbook



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