The Battle of Horain was a battle fought on Horain in the Crantori system during the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems. During the battle, B1-series battle droid B1-0516 was hit by a blaster bolt, but this caused the droid to develop a conscience, and fight for the Galactic Republic.[1]
B1-0516, now known by the nickname "Bats," was captured by the Separatist Tactical Droid. The Tactical Droid planned on memory wiping Bats, however before this could happen Bats was rescued by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Clone Captain CT-7567. After a rescuing Bats, the Trio made their way to the Republic Evacuation Point.[1]
The battle[]
During the battle, Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi and Clone Captain Rex were pinned down behind a destroyed AT-AP by a group of battle droids. The Separatist droids were closing in on Rex and Kenobi's position when one of the Captain's blaster bolts hit B1-series battle droid unit B1-0516 in the head. Instead of destroying the battle droid, however, the bolt damaged the droid and caused it to develop a consciousness. After a few moments, the B1 droid began questioning why his fellow droids were attacking the Galactic Republic forces. After the other droids continued to attack the Republic duo, the B1 battle droid started to attack his fellow droids. At first confused as to what was happening, Rex and Kenobi quickly seized the opportunity created by the rogue B1 and attacked. After a short battle, Rex, Kenobi and the B1 fought the Separatists.[1]
After this, the battle droid introduced himself as B1-0516. Rex was initially skeptical of the droid's true intentions. However Kenobi convinced him to trust B1-0516, as he was going to help Rex and him get back to the Republic Evacuation Point. Given the nickname "Bats" by Rex, the rogue B1 was taken captive after Rex and Kenobi escaped, though they decided to go the Horain garrison's base to rescue their new ally. Using a stolen Armored Assault Tank, they entered the base and helped Bats fight the base's battle droids. The trio escaped to the Republic Evacuation Point, where Kenobi and Rex introduced Jedi General Anakin Skywalker to Bats.[1]
"Roger Roger" — Star Wars Adventures (2017) 19 (First appearance)
Notes and references[]