English Language / 2 Bijak 4 Reading World of Stories Tell Me A Stories 2.2 Pupils will be able to demonstrate understanding of a variety of linear and non linear texts in the form of print and non print materials using a range of strategies to construct meaning. 2.2.1 Able to read and apply word recognition and word attack skills by: ( b ) reading and grouping words according to word families. 2.2.2.Able to read and understanding phrases in linear and non linear texts. By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able: a. Use the knowledge of phonemes taught in Year 1. b. articulate the phonemes in the words and let the pupils say the word aloud correctly. 10.40 a.m. 11.40 a.m ( 60 minutes ) Sentence strips, alphabet letters , marker and whiteboard TEACHING AND LEARNING STRATEGY Listening and Speaking. Guided Reading NOTES Refer to the words on the board.
1. Teacher invites pupils to talk about the word given. 2. Read the words on the board and pupil follow. 3. Carry out the activity as individually or in groups. 4. Read the sentence. Pupils identify all the words with the pictures in their.textbook 5. Pupils say the words in pairs.
Reading aloud. Identifying the places in the school. Say aloud. Determine the pairs to make sure they are new friends to each other.
5. Teacher prepares more sentences strips with words having the same initial saound. Assessment : 1. Pupils are able to know the names of places in the school . 2. Pupils are able to say the word aloud. Remedial : 1. Teacher guides pupils to read the words. Enrichment : 1. Complete the activity book in Pg 3. REFLECTION
Week : 11th Day : Tuesday Date : 27th March 2012 SUBJECT / CLASS FOCUS TOPIC THEME TIME CONTENT STANDARD English Language / 3 Cerdik 4 Reading Su Annes birtday World of Self, Family And Friends 9.40 a.m.-10.40 p.m. ( 60 minutes ) 1.2 Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words, correct intonation and words stress of phrases, expressions and sentences 2.1 Speak clearly by pronouncing words accurately. 3.7 Read and understand simple factual texts of main ideas, supporting details sequence, and cause and effect 4.3 Complete texts with the missing word, phrase or sentence.
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to :. 1) Recite the poem. 2) Answer the questions at least 3 correctly.
1. Teacher tells the pupils that they will be recite the poem about the calendar. 2. Pupils read the poem silently . 3. Teacher explains more about the poem using by showing the pictures in their textbook . 4. Ask pupils to read the words loudly in the class and also as individually. 5. Pupils copy the question in their exercise book. textbook, marker and white board.
English Language / 2 Bijak 3 Reading World of Stories Tell Me A Story 2.2 Pupils will be able to demonstrate understanding of a variety of linear and non linear texts in the form of print and non print materials using a range of strategies to construct meaning. 3.1 Pupils will be able to form letters and words in neat legible print including cursive. 2.2.3Read the text and get the pupils to repeat it. 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print: ( a ) words . ( b ) phrases ( c ) simple sentences By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able: a. read the text accurately. b. Complete the sentences correctly. 11.40 a.m. 01.10 p.m ( 90 minutes ) Sentence chart,, marker and whiteboard
TIME TEACHING AIDS Week : 11th Day : Tuesday Date : 27th February 2012 ACTIVITY
1. Teacher invites pupils to talk about the good habits that they know. 2. Read phrases on the chart and pupil follow. 3. Carry out the activity as individually or in groups. 4. Read the sentence. Pupils indentify the good habit in sentences. 5. Teacher asks Wh- Questions to understand . 6. Encourage the pupils to use You must...or You must answer the questions. Assessment : 1. Pupils are able to know to identify good habits in the phrases . 2. Pupils are able to read the sentence aloud. Remedial : 1. Teacher guides pupils to read the sentences.. Enrichment : 1. Complete the activity book in Page 11..
Reading aloud. Identifying details. Indentifying details What must you do when your teacher is teaching ?