timeasmymeasure: close up of a black woman's back, her hair tied back in a long ornament-adorned brained (stock: back)
[personal profile] timeasmymeasure
Purge your web history, and your Youtube history. Be sure to get at ALL your accounts if you have any.

Lovely summary and alternative listing and discussion in the comments on [personal profile] arduinna's journal here:
Under the new policy, Google will be able to track and connect your movements across a pretty wide swath of the web if you're logged in to even a single Google service; e.g., if you're logged into Gmail in one tab, Google will know what Youtube videos you watch in other tabs, even if you don't have a Youtube account. It will also connect any searches you make through Google to your Google profile, if you're logged in to your Gmail (or Youtube, or Google Reader, or Picasa, or Blogger, etc.) account.
Also, hey people on Android ran mobile devices/phones! *eyes my Kindle Fire* FREAK THE FUCK OUT:
  • Device information
    • We may collect device-specific information (such as your hardware model, operating system version, unique device identifiers, and mobile network information including phone number). Google may associate your device identifiers or phone number with your Google Account.
  • Log information
    • When you use our services or view content provided by Google, we may automatically collect and store certain information in server logs. This may include:
      • details of how you used our service, such as your search queries
      • telephony log information like your phone number, calling-party number, forwarding numbers, time and date of calls, duration of calls, SMS routing information and types of calls.
      • Internet protocol address.
      • device event information such as crashes, system activity, hardware settings, browser type, browser language, the date and time of your request and referral URL.
      • cookies that may uniquely identify your browser or your Google Account.
  • Location information
    • When you use a location-enabled Google service, we may collect and process information about your actual location, like GPS signals sent by a mobile device. We may also use various technologies to determine location, such as sensor data from your device that may, for example, provide information on nearby Wi-Fi access points and cell towers.


If you're on an Android phone, this is going to be almost impossible to avoid, as the only way to get or update apps is to log in to Google. You don't technically need to be logged in to make calls or just browse or use non-Google apps, but if you ever want to get more or update what you have, Google will promptly scrape your device info, your phone number, and who knows what else.

Date: 2012-02-29 10:41 am (UTC)
From: [personal profile] lilmoka
Note to self: stay the fuck away from Adroid phones /o\

Thanks for the link <3


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