timeasmymeasure: black woman smiling widely, looking to the right; she's wearing a heavy brightly beaded necklace (stock: swag smile)
[personal profile] timeasmymeasure
Unfortunately I can't exactly contribute to ratings since I'm without a TV but if my worth lies in spamming about it, then spam I shall.

If you don't already know, Kerry Washington's face is in this new show called Scandal on ABC:
from fuckyesscandal.tumblr.com

Blurb from le Wiki:
Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington) dedicates her life to protecting the public images of the nation's elite and making sure their secrets never get out. Olivia is a former White House communications director for the President, but has left to start her own crisis management firm, Olivia Pope and Associates. She is hoping to begin a new chapter of her life, but is finding out that she cannot leave parts of her past behind.
The show is not perfect, and I can't stand some characters already, but we've got Bechdel (since the women tend to talk about work due to the fact the personal lives are a bit of a mess) and characters of color (multiple even) and badass HBICs stomping all over Washington and owning everything. I approve.

Please, please, don't let this go the Undercovers way. I've already heard too much about how unrealistic and cheesy it can be and to all these people I say, I know you watched Chuck. Don't talk to me about unrealistic and cheesy. It's TV land, people. We like unreal, remember!

Also, Kerry Washington's amazing face (I mean, really now!) renders all your arguments invalid.

from squintyoureyes

Date: 2012-04-07 11:42 pm (UTC)
panda: drawing of a panda sitting in a tea cup which has fallen over on its side (Default)
From: [personal profile] panda
Is Scandal the name of the show?

Sadly I don't have a TV either :(

Date: 2012-04-08 02:47 pm (UTC)
goodbyebird: Fringe: Two versions of Olivia, one blue and one red. (Fringe and then there were two)
From: [personal profile] goodbyebird
Bechdel passing and Kerry Washington? *signs up*

Date: 2012-04-08 10:29 pm (UTC)
tifaswife: <user name=musemoji> (collect your fucking head [o-ren])
From: [personal profile] tifaswife
I still need to watch this.

I've already had too much about how unrealistic and cheesy it can be and to all these people I say, I know you watched Chuck.
Hogod, I know right -________- I personally have not yet heard this "argument" but it's ridiculous 'cause they'd only use that as an excuse when poc's get more screentime than the white people. smh

Date: 2012-04-09 07:10 pm (UTC)
tifaswife: <user name=musemoji> (photography [hana yori dango])
From: [personal profile] tifaswife
Pretty much, yeah. I'm gonna be using this in the future. Debating whether or not to watch Chuck in order to give myself some more credibility. I watched the first episode and it did nothing for me.

Date: 2018-11-15 05:44 am (UTC)
From: (Anonymous)

Date: 2018-11-15 06:45 am (UTC)
From: (Anonymous)


timeasmymeasure: kerry washington with a rose held right below her lips (Default)

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