Nov. 3rd, 2024

solarbird: (korra-on-the-air)

A couple of extremely interesting polls dropped on Saturday. At least one of them is making big news, and for good reason. These polls are exactly what I would expect to see if what I think has been happening has in fact been happening. MAGA are freaking out and have gone into maximum reality-denial mode, and that’s very, very good news for the election.

(Maybe a little less good what happens right after the election and through January, but good news for the election itself, and that’s what comes first.)

Despite all that, I’m not linking to them, because we need to act as if these didn’t come out, as if we never heard of any of them, and keep at the work. This is not the time to leave off, this is not the time to relax. This is instead the time to




Maybe the last thing you can do while there is still time to do is make sure people know about downballot races, such as the MAGA initiatives in Washington State, because they matter too.

If you can do some door-to-door on Monday (and depending upon where you are, even Tuesday), sign up for that. If you can do some calling, sign up for that. It’s all about GOTV – Get Out The Vote – now.

And if you can’t do those things, that’s fine. Do something else. Maybe make sure that the worst people you know – the “Voting Trump for My Wallet” zero-info voters who still think that’s a thing – know that Elon Musk says outright that Trump’s and MAGA’s plans will crash the economy, and that’s what they want.

Make sure they know this.

Make sure they know that their very last excuse for voting Republican is another goddamn MAGA lie, and make sure they know you know it too.

And then make sure they know that they can still step away. The best time to step away was nine years ago; the second best time is right now.

Give them permission to step back from the brink. You never know; they might just take it.

In other words – keep carrying on. Stay at your posts, stay on target, keep up whatever work you can do. We need every vote in every district in every state, no matter how blue, to make it too big and too obvious that all their plans to overturn the result will fail, so that most of them won’t even try.

We’re almost there, team.

One day remains.

Posted via Solarbird{y|z|yz}, Collected.

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