timeasmymeasure: sam bloom from undercovers with a look of consternation (sam: consternation)
[personal profile] timeasmymeasure
Lucy Liu has been cast as Joan Watson in Elementary, a CBS revamp of Sherlock Holmes.

Fandom (you can guess which part), proceeds to lose its shit over the loss of gay subtext:

(BTW, these quotes are just a sampling of so much wrongness on the internet and they get no links because assholes in my fandom you gets no love)
Yeah to me it just screams “TRYING TO CASH IN ON ROMANCE BUT AVOID THE GAY” But I could be wrong - genderbending is interesting but they should have done both or none to me
I do not agree with this decision. For me, the whole point of anything Sherlock Holmes is the bromance between Sherlock and John. I no longer have any reason to want to watch Elementary because they took that away.

I like Lucy Liu, and I’m pleased they’re casting a WOC as Watson because TV NEVER does that, but I’m worried they’re just doing this so they can slap them together while avoiding homoeroticism or, heaven forbid, gay people.

I don’t really know her acting style. I can’t judge her that way. But I still don’t like her being cast as John Watson. Know why? Because Watson is a male character. Watson was originally written as a male character. I know this is a modern adaptation but if we can’t even keep the characters their original gender, I can’t help but speculate other changes they might make. I already don’t like this change because this is outside the boundary of ‘artistic license.’ She is in no way British. The show isn’t even set in London. Sorry if I seem like a Sherlock purist but that’s how it was written and that’s what it should be based on. The only thing these directors are keeping is the name of the characters, thus far. I won’t be watching this show, even if it lasts.
I’m happy that CBS is actually considering a major role for Lucy, but I can’t help but feel that they’re just changing John’s gender so they can turn this into a mystery-romance? Is America such a homophobic country that they aren’t willing to let slip even the slightest hint towards the friendship John and Sherlock have?
Because as you well know, mainstream TV definitely avoids bromances. It's not like White Collar or Psych or Breaking Bad or Boston Legal or House or Hawaii 5-0 or Supernatural (actual brothers but constantly slashed!) or Suits or... wait.

Your ass is showing!

Meanwhile the rarer and more awesome parts of fandom have been dreamcasting their own topdown genderswap (Indira Varma as Sherlock, Ruth Wilson as Moriarty, Gina Bellman as Mycroft, Gina Torres as Sherlock, Sanaa Lathan as Lestrade, Archie Punjabi as Sherlock!) and I'm going to go hang out with them now.

Date: 2012-02-28 03:47 am (UTC)
panda: drawing of a panda sitting in a tea cup which has fallen over on its side (Default)
From: [personal profile] panda
Given that the majority of slash fandom is women, the rampant misogyny fandom often exhibits makes me very sad.

Fuck yes for Lucy getting that role, end of.

Date: 2012-02-28 04:13 am (UTC)
yifu: (// bridgetmkennitt)
From: [personal profile] yifu
! Lucy Liu! *sidetracked*

(Yeah, because omg girl cooties. Can they just not be glad that a non-white actress gets a meaty part?)

Date: 2012-02-28 04:36 am (UTC)
amadi: A bouquet of dark purple roses (Default)
From: [personal profile] amadi
I'm not keen on the gender swap largely because I think it's political, rather than for storytelling purposes. I'm also worried that unless Jane or Sherlock are preemptively gay from the start, they are setting up a "will they or won't they" scenario that dogs all hetero-identified male-female peer pairs, even when they're paired with someone else (see the last two, maybe three seasons of NCIS and Tony & Ziva, as just one example).

Bromance? Explicit romance? Either would be fine by me. Collegial sibling-like affection? Absofrickinlutely. But I do fear a relentless exchange of innuendo and what's meant to be intellectual flirtatious badinage that just... no. It's old and tiresome in the dozen other shows it happens in.

I'm also not keen on Lucy Liu in the role, but that's just my personal issues with the actor.

Topdown gender/race/both swap? Yes, please. I could get all up in that.
Edited Date: 2012-02-28 04:40 am (UTC)

Date: 2012-02-28 12:11 pm (UTC)
amadi: A bouquet of dark purple roses (Default)
From: [personal profile] amadi
Castle, see, that's why I don't watch it. I knew from the beginning, it'd have that element.

I think the makers of "Elementary" are also distancing themselves from Moffat's hostility at suggestions of homoromantic feelings between his Sherlock and John by just making that impossible. (What I meant by "political.")

I've been trying, desperately, to think of any series with a pairing of a man and woman, both hetero-attracted, working in a close partnership with only one another, that didn't go down the sexual tension route. I have a sieve-like memory, to be sure, but I can't think of one.

Date: 2012-02-28 05:57 am (UTC)
mariseth: Everyone's favorite timefucked Victorian interspecies lesbian romance. (couple // m. vastra/jenny)
From: [personal profile] mariseth
Fandom, why must you so predictably hate on all of the ladies? Every time.

