The Galactic Republic initiated a mission to Kudo III during the Clone Wars, acting on intelligence of a droid factory on the planet.
In the Clone Wars, following the Battle of Corvair, the Galactic Republic sent the Resolute to Kudo III based on intelligence about a droid factory on the moon. Admiral Wullf Yularen endorsed a plan to bomb the plant's reactor, although it would cause heavy civilian casualties while minimizing clone trooper losses. Jedi General Anakin Skywalker decided to land himself and investigate.[1]
The mission[]
Skywalker took his starfighter down to the factory. He infiltrated inside, and discovered that the Separatists had enslaved the Kudon; if the Republic had destroyed the factory it would have been a propaganda victory. Skywalker freed the slaves and they took up arms against the battle droids.[1]
- "Do you think this will sway the Kudon to join the Republic? At the very least, I don't see them siding with the Separatists now."
- ―General Skywalker
After the mission, Yularen and Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi understood the factory had been a Separatist ploy. If they had gone through with the admiral's plan, the deaths of the Kudon would have been used as a political weapon by the Confederacy to convince neutral systems to join. Now that they were free, Skywalker speculated that the Confederate slavery would push the Kudon to join the Republic.[1]
- Age of Republic - Anakin Skywalker 1 (First appearance)
Notes and references[]