timeasmymeasure: jaden from nikita smiling (jaden: i approve of these shenanigans)
[personal profile] timeasmymeasure
10 Reasons You Should Watch Nikita

REASON 1: Nikita.

REASON 2: Alex.

REASON 3: Jaden.

REASON 4: Amanda.

REASON 5: Varied female relationships:
Nikita & Alex's friendship/mentoring relationship. Amanda and Alex's mentoring/monitoring relationship. Alex & Jaden's rivalry.

REASON 6: The women are the scariest and most badass of them all. And it is awesome.

REASON 7: Woman of color as a kick ass lead. Check.

REASON 8: Bechdel pass. Every episode. Check.

REASON 9: Great fight scenes.

Reason 10: Getting a show like this is a rare thing and we should support it before some studio exec decides to axe it because it's too 'female-targeted'.
(see [livejournal.com profile] eevilalice's comment for more commentary and a correction)

ETA: Thanks to [livejournal.com profile] staringiscaring for the links!
Nikita fandom on LJ: [info]nikita_tv, [info]nikitafiction [info]nikita_icons, [info]stanfordwank, [info]nikitamichael, [info]nikitafiction, [info]nikitastills, [info]nikita_vids, [info]nikitanews, [info]stills_stanford, [info]michael_alex, [info]thomalex, [info]iamnotoneofthem, [info]lyndsy_fans, [info]nikita20in20, [info]nikita_femslash

Date: 2011-02-05 11:21 am (UTC)
tifaswife: <user name=musemoji> (smug [badass])
From: [personal profile] tifaswife
Maggie Q is half-Polish/Irish but we can still see that she's taken most of her Vietnamese genes in terms of looks (WHICH IS AWESOME BECAUSE I'M ALSO VIETNAMESE :D). But yes, Nikita is an awesome show XD It's not super amazing but it is pretty good, especially the winter finale!!! WHOOOOOO!!! SO SUSPENSEFUL AND SO GREAT!! It kept me on edge. All my friends watch it so even more squeeing to be had XD Haven't watched the recent episode yet but I SHAAAAAAALL~ :3 I'm an uploader for it on LJ XD

Date: 2011-02-14 05:47 am (UTC)
tifaswife: <user name=musemoji> (smug [badass])
From: [personal profile] tifaswife
Late comment is late but hells yes, I shall be watching it as soon as I can find time to :3

Date: 2011-02-06 01:53 am (UTC)
alexseanchai: Katsuki Yuuri wearing a blue jacket and his glasses and holding a poodle, in front of the asexual pride flag with a rainbow heart inset. (Default)
From: [personal profile] alexseanchai
*adores Nikita*

Date: 2011-02-06 01:54 am (UTC)
copracat: Nikita pointing a very large gun (nikita)
From: [personal profile] copracat
Everything you said here! The multiplicity and the growing complexity of the female relationships makes my heart sing. Also the last scene of the recent episode. I wanted to smish it to pieces.

I also like the times they've mirrored Nikita & Alex with Amanda & Nikita and Amanda and Alex. <3

Date: 2011-02-06 08:23 am (UTC)
goodbyebird: Batman returns: Catwoman seen through a glass window. (Nikita)
From: [personal profile] goodbyebird
Nikita is the show that keeps surprising me in a good way. Love how important and bad ass the female characters get to be.

Date: 2011-02-07 09:29 am (UTC)
goodbyebird: Legend of the Seeker: Cara pushes Kahlan out of the way of an arrow. (LoTS push comes to shove)
From: [personal profile] goodbyebird
If your scars need more help healing, I'll just rec The Good Wife to you. You'll love the relationship between Alicia and Kalinda.


timeasmymeasure: kerry washington with a rose held right below her lips (Default)

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