May. 30th, 2024

solarbird: Brigitte Lindholm from Overwatch (brigitte)
Megamap 1.2 Release Candidate 1, now even more megaererer.

Just because King County doesn’t do a detailed bike map anymore doesn’t mean they aren’t still doing their regional trails map


And I can USE THAT if I don’t have anything ELSE. And since even King County Regional has the East Rail Trail South, that not only lets me use all of Seattle but gives me a full Mercer Island and a complete Lake Washington Loop.


RC 1, right here.

Posted via Solarbird{y|z|yz}, Collected.

solarbird: (korra-excited)
ABC News reporter on screen with a counts list and the word GUILTY in red next to every single one

Guilty! Guilty, guilty, guilty.


All 34 counts. Every single one. Guilty as sin. It didn’t even take the jury that long. It was just long enough – they requested enough evidence and clarity to make sure the were crossing their Ts and dotting their Is and couldn’t be accused of ignoring the facts… and they were done.

And here’s the thing. Because there is a thing.

This was hard to do. This was very hard to do… historically. It’s not a thing done in the US, regardless of how much it should be done. But…

…the biggest thing making it hard is the convention – the unwritten rule – of not holding a former president to the law. That’s the biggest thing. That’s why Ford was able to get away with pardoning Nixon – an incredibly damaging act – just for one example..

But if all you do, your entire political career..

…if all you do…

…is attack, spit upon, break down every convention, every common ground, every civility and every unwritten rule and as many written laws as you can manage, smash them against the ground and shit on them, all for your own advantage and for your own power…


…those unwritten rules are not such a big deal anymore to anyone. You’ve made sure of that. You’ve broken every one you can, tearing down all the rules, written and unwritten, smashing all the conventions and agreements and social contracts that make everything work and can never be really written too far into law because that’s not how it functions but that doesn’t make them not important.

So when this particular contract, this particular convention, this particular gentleman’s agreement gets thrown out, as it has been today?

It’s your own. damn. fault.

He made this possible. Hell, gor this jury – he made it easy. And it’s all on him.

Petard, how dost thou hoist me?

He did this to himself, and it is delicious.

Posted via Solarbird{y|z|yz}, Collected.

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