Date: 2012-02-28 08:29 am (UTC)
From: [personal profile] lilmoka
But, but, but! Lucy Liu, how can someone not appreciate her? >_<

And yes, I love reading slash stories, but I love more watching awesome women on the screen >:/

Date: 2012-02-29 09:43 am (UTC)
From: [personal profile] lilmoka
It's sad that I have the certainty that they're going to fuck up, but at the same time I can't wait to see Joan Watson. Too many feels /o\

Date: 2012-02-28 09:07 am (UTC)
thegorgon: Olivia Dunham, smiling (olivia)
From: [personal profile] thegorgon
Okay, Indira Varma as Sherlock would be AMAZING. Ditto Archie Punjabi. (Gina Torres, I feel, might be a better Mycroft.) Especially playing opposite Lucy Liu! Someday, they will make the completely genderbent Sherlock Holmes of my heart. Until then, this will do. :-)

Date: 2012-02-28 12:30 pm (UTC)
From: [personal profile] amethystfirefly
Nice to know that the people who feel they're entitled to subtext are out and whining.

Date: 2012-02-28 02:11 pm (UTC)
havocthecat: the lady of shalott (Default)
From: [personal profile] havocthecat
The idea of people being mad at getting all those girl cooties up in Sherlock Holmes revamps is making me laugh a lot. Kind of bitterly. Casting Lucy Liu is possibly the only thing that could get me to watch a Sherlock Holmes revamping. (As long as they go with the Watson is the person with people skills and much intelligence take on things. Because Sherlock is the one with the freakish observation/deduction skills, but Watson has always been extremely intelligent, and not just a foil for Sherlock.)

Date: 2012-02-29 01:52 pm (UTC)
havocthecat: allison blake is made of awesome (eureka allison blake)
From: [personal profile] havocthecat
And that is why I will ignore the BBC Sherlock forever. Um. Also because Sherlock Holmes often bores me, and also because I can't easily ignore the problematic elements from the character's Victorian origins. (Oddly enough, I can work around the problematic bits of Victorian horror novels better, partly because I like horror.) But anyway!

They cast Lucy Liu as Watson. And I don't want there to be Beckett/Castle or Bones/Booth-like UST or shipping, but they're probably going to do it anyway. Clearly, shipping works. But. I'll take what I can get and hope for the best. Because some of their casting was not in the expected mold, and we have a woman of color in one of the lead roles.

Tl;dr way of saying: I agree!

Date: 2012-02-28 02:28 pm (UTC)
goodbyebird: 70s Show: Jackie thinks people are being stupid. (70s Show the circle of dumb)
From: [personal profile] goodbyebird
Is America such a homophobic country that they aren’t willing to let slip even the slightest hint towards the friendship John and Sherlock have?

*cracks up* Oh, really? Yes, American television, shame on you for always shying away from showing male friendships, where they bond and will do everything for each other and are constantly treated as the most important element. Clearly they need to learn from BBC's Sherlock, not change it. Because yes, they are clearly being totally super duper homophobic, not to mention avoiding making a carbon copy of the exact same show already available to people is totally unoriginal.

Oh god this is so long, forgive the teal deer

Date: 2012-02-29 07:31 am (UTC)
joyeuses: A comic-style image of cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova (Default)
From: [personal profile] joyeuses
The thing about these arguments I find ridiculous is that slash-baiting works. You mentioned it already, but I've especially noticed it for the modern Holmes franchises. Look at the success of the RDJ version (which is part of the reason the BBC greenlit Moffat's production, afaik), where the subtext is so blatant as to almost be canon - and then there's BBC Sherlock, which does the whole are-they-aren't-they tease at least once per episode; the mainstream audience thinks it's funny (and that bothers me, too, but that's a whole different rant) and fandom eats it up. I don't think there would be a noticeable shift in the amount of viewers or the demographic if they kept Watson male.

That said, I'm pretty sure the rest of the objection to Lucy's casting is flat-out racism with a dash of misogyny. I haven't really checked out fandom outside of tumblr, but people there are either a) complaining about how casting a WOC is pandering to the PC crowd, or b) complaining that it's against the spirit of the source canon. Because obviously in a world where Holmes and Watson have, in various incarnations, dealt with dinosaurs, magic, time travel, being mice, occasionally being robots, and once (gasp!) both being (white) women, in time periods ranging from the Victorian era to the 2100s, casting Watson as a Chinese-American woman is the absolute worst.

There are a lot of ways CBS could fuck this up. They probably are going to fuck it up! But I am so thrilled for this adaptation it'll have to be truly awful for me to stop watching. (Anyway, I like my canons with flaws so I can fix them!)

Also, I am praying for some Joan Watson/Mary Morstan. (And a Georgia Lestrade. And a Jaimie Moriarty.) I'm already writing fic in my head, because let's slash Lucy Liu with alllll the girls.

Date: 2019-03-05 10:59 pm (UTC)
From: (Anonymous)


timeasmymeasure: kerry washington with a rose held right below her lips (Default)

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