
Current Icons

These are the icons for [personal profile] panda. We can notify you when this account uploads a new one.

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panda: drawing of a panda sitting in a tea cup which has fallen over on its side (panda tea?) (Default)
  • panda tea?
Comment: if this is yours, comment for credit
Description: drawing of a panda sitting in a tea cup which has fallen over on its side
panda: photo of a bunny and a guinea pig pressing noses together, text says "smooch" (bunnysmooch)
  • bunnysmooch
Comment: by eyesthatslay @ lj
Description: photo of a bunny and a guinea pig pressing noses together, text says "smooch"
panda: photo of various shiny beads, predominately red and gold (shiny)
  • shiny
Comment: if you made this, comment for credit
Description: photo of various shiny beads, predominately red and gold
panda: photo of Roger Federer entering a match at Wimbledon, wearing all white (tennis: walk of a champion)
  • tennis: walk of a champion
Comment: by erikuccia @ lj
Description: photo of Roger Federer entering a match at Wimbledon, wearing all white
panda: photo of a pink lense placed in the pages of a book so that the shadow forms a heart (♥)
  • ♥
Comment: by zink @ lj
Description: photo of a pink lense placed in the pages of a book so that the shadow forms a heart
panda: photo of Ben Barnes sitting with his arms crossed, text says "srsly" (srsly)
  • srsly
Comment: by nightingails @ lj
Description: photo of Ben Barnes sitting with his arms crossed, text says "srsly"
panda: photo of pink cupcakes with decorative frosting (food: om nom nom nom)
  • food: om nom nom nom
Comment: by [community profile] heavens
Description: photo of pink cupcakes with decorative frosting
panda: photo of blueberries (food: blueberries)
  • food: blueberries
Comment: if you made this, comment for credit
Description: photo of blueberries
panda: photo of a woman standing on a stack of books (books: all the books?)
  • books: all the books?
Comment: by [livejournal.com profile] mignolagraphics
Description: photo of a woman standing on a stack of books
panda: photo of a child asleep under a blanket, head resting on an open book, hodling a flashlight (books by bluelight)
  • books by bluelight
Comment: by [livejournal.com profile] mignolagraphics
Description: photo of a child asleep under a blanket, head resting on an open book, hodling a flashlight
panda: photo of a panda sitting in the snow (panda happy in snow)
  • panda happy in snow
Comment: by [livejournal.com profile] mignolagraphics
Description: photo of a panda sitting in the snow
panda: two cartoon turtles, one standing on top of the other (turtles)
  • turtles
Comment: by [personal profile] erika, please don't take
Description: two cartoon turtles, one standing on top of the other
panda: photo of McCoy looking at kirk, from the Trek reboot, text="'high maintenance' doesn't begin to cover it" (mccoy: why are we friends again?)
  • mccoy: why are we friends again?
Comment: by [livejournal.com profile] emiliglia
Description: photo of McCoy looking at kirk, from the Trek reboot, text="'high maintenance' doesn't begin to cover it"
panda: photo of McCoy and Kirk running thru the halls, from the Trek reboot, text="medicated and motivated" (mccoy: I prefer my motivation in pill fo)
  • mccoy: I prefer my motivation in pill fo
Comment: by [livejournal.com profile] emiliglia
Description: photo of McCoy and Kirk running thru the halls, from the Trek reboot, text="medicated and motivated"
panda: photo of McCoy from the Trek reboot, text="why yes I am overqualified" (mccoy: this is beneath me)
  • mccoy: this is beneath me
Comment: by [livejournal.com profile] emiliglia
Description: photo of McCoy from the Trek reboot, text="why yes I am overqualified"